0 SECTION 2 HEADER 9 $ACADVER 1 AC1012 9 $DWGCODEPAGE 3 ANSI_1252 9 $INSBASE 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $EXTMIN 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $EXTMAX 10 603.0 20 603.0 30 0.0 9 $LIMMIN 10 0.0 20 0.0 9 $LIMMAX 10 420.0 20 297.0 9 $ORTHOMODE 70 0 9 $REGENMODE 70 1 9 $FILLMODE 70 1 9 $QTEXTMODE 70 0 9 $MIRRTEXT 70 1 9 $DRAGMODE 70 2 9 $LTSCALE 40 1.0 9 $OSMODE 70 55 9 $ATTMODE 70 1 9 $TEXTSIZE 40 2.5 9 $TRACEWID 40 1.0 9 $TEXTSTYLE 7 STANDARD 9 $CLAYER 8 0 9 $CELTYPE 6 BYLAYER 9 $CECOLOR 62 256 9 $CELTSCALE 40 1.0 9 $DELOBJ 70 1 9 $DISPSILH 70 0 9 $DIMSCALE 40 1.0 9 $DIMASZ 40 2.5 9 $DIMEXO 40 0.625 9 $DIMDLI 40 3.75 9 $DIMRND 40 0.0 9 $DIMDLE 40 0.0 9 $DIMEXE 40 1.25 9 $DIMTP 40 0.0 9 $DIMTM 40 0.0 9 $DIMTXT 40 2.5 9 $DIMCEN 40 2.5 9 $DIMTSZ 40 0.0 9 $DIMTOL 70 0 9 $DIMLIM 70 0 9 $DIMTIH 70 0 9 $DIMTOH 70 0 9 $DIMSE1 70 0 9 $DIMSE2 70 0 9 $DIMTAD 70 1 9 $DIMZIN 70 8 9 $DIMBLK 1 9 $DIMASO 70 1 9 $DIMSHO 70 1 9 $DIMPOST 1 9 $DIMAPOST 1 9 $DIMALT 70 0 9 $DIMALTD 70 3 9 $DIMALTF 40 0.03937007874016 9 $DIMLFAC 40 1.0 9 $DIMTOFL 70 1 9 $DIMTVP 40 0.0 9 $DIMTIX 70 0 9 $DIMSOXD 70 0 9 $DIMSAH 70 0 9 $DIMBLK1 1 9 $DIMBLK2 1 9 $DIMSTYLE 2 ISO-25 9 $DIMCLRD 70 0 9 $DIMCLRE 70 0 9 $DIMCLRT 70 0 9 $DIMTFAC 40 1.0 9 $DIMGAP 40 0.625 9 $DIMJUST 70 0 9 $DIMSD1 70 0 9 $DIMSD2 70 0 9 $DIMTOLJ 70 1 9 $DIMTZIN 70 0 9 $DIMALTZ 70 0 9 $DIMALTTZ 70 0 9 $DIMFIT 70 3 9 $DIMUPT 70 0 9 $DIMUNIT 70 2 9 $DIMDEC 70 4 9 $DIMTDEC 70 4 9 $DIMALTU 70 2 9 $DIMALTTD 70 2 9 $DIMTXSTY 7 STANDARD 9 $DIMAUNIT 70 0 9 $LUNITS 70 2 9 $LUPREC 70 4 9 $SKETCHINC 40 1.0 9 $FILLETRAD 40 10.0 9 $AUNITS 70 0 9 $AUPREC 70 0 9 $MENU 1 . 9 $ELEVATION 40 0.0 9 $PELEVATION 40 0.0 9 $THICKNESS 40 0.0 9 $LIMCHECK 70 0 9 $BLIPMODE 70 0 9 $CHAMFERA 40 10.0 9 $CHAMFERB 40 10.0 9 $CHAMFERC 40 0.0 9 $CHAMFERD 40 0.0 9 $SKPOLY 70 0 9 $TDCREATE 40 2454234.241615659 9 $TDUPDATE 40 2454385.814605393 9 $TDINDWG 40 0.1067456829 9 $TDUSRTIMER 40 0.1067453241 9 $USRTIMER 70 1 9 $ANGBASE 50 0.0 9 $ANGDIR 70 0 9 $PDMODE 70 0 9 $PDSIZE 40 0.0 9 $PLINEWID 40 0.0 9 $COORDS 70 1 9 $SPLFRAME 70 0 9 $SPLINETYPE 70 6 9 $SPLINESEGS 70 8 9 $ATTDIA 70 0 9 $ATTREQ 70 1 9 $HANDLING 70 22529 9 $HANDSEED 5 43C 9 $SURFTAB1 70 6 9 $SURFTAB2 70 6 9 $SURFTYPE 70 6 9 $SURFU 70 6 9 $SURFV 70 6 9 $UCSNAME 2 9 $UCSORG 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSXDIR 10 1.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $UCSYDIR 10 0.0 20 1.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSNAME 2 9 $PUCSORG 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSXDIR 10 1.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PUCSYDIR 10 0.0 20 1.0 30 0.0 9 $USERI1 70 0 9 $USERI2 70 0 9 $USERI3 70 0 9 $USERI4 70 0 9 $USERI5 70 0 9 $USERR1 40 0.0 9 $USERR2 40 0.0 9 $USERR3 40 0.0 9 $USERR4 40 0.0 9 $USERR5 40 0.0 9 $WORLDVIEW 70 1 9 $SHADEDGE 70 3 9 $SHADEDIF 70 70 9 $TILEMODE 70 1 9 $MAXACTVP 70 64 9 $PINSBASE 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PLIMCHECK 70 0 9 $PEXTMIN 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PEXTMAX 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 9 $PLIMMIN 10 0.0 20 0.0 9 $PLIMMAX 10 12.0 20 9.0 9 $UNITMODE 70 0 9 $VISRETAIN 70 1 9 $PLINEGEN 70 0 9 $PSLTSCALE 70 1 9 $TREEDEPTH 70 3020 9 $PICKSTYLE 70 1 9 $CMLSTYLE 2 STANDARD 9 $CMLJUST 70 0 9 $CMLSCALE 40 1.0 9 $SAVEIMAGES 70 1 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 CLASSES 0 CLASS 1 ACDBDICTIONARYWDFLT 2 AcDbDictionaryWithDefault 3 AutoCAD 2000 90 32768 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 ACDBPLACEHOLDER 2 AcDbPlaceHolder 3 AutoCAD 2000 90 32768 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 LAYOUT 2 AcDbLayout 3 AutoCAD 2000 90 32768 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 DICTIONARYVAR 2 AcDbDictionaryVar 3 AutoCAD 2000 90 32768 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 LONG_TRANSACTION 2 AcDbLongTransaction 3 AutoCAD 2000 90 32768 280 0 281 0 0 CLASS 1 LWPOLYLINE 2 AcDbPolyline 3 AutoCAD 2000 90 32768 280 0 281 1 0 CLASS 1 HATCH 2 AcDbHatch 3 AutoCAD 2000 90 32768 280 0 281 1 0 CLASS 1 XRECORD 2 AcDbXrecord 3 AutoCAD 2000 90 32768 280 0 281 0 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 TABLES 0 TABLE 2 VPORT 5 140 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 2 0 VPORT 5 42B 330 140 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbViewportTableRecord 2 *ACTIVE 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 11 1.0 21 1.0 12 76.19817579327826 22 41.6101673385657 13 0.0 23 0.0 14 10.0 24 10.0 15 10.0 25 10.0 16 0.0 26 0.0 36 1.0 17 0.0 27 0.0 37 0.0 40 361.2824326816367 41 2.218472468916518 42 50.0 43 0.0 44 0.0 50 0.0 51 0.0 71 0 72 100 73 1 74 3 75 0 76 0 77 0 78 0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 LTYPE 5 13D 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 1 0 LTYPE 5 14B 330 13D 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLinetypeTableRecord 2 BYBLOCK 70 0 3 72 65 73 0 40 0.0 0 LTYPE 5 14C 330 13D 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLinetypeTableRecord 2 BYLAYER 70 0 3 72 65 73 0 40 0.0 0 LTYPE 5 14D 330 13D 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLinetypeTableRecord 2 CONTINUOUS 70 0 3 Solid line 72 65 73 0 40 0.0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 LAYER 5 13A 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 4 0 LAYER 5 148 330 13A 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLayerTableRecord 2 0 70 0 62 7 6 CONTINUOUS 0 LAYER 5 15B 330 13A 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLayerTableRecord 2 LASER_BED 70 0 62 8 6 CONTINUOUS 0 LAYER 5 15C 330 13A 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLayerTableRecord 2 TEXT 70 0 62 -250 6 CONTINUOUS 