gplink-0.13.4 alpha Copyright (c) 1998-2005 gputils project Listing File Generated: 6-13-2008 14:34:03 Address Value Disassembly Source ------- ----- ----------- ------ ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; File Created by SDCC : free open source ANSI-C Compiler ; Version 2.7.4 #4943 (Oct 27 2007) (UNIX) ; This file was generated Fri Jun 13 14:34:03 2008 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; PIC port for the 14-bit core ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; .module extruder1 list p=16f648a radix dec include "" LIST ; P16F648A.INC Standard Header File, Version 1.00 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; config word ;-------------------------------------------------------- __config 0x3f10 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; external declarations ;-------------------------------------------------------- extern _init2 extern _processCommand extern _motorTick extern _timerTick extern _checkTemperature extern _flashLED extern _LEDon extern _setFlash extern _uartTransmit extern _sendReply extern _sendMessage extern _sendDataByte extern _endMessage extern _sendMessageISR extern _sendDataByteISR extern _endMessageISR extern _releaseLock extern _serialInterruptHandler extern _packetReady extern _uartNotifyReceive extern _serial_init extern _delay_10us extern _clearwdt extern _CCP1CON_bits extern _CMCON_bits extern _EECON1_bits extern _INTCON_bits extern _OPTION_REG_bits extern _PCON_bits extern _PIE1_bits extern _PIR1_bits extern _PORTA_bits extern _PORTB_bits extern _RCSTA_bits extern _STATUS_bits extern _T1CON_bits extern _T2CON_bits extern _TRISA_bits extern _TRISB_bits extern _TXSTA_bits extern _VRCON_bits extern _PWMPeriod extern _buffer extern _serialStatus extern _INDF extern _TMR0 extern _PCL extern _STATUS extern _FSR extern _PORTA extern _PORTB extern _PCLATH extern _INTCON extern _PIR1 extern _TMR1L extern _TMR1H extern _T1CON extern _TMR2 extern _T2CON extern _CCPR1L extern _CCPR1H extern _CCP1CON extern _RCSTA extern _TXREG extern _RCREG extern _CMCON extern _OPTION_REG extern _TRISA extern _TRISB extern _PIE1 extern _PCON extern _PR2 extern _TXSTA extern _SPBRG extern _EEDATA extern _EEADR extern _EECON1 extern _EECON2 extern _VRCON extern ___sdcc_saved_fsr extern __sdcc_gsinit_startup ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; global declarations ;-------------------------------------------------------- global _init1 global _main global _deviceAddress global _interruptTemp global PSAVE global SSAVE global WSAVE global STK12 global STK11 global STK10 global STK09 global STK08 global STK07 global STK06 global STK05 global STK04 global STK03 global STK02 global STK01 global STK00 sharebank udata_ovr 0x0070 PSAVE res 1 SSAVE res 1 WSAVE res 1 STK12 res 1 STK11 res 1 STK10 res 1 STK09 res 1 STK08 res 1 STK07 res 1 STK06 res 1 STK05 res 1 STK04 res 1 STK03 res 1 STK02 res 1 STK01 res 1 STK00 res 1 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; global definitions ;-------------------------------------------------------- UD_extruder1_0 udata _interruptTemp res 1 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; absolute symbol definitions ;-------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; compiler-defined variables ;-------------------------------------------------------- UDL_extruder1_0 udata r0x1003 res 1 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; initialized data ;-------------------------------------------------------- ID_extruder1_0 idata _deviceAddress db 0x08 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; overlayable items in internal ram ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; udata_ovr ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; reset vector ;-------------------------------------------------------- STARTUP code 000000 0000 nop nop 000001 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 pagesel __sdcc_gsinit_startup 000002 2d5a goto 0x55a goto __sdcc_gsinit_startup ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; interrupt and initialization code ;-------------------------------------------------------- c_interrupt code 0x4 __sdcc_interrupt ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = I ;*** ;entry: _isr ;Function start ; 0 exit points ;functions called: ; _serialInterruptHandler ; _motorTick ; _timerTick ; _serialInterruptHandler ; _motorTick ; _timerTick ;; Starting pCode block _isr ;Function start ; 0 exit points ; .line 50; "extruder1.c" static void isr() interrupt 0 { 000004 00f2 movwf 0x72 MOVWF WSAVE 000005 0e03 swapf 0x3, w SWAPF STATUS,W 000006 0183 clrf 0x3 CLRF STATUS 000007 00f1 movwf 0x71 MOVWF SSAVE 000008 080a movf 0xa, w MOVF PCLATH,W 000009 018a clrf 0xa CLRF PCLATH 00000a 00f0 movwf 0x70 MOVWF PSAVE 00000b 0804 movf 0x4, w MOVF FSR,W 00000c 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL ___sdcc_saved_fsr 00000d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00000e 00dd movwf 0x5d MOVWF ___sdcc_saved_fsr ; .line 51; "extruder1.c" interruptTemp = 1; //set flag, to check if the measurement is finishing during our isr 00000f 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 000010 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _interruptTemp 000011 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000012 00e7 movwf 0x67 MOVWF _interruptTemp ; .line 53; "extruder1.c" serialInterruptHandler(); 000013 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _serialInterruptHandler 000014 2000 call 0 CALL _serialInterruptHandler 000015 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 55; "extruder1.c" if (RBIF) 000016 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 000017 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000018 1c0b btfss 0xb, 0 BTFSS _INTCON_bits,0 000019 281d goto 0x1d GOTO _00106_DS_ ; .line 56; "extruder1.c" motorTick(); //should not occur in UNIVERSAL_PCB 00001a 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _motorTick 00001b 2347 call 0x347 CALL _motorTick 00001c 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ _00106_DS_ ; .line 58; "extruder1.c" if (TMR1IF) { 00001d 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PIR1_bits 00001e 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00001f 1c0c btfss 0xc, 0 BTFSS _PIR1_bits,0 000020 2827 goto 0x27 GOTO _00108_DS_ ; .line 59; "extruder1.c" timerTick(); 000021 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _timerTick 000022 23cf call 0x3cf CALL _timerTick 000023 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 60; "extruder1.c" TMR1IF = 0; 000024 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PIR1_bits 000025 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000026 100c bcf 0xc, 0 BCF _PIR1_bits,0 _00108_DS_ ; .line 62; "extruder1.c" if (C2OUT) { 000027 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _CMCON_bits 000028 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000029 1f9f btfss 0x1f, 0x7 BTFSS _CMCON_bits,7 00002a 282e goto 0x2e