/******************************************************************************************** * BlueShoes Framework; This file is part of the php application framework. * NOTE: This code is stripped (obfuscated). To get the clean documented code goto * www.blueshoes.org and register for the free open source *DEVELOPER* version or * buy the commercial version. * * In case you've already got the developer version, then this is one of the few * packages/classes that is only available to *PAYING* customers. * To get it go to www.blueshoes.org and buy a commercial version. * * @copyright www.blueshoes.org * @author Samuel Blume * @author Andrej Arn */ Array.prototype.moveUp = function(key) { if (key == 0) return this;if (key >= (this.length)) return this;if (key > 1) { var newArr = this.slice(0, key -1);} else { var newArr = new Array;} newArr[newArr.length] = this[key];newArr[newArr.length] = this[key -1];var endArr = this.slice(key +1, this.length);return newArr.concat(endArr);} Array.prototype.moveDown = function(key) { if (key >= (this.length -1)) return this;if (key > 0) { var newArr = this.slice(0, key);} else { var newArr = new Array;} newArr[newArr.length] = this[key +1];newArr[newArr.length] = this[key];if (this.length > (key +2)) { var endArr = this.slice(key +2, this.length);return newArr.concat(endArr);} return newArr;} Array.prototype.moveToTop = function(key) { if (key == 0) return this;if (key >= (this.length)) return this;var startArr = new Array(this[key]);var middleArr = this.slice(0, key);var endArr = this.slice(key +1, this.length);return startArr.concat(middleArr, endArr);} Array.prototype.moveToBottom = function(key) { if (key >= (this.length -1)) return this;if (key > 0) { var startArr = this.slice(0, key);} else { var startArr = new Array;} var middleArr = this.slice(key +1, this.length);var endArr = new Array(this[key]);return startArr.concat(middleArr, endArr);} Array.prototype.indexOf = function(str) { for(var i=0; i= 0);} Array.prototype.deleteItem = function(i) { if (i<0 || i>(this.length-1)) return false;if (i == (this.length-1)) { this.length--;return true;} for (var i=(i+1); i ret) ret = array[i].length;} return ret;} function bs_array_toCsv(array, separator) {if (typeof(separator) != 'string') separator = ';';var ret = '';for (var i=0; i