0 LAYER 5 1CA 330 13A 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbLayerTableRecord 2 FINAL 70 0 62 8 6 CONTINUOUS 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 STYLE 5 13B 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 1 0 STYLE 5 149 330 13B 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbTextStyleTableRecord 2 STANDARD 70 0 40 0.0 41 1.0 50 0.0 71 0 42 2.5 3 txt 4 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 VIEW 5 13E 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 UCS 5 13F 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 APPID 5 141 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 1 0 APPID 5 14A 330 141 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbRegAppTableRecord 2 ACAD 70 0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 DIMSTYLE 5 142 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 1 0 DIMSTYLE 105 15D 330 142 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbDimStyleTableRecord 2 ISO-25 70 0 3 4 5 6 7 40 1.0 41 2.5 42 0.625 43 3.75 44 1.25 45 0.0 46 0.0 47 0.0 48 0.0 140 2.5 141 2.5 142 0.0 143 0.03937007874016 144 1.0 145 0.0 146 1.0 147 0.625 71 0 72 0 73 0 74 0 75 0 76 0 77 1 78 8 170 0 171 3 172 1 173 0 174 0 175 0 176 0 177 0 178 0 270 2 271 4 272 4 273 2 274 3 340 149 275 0 280 0 281 0 282 0 283 1 284 8 285 8 286 8 287 5 288 0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 BLOCK_RECORD 5 139 330 0 100 AcDbSymbolTable 70 4 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 156 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 42E 102 } 330 139 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 *MODEL_SPACE 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 152 102 {ACAD_XDICTIONARY 360 42C 102 } 330 139 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 *PAPER_SPACE 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 15F 330 139 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 $MODEL_SPACE 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 162 330 139 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 $PAPER_SPACE 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 165 330 139 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 *U2 0 BLOCK_RECORD 5 1A2 330 139 100 AcDbSymbolTableRecord 100 AcDbBlockTableRecord 2 *U3 0 ENDTAB 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 BLOCKS 0 BLOCK 5 157 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 *MODEL_SPACE 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 *MODEL_SPACE 1 0 ENDBLK 5 158 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 153 330 152 100 AcDbEntity 67 1 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 *PAPER_SPACE 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 *PAPER_SPACE 1 0 ENDBLK 5 154 330 152 100 AcDbEntity 67 1 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 160 330 15F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 $MODEL_SPACE 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 $MODEL_SPACE 1 0 ENDBLK 5 161 330 15F 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 163 330 162 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 $PAPER_SPACE 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 $PAPER_SPACE 1 0 ENDBLK 5 164 330 162 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 166 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 *U2 70 1 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 *U2 1 0 LINE 5 167 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbLine 10 13.14800855692494 20 573.033171645369 30 0.0 11 104.3146752235914 21 573.033171645369 31 0.0 0 TEXT 5 168 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 573.7331716453691 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Using the Epilog AutoCAD driver: 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 169 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 12.81467522359162 20 562.0665049787024 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 1. There is a plotter conflict between the page size of the plotter and what AutoCAD thinks is appropriate plotter configuration 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 16A 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 555.5665049787023 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 (landscape/portrait). There is a documented workaround which enables the operator to use a full A2 sheet in the Epilog without incorrect 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 16B 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 549.7331716453691 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 orientation. If you have an alternative method which is untested, go play with it in your own time. In this file you will find a grey oblong within 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 16C 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 543.8998383120356 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 a square. The oblong defines the actual space of the plotter bed, its origin is the bottom left-hand corner. The larger square prevents AutoCAD 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 16D 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 538.0665049787023 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 from reorientating the drawing to the wrong format. Place your CAD drawings within the oblong. Place nothing outside. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 16E 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 532.2331716453691 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 You may find that the plotter attempts to cut this oblong and square, if this is the case, go to the LAYERS box in AutoCAD and uncheck the 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 16F 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 525.7331716453689 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 printer icon on the LASER_BED layer (or whatever the layer is called). 