Kokompe Django Web UI ===================== Smári McCarthy based on Kokompe Web IDE by Amy Sun == Install == You'll need a few things: * Python >= 2.5 * Django * A database: * MySQL is best and preferred for any larger installations. * SqlLite3 is tiny and provides a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. * Postgre is also an option. * Whichever you use, edit KoDjango/settings.py and configure appropriately. == Run == * Standalone: Enter KoDjango/ and type: $ python manage.py runserver Exchange '8000' with the port number you wish to run the server on. If using ports < 1024 you need to be root. Port 80 is the standard HTTP port. If no port is given, 8000 is used by default. means listen on all devices. If you don't give an IP address the server will run on localhost only ( by default. * Apache: A bit harder to do. See documentation on Django web page: http://www.djangoproject.org The bulk of it is just: apt-get install apache libapache2-mod-python python-django == Edit == Django uses a MVC architecture - Model, View, Controller. Models are basic data structures that are exposed to the database or to a file. Example models are "User", "Project" and "File". Views are functions that recieve HTTP requests and do computation on requests and Models. Controllers are represented by templates in Django. A template is more or less just a file that contains variables that Views then fill into and return to the user. The user then performs client side logic on the controller to do another iteration. "Kokompe" is considered to be a Django project, and contains a number of Django apps. Each app contains its own collection of models, views and controllers, and the project takes care of dispatching each appropriately. Models, views and controllers can be shared between multiple apps, by having one app import from another. The directory structure is organized like so: Media/ - Static media files, such as javascript, images, etc. This is stuff that Python should never attempt to process. KoDjango/ - Main project directory about/ - App with online help for Kokompe users. draw/ - App for point and click drawing tools. edit/ - App for text input programming tools. services/ - App with various AJAX services. users/ - App for user account management. templates/ - Base controller templates. warehouse/ - App for project management and display. inventory/ - App for Fab Lab inventories. Each app directory contains the files "models.py" and "views.py". Additionally some contain "urls.py" and other files. "urls.py" is an URL mapping which is referenced by the base "urls.py" in the KoDjango/ directory. Unlike PHP, files and functionality are not exposed on a file-by-file basis to the web, but are rather selectively exposed through the URL map. This is more secure, easier to maintain, and in the long run far less prone to clutter.