#!/usr/bin/python ####################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2009 Bryan Bishop # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ####################################################################### """ web.py - a tiny web server front end to skdb :) you probably want: python run_web.py to execute unit tests and diagnostics: python web.py """ #when you get KeyError: 'refs/heads/master' try replacing repo.head() with repo.ref("refs/heads/" + branch) ####################################################################### # header # module importing, setup, etc. #continued near end of file ####################################################################### #save a few headaches.. if __name__ == "__main__": #another check for __main__ is in this file too print "are you sure you don't want:\n\tpython run_web.py\n\n" import os import sys #sys.stdout = sys.stderr import time import mimetypes from copy import copy from string import join bryan_message = "bryan hasn't got this far yet" user_dir = "users/" templates_dir = "templates/" #this doesn't work like i want it to yet def template_check(): '''checks if templates need to be recompiled recompiles them if necessary situations: (1) .tmpl files exist and no corresponding .py file (2) .tmpl file has been updated and .py file needs to be recompiled''' #TODO: implement situation (2) os.system("cd " + templates_dir + "; cheetah compile *.tmpl") return #compile new templates to_recompile = [] files = os.listdir(templates_dir) for file in files: if len(file)>5: if file[-5:] == ".tmpl": if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(templates_dir, file[:-5] + ".py")): to_recompile.append(file) to_compile = join(to_recompile, " ") if len(to_recompile) > 0: os.system("cd templates; cheetah compile " + to_compile) #compile the templates if necessary template_check() #cherrypy import cherrypy from cherrypy.test import helper, webtest try: from cherrypy.lib.static import serve_file except ImportError: raise ImportError, "you need to apt-get install python-cherrypy3" _cperror = cherrypy._cperror cherrypy.config.update({ 'server.socket_port': 8081, 'server.socket_host': "", 'server.log_to_screen': True, 'environment': "embedded", #url: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/os-cherrypy/ #the following lines may be deprecated (from cp2) #'server.sessionStorageType': "ram", #'server.sessionCookieName': "skdb_session_cookie", }) #cheetah templates # __ ____________ __ # \ \/ \/ / # \/ * * \/ # \ | / # \ ==----== / # \__________/ # from Cheetah.Template import Template from templates import PackageIndex, IndexTemplate, PackageView, FileViewerTemplate import urllib import yaml import unittest from md5 import md5 import getpass if getpass.getuser() == "www-data": #this is just for the PYTHONPATH environmental variable #on apache, web.py runs as www-data and needs this extra information sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.stdout = sys.stderr import dulwich from dulwich.repo import Repo from dulwich.objects import parse_timezone, Blob, Commit, Tree import skdb def add_newlines(output): return output.replace("\n", "\n
") def handle_error(): '''makes '500 internal server error' not suck''' cherrypy.response.status = 500 cherrypy.response.body = add_newlines(_cperror.format_exc()) ####################################################################### # user authentication stuff, demo, etc. ####################################################################### #url: http://tools.cherrypy.org/wiki/AuthenticationAndAccessRestrictions SESSION_KEY = "_cp_user" def load_top_level_domain_names(): '''run ./update_valid_tlds.sh to get the latest list from IANA''' if not os.path.exists("valid_top_level_domains"): os.system("./update_valid_tlds.sh") #because some people are too lazy tld_fh = open("valid_top_level_domains", "r") temp_tlds = tld_fh.read() tld_fh.close() temp_tlds2 = temp_tlds.split("\n") TLDs = [] for tld in temp_tlds2: TLDs.append(tld.lower()) TLDs.remove("") #cleanup return TLDs #load up top level domain name list TLDs = load_top_level_domain_names() #url: http://commandline.org.uk/python/email-syntax-check/ def invalid_email(email_address, domains=TLDs): '''checks for syntactically invalid email address''' #email address must be at least 7 characters in total if len(email_address) < 7: return True #address too short #split up email address into parts try: local_part, domain_name = email_address.rsplit('@', 1) host, top_level = domain_name.rsplit('.', 1) top_level = top_level.lower() except ValueError: return True #address does not have enough parts #check for country code or generic TLD if len(top_level) != 2 and top_level not in domains: return True #not a TLD for i in '-_.