
Charles Haywood

I'm sure someone can use my voice now in some Fed simulator sting operation for my voice. Okay. I'm Charles Haywood. I am on twitter but unlike some of the other people have mentioned they are on twitter, I don't have a fancy alt or whatever. I am just @TheWorthyHouse... I don't have a following but Elon Musk liked a tweet of mine hte other day. I don't know how common that is. It was kind of nice. I felt validated.

I used to run a shampoo business. I taught for 10 years at Purdue University at their management school. I taught business law and entrepreneurship. That's one of the places where I picked up this habit of pacing around when I talk. When students gave reviews, they asked me to stop walking around. Can I stop? No. I like walking around.

The proudest part of my teaching career-- my talk is about the need for male only spaces-- my proudest moment was being rated on ratemyprofessor.com and I was highly rated. The produest part was not the 4 star ranking but this was 15 years ago and back then ratemyprofessor.com gave you a chili pepper if your students thought you were hot. This was the source of infinite pride for me. I would tell random strangers at parties about this. One day, the chili pepper went away. It was no longer allowed apparently.

The topic here is the need for men-only spaces. I have 5 children. Largest segments of what I will talk about here today were fed to me by my wife who is not here because it would be too much of a clown shown to bring all of our kids here. She is interested in this topic as well, though.

Men only spaces. We all kind of know. We have seen different stats today on different axes.. some that I trust, and others that I don't, that masculinity is in crisis. I don't mean the statistics. If you go anywhere, anywhere outside of this room where all the men are hyper-masculine of coursre. But back in the day when I went to Target, and nobody goes to Target anymore because they are dancing trannies and commies. All the advertising was feminized men or something. My wife saw some dude getting mail out of the mailbox, and the guy was... there are an enormous amount of successful men out there who present as successful men who are lacking in masculinity.

You might say, well this is a natalism conference not a man's conference. But fundamentally in order to have children you need masculine men because that's the kind of men that women want to be with. My wife wanted to use another word, namely fuck. But you can just fill in the blanks. You don't get any kids unless men are masculine.

The main place where it is possible for men to learn masculinity is in men-only spaces. This used to be obvious. All of society was designed around men and women having separate spheres and separate spaces. Historically at least separate spheres it doesn't men men get together on alternate Tuesdays for a man's group or whatever at the church. Or not something where they get together and bang drums and talk about masculinity. I'm not talking about Matthew Maccaughaney getting nude and banging drums. Look it up, it happened.

Men only spaces are the kind of places where men can develop masculinity. You can have different definitions of masculinity. I don't mean just your truth about masculinity. Verbally you can have different definitions. But fundamentally people know what masculinity is. These things are universal throughout human history.

The same dude in ancient Greece would still be masculine today. It's someone who provides for his family, protects his family, who is competitive, decisive, prone to action perhaps even to a counterproductive or dangerous degree, etc. But pretty much everyone can agree on what masculinity is, at least in broad strokes. There is a great deal of competition here of course.

My wife likes to point out that men and women in terms of feminity it's alien to the other and just understanding them is-- it's even more alien for women with respect to men. I think this is universally true, and some might disagree, but when a man walks into a group setting with other men and is interacting with strange men at least part of his brain is occupied with "Can I kick these guy's ass" and measuring yourself against other men. This is completely alien to women. But these things are important for developing masculine men.

Msaculine men are what is necessary for more children.

You can also learn about masculinity by watching children. I have a few boys. They had 4 or 5 boy-friends over (not boyfriends) and they went out into the woods and played. They competed. They resolved disputes together. They did not have to attempt to build consensus or attempt to be agreeable. When boys grow up to be men, that's how they should interact. Our society teaches something else though. It teaches that's not how they should interact. It teaches boys to feminize. My chlidren are in a classical Christian school instead.

Men are constantly faced with attempts to remove masculinity from them. I don't want to enter a long history about this. You can ready Peachy's book if you want to hear about the feminism. I have no use for feminism, by the way. We can clearly say that for the past 60 years or so, feminist women have attempted to destroy masculinity.

A key technique for doing that is to insist that women insert themselves into formerly male only spaces. Not just hunting groups and bowling clubs but things that used to be and probably should remain male only. Inserting themselves into workplaces that were functionally segregated by sex. Workplaces had male-only roles from women. The entire feminist project for the past 60 years is to end this by saying we don't need men-only spaces specifically but rather women should join them and therefore men-only spaces should be destroyed.

The result over 60 years is that we have a lot fewer masculine men. This is one contributor to the decline of birth rate. ... You should be able to have a group of men in a workplace who work together and advance the interests of men in the workplace and this should be seen as a societally beneficial thing.

It is inside male-only groups where men interact face to face that men are formed and real masculinity emerges. We learned earlier today about the manosphere. I have never spent any time on PUA community or whatever. I've been married for 21 years. I missed out on the golden age of manosphere therefore. Andrew Tate is a caricature. It doesn't build real masculinity when you have someone online telling you how you need to act in life with other men and society. These things can only really be built up by men interacting with other men of different ages and teaching each other what appropriate forms of masculinity are and then sending them out into the world on this basis. This may seem obvious, but it's totally lost.

Church men's groups typically encourage pernitious thinking. They teach boys to be consensus driven. Frequently when men form groups, they do it in a polygenic fashion out of the gate. Building consensus doesn't build masculinity.

I understand why young people do it. I don't know why Tucker platforms the Tate brothers. But if you spend your time looking at men like that, you will have worse problems rather than solvable problems.

This is a tall order. Darrel Cooper on twitter the other day suggested jiujitsu clubs as a place where men can enter and if they work hard and are open about their abilities and learning then it can develop their skills both practical and psychological. There's all sorts of places where you have male-only groups. ....

If you look at an old movie, the idea that women would be inserted in men's spaces would never have occurred to anyone. You need to work on restoring this ... I hate the word restore. I don't think you can restore anything. I think people who focus on nostalgia are making a mistake. I think the goal should be to setup the legal structures and societal structures that encourage or even demand the re-creation of men only spaces in order to make men more masculine and thereby to make them more attractive to women and having a host of other societal benefits to achieve the goals of pro-natalism.