GOTO _00111_DS_ ; .line 63; "extruder1.c" interruptTemp = 0; //measurement is not finished 00002b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _interruptTemp 00002c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00002d 01e7 clrf 0x67 CLRF _interruptTemp _00111_DS_ 00002e 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL ___sdcc_saved_fsr 00002f 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000030 085d movf 0x5d, w MOVF ___sdcc_saved_fsr,W 000031 0084 movwf 0x4 MOVWF FSR 000032 0870 movf 0x70, w MOVF PSAVE,W 000033 008a movwf 0xa MOVWF PCLATH 000034 0183 clrf 0x3 CLRF STATUS 000035 0e71 swapf 0x71, w SWAPF SSAVE,W 000036 0083 movwf 0x3 MOVWF STATUS 000037 0ef2 swapf 0x72, f SWAPF WSAVE,F 000038 0e72 swapf 0x72, w SWAPF WSAVE,W END_OF_INTERRUPT 000039 0009 retfie RETFIE ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; code ;-------------------------------------------------------- code_extruder1 code ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = M ;*** ;entry: _main ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;functions called: ; _init2 ; _init1 ; _serial_init ; _uartTransmit ; _uartTransmit ; _packetReady ; _processCommand ; _releaseLock ; _checkTemperature ; _delay_10us ; _init2 ; _init1 ; _serial_init ; _uartTransmit ; _uartTransmit ; _packetReady ; _processCommand ; _releaseLock ; _checkTemperature ; _delay_10us ;1 compiler assigned register : ; r0x1003 ;; Starting pCode block _main ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 140; "extruder1.c" init2(); // Order is important here, otherwise interrupts will occur 0005ee 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _init2 0005ef 248c call 0x48c CALL _init2 0005f0 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 143; "extruder1.c" init1(); 0005f1 261a call 0x61a CALL _init1 ; .line 144; "extruder1.c" serial_init(); 0005f2 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _serial_init 0005f3 23e6 call 0x3e6 CALL _serial_init 0005f4 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 147; "extruder1.c" GIE=0; 0005f5 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 0005f6 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0005f7 138b bcf 0xb, 0x7 BCF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 148; "extruder1.c" uartTransmit(0); 0005f8 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0005f9 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _uartTransmit 0005fa 2164 call 0x164 CALL _uartTransmit 0005fb 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 149; "extruder1.c" uartTransmit(0); 0005fc 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0005fd 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _uartTransmit 0005fe 2164 call 0x164 CALL _uartTransmit 0005ff 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 150; "extruder1.c" GIE=1; 000600 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 000601 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000602 178b bsf 0xb, 0x7 BSF _INTCON_bits,7 _00123_DS_ ; .line 153; "extruder1.c" if (packetReady()) { 000603 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _packetReady 000604 20b1 call 0xb1 CALL _packetReady 000605 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ 000606 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1003 000607 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000608 00e8 movwf 0x68 MOVWF r0x1003 000609 0868 movf 0x68, w MOVF r0x1003,W 00060a 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00060b 2e12 goto 0x612 GOTO _00121_DS_ ; .line 154; "extruder1.c" processCommand(); 00060c 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _processCommand 00060d 203e call 0x3e CALL _processCommand 00060e 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 155; "extruder1.c" releaseLock(); 00060f 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _releaseLock 000610 2123 call 0x123 CALL _releaseLock 000611 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ _00121_DS_ ; .line 158; "extruder1.c" checkTemperature(); 000612 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _checkTemperature 000613 22a3 call 0x2a3 CALL _checkTemperature 000614 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 160; "extruder1.c" delay_10us(); 000615 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _delay_10us 000616 26b8 call 0x6b8 CALL _delay_10us 000617 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ 000618 2e03 goto 0x603 GOTO _00123_DS_ 000619 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _main ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _init1 ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;; Starting pCode block _init1 ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 69; "extruder1.c" INTCON = BIN(00000000); // Interrupts disabled 00061a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON 00061b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00061c 018b clrf 0xb CLRF _INTCON ; .line 70; "extruder1.c" PIR1 = 0; // Clear peripheral interrupt flags 00061d 018c clrf 0xc CLRF _PIR1 ; .line 71; "extruder1.c" PIE1 = BIN(00000000); // All peripheral interrupts initially disabled 00061e 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PIE1 00061f 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000620 018c clrf 0xc CLRF _PIE1 ; .line 73; "extruder1.c" OPTION_REG = BIN(01010111); // Disable TMR0 on RA4, 1:256 Prescaler for TMR0, pullups on 000621 3057 movlw 0x57 MOVLW 0x57 000622 0081 movwf 0x1 MOVWF _OPTION_REG ; .line 76; "extruder1.c" SPBRG = 12; // 12 = ~19200 baud @ 4MHz 000623 300c movlw 0xc MOVLW 0x0c 000624 0099 movwf 0x19 MOVWF _SPBRG ; .line 78; "extruder1.c" TXSTA = BIN(00000100); // 8 bit high speed 000625 3004 movlw 0x4 MOVLW 0x04 000626 0098 movwf 0x18 MOVWF _TXSTA ; .line 79; "extruder1.c" RCSTA = BIN(10000000); // Enable port for 8 bit receive 000627 3080 movlw 0x80 MOVLW 0x80 000628 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _RCSTA 000629 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00062a 0098 movwf 0x18 MOVWF _RCSTA ; .line 80; "extruder1.c" CREN = 1; // Start reception 00062b 1618 bsf 0x18, 0x4 BSF _RCSTA_bits,4 ; .line 81; "extruder1.c" TXEN = 1; // Enable transmit 00062c 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _TXSTA_bits 00062d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00062e 1698 bsf 0x18, 0x5 BSF _TXSTA_bits,5 ; .line 82; "extruder1.c" RCIE = 1; // Enable receive interrupts 00062f 168c bsf 0xc, 0x5 BSF _PIE1_bits,5 ; .line 92; "extruder1.c" RBIE = 1; // Enable RB port change interrupt 000630 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 000631 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000632 158b bsf 0xb, 0x3 BSF _INTCON_bits,3 ; .line 94; "extruder1.c" PEIE = 1; // Peripheral interrupts on 000633 170b bsf 0xb, 0x6 BSF _INTCON_bits,6 ; .line 96; "extruder1.c" TRISA = BIN(11000010) | PORTATRIS; // Turn off A/D lines, 000634 30e2 movlw 0xe2 MOVLW 0xe2 000635 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _TRISA 000636 