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 170 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 513.3998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 2. The plotter driver is called "Legend Vector" or "Legend Win32 Vector", when plotting ensure that this is the driver selected, other drivers will 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 171 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 507.5665049787025 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 not work with AutoCAD. The Epilog plotter driver is not accessed through the standard interface, you must click on CUSTOM PROPERTIES to 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 172 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 501.7331716453691 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 access its unique idiosyncracies. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 173 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 489.3998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 File -> Plot -> Plot Device (tab) -> [Legend Win32 Vector Only.pc3] -> Properties -> 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 174 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 477.0665049787025 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Leading on to the "Plotter Configuration Editor - Legend Win32 Vector Only.pc3" window 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 175 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.81467522359161 20 465.3998383120359 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 .. -> Custom Properties... -> 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 176 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 453.0665049787025 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Opens the "Legend Win32 Vector Only Properties" window where some settings must be made. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 177 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 440.7331716453692 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Piece Size (inches) must be set to 24" Horizontal & 24" Vertical or 60 x 60 cm 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 178 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 428.3998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 If you are unsure of what Speed/Power settings cut or mark your material, you can open a saved setting from the "Configurations" box Where 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 179 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 421.8998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 it says [Custom Settings -- not saved]. If you scroll this box down you will see another window saying [Save as..] and here is the 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 17A 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 415.3998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 non-evident bit, if you go to the right of this particular window and scroll down again you will see another option [Load..], this option will 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 17B 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 408.8998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 enable you to access settings which have been saved. Other useful things to know are the speed/power/frequency settings. The word power is 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 17C 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 403.0665049787025 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 misleading, the laser is either on or off. The slower the speed, the longer the laser beam stays on any one spot, the greater the power. The 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 17D 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 397.2331716453691 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 higher the frequency, the faster the laser is pulsed on and off. My guess is that the higher the power setting, the longer the duration of 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 17E 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 391.3998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 laser-on time against laser-off time. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 17F 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 379.0665049787023 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 3. It is possible to engrave a surface without cutting through, individual speed/power settings can be assigned to different colours. There are 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 180 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 372.5665049787024 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 two power/speed settings controls, one controls all vectors of an assigned colour, and the other controls the rest. When selecting colours, it is 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 181 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 366.0665049787025 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 probably best to stick to the primary colours with easy RGB values like (0,0,255) .. blue, (0,255,0).. green. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 182 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 353.7331716453692 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 4. There are several checkboxes, the autofocus is useful unless you a piece of material does not lie where the autofocus decides to drop it's 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 183 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 347.8998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 plunger; in that case it is best to use the manual focus accessory. Read manual. