/****************************************************************************** * * Microchip Memory Disk Drive File System * ****************************************************************************** * FileName: FSDefs.h * Dependencies: GenericTypeDefs.h * Processor: PIC18/PIC24/dsPIC30/dsPIC33/PIC32 * Compiler: C18/C30/C32 * Company: Microchip Technology, Inc. * Version: 1.2.0 * * Software License Agreement * * The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated * (the “Company”) for its PICmicro® Microcontroller is intended and * supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and * exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller products. The * software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is * protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. * Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the * user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to * civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this * license. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN “AS IS” CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, * IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _FSDEF__H #define _FSDEF__H #include "GenericTypeDefs.h" // Summary: An enumeration used for various error codes. // Description: The CETYPE enumeration is used to indicate different error conditions during device operation. typedef enum _CETYPE { CE_GOOD = 0, // No error CE_ERASE_FAIL, // An erase failed CE_NOT_PRESENT, // No device was present CE_NOT_FORMATTED, // The disk is of an unsupported format CE_BAD_PARTITION, // The boot record is bad CE_UNSUPPORTED_FS, // The file system type is unsupported CE_INIT_ERROR, // An initialization error has occured CE_NOT_INIT, // An operation was performed on an uninitialized device CE_BAD_SECTOR_READ, // A bad read of a sector occured CE_WRITE_ERROR, // Could not write to a sector CE_INVALID_CLUSTER, // Invalid cluster value > maxcls CE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, // Could not find the file on the device CE_DIR_NOT_FOUND, // Could not find the directory CE_BAD_FILE, // File is corrupted CE_DONE, // No more files in this directory CE_COULD_NOT_GET_CLUSTER, // Could not load/allocate next cluster in file CE_FILENAME_2_LONG, // A specified file name is too long to use CE_FILENAME_EXISTS, // A specified filename already exists on the device CE_INVALID_FILENAME, // Invalid file name CE_DELETE_DIR, // The user tried to delete a directory with FSremove CE_DIR_FULL, // All root dir entry are taken CE_DISK_FULL, // All clusters in partition are taken CE_DIR_NOT_EMPTY, // This directory is not empty yet, remove files before deleting CE_NONSUPPORTED_SIZE, // The disk is too big to format as FAT16 CE_WRITE_PROTECTED, // Card is write protected CE_FILENOTOPENED, // File not opened for the write CE_SEEK_ERROR, // File location could not be changed successfully CE_BADCACHEREAD, // Bad cache read CE_CARDFAT32, // FAT 32 - card not supported CE_READONLY, // The file is read-only CE_WRITEONLY, // The file is write-only CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT, // Invalid argument CE_TOO_MANY_FILES_OPEN // Too many files are already open } CETYPE; // Summary: A macro indicating a dir entry was found // Description: The FOUND macro indicates that a directory entry was found in the specified position #define FOUND 0 // Summary: A macro indicating no dir entry was found // Description: The NOT_FOUND macro indicates that the specified directory entry to load was deleted #define NOT_FOUND 1 // Summary: A macro indicating that no more files were found // Description: The NO_MORE macro indicates that there are no more directory entries to search for #define NO_MORE 2 // Summary: A macro indicating the device is formatted with FAT12 // Description: The FAT12 macro is used to indicate that the file system on the device being accessed is a FAT12 file system. #define FAT12 1 // Summary: A macro indicating the device is formatted with FAT16 // Description: The FAT16 macro is used to indicate that the file system on the device being accessed is a FAT16 file system. #define FAT16 2 // Summary: A macro indicating the device is formatted with FAT32 // Description: The FAT32 macro is used to indicate that the file system on the device being accessed is a FAT32 file system. #define FAT32 3 // Summary: A read-only attribute macro // Description: A macro for the read-only attribute. A file with this attribute should not be written to. Note that