Primary Colors

The standard HTML 4.0 color names for the primary colors (also called the color primaries) are (from ):

Primary additive colors (commonly known as "RGB" red, green, blue, the standard names are "Red","Lime","Blue")
"#000000" = "Black" "Black" = "#000000" start here and successively add more
"#FF0000" = "Red" "Red" = "#FF0000"
"#00FF00" = "Lime" "Lime" = "#00FF00" (often called green)
"#0000FF" = "Blue" "Blue" = "#0000FF"

Primary subtractive colors (commonly known as "CMYK" cyan, magenta, yellow, black, the standard names are "Aqua", "Fuchsia", "Yellow", "Black" )
"#FFFFFF" = "White" "White" = "#FFFFFF" start here and successively mix in
"#00FFFF" = "Aqua" "Aqua" = "#00FFFF" (often called cyan)(often incorrectly called 'blue')
"#FF00FF" = "Fuchsia" "Fuchsia" = "#FF00FF" (often called magenta)(often called purple)(occasionally called pink)
"#FFFF00" = "Yellow" "Yellow" = "#FFFF00"

Every color visible to the human eye can be referenced by 3 coordinates. There are 2 common coordinate systems.

The "RGB" coordinate system starts with black, then adds measured amounts of "Red", "Lime", and "Blue". Adding the maximum amounts off all three colors gives white.

The "CMYK" coordinate system starts with white, then adds measured amounts of "Aqua", "Fuchsia", and "Yellow". In theory, adding the maximum amounts of all three colors should give black, but the inks commonly used usually create merely a dark muddy brown, so pure "Black" ink is also used to give crisp images.

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Started 1998 Jan 08; updated 2001-02-14

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