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 184 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 342.0665049787024 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 The vector sorting seems to be a happy checkbox with no code connected. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 185 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 329.7331716453693 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 5. When saving "Custom Properties" and then OK-ing the "Plotter Configuration Editor -.." window, a box appears asking to choose between a 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 186 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 323.8998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 temporary *.pc3 file and the config settings for the system plotter; choose the system plotter. The temporary file seems to give variable results. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 187 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 311.5665049787025 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 6. Now go to the other tab [Plot Settings] and check that the scale is 1:1 or suited to your own scale. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 188 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 299.2331716453691 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 7. Click on the "Window" option when setting the plot area, SELECT THE INNER LASER-BED BOX corner to corner - the box containing this text if 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 189 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 293.3998383120358 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 you are looking at a DXF file. When you preview the plot you will hopefully see your drawing. Otherwise check the following steps. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 18A 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 281.7331716453693 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 8. Ensure the line-width is the smallest real value for all vectors on your drawing, normally 0.05 mm 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 18B 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 270.0665049787025 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 9. Ensure that the line-type is continious. 100 AcDbText 0 LINE 5 18C 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbLine 10 13.14800855692494 20 257.699838312036 30 0.0 11 125.8146752235912 21 257.699838312036 31 0.0 0 TEXT 5 18D 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 258.3998383120359 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Problems which have been encountered. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 18E 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 246.0665049787026 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 AutoCAD will save previous plotter/printer data within it's binary file format (DWG) which may render subsequent printing attempts on different 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 18F 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 239.5665049787026 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 printers inoperable. Resave the file as a DXF (human readable format) and prefereably the oldest version. This may enable you to discard the 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 190 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 233.7331716453692 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 printer settings. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 191 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 222.0665049787027 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 When saving from AutoCAD 2006, use an earlier *.dwg or *.dxf format, there are backwards compatability issues amongst the different versions. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 192 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 209.7331716453694 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 When saving from SolidWorks as a *.dxf or *.dwg, ensure that in the [Preferences] dialog you select a version prior to 2004-2006 and that you 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 193 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 203.899838312036 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 scale output 1:1. Splines work better as polylines under AutoCAD. 100 AcDbText 0 LINE 5 194 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbLine 10 13.14800855692494 20 190.8665049787027 30 0.0 11 53.81467522359161 21 190.8665049787027 31 0.0 0 TEXT 5 195 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 191.5665049787027 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 DO's + DONT's 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 196 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 185.7331716453694 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 The next few points are reminders about Epilog laser usage. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 197 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 174.0665049787028 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 The laser cutter must be supervised while operating. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 198 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 162.3998383120361 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 The extractor must be switched on and the air compressor assist must be operating. