import skdb from skdb import Part, Interface, Unit, UnitError from string import Template threads = skdb.load_package('threads') Thread = threads.Thread __author__ = "ben lipkowitz, bryan bishop" __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "0.0.1" __maintainer__ = "ben lipkowitz" __email__ = 'no thank you, sir' __status__ = "Development" class Screw(Part): yaml_tag = "!screw" '''a screw by itself isn't a fastener, it needs a nut of some sort''' ##i suppose this stuff should go in a screws.yaml file or something, along with standard diameters proof_load = {#grade:load '1':'33ksi', '2':'55ksi', '3':'85ksi', '5':'85ksi', '7':'105ksi', '8':'120ksi', } tensile_strength = {#grade:load '1':'60ksi', '2':'74ksi', '3':'110ksi', '5':'120ksi', '7':'133ksi', '8':'150ksi', } def __init__(self, thread=None, length=None, grade="2", name=None): '''length is defined as the distance from bottom of the head for all screws but flat head and set screws which use the top of the head instead''' #thread.__init__() self.thread, self.length, self.grade, = thread, length, grade, name if self.thread and self.length: if self.thread.length is None: self.thread.length = self.length assert self.length.compatible('m') #this sort of thing should go in a generic unit-checker function #is it right to define these interfaces here, instead of in the thread object? thread_loosen = Interface("thread-loosen", part=self) thread_tighten = Interface("thread-tighten", part=self) compression_face = Interface("compression-face", part=self) torque_spline = Interface("torque-spline", part=self) if thread == None: raise ValueError #the following if should be commented out when skdb/core/ Thread interfaces is fixed #if thread.interfaces == None or len(thread.interfaces) == 0: thread.interfaces = [thread_loosen, thread_tighten] if len(thread.interfaces) > 0: #if the thread already has interfaces with name "thread_loosen"/"thread_tighten", use them. thread_loosen = thread.interfaces[0] #FIXME: this is very, very wrong thread_tigthen = thread.interfaces[1] #FIXME too. self.interfaces = [thread_loosen, thread_tighten, compression_face, torque_spline] self.check_compatibility() def check_compatibility(self): #shouldnt this function be in for (k,v) in {'pitch': 'rev/in', 'diameter': 'in', 'tensile_area': 'in^2'}.items(): parameter = getattr(self.thread, k) try: Unit(parameter) assert (getattr(self.thread, k)).compatible(v) except UnitError, e: #ok it's not a Unit object #and instead a method in the Thread class res = parameter() assert res.compatible(v) #note these tables vary from source to source; might want to check if it really matters to you def max_force(self): '''load screw can withstand without permanent set, in lbf''' s = Template('$area*$strength') string = s.safe_substitute(area=self.thread.tensile_area(), strength=Screw.proof_load[self.grade]) return skdb.Unit(string).to('lbf') def breaking_force(self): '''load screw can withstand without breaking, in lbf''' s = Template('$area*$strength') string = s.safe_substitute(area=self.thread.tensile_area(), strength=Screw.tensile_strength[self.grade]) return skdb.Unit(string).to('lbf')