this // attribute will not actually prevent a write to the file; that functionality is operating-system dependant. The // user should take care not to write to a read-only file. #define ATTR_READ_ONLY 0x01 // Summary: A hidden attribute macro // Description: A macro for the hidden attribute. A file with this attribute may be hidden from the user, depending on the // implementation of the operating system. #define ATTR_HIDDEN 0x02 // Summary: A system attribute macro // Description: A macro for the system attribute. A file with this attribute is used by the operating system, and should not be // modified. Note that this attribute will not actually prevent a write to the file. #define ATTR_SYSTEM 0x04 // Summary: A volume attribute macro // Description: A macro for the volume attribute. If the first directory entry in the root directory has the volume attribute set, // the device will use the name in that directory entry as the volume name. #define ATTR_VOLUME 0x08 // Summary: A macro for the attributes for a long-file name entry // Description: A macro for the long-name attributes. If a directory entry is used in a long-file name implementation, it will have // all four lower bits set. This indicates that any software that does not support long file names should ignore that // entry. #define ATTR_LONG_NAME 0x0f // Summary: A directory attribute macro // Description: A macro for the directory attribute. If a directory entry has this attribute set, the file it points to is a directory- // type file, and will contain directory entries that point to additional directories or files. #define ATTR_DIRECTORY 0x10 // Summary: An archive attribute macro // Description: A macro for the archive attribute. This attribute will indicate to some archiving programs that the file with this // attribute needs to be backed up. Most operating systems create files with the archive attribute set. #define ATTR_ARCHIVE 0x20 // Summary: A macro for all attributes // Description: A macro for all attributes. The search functions in this library require an argument that determines which attributes // a file is allowed to have in order to be found. If ATTR_MASK is specified as this argument, any file may be found, regardless // of its attributes. #define ATTR_MASK 0x3f // Summary: A macro to indicate an empty FAT entry // Description: The CLUSTER_EMPTY value is used to indicate that a FAT entry and it's corresponding cluster are available. #define CLUSTER_EMPTY 0x0000 // Summary: A macro to indicate the last cluster value for FAT12 // Description: The LAST_CLUSTER_FAT12 macro is used when reading the FAT to indicate that the next FAT12 entry for a file contains // the end-of-file value. #define LAST_CLUSTER_FAT12 0xff8 // Summary: A macro to indicate the last cluster value for FAT16 // Description: The LAST_CLUSTER_FAT16 macro is used when reading the FAT to indicate that the next FAT16 entry for a file contains // the end-of-file value. #define LAST_CLUSTER_FAT16 0xfff8 // Summary: A macro to indicate the last allocatable cluster for FAT12 // Description: The END_CLUSTER_FAT12 value is used as a comparison in FAT12 to determine that the firmware has reached the end of // the range of allowed allocatable clusters. #define END_CLUSTER_FAT12 0xFF7 // Summary: A macro to indicate the last allocatable cluster for FAT16 // Description: The END_CLUSTER_FAT16 value is used as a comparison in FAT16 to determine that the firmware has reached the end of // the range of allowed allocatable clusters. #define END_CLUSTER_FAT16 0xFFF7 // Summary: A macro to indicate the failure of the ReadFAT function // Description: The CLUSTER_FAIL_FAT16 macro is used by the ReadFAT function to indicate that an error occured reading a FAT12 or FAT16 // file allocation table. Note that since '0xFFF8' is used for the last cluster return value in the FAT16 implementation // the end-of-file value '0xFFFF' can be used to indicate an error condition. #define CLUSTER_FAIL_FAT16 0xFFFF #ifdef SUPPORT_FAT32 // Summary: A macro to indicate the last cluster value for FAT32 // Description: The LAST_CLUSTER_FAT32 macro is used when reading the FAT to indicate that the next FAT32 entry for a file contains // the end-of-file value. #define LAST_CLUSTER_FAT32 0x0FFFFFF8 // Summary: A macro to indicate the last allocatable cluster for FAT32 // Description: The END_CLUSTER_FAT32 value is used as a comparison in FAT32 to determine that the firmware has reached the end of // the range of allowed allocatable clusters. #define