import unittest, math from skdb.geom import * from skdb import load_package, Package, close_enough class TestMating(unittest.TestCase): def test_part_mating(self): pass lego_pack = Package("lego") brick1 = deepcopy([0]) brick2 = deepcopy([0]) #they should be the same thing so far #self.assertTrue(brick1 == brick2) options = brick1.options([brick2]) #select one of the Connection instances to test with selected = options[1] selected.connect() blah = mate_connection(selected) #print blah #TopoDS shape (is this useful?) #not sure what to do with that. brick2 has already been transformed, brick2.transformation = some new transformation. self.assertNotEqual(brick1.transformation, brick2.transformation) self.assertNotEqual(brick1, brick2) def test_lego_volume(self): pack = Package("lego") round_brick_volume = shape_volume([0].shapes[0]) self.assertEqual(round(round_brick_volume), 865) brick1 = deepcopy([0]) brick2 = deepcopy([0]) options = brick1.options(brick2) option = options[0] option.connect() print estimate_collision_existence([brick1, brick2]) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()