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 199 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 150.7331716453695 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Do not cut unknown plastics. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 19A 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 139.0665049787029 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Do not cut PolyVinylChloride, PVC, vinyl as this releases chlorine gas which damages the optics and kills bystanders. Use the vinylcutter. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 19B 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 126.7331716453695 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Do not cut polycarbonate (Lexan, CD's) as this seems to release phosgene gas which has unpleasant effects on people. It also leaves a poor 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 19C 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.31467522359162 20 120.8998383120362 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 surface finish - use milling machine 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 19D 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 109.2331716453695 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 If the honeycomb support grille retaining flaps are left up, this will jam the system and possibly cause motor damage. You will be billed. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 19E 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 97.56650497870303 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Do not touch the optics. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 19F 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.14800855692494 20 85.2331716453698 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Do not press hard on the honeycomb grille, it will break/warp. 100 AcDbText 0 TEXT 5 1A0 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 13.48134189025827 20 67.7331716453698 30 0.0 40 3.5 1 Toby Borland, MAGICbox, tobyborland@smartlab.uk.com 100 AcDbText 0 ENDBLK 5 1A1 330 165 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 BLOCK 5 1A3 330 1A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockBegin 2 *U3 70 1 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 3 *U3 1 0 LINE 5 1A4 330 1A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbLine 10 5.32014422617777 20 2.800846517392709 30 0.0 11 80.36776327379682 21 2.800846517392709 31 0.0 0 TEXT 5 1A5 330 1A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbText 10 5.32014422617777 20 3.600846517392709 30 0.0 40 4.0 1 <-EPILOG LASER ORIGIN 100 AcDbText 0 ENDBLK 5 1A6 330 1A2 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbBlockEnd 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 ENTITIES 0 POLYLINE 5 1A7 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDb2dPolyline 66 1 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 70 1 0 VERTEX 5 430 330 1A7 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 VERTEX 5 431 330 1A7 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 0.0 20 603.0 30 0.0 0 VERTEX 5 432 330 1A7 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 450.0 20 603.0 30 0.0 0 VERTEX 5 433 330 1A7 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 450.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 VERTEX 5 434 330 1A7 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 SEQEND 5 435 330 1A7 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 0 POLYLINE 5 1AE 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDb2dPolyline 66 1 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 70 1 0 VERTEX 5 436 330 1AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 VERTEX 5 437 330 1AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 0.0 20 603.0 30 0.0 0 VERTEX 5 438 330 1AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 603.0 20 603.0 30 0.0 0 VERTEX 5 439 330 1AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 603.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 VERTEX 5 43A 330 1AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbVertex 100 AcDb2dVertex 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 SEQEND 5 43B 330 1AE 100 AcDbEntity 8 LASER_BED 6 CONTINUOUS 0 INSERT 5 1B5 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 TEXT 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 *U2 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 INSERT 5 1B6 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 TEXT 100 AcDbBlockReference 2 *U3 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 0 ARC 5 3CB 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 77.14967595325396 20 24.61092553821527 30 0.0 40 6.997272930877775 100 AcDbArc 50 300.9631146185844 51 239.0368853814155 0 CIRCLE 5 3CC 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 77.14967595325394 20 34.31200879487843 30 0.0 40 2.595451775090651 0 ARC 5 3CD 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 77.18042827987574 20 34.30186052517623 30 0.0 40 14.99999999999998 100 AcDbArc 50 0.0 51 180.0 0 LINE 5 3CE 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 62.18042827987574 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 62.18042827987574 21 34.30186052517621 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3CF 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 66.34967595325395 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 62.18042827987574 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D0 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 62.18042827987574 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 66.34967595325395 