END_CLUSTER_FAT32 0x0FFFFFF7 // Summary: A macro to indicate the failure of the ReadFAT function // Description: The CLUSTER_FAIL_FAT32 macro is used by the ReadFAT function to indicate that an error occured reading a FAT32 // file allocation able. #define CLUSTER_FAIL_FAT32 0x0FFFFFFF #endif // Summary: A macro indicating the number of bytes in a directory entry. // Description: The NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_DIR_ENTRY macro represents the number of bytes in one directory entry. It is used to calculate // the number of sectors in the root directory based on information in the boot sector. #define NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_DIR_ENTRY 32 // Summary: A macro for a deleted dir entry marker. // Description: The DIR_DEL macro is used to mark a directory entry as deleted. When a file is deleted, this value will replace the // first character in the file name, and will indicate that the file the entry points to was deleted. #define DIR_DEL 0xE5 // Summary: A macro for the last dir entry marker. // Description: The DIR_EMPTY macro is used to indicate the last entry in a directory. Since entries in use cannot start with a 0 and // deleted entries start with the DIR_DEL character, a 0 will mark the end of the in-use or previously used group of // entries in a directory #define DIR_EMPTY 0 // Summary: A macro used to indicate the length of an 8.3 file name // Description: The DIR_NAMESIZE macro is used when validing the name portion of 8.3 filenames #define DIR_NAMESIZE 8 // Summary: A macro used to indicate the length of an 8.3 file extension // Description: The DIR_EXTENSION macro is used when validating the extension portion of 8.3 filenames #define DIR_EXTENSION 3 // Summary: A macro used to indicate the length of an 8.3 file name and extension // Description: The DIR_NAMECOMP macro is used when validating 8.3 filenames #define DIR_NAMECOMP (DIR_NAMESIZE+DIR_EXTENSION) // Summary: A macro to write a byte to RAM // Description: The RAMwrite macro is used to write a byte of data to a RAM array #define RAMwrite( a, f, d) *(a+f) = d // Summary: A macro to read a byte from RAM // Description: The RAMread macro is used to read a byte of data from a RAM array #define RAMread( a, f) *(a+f) // Summary: A macro to read a 16-bit word from RAM // Description: The RAMreadW macro is used to read two bytes of data from a RAM array #define RAMreadW( a, f) *(WORD *)(a+f) // Summary: A macro to read a 32-bit word from RAM // Description: The RAMreadD macro is used to read four bytes of data from a RAM array #define RAMreadD( a, f) *(DWORD *)(a+f) #ifndef EOF // Summary: Indicates error conditions or end-of-file conditions // Description: The EOF macro is used to indicate error conditions in some function calls. It is also used to indicate // that the end-of-file has been reached. #define EOF ((int)-1) #endif // Summary: A structure containing information about the device. // Description: The DISK structure contains information about the device being accessed. typedef struct { BYTE * buffer; // Address of the global data buffer used to read and write file information DWORD firsts; // Logical block address of the first sector of the FAT partition on the device DWORD fat; // Logical block address of the FAT DWORD root; // Logical block address of the root directory DWORD data; // Logical block address of the data section of the device. WORD maxroot; // The maximum number of entries in the root directory. DWORD maxcls; // The maximum number of clusters in the partition. WORD fatsize; // The number of sectors in the FAT BYTE fatcopy; // The number of copies of the FAT in the partition BYTE SecPerClus; // The number of sectors per cluster in the data region BYTE type; // The file system type of the partition (FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32) BYTE mount; // Device mount flag (TRUE if disk was mounted successfully, FALSE otherwise) #ifdef __PIC32MX__ } __attribute__ ((packed)) DISK; #else } DISK; #endif #ifdef __18CXX // Summary: A 24-bit data type // Description: The SWORD macro is used to defined a 24-bit data type. For 16+ bit architectures, this must be represented as // an array of three bytes. typedef unsigned short long SWORD; #else // Summary: A 24-bit data type // Description: The SWORD macro is used to defined a 24-bit data type. For 16+ bit architectures, this must be represented as // an array of three bytes. typedef struct { unsigned char array[3]; #ifdef __PIC32MX__ } __attribute__ ((packed)) SWORD; #else } SWORD; #endif #endif // Summary: A structure containing the bios parameter block for a FAT12 file system (in the boot sector) // Description: The _BPB_FAT12 structure provides a layout of the "bios parameter block" in the boot sector of a FAT12 partition. typedef struct { SWORD BootSec_JumpCmd; // Jump Command BYTE BootSec_OEMName[8]; // OEM name WORD BootSec_BPS; // Number of bytes per sector BYTE BootSec_SPC; // Number of sectors per cluster WORD BootSec_ResrvSec; // Number of reserved sectors at the beginning of the partition BYTE BootSec_FATCount; // Number of FATs on the partition WORD BootSec_RootDirEnts; // Number of root directory entries WORD BootSec_TotSec16; // Total number of sectors BYTE BootSec_MDesc; // Media descriptor WORD BootSec_SPF; // Number of sectors per FAT WORD BootSec_SPT; // Number of sectors per track WORD BootSec_HeadCnt; // Number of heads DWORD BootSec_HiddenSecCnt; // Number of hidden sectors DWORD BootSec_Reserved; // Reserved space BYTE BootSec_DriveNum; // Drive number BYTE BootSec_Reserved2; // Reserved space BYTE BootSec_BootSig; // Boot signature - equal to 0x29 BYTE BootSec_VolID[4]; // Volume ID BYTE BootSec_VolLabel[11]; // Volume Label BYTE BootSec_FSType[8]; // File system type in ASCII. Not used for determination #ifdef __PIC32MX__ } __attribute__ ((packed)) _BPB_FAT12; #else } _BPB_FAT12; #endif // Summary: A structure containing the bios parameter block for a FAT16 file system (in the boot sector) // Description: The _BPB_FAT16 structure provides a layout of the "bios parameter block" in the boot sector of a FAT16 partition. typedef struct { SWORD BootSec_JumpCmd; // Jump Command BYTE BootSec_OEMName[8]; // OEM name WORD BootSec_BPS; // Number of bytes per sector BYTE BootSec_SPC; // Number of sectors per cluster WORD BootSec_ResrvSec; // Number of reserved sectors at the beginning of the partition BYTE BootSec_FATCount; // Number of FATs on the partition WORD BootSec_RootDirEnts; // Number of root directory entries WORD BootSec_TotSec16; // Total number of sectors BYTE BootSec_MDesc; // Media descriptor WORD BootSec_SPF; // Number of sectors per FAT WORD BootSec_SPT; // Number of sectors per track WORD BootSec_HeadCnt; // Number of heads DWORD BootSec_HiddenSecCnt; // Number of hidden sectors DWORD BootSec_TotSec32; // Total sector count (32 bits) BYTE BootSec_DriveNum; // Drive number BYTE BootSec_Reserved; // Reserved space BYTE BootSec_BootSig; // Boot signature - equal to 0x29 BYTE BootSec_VolID[4]; // Volume ID BYTE BootSec_VolLabel[11]; // Volume Label BYTE BootSec_FSType[8]; // File system type in ASCII. Not used for determination #ifdef __PIC32MX__ } __attribute__ ((packed)) _BPB_FAT16; #else } _BPB_FAT16; #endif // Summary: A structure containing the bios parameter block for a FAT32 file system (in the boot sector) // Description: The _BPB_FAT32 structure provides a layout of the "bios parameter block" in the boot sector of a FAT32 partition. typedef struct { SWORD BootSec_jmpBoot; // Jump Command BYTE BootSec_OEMName[8]; // OEM name WORD BootSec_BytsPerSec; // Number of bytes per sector BYTE BootSec_SecPerClus; // Number of sectors per cluster WORD BootSec_RsvdSecCnt; // Number of reserved sectors at the beginning of the partition BYTE BootSec_NumFATs; // Number of FATs on the partition WORD BootSec_RootEntCnt; // Number of root directory entries WORD BootSec_TotSec16; // Total number of sectors BYTE BootSec_Media; // Media descriptor WORD BootSec_FATSz16; // Number of sectors per FAT WORD BootSec_SecPerTrk; // Number of sectors per track WORD BootSec_NumHeads; // Number of heads DWORD BootSec_HiddSec; // Number of hidden sectors DWORD BootSec_TotSec32; // Total sector count (32 bits) DWORD BootSec_FATSz32; // Sectors per FAT (32 bits) WORD BootSec_ExtFlags; // Presently active FAT. Defined by bits 0-3 if bit 7 is 1. WORD BootSec_FSVers; // FAT32 filesystem version. Should be 0:0 DWORD BootSec_RootClus; // Start cluster of the root directory (should be 2) WORD BootSec_FSInfo; // File system information WORD BootSec_BkBootSec; // Backup boot sector address. BYTE BootSec_Reserved[12]; // Reserved space BYTE BootSec_DrvNum; // Drive number BYTE BootSec_Reserved1; // Reserved space BYTE BootSec_BootSig; // Boot signature - 0x29 BYTE BootSec_VolID[4]; // Volume ID BYTE BootSec_VolLab[11]; // Volume Label BYTE BootSec_FilSysType[8]; // File system type in ASCII. Not used for determination #ifdef __PIC32MX__ } __attribute__ ((packed)) _BPB_FAT32; #else } _BPB_FAT32; #endif // Description: A macro for the boot sector bytes per sector value offset #define BSI_BPS 11 // Description: A macro for the boot sector sector per cluster value offset #define BSI_SPC 13 // Description: A macro for the boot sector reserved sector count value offset #define BSI_RESRVSEC 14 // Description: A macro for the boot sector FAT count value offset #define BSI_FATCOUNT 16 // Description: A macro for the boot sector root directory entry count value offset #define BSI_ROOTDIRENTS 17 // Description: A macro for the boot sector 16-bit total sector count value offset #define BSI_TOTSEC16 19 // Description: A macro for the boot sector sectors per FAT value offset #define BSI_SPF 22 // Description: A macro for the boot sector 32-bit total sector count value offset #define BSI_TOTSEC32 32 // Description: A macro for the boot sector boot signature offset #define BSI_BOOTSIG 38 // Description: A macro for the boot sector file system type string offset #define BSI_FSTYPE 54 // Description: A macro for the boot sector 32-bit sector per FAT value offset #define BSI_FATSZ32 36 // Description: A macro for the boot sector start cluster of root directory value offset #define BSI_ROOTCLUS 44 // Description: A macro for the FAT32 boot sector boot signature offset #define BSI_FAT32_BOOTSIG 66 // Description: A macro for the FAT32 boot sector file system type string offset #define BSI_FAT32_FSTYPE 82 // Summary: A partition table entry structure. // Description: The PTE_MBR structure contains values found in a partition table entry in the MBR of a device. typedef struct { BYTE PTE_BootDes; // The boot descriptor (should be 0x00 in a non-bootable device) SWORD PTE_FrstPartSect; // The cylinder-head-sector address of the first sector of the partition BYTE PTE_FSDesc; // The file system descriptor SWORD PTE_LstPartSect; // The cylinder-head-sector address of the last sector of the partition DWORD PTE_FrstSect; // The logical block address of the first sector of the partition DWORD PTE_NumSect; // The number of sectors in a partition #ifdef __PIC32MX__ } __attribute__ ((packed)) PTE_MBR; #else } PTE_MBR; #endif // Summary: A structure of the organization of a master boot record. // Description: The _PT_MBR structure has the same form as a master boot record. When the MBR is loaded from the device, it will // be cast as a _PT_MBR structure so the MBR elements can be accessed. typedef struct { BYTE ConsChkRtn[446]; // Boot code PTE_MBR Partition0; // The first partition table entry PTE_MBR Partition1; // The second partition table entry PTE_MBR Partition2; // The third partition table entry PTE_MBR Partition3; // The fourth partition table entry BYTE Signature0; // MBR signature code - equal to 0x55 BYTE Signature1; // MBR signature code - equal to 0xAA #ifdef __18CXX }_PT_MBR; #else }__attribute__((packed)) _PT_MBR; #endif // Summary: A pointer to a _PT_MBR structure // Description: The PT_MBR pointer points to a _PT_MBR structure. typedef _PT_MBR * PT_MBR; // Summary: A structure of the organization of a boot sector. // Description: The _BootSec structure has the same form as a boot sector. When the boot sector is loaded from the device, it will // be cast as a _BootSec structure so the boot sector elements can be accessed. typedef struct { // A union of different bios parameter blocks union { _BPB_FAT32 FAT_32; _BPB_FAT16 FAT_16; _BPB_FAT12 FAT_12; }FAT; BYTE Reserved[MEDIA_SECTOR_SIZE-sizeof(_BPB_FAT32)-2]; // Reserved space BYTE Signature0; // Boot sector signature code - equal to 0x55 BYTE Signature1; // Boot sector signature code - equal to 0xAA #ifdef __PIC32MX__ } __attribute__ ((packed)) _BootSec; #else } _BootSec; #endif // Summary: A pointer to a _BootSec structure // Description: The BootSec pointer points to a _BootSec structure. typedef _BootSec * BootSec; // Summary: A macro indicating the offset for the master boot record // Description: FO_MBR is a macro that indicates the addresss of the master boot record on the device. When the device is initialized // this sector will be read #define FO_MBR 0L // Summary: A macro for the first boot sector/MBR signature byte // Description: The FAT_GOOD_SIGN_0 macro is used to determine that the first byte of the MBR or boot sector signature code is correct #define FAT_GOOD_SIGN_0 0x55 // Summary: A macro for the second boot sector/MBR signature byte // Description: The FAT_GOOD_SIGN_1 macro is used to determine that the second byte of the MBR or boot sector signature code is correct #define FAT_GOOD_SIGN_1 0xAA #endif