//povray/Wineglass.pov #include "povray/Wineglass.inc" #include "axes_macro.inc" background {color rgb <0.9, 0.9, 0.9>} light_source { <372.038, 139.484, 143.7588> color rgb 2 } light_source { <-372.038, -139.484, -143.7588> color rgb 2 } camera { perspective location <372.038, 139.484, 143.7588> look_at <21.602, 34.871, 21.602> } // the coordinate grid and axes Axes_Macro ( 100, // Axes_axesSize, The distance from the origin to one of the grid's edges. (float) 50, // Axes_majUnit, The size of each large-unit square. (float) 10, // Axes_minUnit, The number of small-unit squares that make up a large-unit square. (integer) 0.005, // Axes_thickRatio, The thickness of the grid lines (as a factor of axesSize). (float) on, // Axes_aBool, Turns the axes on/off. (boolian) on, // Axes_mBool, Turns the minor units on/off. (boolian) off, // Axes_xBool, Turns the plane perpendicular to the x-axis on/off. (boolian) on, // Axes_yBool, Turns the plane perpendicular to the y-axis on/off. (boolian) off // Axes_zBool, Turns the plane perpendicular to the z-axis on/off. (boolian) ) object { Axes_Object } object { m_"wineglass_no_central_hole"; rotate 90*y texture { pigment {color rgb <0.1, 0.6, 0.1> } finish { ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 specular 0.3 } } }