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000637 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _TRISA ; .line 99; "extruder1.c" TRISB = BIN(10000111); 000638 3087 movlw 0x87 MOVLW 0x87 000639 0086 movwf 0x6 MOVWF _TRISB ; .line 100; "extruder1.c" PORTA = 0; 00063a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA 00063b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00063c 0185 clrf 0x5 CLRF _PORTA ; .line 101; "extruder1.c" PORTB = BIN(10000001); // Fan off; pullup on RB7 00063d 3081 movlw 0x81 MOVLW 0x81 00063e 0086 movwf 0x6 MOVWF _PORTB ; .line 113; "extruder1.c" CMCON = BIN(00000010); // Comparator: compare RA0 to int. ref. 00063f 3002 movlw 0x2 MOVLW 0x02 000640 009f movwf 0x1f MOVWF _CMCON ; .line 115; "extruder1.c" TMR1IE = 0; 000641 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PIE1_bits 000642 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000643 100c bcf 0xc, 0 BCF _PIE1_bits,0 ; .line 116; "extruder1.c" T1CON = BIN(00000000); // Timer 1 in clock mode with 1:1 scale 000644 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _T1CON 000645 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000646 0190 clrf 0x10 CLRF _T1CON ; .line 117; "extruder1.c" TMR1IE = 1; // Enable timer interrupt 000647 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PIE1_bits 000648 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000649 140c bsf 0xc, 0 BSF _PIE1_bits,0 ; .line 118; "extruder1.c" TMR1ON = 1; 00064a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _T1CON_bits 00064b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00064c 1410 bsf 0x10, 0 BSF _T1CON_bits,0 ; .line 120; "extruder1.c" PR2 = PWMPeriod; // Initial PWM period 00064d 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PWMPeriod 00064e 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00064f 086a movf 0x6a, w MOVF _PWMPeriod,W 000650 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PR2 000651 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000652 0092 movwf 0x12 MOVWF _PR2 ; .line 121; "extruder1.c" CCP1CON = BIN(00001100); // Enable PWM mode 000653 300c movlw 0xc MOVLW 0x0c 000654 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _CCP1CON 000655 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000656 0097 movwf 0x17 MOVWF _CCP1CON ; .line 122; "extruder1.c" CCPR1L = 0; // Start turned off 000657 0195 clrf 0x15 CLRF _CCPR1L ; .line 124; "extruder1.c" T2CON = BIN(00000100); // Enable timer 2 and set prescale to 1 000658 3004 movlw 0x4 MOVLW 0x04 000659 0092 movwf 0x12 MOVWF _T2CON ; .line 125; "extruder1.c" GIE = 1; // Now turn on interrupts 00065a 178b bsf 0xb, 0x7 BSF _INTCON_bits,7 00065b 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _init1 ; code size estimation: ; 90+ 49 = 139 instructions ( 376 byte) end ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; File Created by SDCC : free open source ANSI-C Compiler ; Version 2.7.4 #4943 (Oct 27 2007) (UNIX) ; This file was generated Fri Jun 13 14:34:03 2008 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; PIC port for the 14-bit core ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; .module extruder2 list p=16f648a radix dec include "" LIST ; P16F648A.INC Standard Header File, Version 1.00 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; external declarations ;-------------------------------------------------------- extern _flashLED extern _LEDon extern _setFlash extern _uartTransmit extern _sendReply extern _sendMessage extern _sendDataByte extern _endMessage extern _sendMessageISR extern _sendDataByteISR extern _endMessageISR extern _releaseLock extern _serialInterruptHandler extern _packetReady extern _uartNotifyReceive extern _serial_init extern _delay_10us extern _clearwdt extern _CCP1CON_bits extern _CMCON_bits extern _EECON1_bits extern _INTCON_bits extern _OPTION_REG_bits extern _PCON_bits extern _PIE1_bits extern _PIR1_bits extern _PORTA_bits extern _PORTB_bits extern _RCSTA_bits extern _STATUS_bits extern _T1CON_bits extern _T2CON_bits extern _TRISA_bits extern _TRISB_bits extern _TXSTA_bits extern _VRCON_bits extern _interruptTemp extern _buffer extern _serialStatus extern _INDF extern _TMR0 extern _PCL extern _STATUS extern _FSR extern _PORTA extern _PORTB extern _PCLATH extern _INTCON extern _PIR1 extern _TMR1L extern _TMR1H extern _T1CON extern _TMR2 extern _T2CON extern _CCPR1L extern _CCPR1H extern _CCP1CON extern _RCSTA extern _TXREG extern _RCREG extern _CMCON extern _OPTION_REG extern _TRISA extern _TRISB extern _PIE1 extern _PCON extern _PR2 extern _TXSTA extern _SPBRG extern _EEDATA extern _EEADR extern _EECON1 extern _EECON2 extern _VRCON extern PSAVE extern SSAVE extern WSAVE extern STK12 extern STK11 extern STK10 extern STK09 extern STK08 extern STK07 extern STK06 extern STK05 extern STK04 extern STK03 extern STK02 extern STK01 extern STK00 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; global declarations ;-------------------------------------------------------- global _processCommand global _checkTemperature global _motorTick global _timerTick global _pwmSet global _init2 global _extruder_stop global _extruder_forward global _extruder_reverse global _heater_off global _heater_on global _change_log global _set_cooler global _solenoid_delay global _solenoid global _setSpeed global _dummy global _PWMPeriod ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; global definitions ;-------------------------------------------------------- UD_extruder2_0 udata _PWMPeriod res 1 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; absolute symbol definitions ;-------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; compiler-defined variables ;-------------------------------------------------------- UDL_extruder2_0 udata r0x1026 res 1 r0x1027 res 1 r0x101E res 1 r0x101F res 1 r0x1022 res 1 r0x1023 res 1 r0x1024 res 1 r0x1025 res 1 r0x1020 res 1 r0x1021 res 1 r0x1019 res 1 r0x101A res 1 r0x101B res 1 r0x101C res 1 r0x101D res 1 _portaval res 1 _extrude_click res 1 _material_click res 1 _lastPortA res 1 _seekNotify res 1 _currentDirection res 1 _seekSpeed res 1 _lastPortB res 1 _requestedHeat0 res 1 _requestedHeat1 res 1 _temperatureLimit0 res 1 _temperatureLimit1 res 1 _heatCounter res 1 _lastTemperature res 1 _temperatureVRef res 1 _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter res 1 _currentPosition res 2 _seekPosition res 2 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; initialized data ;-------------------------------------------------------- ID_extruder2_0 idata _pulseCounter1 db 0x64 ID_extruder2_1 idata _pulseCounter2 db 0x14 ID_extruder2_2 idata _solenoid_on db 0x00 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; overlayable items in internal ram ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; udata_ovr ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; code ;-------------------------------------------------------- code_extruder2 code ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _dummy ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;; Starting pCode block _dummy ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 764; "extruder2.c" INTCON = 0; 00003a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON 00003b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00003c 018b clrf 0xb CLRF _INTCON 00003d 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _dummy ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _processCommand ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;functions called: ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _setSpeed ; _setSpeed ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _setSpeed ; _setSpeed ; _extruder_stop ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _set_cooler ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _solenoid ; _solenoid ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _setSpeed ; _setSpeed ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _setSpeed ; _setSpeed ; _extruder_stop ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _set_cooler ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _sendReply ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _sendDataByte ; _endMessage ; _solenoid ; _solenoid ;5 compiler assigned registers: ; r0x1019 ; r0x101A ; r0x101B ; r0x101C ; r0x101D ;; Starting pCode block _processCommand ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 574; "extruder2.c" switch(buffer[0]) { 00003e 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 00003f 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000040 0820 movf 0x20, w MOVF (_buffer + 0),W 000041 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 000042 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000043 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 000044 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000045 289b goto 0x9b GOTO _00273_DS_ 000046 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000047 3a01 xorlw 0x1 XORLW 0x01 000048 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000049 28fe goto 0xfe GOTO _00285_DS_ 00004a 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00004b 3a02 xorlw 0x2 XORLW 0x02 00004c 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00004d 2907 goto 0x107 GOTO _00286_DS_ 00004e 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00004f 3a03 xorlw 0x3 XORLW 0x03 000050 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000051 2910 goto 0x110 GOTO _00287_DS_ 000052 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000053 3a04 xorlw 0x4 XORLW 0x04 000054 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000055 2923 goto 0x123 GOTO _00288_DS_ 000056 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000057 3a05 xorlw 0x5 XORLW 0x05 000058 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000059 2940 goto 0x140 GOTO _00289_DS_ 00005a 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00005b 3a06 xorlw 0x6 XORLW 0x06 00005c 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00005d 299e goto 0x19e GOTO _00295_DS_ 00005e 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00005f 3a07 xorlw 0x7 XORLW 0x07 000060 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000061 29a0 goto 0x1a0 GOTO _00296_DS_ 000062 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000063 3a08 xorlw 0x8 XORLW 0x08 000064 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000065 29a7 goto 0x1a7 GOTO _00297_DS_ 000066 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000067 3a09 xorlw 0x9 XORLW 0x09 000068 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000069 29c6 goto 0x1c6 GOTO _00298_DS_ 00006a 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00006b 3a0a xorlw 0xa XORLW 0x0a 00006c 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00006d 29e5 goto 0x1e5 GOTO _00299_DS_ 00006e 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00006f 3a0b xorlw 0xb XORLW 0x0b 000070 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000071 29fa goto 0x1fa GOTO _00300_DS_ 000072 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000073 3a0c xorlw 0xc XORLW 0x0c 000074 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000075 2a9b goto 0x29b GOTO _00307_DS_ 000076 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000077 3a0d xorlw 0xd XORLW 0x0d 000078 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000079 2a9e goto 0x29e GOTO _00308_DS_ 00007a 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00007b 3a32 xorlw 0x32 XORLW 0x32 00007c 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00007d 2a02 goto 0x202 GOTO _00301_DS_ 00007e 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00007f 3a33 xorlw 0x33 XORLW 0x33 000080 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000081 2a0d goto 0x20d GOTO _00302_DS_ 000082 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000083 3a34 xorlw 0x34 XORLW 0x34 000084 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000085 2a1b goto 0x21b GOTO _00303_DS_ 000086 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000087 3a35 xorlw 0x35 XORLW 0x35 000088 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000089 2a28 goto 0x228 GOTO _00304_DS_ 00008a 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00008b 3a36 xorlw 0x36 XORLW 0x36 00008c 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00008d 2a43 goto 0x243 GOTO _00305_DS_ 00008e 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 00008f 3a37 xorlw 0x37 XORLW 0x37 000090 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000091 2a6c goto 0x26c GOTO _00306_DS_ 000092 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000093 3afe xorlw 0xfe XORLW 0xfe 000094 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000095 28ae goto 0xae GOTO _00274_DS_ 000096 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000097 3aff xorlw 0xff XORLW 0xff 000098 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000099 28ef goto 0xef GOTO _00284_DS_ 00009a 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00273_DS_ ; .line 576; "extruder2.c" sendReply(); 00009b 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendReply 00009c 20cd call 0xcd CALL _sendReply 00009d 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 577; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(CMD_VERSION); // Response type 0 00009e 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 00009f 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000a0 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000a1 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 578; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER); 0000a2 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 0000a3 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000a4 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000a5 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 579; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER); 0000a6 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0000a7 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000a8 