This is a .PDE files for Arduino/sanguino for controlling an HD74800-compatible LCD in I2c mode using the Reprap LCD controler board. Tested on Arduino 0011 Alpha. Installation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install this file, just place this entire folder and point to it with the arduino envoriment file list readme.txt //that is this readme file explaining how to use the I2c lcd files i2clcd.h //this is the hex file that contains the settings for the I2c files i2c_lcd.pde // this is the file that contains the commands that are available to control the LCD lcd_test.pde // this is a simple test program to test the function of your LCD and board it uses the serial port and will show what is typed into the keyboard onto the LCD screen it uses 19200 baud Commands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is a list of available commands that you can use and a little bit of how to use them LCDprint this is the command to print it would be used as follows LCDprint("start"[5]); with the 5 being the number of charitors LCDprintIn this command will print but you will not have to call out the amount of Charitors LCDclear this command will clear the LCD display LCDinit this command will initilize the display portexpanderinit this command will initilize the I2c LCD board LCDcommandWrite this command is used to send a command to the LCD LCDhome this command will sed the cursor to the home postion LCDleftscroll this command will scroll the display to the left LCDcursorTo this command will position the cursor to the position that is called out LCDcheckbutton this command is used to scan for a button press it is displayed with a command buttonPress Using -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to use these files you will need to first initilize the board and then the display use in your "void setup()" command Wire.begin(); //this is to start the initilize the lcd screen portexpanderinit(); //this will initilize the board delay(200); LCDinit(); // this will initilize the lcd screen delay(500); LCDclear(); // this is a clear lcd command not needed just done to clear the display LCDprint("start"[5]); // this is a simple test it prints start This is also not needed then when you want to print you just add in your code LCDprintIn("this what you would want to print"); more instructions to follow