Kokompe Web IDE By Amy Sun, amy.sun@cba.mit.edu Documentation ghostwritten by Ara Knaian, ara.knaian@cba.mit.edu 2/21/2008 How to Install: ============== 1. Install a web server and PHP on the machine. (For example, as of this writing, on Ubuntu Gutsy:) apt-get install apache2 apt-get install php5 mkdir /var/www/kokompe chmod 0777 kokompe 2. Copy everything in www/ into a web-accesible directory 3. Give write permissions on the CAD, MATH, STL, and JNLP directories to www-data (or equivalent) user. Give read permission for everything else. 4. Currently, our server name (phmgrid1.media.mit.edu) is hardcoded into all files, so grep for it and replace everywhere you find it with your server name (and path to installation) 5. You need to have math_string_to_stl and infix_to_postfix executable on your path (or hardcode the path to them into index.php). (The source for these programs is in the root of this git archive.) NOTE ---- The clients must have Java Web Start installed to use the spinny viewer. On Ubuntu, you can install java web start by running: apt-get install sun-java6-jre update-java-alternatives --set java 1.6.0-sun (adjusting the parameters to these commands for the latest version of the JRE if needed)