%+.': local_part = local_part.replace(i, "") for i in '-_.': host = host.replace(i, "") if local_part.isalnum() and host.isalnum(): return False #email address is fine else: return True #email address has funny characters def is_valid_email(email_address): '''see invalid_email please''' return not invalid_email(email_address) def is_valid_user(username, password): '''verifies credentials returns True or False''' filepath = os.path.join(user_dir, username + ".yaml") #check that the right file exists (for the user) if not os.path.exists(filepath): return False user = yaml.load(open(filepath, "r")) if md5(password).hexdigest() == user.password: return True return False check_credentials = is_valid_user def check_user_exists(username): filepath = os.path.join(user_dir, username + ".yaml") return os.path.exists(filepath) def check_auth(*args, **kwargs): '''a tool that looks in config for 'auth.require'. if found and it is not None, a login is required and the entry is evaluated as alist of conditions that the user must fulfill''' conditions = cherrypy.request.config.get('auth.require', None) #format GET params get_parmas = urllib.quote(cherrypy.request.request_line.split()[1]) if conditions is not None: user = cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY) if user: cherrypy.request.login = user.username for condition in conditions: #a condition is just a callable that returns true or false if not condition(): #send old page as from_page parameter raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/auth/login?from_page=%s" % get_parmas) else: #send old page as from_page parameter raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/auth/login?from_page=%s" % get_parmas) def require(*conditions): '''a decorator that appends conditions to the auth.require config variable''' def decorate(f): if not hasattr(f, '_cp_config'): f._cp_config = dict() if 'auth.require' not in f._cp_config: f._cp_config['auth.require'] = [] f._cp_config['auth.require'].extend(conditions) return f return decorate def load_user(username): '''returns a previously saved User object given a username''' userpath = os.path.join(user_dir, username + ".yaml") #first make sure the user exists if not os.path.exists(userpath): return False user = yaml.load(open(userpath, "r")) return user def get_user(): '''gets the User object for the current session-- from a saved file''' #note: cherrypy.session[SESSION_KEY] already has the User object, #but it could have changed since this session was last used, #so only use it to get the username of the user and get fresh data while you're at it. #assume that the user already exists username = cherrypy.session[SESSION_KEY].username #open up the user from the users/ directory user = load_user(username) return user def is_username_available(username): file_path = os.path.join(user_dir, username + ".yaml") return not os.path.exists(file_path) class User(yaml.YAMLObject): yaml_tag="!user" def __init__(self, username, password, email): if username: if is_username_available(username): raise ValueError, "User.__init__: a user with that name already exists" if password: if email: assert is_valid_email(email), "User.__init__: email address must be valid" self.username, self.password, self.email = username, md5(password).hexdigest(), email else: raise ValueError, "User.__init__: must be given an email address" else: raise ValueError, "User.__init__: must be given a password" else: raise ValueError, "User.__init__: must be given a username" self.save() def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, User): if other.username == self.username: return True else: return False elif isinstance(other, str): if other==self.username: return True else: return False return False def save(self): '''saves self as yaml in a file somewhere based off of the username''' fh = open(os.path.join(user_dir, self.username + ".yaml"), "w") fh.write(yaml.dump(self)) fh.close() #conditions are callables that return True if the user fulfills the conditions they define, False otherwise #access the current username as cherrypy.request.login def member_of(*conditions): return True def name_is(reqd_username): return lambda: reqd_username == cherrypy.request.login def any_of(*conditions): '''returns true if any of the conditions match''' def check(): for c in conditions: if c(): return True return False return check #by default all conditions are required, but this might still be #needed if you want to use it inside of an any_of(...) condition def all_of(*conditions): '''returns True if all of the conditions match''' def check(): for c in conditions: if not c(): return False return True return check #controller to provide login and logout actions class AuthController(object): def on_login(self, username): '''called on successful login''' def on_logout(self, username): #does anyone ever really use this on a site? '''called on logout''' def get_loginform(self, username, msg="Enter login information", from_page="/", **keywords): return """
""" % locals() @cherrypy.expose def login(self, username=None, password=None, from_page="/", **keywords): if username is None or password is None: return self.get_loginform("", from_page=from_page) success = check_credentials(username, password) if not success: return self.get_loginform(username, "username or password incorrect.", from_page) else: cherrypy.session[SESSION_KEY] = cherrypy.request.login = load_user(username) self.on_login(username) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(from_page or "/") @cherrypy.expose def logout(self, from_page="/"): sess = cherrypy.session user = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) sess[SESSION_KEY] = None if user: cherrypy.request.login = None self.on_logout(user) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(from_page or "/") #so you can see how to 'hide' a page from unregistered/unloggedin users class DemoRestrictedArea: '''all methods in this controller are available only to members named 'xyz' just a demo''' _cp_config = { 'auth.require': [name_is("xyz")] } @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "your username must be xyz to see this." ####################################################################### # basic git/dulwich functionality ####################################################################### def update_refspec(repo, commit, refspec): '''side effect on repo; updates a certain refspec to point to this commit''' if isinstance(commit, Commit): commit = commit.id repo.refs['refs/head/' + refspec] = commit def update_master(repo, commit): #repo.refs['refs/head/master'] = commit.id update_refspec(repo, commit, "master") def set_head(repo, refspec="master"): '''sets the head to a given refspec''' repo.refs["HEAD"] = "ref: refs/heads/" + refspec def extract_trees(repo, commit="a9b19e9453e516d7528aebb05a1efd66a0cd9347"): '''get a list of all known trees from a repo based on a commit SHA''' store = repo.object_store.generate_pack_contents([], [commit]) generator = store.iterobjects() trees = [] for each in generator: if isinstance(each, dulwich.objects.Tree): trees.append(each) return trees def get_latest_tree(repo, refspec="ref: refs/heads/master"): """return the last known tree""" commit_id = repo.get_refs()[refspec] commit = repo.commit(commit_id) tree_id = commit.tree return repo.tree(tree_id) def make_commit(repo, tree, message, author, timezone, encoding="UTF-8"): """build a Commit object""" commit = Commit() try: commit.parents = [repo.head()] except KeyError: #the initial commit has no parent pass if isinstance(tree, dulwich.objects.Tree): tree_id = tree.id elif isinstance(tree, str): tree_id = tree commit.tree = tree_id commit.message = message commit.author = commit.committer = author commit.commit_time = commit.author_time = int(time()) commit.commit_timezone = commit.author_timezone = parse_timezone(timezone) commit.encoding = encoding return commit def dictionary_updater(original, additions): '''suppose original = {"first": {"second": 1, "another": 3}} and additions = {"first": {"yet another": 59421}} .. the result should be: {"first": {"second": 1, "another": 3, "yet another": 59421}}''' return_value = copy(original) for key in additions.keys(): if key not in original.keys(): return_value[key] = additions[key] elif key in original.keys(): if not isinstance(original[key], dict): return_value[key] = additions[key] else: #recursion time :) return_value[key] = dictionary_updater(original[key], additions[key]) return return_value def reassemble_index_into_dictionary(files): return_value = {} for file in files: path = file[0] sha = file[1][8] #split the path up path_parts = path.split("/") if