documentation everybody loves documentation! installing skdb how to use a package how to make a package skdb core: units: peak and continuous ratings: what are default time constants? yaml path resolver: for max/min/peak/continuous/power/torque/height/width etc yaml regex resolver: how to do this without matching over entire units .dat? statistics: arbitrary distributions: processes often follow odd laws (non-gaussian) evaluate typical feasible: but dont dump some messy construct think about how to utilize statistical data: in search/optimization algorithms geom: pythonOCC sympy parametric modeling PAF: wrap TopoDS_Shape in Shape class: make assembly graph yaml dump work: get rid of STEP loading spam: and other OCC spam: real wrapper code: instead of subclassing from OCC: opengl example: use tags/names for geometries: connection graph: apply transforms at each arc while traversing: is this done? wrap some graph class instead of using directly for easy swapping: turn skdb/doc/proposals/assemblies.txt into unit tests: part mating: collision detection: fix BoundingBox: extract minima and maxima from surfaces: kinda important explore OpenCASCADE collision detection methods: Constructive Solid Geometry: fix or rewrite internal OCC BRepAlgoAPI boolean methods: interference fit: list of compliant/rigid faces: is this right? shouldnt we be doing FEA instead? play: circular peg in a square hole: zero: perfect fit positive: a little bit of slop negative: interference fit signed distance function: multi part multi interface mating unit tests: cam algorithm selection: some parts are more 2.5d than others... generating instructions: assembly planner: #aka assembly sequence planner, assembly operation planner, etc. motion path planner: collision detection: #for collision-free insertion investigate third party libraries for collision detection: search literature for other methods: write an open source assembly planner: figure out something better than the proposal: lego assembly instructions demo: "make space base": step by step images: inventory: container tags: ['!ziploc', '!fishtub', etc] location schema: any ideas? no dGPS or RFID please. '!shelf'? package code: generate instructions for making a package: lego explohzionn technology readiness level: metadata resolution description: [stub, incomplete, usable, finished, obsessive] clients: #desktop, unless you really like writing javascript? pyjamas: ? visualization: dependency tree browser: CAD file visualization: screenshot gallery generator from CAD files: #is this not the same thing as above? partially working: (ask kanzure) better version: servers: web/ views: generic yaml tree: js code folding: pyjamas highlighting: geshi? links to skdb tags: package metadata: links to dependencies: backlinks to functionality: taxonomy browser: 3d: ldraw: step: iges: stl: dxf: ew pcb formats: gerber: eagle: kicad: pdf: (?) gcode: protocol annotation module: protocola: #50% bog water, 50% chocolate syrup. yummy! instruction output: #assembly, etc. b2b: Tie-in of "open source hardware directories" with "one-click ordering" and sourcing of materials from suppliers funding models: rspp: as in ' ' oshwbank: paypal button: this ought to be easy bounty: import: todo: recognize when there is a list of artifacts or any other node element investigate perl pov-to-X conversion: parser for peeron and lugnet: parse matweb scrape: (samrose) ldraw to step: implicit geometry recognition? stl to step "primitive recognition": feasibility: low fix slow loading of STL files in OpenCASCADE: ldr to pyldraw: needs testing (ask kanzure) ldr to solid: investigate ldr primitives: LGEO: maybe? (~700 parts) pov2rib: figure out antlr, play with dot g files generate povray parser: figure out antlr: convert from BNF->g grammar? (kanzure) figure out pyparsing: convert ldr lego theo jansen mechanism: pybox2d to skdb: convert theo jansen mechanism: export: #external simulations pyODE: pybox2d: cam algorithms: pycam: kurve: libactp: celeron55 gerber: maybe stuff to package: screw: catalog generator script: cad generator: how to deal with generated data: not blow up without OCC: internal graph model of a spring: two bearings: spring: equation: thread: common metric sizes: common SAE sizes: cad generator: lego: finish technic grammar: parse .lst and catalog files: bricklink cost evaluator: scraper cad generator: interface generator: fix existing cad models: scale is wrong. re-measure? trans-tech: at least at low resolution construction materials: #these are categories, not individual materials. low-tech and inexpensive to start with metal: plastic: wood: foam: paper: glass: rubber: ceramic: composite: concrete: food: cheese robots, attack! phase change materials: does cheese count? maybe tags instead of categories bearing: plastic gel box case: get cad files from tito: author: Tito Jankowski links: - "" find and verify generator script: author: Michael Katsevman links: - "" - "" test tube holder: #why? standard eppendorf tube rack: much more useful 96 well plate: transilluminator: #gel imager mechmate: arduino: technical devices: i guess? at least its a source of ideas for components mcmaster catalog: same deal