;(function($) { //If the UI scope is not available, add it $.ui = $.ui || {}; $.fn.extend({ dialog: function(options, data) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return this.each(function() { if (typeof options == "string") { var dialog = $.data(this, "ui-dialog") || $.data($(this).parents(".ui-dialog:first").find(".ui-dialog-content")[0], "ui-dialog"); dialog[options].apply(dialog, args); // INIT with optional options } else if (!$(this).is(".ui-dialog-content")) new $.ui.dialog(this, options); }); } }); $.ui.dialog = function(el, options) { this.options = options = $.extend({}, $.ui.dialog.defaults, options && options.modal ? {resizable: false} : {}, options); this.element = el; var self = this; //Do bindings $.data(this.element, "ui-dialog", this); $(el).bind("setData.dialog", function(event, key, value){ options[key] = value; }).bind("getData.dialog", function(event, key){ return options[key]; }); var uiDialogContent = $(el).addClass('ui-dialog-content'); if (!uiDialogContent.parent().length) { uiDialogContent.appendTo('body'); } uiDialogContent .wrap(document.createElement('div')) .wrap(document.createElement('div')); var uiDialogContainer = uiDialogContent.parent().addClass('ui-dialog-container').css({position: 'relative'}); var uiDialog = this.uiDialog = uiDialogContainer.parent().hide() .addClass('ui-dialog') .css({position: 'absolute', width: options.width, height: options.height, overflow: 'hidden'}); var classNames = uiDialogContent.attr('className').split(' '); // Add content classes to dialog, to inherit theme at top level of element $.each(classNames, function(i, className) { if (className != 'ui-dialog-content') uiDialog.addClass(className); }); if (options.resizable && $.fn.resizable) { uiDialog.append('
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'); var uiDialogButtonPane = $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane', uiDialog); $.each(options.buttons, function(name, value) { var btn = $(document.createElement('button')).text(name).click(value); uiDialogButtonPane.append(btn); }); } if (options.draggable && $.fn.draggable) { uiDialog.draggable({ handle: '.ui-dialog-titlebar', start: function() { self.activate(); } }); } uiDialog.mousedown(function() { self.activate(); }); uiDialogTitlebar.click(function() { self.activate(); }); // TODO: determine if this is necessary for modal dialogs options.bgiframe && $.fn.bgiframe && uiDialog.bgiframe(); this.open = function() { options.modal && overlay.show(self, options.overlay); uiDialog.appendTo('body'); var wnd = $(window), doc = $(document), top = doc.scrollTop(), left = doc.scrollLeft(); if (options.position.constructor == Array) { // [x, y] top += options.position[1]; left += options.position[0]; } else { switch (options.position) { case 'center': top += (wnd.height() / 2) - (uiDialog.height() / 2); left += (wnd.width() / 2) - (uiDialog.width() / 2); break; case 'top': top += 0; left += (wnd.width() / 2) - (uiDialog.width() / 2); break; case 'right': top += (wnd.height() / 2) - (uiDialog.height() / 2); left += (wnd.width()) - (uiDialog.width()); break; case 'bottom': top += (wnd.height()) - (uiDialog.height()); left += (wnd.width() / 2) - (uiDialog.width() / 2); break; case 'left': top += (wnd.height() / 2) - (uiDialog.height() / 2); left += 0; break; default: //center top += (wnd.height() / 2) - (uiDialog.height() / 2); left += (wnd.width() / 2) - (uiDialog.width() / 2); } } top = top < doc.scrollTop() ? doc.scrollTop() : top; uiDialog.css({top: top, left: left}); uiDialog.show(); self.activate(); // CALLBACK: open var openEV = null; var openUI = { options: options }; this.uiDialogTitlebarClose.focus(); $(this.element).triggerHandler("dialogopen", [openEV, openUI], options.open); }; this.activate = function() { var maxZ = 0; $('.ui-dialog:visible').each(function() { maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, parseInt($(this).css("z-index"),10)); }); overlay.$el && overlay.$el.css('z-index', ++maxZ); uiDialog.css("z-index", ++maxZ); }; this.close = function() { options.modal && overlay.hide(); uiDialog.hide(); // CALLBACK: close var closeEV = null; var closeUI = { options: options }; $(this.element).triggerHandler("dialogclose", [closeEV, closeUI], options.close); }; if (options.autoOpen) this.open(); }; $.extend($.ui.dialog, { defaults: { autoOpen: true, bgiframe: false, buttons: [], draggable: true, height: 200, minHeight: 100, minWidth: 150, modal: false, overlay: {}, position: 'center', resizable: true, width: 300 } }); // This is a port of relevant pieces of Mike Alsup's blockUI plugin (http://www.malsup.com/jquery/block/) // duplicated here for minimal overlay functionality and no dependency on a non-UI plugin var overlay = { $el: null, events: $.map('focus,mousedown,mouseup,keydown,keypress,click'.split(','), function(e) { return e + '.ui-dialog-overlay'; }).join(' '), show: function(dialog, css) { if (this.$el) return; this.dialog = dialog; this.selects = this.ie6 && $('select:visible').css('visibility', 'hidden'); var width = this.width(); var height = this.height(); this.$el = $('
').appendTo(document.body) .addClass('ui-dialog-overlay').css($.extend({ borderWidth: 0, margin: 0, padding: 0, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: width, height: height }, css)); // prevent use of anchors and inputs $('a, :input').bind(this.events, function() { if ($(this).parents('.ui-dialog').length == 0) { dialog.uiDialogTitlebarClose.focus(); return false; } }); // allow closing by pressing the escape key $(document).bind('keydown.ui-dialog-overlay', function(e) { var ESC = 27; e.keyCode && e.keyCode == ESC && dialog.close(); }); // handle window resizing $overlay = this.$el; function resize() { // If the dialog is draggable and the user drags it past the // right edge of the window, the document becomes wider so we // need to stretch the overlay. If the user then drags the // dialog back to the left, the document will become narrower, // so we need to shrink the overlay to the appropriate size. // This is handled by resetting the overlay to its original // size before setting it to the full document size. $overlay.css({ width: width, height: height }).css({ width: overlay.width(), height: overlay.height() }); }; $(window).bind('resize.ui-dialog-overlay', resize); dialog.uiDialog.is('.ui-draggable') && dialog.uiDialog.data('stop.draggable', resize); dialog.uiDialog.is('.ui-resizable') && dialog.uiDialog.data('stop.resizable', resize); }, hide: function() { $('a, :input').add([document, window]).unbind('.ui-dialog-overlay'); this.ie6 && this.selects.css('visibility', 'visible'); this.$el = null; $('.ui-dialog-overlay').remove(); }, height: function() { var height; if (this.ie6 // body is smaller than window && ($(document.body).height() < $(window).height()) // dialog is above the fold && !(document.documentElement.scrollTop || (this.dialog.uiDialog.offset().top + this.dialog.uiDialog.height()) > $(window).height())) { height = $(window).height(); } else { height = $(document).height(); } return height + 'px'; }, width: function() { var width; if (this.ie6 // body is smaller than window && ($(document.body).width() < $(window).width()) // dialog is off to the right && !(document.documentElement.scrollLeft || (this.dialog.uiDialog.offset().left + this.dialog.uiDialog.width()) > $(window).width())) { width = $(window).width(); } else { width = $(document).width(); } return width + 'px'; }, // IE 6 compatibility ie6: $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7, selects: null }; })(jQuery);