len(path_parts)>0: #some/path/goes/here -- return_value["some"]["part"]["goes"]["here"] temp = sha for bit in reversed(path_parts): temp = {bit: copy(temp)} return_value = dictionary_updater(return_value, temp) return return_value def get_blob_contents(obj, repo=None): if isinstance(obj, str) and repo: obj = repo.get_object(sha) return obj.as_pretty_string() ####################################################################### # core site functionality ####################################################################### def get_all_commits(repo, branch="master", commits_to_avoid=set(), start=None): '''returns a list of all commits in a repository''' all_parents = [] if not start: #set_head(repo, branch) #get a starting commit start = repo.ref("refs/heads/" + branch) all_parents.append(start) parents = repo.get_parents(start) all_parents.extend(parents) for parent in parents: if parent not in commits_to_avoid: commits_to_avoid.add(parent) all_parents.extend(get_all_commits(repo, branch=branch, commits_to_avoid=commits_to_avoid, start=parent)) return all_parents def format_commit(commit): '''formats a dulwich Commit object into a string''' return "
" + add_newlines(str(commit)) + "

" def serve_index(path, base_url="/"): '''serves up an index''' assert os.path.isdir(path), "serve_index: path must be to a directory" return_content = "" files = os.listdir(path) for filename in files: return_content = return_content + "" + filename + "
" return return_content class ManagedPath: '''a url is parsed into a ManagedPath. the format is as follows: /home/some/page/new/ --> parts = ["home", "some", "page", "new"] cmd = "new" path = ["home", "some", "page"] /x/y/z/new/1/2/3 --> parts = ["x", "y", "z", "new", "1", "2", "3"] cmd = "new" path = ["x", "y", "z"] in "default" methods, this helps send the user somewhere. useful for a wiki. ''' reserved_roots = ["account", "admin"] #for /account stuff. reserved_words = [":new", ":delete", ":edit", ":log", ":source", ":archive", ":raw"] def __init__(self, url=str()): self._parts = [] self._cmd = "" self._path = [] self._sha = None if isinstance(url, list): url = tuple(url) if isinstance(url, ManagedPath): for (k,v) in url.__dict__: setattr(self, k, copy(v)) elif isinstance(url, str): self._url = list(url) self.parse(url) elif isinstance(url, tuple): self._path = list(url) self._url = join(url, "/") self.parse(self._url) def parse(self, url): self._url = url self._sha = "" if url.count("/") == 0: self._parts = [] else: parts = url.split("/") if parts[0] in self.reserved_roots: self._cmd = parts[0] #now grab the sha if len(parts)>0: if len(parts[1])==40 and parts[1].isalnum(): self._sha = parts[1] else: path = [] for part in parts: if part in self.reserved_words: self._cmd = part.replace(":", "") self._path = path break elif part is not "": path.append(part) if len(parts[-1])==40 and parts[-1].isalnum(): self._sha = parts[-1] #possibly better way to find the SHA (if given) possible_shas = [] for each in parts: if len(each)==40 and each.isalnum(): possible_shas.append(each) if len(possible_shas)>0: self._sha = possible_shas[-1] self._parts = parts if self._sha and self._sha is not "": if self._sha in self._path: self._path.remove(self._sha) def __str__(self): return self._url def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __eq__(self, other): '''checks if the path is the same (not the parts) so /xyz/new/ matches /xyz/new/123''' if other._path == self._path: return True else: return False def get_path(self): if self._path is not []: return self._path self.parse(self._url) return self._path def get_cmd(self): if self._cmd is not "": return self._cmd self.parse(self._url) return self._cmd def get_sha(self): if self._sha is None: self.parse(self._url) return self._sha cmd=property(fget=get_cmd, doc="returns which command this url corresponds to") path=property(fget=get_path, doc="figures out the path on which the command should operate") sha=property(fget=get_sha, doc="returns the sha from the url") class UnitApp: # def __init__(self): # self._tmpl = IndexTemplate() def index(self, *extra, **keywords): if len(keywords)==2: first = skdb.Unit(keywords[keywords.keys()[0]]) second = skdb.Unit(keywords[keywords.keys()[1]]) return str(first.to(second)) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, "try units/?one=50+m&two=km") index.exposed=True class Uploader: '''simple file upload demo- doesn't really do much right now.''' def index(self): return """