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D1 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 69.94967595325395 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 69.94967595325397 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D2 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 73.54967595325394 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 66.34967595325395 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D3 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 69.94967595325395 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 73.54967595325394 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D4 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 73.54967595325394 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 73.54967595325394 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D5 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 69.94967595325397 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 73.54967595325394 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D6 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 73.54967595325394 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 73.54967595325394 21 18.6107731677171 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D7 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 106.4377021126403 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 117.2377021126403 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D8 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 106.4377021126403 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 117.2377021126403 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3D9 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 92.18042827987574 20 34.30186052517621 30 0.0 11 92.18042827987574 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3DA 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 84.34967595325394 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 84.34967595325389 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3DB 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 87.94967595325392 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 80.74967595325393 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3DC 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 80.74967595325393 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 80.74967595325393 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3DD 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 80.74967595325393 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 84.34967595325394 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3DE 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 92.18042827987574 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 87.94967595325392 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3DF 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 84.34967595325389 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 80.74967595325393 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3E0 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 80.74967595325393 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 80.74967595325393 21 18.61077316771707 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3E1 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 92.83604400236937 20 16.71758012700436 30 0.0 11 106.4377021126403 21 16.71758012700436 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3E2 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 92.83604400236937 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 106.4377021126403 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3E3 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 92.83604400236937 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 92.83604400236937 21 16.71758012700436 31 0.0 0 CIRCLE 5 3E4 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 100.8406170744363 20 6.718156606404363 30 0.0 40 2.599999999999994 0 LINE 5 3E5 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 106.4377021126403 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 106.4377021126403 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3E6 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 106.4377021126403 20 16.71758012700436 30 0.0 11 106.4377021126403 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3E7 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 117.2377021126403 20 16.71758012700436 30 0.0 11 130.8360427804693 21 16.71758012700436 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3E8 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 117.2377021126403 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 130.8360427804693 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 CIRCLE 5 3E9 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 122.8347864024044 20 6.718156606404363 30 0.0 40 2.602666491822873 0 LINE 5 3EA 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 117.2377021126403 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 117.2377021126403 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3EB 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 117.2377021126403 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 117.2377021126403 21 16.71758012700436 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3EC 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 130.8360427804693 20 16.71758012700436 30 0.0 11 130.8360427804693 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3ED 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 32.18042827987574 20 34.30186052517621 30 0.0 11 32.18042827987574 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 ARC 5 3EF 