#!/usr/bin/python import sys from brlcad import * VERSION=0.2 class base(Shape): def __init__(self, vertex=(0,0,0), height=(0, 1.5, 0), radius=0.5): '''TODO: little nubs for the threads to bite? TODO: a way to keep the pestle in''' x, y, z = vertex h = height hy = float(h[1]) radius = float(radius) shell = Shape( [ Cylinder((x, y + 2*hy/3, z), (h[0], hy/3, h[2]), radius), Cone(vertex, (h[0], 2 * hy/3, h[2]), 0.25 ,radius) ], basename='shell', suffix='', group=True) innards = Shape ( [ Cylinder((x, y + 2 * hy / 3, z), (h[0], hy/3 + 0.0001, h[2]), radius * .75), Cone((x, y + 2 * hy / 3, z), (h[0], hy/3 - 1, h[2]), radius * .75 - .025, 0.125), Cylinder(vertex, (h[0], hy/3, h[2]), 0.25) ], basename='innards', suffix='', group=True) Shape.__init__(self, [ shell, innards ], combination = shell - innards, basename='base') class pestle(Shape): def __init__(self, vertex = (2,0,0), height=(0, 1, 0), radius=0.5, **kwargs): radius = float(radius) h = height hy = float(height[1]) Shape.__init__(self, [ Cylinder(vertex, (h[0], hy, h[2]), radius * .75, basename='pestle'), Cylinder(vertex, (h[0], hy/2, h[2]), radius, basename='cap') ], group=True, **kwargs) class slater(Shape): def __init__(self, vertex=(0,0,0), height=(0,2,0), radius=0.5): x, y, z = vertex h = height hy = float(h[1]) Shape.__init__(self, [ base(vertex, (h[0], hy * 3 /4, h[2]), radius), pestle((x,y+3,z), (h[0], hy * - 1 / 2, h[2]), radius), ], basename='slater', suffix='', group=True) print warning, '\n\n', copyright, '\n', license, '\n' print Script( Title('slater'), Units('inch'), slater((-1,0,0), (0,2,0), 0.5) )