""" index.exposed=True def upload(self, incoming_file): #get the goods handler = incoming_file.file contents = handler.read() #save the file #TODO: check if file already exists filename = incoming_file.filename target = open("templates/" + filename, "w") target.write(contents) target.close() #tell the user return "ok thanks, file has been uploaded" upload.exposed=True class FileViewer(FileViewerTemplate): _cp_config = { 'request.error_response': handle_error, 'tools.sessions.on': True, 'tools.auth.on': True, } acceptable_views = ["yaml", "html", "xml", "rss", "atom", "default", "raw"] #TODO: make any of this work again exposed=True def __init__(self, package=None, filename=None, sha=None, command=None, extensions=True): FileViewerTemplate.__init__(self) self.package = package self.filename = filename self.sha = sha self.command = command.strip() self.extensions = extensions @cherrypy.expose def index(self, **keywords): return str("FileViewer.index(keywords=%s)" % (keywords)) @cherrypy.expose def default(self, *virtual_path, **keywords): if hasattr(self, self.command): func = getattr(self, self.command) return func(**keywords) return str("FileViewer.default(virtual_path=%s, keywords=%s)" % (virtual_path, keywords)) @cherrypy.expose def raw(self, *virtual_path, **keywords): branch = "master" desired_view = "default" sha = None if "sha" in keywords: sha = keywords["sha"] elif hasattr(self, "sha"): sha = self.sha if "branch" in keywords: branch = keywords["branch"] if self.package is None: raise cherrypy.NotFound() if not (desired_view in self.acceptable_views): raise cherrypy.NotFound() #create the dulwich.repo.Repo object repo = Repo(self.package.path()) #switch to the right refspec set_head(repo, branch) #reconstruct the filename filename = self.filename #get the sha if it wasn't passed to us try: if not sha: sha = dulwich.object_store.tree_lookup_path(repo.get_object, repo.get_object(repo.ref("refs/heads/" + branch)).tree, filename)[1] obj = repo.get_object(sha) except IndexError: raise cherrypy.NotFound() output = str(obj.as_pretty_string()) #determine the MIME type mime_type = "text/plain" #try: # if filename.count(".") > 0: # extension = filename.split(".")[-1] # mime_type = mimetypes.types_map["." + extension] #except KeyError: # mime_type = "text/plain" #set the MIME type cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = mime_type return output @cherrypy.expose def log(self, *virtual_path, **keywords): branch = "master" if "branch" in keywords: branch = keywords["branch"] sha = None if "sha" in keywords: sha = keywords["sha"] path_to_lookup = self.filename content = "" repo = Repo(self.package.path()) #get a list of all commits all_commits = get_all_commits(repo, branch, commits_to_avoid=set([]), start=None) relevant_commits = list() last_blob_id = None for commit in all_commits: #get the actual commit commit = repo.get_object(commit) #get the tree tree_id = commit.tree #tree = repo.get_object(tree) #check the blob #note it may not be in the tree try: blob_id = dulwich.object_store.tree_lookup_path(repo.get_object, tree_id, path_to_lookup)[1] if not (blob_id == last_blob_id): last_blob_id = blob_id relevant_commits.append((commit, blob_id)) except KeyError: pass #the file wasn't in the tree at that time #now you have a list of relevant commits #make up some output for commit in relevant_commits: actual_commit = commit[0] content = content + "

view this version: " + commit[1] + "
" + format_commit(actual_commit.as_pretty_string()) self.branch = branch self.sha = sha self.content = content return self.respond() @cherrypy.expose def view_file(self, *virtual_path, **keywords): branch = "master" desired_view = "default" sha = None if "sha" in keywords: sha = keywords["sha"] elif hasattr(self, "sha"): sha = self.sha if "branch" in keywords: branch = keywords["branch"] if "desired_view" in keywords: desired_view = keywords["desired_view"] if self.package is None: raise cherrypy.NotFound() if not (desired_view in self.acceptable_views): raise cherrypy.NotFound() #create the dulwich.repo.Repo object repo = Repo(self.package.path()) #switch to the right refspec set_head(repo, branch) #reconstruct the filename filename = self.filename #get the sha if it wasn't passed to us try: if not sha: sha = dulwich.object_store.tree_lookup_path(repo.get_object, repo.get_object(repo.ref("refs/heads/" + branch)).tree, filename)[1] obj = repo.get_object(sha) except IndexError: raise cherrypy.NotFound() except KeyError: raise cherrypy.NotFound() output = str(obj.as_pretty_string()) #determine the MIME type mime_type = "text/plain" #try: # if filename.count(".") > 0: # extension = filename.split(".")[-1] # mime_type = mimetypes.types_map["." + extension] #except KeyError: # mime_type = "text/plain" #set the MIME type #cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = mime_type self.content = "