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 47.21118060649752 20 24.61092553821527 30 0.0 40 6.997272930877775 100 AcDbArc 50 300.9631146185844 51 239.0368853814155 0 LINE 5 3F0 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 54.41118060649754 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 54.41118060649751 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3F1 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 50.81118060649754 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 58.01118060649753 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3F2 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 62.18042827987574 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 58.01118060649753 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3F3 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 58.01118060649753 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 62.18042827987574 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3F4 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 54.41118060649754 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 50.81118060649754 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3F5 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 50.81118060649754 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 50.81118060649754 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3F6 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 50.81118060649754 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 50.81118060649754 21 18.6107731677171 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3F7 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 54.41118060649751 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 50.81118060649754 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3F8 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 40.01118060649753 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 40.01118060649758 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3F9 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 32.18042827987574 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 36.41118060649756 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3FA 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 36.41118060649756 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 43.61118060649755 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3FB 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 43.61118060649755 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 40.01118060649753 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3FC 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 43.61118060649755 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 43.61118060649755 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3FD 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 43.61118060649755 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 43.61118060649755 21 18.61077316771707 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 3FE 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 40.01118060649758 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 43.61118060649755 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 ARC 5 3FF 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 47.18042827987574 20 34.30186052517623 30 0.0 40 14.99999999999998 100 AcDbArc 50 0.000000000000007 51 180.0 0 CIRCLE 5 400 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 47.21118060649755 20 34.31200879487843 30 0.0 40 2.595451775090651 0 ARC 5 401 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 17.14967595325396 20 24.61092553821527 30 0.0 40 6.997272930877775 100 AcDbArc 50 300.9631146185844 51 239.0368853814155 0 LINE 5 402 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 2.180428279875741 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 2.180428279875741 21 34.30186052517621 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 404 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 2.180428279875741 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 2.180428279875741 21 34.30186052517621 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 405 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 13.54967595325393 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 6.349675953253949 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 406 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 24.34967595325395 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 24.34967595325389 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 407 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 9.949675953253944 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 9.949675953253972 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 408 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 27.94967595325391 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 20.74967595325392 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 409 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 32.18042827987574 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 27.94967595325391 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 40A 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 20.74967595325392 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 20.74967595325392 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 40B 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 20.74967595325392 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 24.34967595325395 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 40C 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 13.54967595325393 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 13.54967595325393 