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000a9 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 580; "extruder2.c" endMessage(); 0000aa 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _endMessage 0000ab 2039 call 0x39 CALL _endMessage 0000ac 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 581; "extruder2.c" break; 0000ad 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00274_DS_ ; .line 584; "extruder2.c" sendReply(); 0000ae 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendReply 0000af 20cd call 0xcd CALL _sendReply 0000b0 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 585; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(CMD_CHECKHOSTVERSION); 0000b1 30fe movlw 0xfe MOVLW 0xfe 0000b2 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000b3 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000b4 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 586; "extruder2.c" if(buffer[1] > OLDHOST_MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER) 0000b5 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0000b6 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0000b7 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 0000b8 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 0000b9 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0000ba 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 0000bb 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 0000bc 28c2 goto 0xc2 GOTO _00282_DS_ ; .line 587; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(0xff); 0000bd 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 0000be 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000bf 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000c0 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ 0000c1 28e3 goto 0xe3 GOTO _00283_DS_ _00282_DS_ ; .line 588; "extruder2.c" else if (buffer[1] == OLDHOST_MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER) 0000c2 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0000c3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0000c4 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 0000c5 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 0000c6 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0000c7 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 0000c8 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 0000c9 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 0000ca 28df goto 0xdf GOTO _00279_DS_ ; .line 590; "extruder2.c" if (buffer[2] >= OLDHOST_MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER) 0000cb 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0000cc 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0000cd 0822 movf 0x22, w MOVF (_buffer + 2),W 0000ce 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 0000cf 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0000d0 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 ;unsigned compare: left < lit(0x8=8), size=1 0000d1 3008 movlw 0x8 MOVLW 0x08 0000d2 024e subwf 0x4e, w SUBWF r0x1019,W 0000d3 1c03 btfss 0x3, 0 BTFSS STATUS,0 0000d4 28da goto 0xda GOTO _00276_DS_ ;genSkipc:3694: created from rifx:0xbf8b93d0 ; .line 591; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(0xff); 0000d5 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 0000d6 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000d7 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000d8 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ 0000d9 28e3 goto 0xe3 GOTO _00283_DS_ _00276_DS_ ; .line 593; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(0); 0000da 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0000db 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000dc 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000dd 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ 0000de 28e3 goto 0xe3 GOTO _00283_DS_ _00279_DS_ ; .line 595; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(0); 0000df 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0000e0 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000e1 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000e2 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ _00283_DS_ ; .line 596; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(OLDHOST_MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER); 0000e3 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0000e4 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000e5 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000e6 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 597; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(OLDHOST_MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER); 0000e7 3008 movlw 0x8 MOVLW 0x08 0000e8 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000e9 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000ea 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 598; "extruder2.c" endMessage(); 0000eb 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _endMessage 0000ec 2039 call 0x39 CALL _endMessage 0000ed 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 599; "extruder2.c" break; 0000ee 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00284_DS_ ; .line 602; "extruder2.c" sendReply(); 0000ef 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendReply 0000f0 20cd call 0xcd CALL _sendReply 0000f1 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 603; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(CMD_GETMODULETYPE); 0000f2 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 0000f3 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000f4 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000f5 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 604; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(THERMOPLASTIC_EXTRUDER_TYPE); 0000f6 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 0000f7 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0000f8 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0000f9 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 605; "extruder2.c" endMessage(); 0000fa 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _endMessage 0000fb 2039 call 0x39 CALL _endMessage 0000fc 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 606; "extruder2.c" break; 0000fd 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00285_DS_ ; .line 610; "extruder2.c" seekSpeed = buffer[1]; 0000fe 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0000ff 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000100 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 000101 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekSpeed 000102 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000103 00d9 movwf 0x59 MOVWF _seekSpeed ; .line 611; "extruder2.c" setSpeed(0); 000104 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 000105 2449 call 0x449 CALL _setSpeed ; .line 612; "extruder2.c" break; 000106 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00286_DS_ ; .line 615; "extruder2.c" seekSpeed = buffer[1]; 000107 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 000108 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000109 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 00010a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekSpeed 00010b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00010c 00d9 movwf 0x59 MOVWF _seekSpeed ; .line 616; "extruder2.c" setSpeed(1); 00010d 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 00010e 2449 call 0x449 CALL _setSpeed ; .line 617; "extruder2.c" break; 00010f 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00287_DS_ ; .line 621; "extruder2.c" currentPosition.bytes[0] = buffer[1]; 000110 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 000111 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000112 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 000113 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 000114 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000115 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 000116 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000117 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000118 00e3 movwf 0x63 MOVWF (_currentPosition + 0) ; .line 622; "extruder2.c" currentPosition.bytes[1] = buffer[2]; 000119 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 00011a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00011b 0822 movf 0x22, w MOVF (_buffer + 2),W 00011c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 00011d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00011e 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 00011f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000120 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000121 00e4 movwf 0x64 MOVWF (_currentPosition + 1) ; .line 623; "extruder2.c" break; 000122 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00288_DS_ ; .line 627; "extruder2.c" sendReply(); 000123 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendReply 000124 20cd call 0xcd CALL _sendReply 000125 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 628; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(CMD_GETPOS); 000126 3004 movlw 0x4 MOVLW 0x04 000127 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000128 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000129 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 629; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(currentPosition.bytes[0]); 00012a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 00012b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00012c 0863 movf 0x63, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 0),W 00012d 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 00012e 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00012f 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 000130 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000131 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000132 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 630; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(currentPosition.bytes[1]); 000133 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000134 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000135 0864 movf 0x64, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 1),W 000136 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 000137 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000138 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 000139 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 00013a 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 00013b 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 631; "extruder2.c" endMessage(); 00013c 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _endMessage 00013d 2039 call 0x39 CALL _endMessage 00013e 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 632; "extruder2.c" break; 00013f 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00289_DS_ ; .line 636; "extruder2.c" seekPosition.bytes[0] = buffer[2]; 000140 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 000141 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000142 0822 movf 0x22, w MOVF (_buffer + 2),W 000143 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 000144 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000145 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 000146 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekPosition 000147 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000148 00e5 movwf 0x65 MOVWF (_seekPosition + 0) ; .line 637; "extruder2.c" seekPosition.bytes[1] = buffer[3]; 000149 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 00014a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00014b 0823 movf 0x23, w MOVF (_buffer + 3),W 00014c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 00014d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00014e 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 00014f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekPosition 000150 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000151 00e6 movwf 0x66 MOVWF (_seekPosition + 1) ; .line 639; "extruder2.c" if (seekPosition.ival != currentPosition.ival) { 000152 0865 movf 0x65, w MOVF (_seekPosition + 0),W 000153 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 000154 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000155 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 000156 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekPosition 000157 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000158 0866 movf 0x66, w MOVF (_seekPosition + 1),W 000159 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101A 00015a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00015b 00cf movwf 0x4f MOVWF r0x101A 00015c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 00015d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00015e 0863 movf 0x63, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 0),W 00015f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101B 000160 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000161 00d0 movwf 0x50 MOVWF r0x101B 000162 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000163 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000164 0864 movf 0x64, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 1),W 000165 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101C 000166 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000167 00d1 movwf 0x51 MOVWF r0x101C 000168 0850 movf 0x50, w MOVF r0x101B,W 000169 064e xorwf 0x4e, w XORWF r0x1019,W 00016a 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 00016b 2970 goto 0x170 GOTO _00362_DS_ 00016c 0851 movf 0x51, w MOVF r0x101C,W ; .line 640; "extruder2.c" seekSpeed = buffer[1]; 00016d 064f xorwf 0x4f, w XORWF r0x101A,W 00016e 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00016f 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00362_DS_ 