" + output + "
" self.branch = branch return self.respond() @cherrypy.expose def edit(self, content=None, username=None, *virtual_path, **keywords): '''id: the git id of the blob before it was edited branch: master (default)''' #setup the defaults branch = "master" url = ManagedPath(virtual_path) if "branch" in keywords: branch = keywords["branch"] sha = self.sha print "sha is: ", sha print "keywords: ", keywords commit = sha print "content is: ", content print "self.filename is: ", self.filename if content is None: repo = Repo(self.package.path()) set_head(repo, branch) if not sha: print "repo.head() = ", repo.head() sha = dulwich.object_store.tree_lookup_path(repo.get_object, repo.get_object(repo.head()).tree, self.filename)[1] obj = repo.get_object(sha) contents = obj.as_pretty_string() return_contents = "
" return_contents = return_contents + "
" #if the user isn't logged in ... if not hasattr(cherrypy.session, "login"): return_contents = return_contents + "username:
" if sha: return_contents = return_contents + "" return_contents = return_contents + "" return_contents = return_contents + "
" self.content = return_contents self.branch = branch return self.respond() elif (sha or branch): #it's been edited if username==None and hasattr(cherrypy.session, "login"): if cherrypy.session.login==None: raise ValueError, "FileViewer.edit: no username supplied" elif username==None or username=="anonymous": anon = True #whether or not the user is anonymous if SESSION_KEY in cherrypy.session.keys(): username = cherrypy.session[SESSION_KEY].username anon = False else: username = "anonymous" #at least until we get access control lists working if anon: if branch=="master": #don't let anonymous users modify branch "master" branch = "anonymous" branch = "anonymous" #make the blob blob = Blob.from_string(content) repo = Repo(self.package.path()) #change to the right branch last_head = repo.head() set_head(repo, "master") last_commit = repo.get_object(repo.head()) tree = repo.tree(repo.get_object(repo.head()).tree) #set the file tree[self.filename] = (0100644, blob.id) #make the commit commit = Commit() commit.tree = tree.id commit.parents = [last_head] commit.author = commit.committer = username commit.commit_time = commit.author_time = int(time.time()) commit.commit_timezone = commit.author_timezone = parse_timezone("-0600") commit.encoding = "UTF-8" commit.message = "not implemented yet" repo.object_store.add_object(blob) repo.object_store.add_object(tree) repo.object_store.add_object(commit) repo.refs["refs/heads/" + branch] = commit.id repo.refs["HEAD"] = "ref: refs/heads/" + branch new_link = "go to the new version" self.new_link = new_link self.content = add_newlines("edited (name=%s, branch=%s, sha=%s) new link: %s\n\n\n" % (username, branch, sha, new_link)) self.content = self.content + "
" + content + "
" self.branch = branch return self.respond() class Package(PackageView, skdb.Package): _cp_config = {'request.error_response': handle_error} exposed=True package = None def __init__(self, package): PackageView.__init__(self) #template self.package = package @cherrypy.expose def index(self, **keywords): if "branch" in keywords: branch = keywords["branch"] else: branch = "master" content = "" #display a list of files repo = Repo(self.package.path()) tree = repo.tree(repo.get_object(repo.ref("refs/heads/" + branch)).tree) for entry in tree.entries(): filename = entry[1] file_sha = entry[2] content = content + "" + filename + "
