David Allen Cary
227 S. 163 E. Ave.
Tulsa OK 74108-3310

I design custom electronics. I program embedded software. I enjoy technical challenges and innovative projects.

Electronics prototyping:
circuit board design, Altium DXP, Protel, soldering irons, Spice, oscilloscopes, multimeters, and logic analyzers.

Computer programming:
C, C++, JavaScript, CGI scripting, Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Basic, Pascal, MatLab, Prolog, HTML, ARM, DSP56002, 68000, 80386, 68HC11, 68HC16, Cypress PSoC, and Microchip PIC assembly.

Electronics EngineerCarybros (2007 to 2008; 2010 to present)

Electronics EngineerTron-Tek (2006)

Electronics EngineerEnduro PLS (2005)

Medical Electronics EngineerDr. Paul Krautter (2003 to 2005)

Integration EngineerLamar Systems (2003)

Product Design EngineerMotorGuide Marine (1999 to 2002)

Research AssistantOSU Oklahoma Imaging Laboratory (with Lucent) (1998 to 1999)

Electronic and Software EngineerSunset Laboratory, Inc. (1992 to 1997)

M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK; GPA = 3.3 (1997 to 1999)
B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, with honors
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK; GPA = 3.5 (1988 to 1993)

Member: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) .