000170 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 000171 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000172 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 000173 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekSpeed 000174 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000175 00d9 movwf 0x59 MOVWF _seekSpeed ; .line 641; "extruder2.c" if (currentPosition.ival > seekPosition.ival) 000176 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000177 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000178 0863 movf 0x63, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 0),W 000179 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 00017a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00017b 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 ;;100 MOVF (_currentPosition + 1),W 00017c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekPosition 00017d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00017e 0865 movf 0x65, w MOVF (_seekPosition + 0),W 00017f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101B 000180 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000181 00d0 movwf 0x50 MOVWF r0x101B 000182 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekPosition 000183 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000184 0866 movf 0x66, w MOVF (_seekPosition + 1),W 000185 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101C 000186 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000187 00d1 movwf 0x51 MOVWF r0x101C 000188 3e80 addlw 0x80 ADDLW 0x80 000189 00d2 movwf 0x52 MOVWF r0x101D ;;99 MOVF r0x101A,W 00018a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 00018b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00018c 0864 movf 0x64, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 1),W 00018d 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101A 00018e 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00018f 00cf movwf 0x4f MOVWF r0x101A 000190 3e80 addlw 0x80 ADDLW 0x80 000191 0252 subwf 0x52, w SUBWF r0x101D,W 000192 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 000193 2996 goto 0x196 GOTO _00363_DS_ 000194 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 000195 0250 subwf 0x50, w SUBWF r0x101B,W _00363_DS_ 000196 1803 btfsc 0x3, 0 BTFSC STATUS,0 000197 299b goto 0x19b GOTO _00291_DS_ ;genSkipc:3694: created from rifx:0xbf8b93d0 ; .line 642; "extruder2.c" setSpeed(1); 000198 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 000199 2449 call 0x449 CALL _setSpeed 00019a 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00291_DS_ ; .line 644; "extruder2.c" setSpeed(0); 00019b 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 00019c 2449 call 0x449 CALL _setSpeed ; .line 647; "extruder2.c" break; 00019d 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00295_DS_ ; .line 652; "extruder2.c" extruder_stop(); 00019e 2555 call 0x555 CALL _extruder_stop ; .line 653; "extruder2.c" break; 00019f 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00296_DS_ ; .line 657; "extruder2.c" seekNotify = buffer[1]; 0001a0 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0001a1 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001a2 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 0001a3 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekNotify 0001a4 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001a5 00d7 movwf 0x57 MOVWF _seekNotify ; .line 658; "extruder2.c" break; 0001a6 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00297_DS_ ; .line 661; "extruder2.c" sendReply(); 0001a7 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendReply 0001a8 20cd call 0xcd CALL _sendReply 0001a9 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 662; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(CMD_ISEMPTY); 0001aa 3008 movlw 0x8 MOVLW 0x08 0001ab 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0001ac 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0001ad 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 664; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(!RA5); 0001ae 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 0001af 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001b0 01ce clrf 0x4e CLRF r0x1019 0001b1 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA_bits 0001b2 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001b3 1e85 btfss 0x5, 0x5 BTFSS _PORTA_bits,5 0001b4 29b8 goto 0x1b8 GOTO _00001_DS_ 0001b5 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 0001b6 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001b7 0ace incf 0x4e, f INCF r0x1019,F _00001_DS_ 0001b8 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 0001b9 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001ba 084e movf 0x4e, w MOVF r0x1019,W 0001bb 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0001bc 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 0001bd 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 0001be 00cf movwf 0x4f MOVWF r0x101A 0001bf 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0001c0 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0001c1 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 668; "extruder2.c" endMessage(); 0001c2 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _endMessage 0001c3 2039 call 0x39 CALL _endMessage 0001c4 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 669; "extruder2.c" break; 0001c5 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00298_DS_ ; .line 672; "extruder2.c" GIE=0; 0001c6 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 0001c7 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001c8 138b bcf 0xb, 0x7 BCF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 673; "extruder2.c" requestedHeat0 = buffer[1]; 0001c9 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0001ca 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001cb 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 0001cc 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat0 0001cd 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001ce 00db movwf 0x5b MOVWF _requestedHeat0 ; .line 674; "extruder2.c" requestedHeat1 = buffer[2]; 0001cf 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0001d0 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001d1 0822 movf 0x22, w MOVF (_buffer + 2),W 0001d2 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat1 0001d3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001d4 00dc movwf 0x5c MOVWF _requestedHeat1 ; .line 675; "extruder2.c" temperatureLimit0 = buffer[3]; 0001d5 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0001d6 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001d7 0823 movf 0x23, w MOVF (_buffer + 3),W 0001d8 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureLimit0 0001d9 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001da 00dd movwf 0x5d MOVWF _temperatureLimit0 ; .line 676; "extruder2.c" temperatureLimit1 = buffer[4]; 0001db 