" self.content = content self.branch = branch return self.respond() #return ("individual package view for Package(" + str(self.package.name) + ")") @cherrypy.expose def default(self, *virtual_path, **keywords): if not virtual_path: return self.index(**keywords) url = ManagedPath(virtual_path) file_handler = FileViewer(package=self.package, filename=join(url.path,"/"), sha=url.sha, command=url.cmd) if url.cmd and len(url.path)>0: if hasattr(FileViewer, url.cmd): return file_handler.default(join(url.path,"/"), **keywords) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, "command not found") #this processes commands for the package if len(url.path)==1 and (not url.cmd or url.cmd is None): if url.path[0][0] == ":": new_cmd = url.path[0][1:] if hasattr(self, new_cmd): keywords["sha"] = url.sha keywords["cmd"] = url.cmd keywords["filename"] = join(url.path, "/") func = getattr(self, new_cmd) return func(**keywords) return file_handler.view_file(**keywords) #not exposed so that repos can have files with the name "log" def log(self, **keywords): branch = keywords["branch"] repo = Repo(self.package.path()) set_head(repo, branch) #commits = repo.revision_history(repo.head()) commits = repo.revision_history(repo.ref("refs/heads/" + branch)) content = "" for commit in commits: content = content + format_commit(commit) self.content = content self.branch = branch self.sha = "" return self.respond() #not exposed so that repos can have files with the name "branches" def branches(self, **keywords): sha, branch, filename = keywords["sha"], keywords["branch"], keywords["filename"] repo = Repo(self.package.path()) data = repo.get_refs() valid_keys = [] for key in data.keys(): if key[0:11] == "refs/heads/": valid_keys.append((key[11:], data[key])) content = "" for key in valid_keys: content = content + "" + key[0] + "
" self.content = content self.branch = branch self.sha = sha return self.respond() def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Package): #web package object if other.package == self.package: return True else: return False elif isinstance(other, skdb.Package): #skdb.Package object if self.package.name == other.name: return True else: return False elif isinstance(other, str): #package name if self.package.name == other: return True else: return False else: return False #dunno what to do def __getattr__(self, name): #could be a file object, attribute, or method of the package if name == "__methods__" or name == "__members__": return raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) class PackageSet(PackageIndex): _cp_config = {'request.error_response': handle_error} _packages = [] def __init__(self): PackageIndex.__init__(self) @cherrypy.expose def index(self, **keywords): branch = "master" #default if "branch" in keywords: branch = keywords["branch"] content = "" #spit out a list of packages dirlist = os.listdir(skdb.settings.path) for obj in dirlist: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(skdb.settings.path, obj)): content = content + "
" + obj + "
" self.content = content self.branch = branch return self.respond() @cherrypy.expose def default(self, *vpath, **keywords): #default view for a package return "PackageSet.default: vpath is: " + str(vpath) @classmethod def load_package(cls, name, branch="master"): #keep track of which branch we want cherrypy.request.params["branch"] = branch if not (name in cls._packages): if skdb.check_unix_name(name): new_package = skdb.Package(name=name, create=False) new_package_page = Package(new_package) cls._packages.append(new_package_page) return new_package_page else: #already in there return cls._packages[cls._packages.index(name)] #return the corresponding entry def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "__methods__" or name == "__members__": return if (not (name=="")) and not (name==None): branch = "master" #default branch is branch "master" if name.count(":") > 0: full_name = copy(name) name = full_name.split(":",1)[0] branch = full_name.split(":",1)[1] if skdb.check_unix_name(name): return self.load_package(name, branch=branch) raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) class Root(IndexTemplate): _cp_config = { 'request.error_response': handle_error, 'tools.sessions.on': True, 'tools.auth.on': True, } units = UnitApp() #simple example: /units/?one=m&two=km uploader = Uploader() package = PackageSet() auth = AuthController() def __init__(self): IndexTemplate.