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 40D 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 9.949675953253944 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 13.54967595325393 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 40E 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 20.74967595325392 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 20.74967595325392 21 18.61077316771707 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 40F 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 24.34967595325389 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 20.74967595325392 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 410 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 13.54967595325393 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 13.54967595325393 21 18.6107731677171 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 411 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 9.949675953253972 20 13.11758012700437 30 0.0 11 13.54967595325393 21 13.11758012700437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 412 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 6.349675953253949 20 0.7181567871043626 30 0.0 11 2.180428279875741 21 4.318156787104356 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 413 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 2.180428279875741 20 4.318156787104356 30 0.0 11 6.349675953253949 21 0.7181567871043626 31 0.0 0 ARC 5 414 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 17.18042827987574 20 34.30186052517623 30 0.0 40 14.99999999999998 100 AcDbArc 50 0.000000000000007 51 180.0 0 CIRCLE 5 415 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 17.14967595325393 20 34.31200879487843 30 0.0 40 2.595451775090651 0 LINE 5 416 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 106.4377021126403 20 20.31758012700436 30 0.0 11 117.2377021126403 21 20.31758012700436 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 417 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 106.4377021126403 20 29.11700346690437 30 0.0 11 117.2377021126403 21 29.11700346690437 31 0.0 0 CIRCLE 5 418 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 100.8406170744363 20 26.71700364760437 30 0.0 40 2.599999999999994 0 LINE 5 419 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 92.83604400236937 20 32.71700346690437 30 0.0 11 92.83604400236937 21 16.71758012700436 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 41A 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 92.83604400236937 20 32.71700346690437 30 0.0 11 106.4377021126403 21 32.71700346690437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 41B 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 106.4377021126403 20 32.71700346690437 30 0.0 11 106.4377021126403 21 29.11700346690437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 41C 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 92.83604400236937 20 16.71758012700436 30 0.0 11 106.4377021126403 21 16.71758012700436 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 41D 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 106.4377021126403 20 16.71758012700436 30 0.0 11 106.4377021126403 21 20.31758012700436 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 41E 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 130.8360427804693 20 16.71758012700436 30 0.0 11 130.8360427804693 21 32.71700346690437 31 0.0 0 CIRCLE 5 41F 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbCircle 10 122.8347864024044 20 26.71700364760437 30 0.0 40 2.602666491822873 0 LINE 5 420 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 117.2377021126403 20 32.71700346690437 30 0.0 11 130.8360427804693 21 32.71700346690437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 421 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 117.2377021126403 20 29.11700346690437 30 0.0 11 117.2377021126403 21 32.71700346690437 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 422 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 117.2377021126403 20 16.71758012700436 30 0.0 11 130.8360427804693 21 16.71758012700436 31 0.0 0 LINE 5 423 330 156 100 AcDbEntity 8 FINAL 6 CONTINUOUS 100 AcDbLine 10 117.2377021126403 20 20.31758012700436 30 0.0 11 117.2377021126403 21 16.71758012700436 31 0.0 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 OBJECTS 0 DICTIONARY 5 144 330 0 100 AcDbDictionary 3 ACAD_GROUP 350 145 3 ACAD_LAYOUT 350 151 3 ACAD_MLINESTYLE 350 14E 3 ACAD_PLOTSETTINGS 350 150 1001 ACAD 1000 TREAT_AS_HARD 1070 0 0 DICTIONARY 5 42E 330 156 100 AcDbDictionary 3 ACAD_LAYOUTSELFREF 350 42F 0 DICTIONARY 5 42C 330 152 100 AcDbDictionary 3 ACAD_LAYOUTSELFREF 350 42D 0 DICTIONARY 5 145 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 144 102 } 330 144 100 AcDbDictionary 1001 ACAD 1000 TREAT_AS_HARD 1070 0 0 DICTIONARY 5 151 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 144 102 } 330 144 100 AcDbDictionary 1001 ACAD 1000 TREAT_AS_HARD 1070 0 0 DICTIONARY 5 14E 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 144 102 } 330 144 100 AcDbDictionary 3 STANDARD 350 14F 1001 ACAD 1000 TREAT_AS_HARD 1070 0 0 DICTIONARY 5 150 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 144 102 } 330 144 100 AcDbDictionary 1001 ACAD 1000 TREAT_AS_HARD 1070 0 0 XRECORD 5 42F 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 42E 102 } 330 42E 100 AcDbXrecord 340 156 0 XRECORD 5 42D 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 42C 102 } 330 42C 100 AcDbXrecord 340 152 0 MLINESTYLE 5 14F 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 14E 102 } 330 14E 100 AcDbMlineStyle 2 STANDARD 70 0 3 62 256 51 90.0 52 90.0 71 2 49 0.5 62 256 6 BYLAYER 49 -0.5 62 256 6 BYLAYER 0 ENDSEC 0 EOF