__init__(self) @cherrypy.expose def index(self, *extra, **keywords): return self.respond() @cherrypy.expose def default(self, *virtual_path, **keywords): if not virtual_path: return self.index(**keywords) url = ManagedPath(virtual_path) return_value = """ Root.default(virtual_path=%s, keywords=%s) cmd is: %s virtual path is: %s """ % (str(virtual_path), str(keywords), url.cmd, url.path) return add_newlines(return_value) @cherrypy.expose @require(name_is("xyz")) def silly_protected_page_demo(self): return "your username must be 'xyz' in order to see this page." @cherrypy.expose def git(self, *virtual_path, **keywords): '''lets users clone a .git repo over http''' for part in virtual_path: #just a precaution if part == "..": raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) if part.count("\"") > 0: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) #call "git update-server-info" on the repository if len(virtual_path)>0: repo_name = virtual_path[0] repo_path = os.path.join(skdb.settings.path, virtual_path[0]) os.system("cd \"" + repo_path + "\"; git update-server-info;") filepath = os.path.join(skdb.settings.path, join(list(virtual_path), "/")) if os.path.isdir(filepath): #serve an index return serve_index(filepath, base_url=str("/git/"+join(virtual_path, "/"))) else: #it's a file return serve_file(filepath, content_type="text/plain") ####################################################################### # configuration and unit tests ####################################################################### class SiteTest(helper.CPWebCase): def test_newliner(self): message="""put text here on to the next line""" result = add_newlines(message) self.assertTrue(result.count("
") == 1) def test_url(self): url1 = ManagedPath("/home/index/:edit") self.assertTrue(url1.cmd == "edit") url2 = ManagedPath("/home/index/:edit/") self.assertTrue(url2.cmd == "edit") url3 = ManagedPath("/home/index/:edit/stuff/goes/here") self.assertTrue(url3.cmd == "edit") url4 = ManagedPath("/home/index/:edit/stuff/goes/") self.assertTrue(url4.cmd == "edit") url5 = ManagedPath("/home/index/stuff/:edit") self.assertTrue(url5.path == ["home", "index", "stuff"]) url6 = ManagedPath("/path/to/the/file/:new/extra/stuff/123") self.assertTrue(url6.path == ["path", "to", "the", "file"]) def test_url_eq(self): url1 = ManagedPath("/home/index/:edit/") url2 = ManagedPath("/home/index/:edit/blah") self.assertTrue(url1 == url2) url3 = ManagedPath("/home/index/:edit") self.assertTrue(url3 == url2) def test_sha_paths(self): url1 = ManagedPath("/path/to/the/file/:edit/e19a9220403c381b1c86c23fc3532f1a7b7a18e1") self.assertTrue(url1.sha == "e19a9220403c381b1c86c23fc3532f1a7b7a18e1") url2 = ManagedPath("/path/to/the/file/e19a9220403c381b1c86c23fc3532f1a7b7a18e1") self.assertTrue(url2.sha == "e19a9220403c381b1c86c23fc3532f1a7b7a18e1") test_sha = "2e8070856018dc79777ad070036f854f77bf9ba6" url3 = ManagedPath("/data.yaml/" + test_sha) self.assertTrue(url3.sha == test_sha) url4 = ManagedPath("data.yaml/" + test_sha) self.assertTrue(url4.sha == test_sha) url5 = ManagedPath(("data.yaml", test_sha)) self.assertTrue(url5.sha == test_sha) url6 = ManagedPath(("data.yaml", test_sha, "edit")) self.assertTrue(url6.sha == test_sha) url7 = ManagedPath(["data.yaml", test_sha, "edit"]) self.assertTrue(url7.sha == test_sha) def test_package(self): self.getPage("/package/lego/", method="GET") #print self.body self.assertStatus(200) #see also assertBody self.getPage("/package/lego/data.yaml/", method="GET") #print self.body self.assertStatus(200) self.getPage("/package/lego/data.yaml", method="GET") #print self.body self.assertStatus(200) #what about /package/lego/data/yaml/edit ? def test_email_addresses(self): self.assertTrue(is_valid_email("hello@me.com")) self.assertFalse(is_valid_email("user@user.1.2.3.")) #url: http://projects.dowski.com/files/cp22collection/cp22collection.py?version=colorized def setup_server(): cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), '/') cherrypy.config.update({ 'server.log_to_screen': False, 'autoreload.on': False, 'log_debug_info_filter.on': False, 'environment': 'test_suite', }) def conf_maker(static_dir): #so i don't have to type static file config stuff a billion times return { "tools.staticdir.on": True, "tools.staticdir.index": "index.html", "tools.staticdir.dir": os.path.join(current_dir, static_dir), } #url: http://www.cherrypy.org/wiki/StaticContent current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) conf = { "/favicon.ico": { "tools.staticfile.on": True, "tools.staticfile.filename": os.path.join(current_dir, os.path.join("images", "favicon.ico")), }, } conf["/styles"] = conf_maker("styles") conf["/templates"] = conf_maker("templates") conf["/javascripts"] = conf_maker("javascripts") conf["/images"] = conf_maker("images") #conf["/git"] = {"tools.staticdir.on": True, "tools.staticdir.dir": skdb.settings.path, } cherrypy.tools.auth = cherrypy.Tool('before_handler', check_auth) application = cherrypy.Application(Root(), script_name=None, config=conf) if __name__ == "__main__": webtest.WebCase.interactive = False setup_server() helper.testmain()