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0001dc 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001dd 0824 movf 0x24, w MOVF (_buffer + 4),W 0001de 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureLimit1 0001df 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001e0 00de movwf 0x5e MOVWF _temperatureLimit1 ; .line 677; "extruder2.c" GIE=1; 0001e1 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 0001e2 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001e3 178b bsf 0xb, 0x7 BSF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 678; "extruder2.c" break; 0001e4 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00299_DS_ ; .line 681; "extruder2.c" sendReply(); 0001e5 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendReply 0001e6 20cd call 0xcd CALL _sendReply 0001e7 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 682; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(CMD_GETTEMP); 0001e8 300a movlw 0xa MOVLW 0x0a 0001e9 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0001ea 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0001eb 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 683; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(lastTemperature); 0001ec 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastTemperature 0001ed 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001ee 0860 movf 0x60, w MOVF _lastTemperature,W 0001ef 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0001f0 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0001f1 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 684; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(0); 0001f2 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0001f3 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 0001f4 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 0001f5 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 685; "extruder2.c" endMessage(); 0001f6 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _endMessage 0001f7 2039 call 0x39 CALL _endMessage 0001f8 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 686; "extruder2.c" break; 0001f9 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00300_DS_ ; .line 689; "extruder2.c" set_cooler(buffer[1]); 0001fa 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 0001fb 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001fc 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 0001fd 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 0001fe 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0001ff 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 000200 24fe call 0x4fe CALL _set_cooler ; .line 697; "extruder2.c" break; 000201 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00301_DS_ ; .line 702; "extruder2.c" PWMPeriod = buffer[1]; 000202 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 000203 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000204 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 000205 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PWMPeriod 000206 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000207 00ea movwf 0x6a MOVWF _PWMPeriod ; .line 703; "extruder2.c" PR2 = PWMPeriod; 000208 086a movf 0x6a, w MOVF _PWMPeriod,W 000209 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PR2 00020a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00020b 0092 movwf 0x12 MOVWF _PR2 ; .line 704; "extruder2.c" break; 00020c 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00302_DS_ ; .line 708; "extruder2.c" T2CON = BIN(00000100) | (buffer[1] & 3); 00020d 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 00020e 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00020f 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 000210 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 000211 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000212 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 000213 3003 movlw 0x3 MOVLW 0x03 000214 05ce andwf 0x4e, f ANDWF r0x1019,F 000215 3004 movlw 0x4 MOVLW 0x04 000216 044e iorwf 0x4e, w IORWF r0x1019,W 000217 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _T2CON 000218 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000219 0092 movwf 0x12 MOVWF _T2CON ; .line 709; "extruder2.c" break; 00021a 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00303_DS_ ; .line 712; "extruder2.c" GIE=0; 00021b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 00021c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00021d 138b bcf 0xb, 0x7 BCF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 713; "extruder2.c" temperatureVRef = buffer[1]; 00021e 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 00021f 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000220 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 000221 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureVRef 000222 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000223 00e1 movwf 0x61 MOVWF _temperatureVRef ; .line 714; "extruder2.c" GIE=1; 000224 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 000225 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000226 178b bsf 0xb, 0x7 BSF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 715; "extruder2.c" break; 000227 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00304_DS_ ; .line 718; "extruder2.c" GIE=0; 000228 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 000229 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00022a 138b bcf 0xb, 0x7 BCF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 719; "extruder2.c" OPTION_REG = (OPTION_REG & BIN(11111000)) | (buffer[1] & BIN(111)); 00022b 30f8 movlw 0xf8 MOVLW 0xf8 00022c 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _OPTION_REG 00022d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00022e 0501 andwf 0x1, w ANDWF _OPTION_REG,W 00022f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1019 000230 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000231 00ce movwf 0x4e MOVWF r0x1019 000232 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _buffer 000233 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000234 0821 movf 0x21, w MOVF (_buffer + 1),W 000235 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101A 000236 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000237 00cf movwf 0x4f MOVWF r0x101A 000238 3007 movlw 0x7 MOVLW 0x07 000239 05cf andwf 0x4f, f ANDWF r0x101A,F 00023a 084f movf 0x4f, w MOVF r0x101A,W 00023b 044e iorwf 0x4e, w IORWF r0x1019,W 00023c 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _OPTION_REG 00023d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00023e 0081 movwf 0x1 MOVWF _OPTION_REG ; .line 720; "extruder2.c" GIE=1; 00023f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 000240 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000241 178b bsf 0xb, 0x7 BSF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 721; "extruder2.c" break; 000242 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00305_DS_ ; .line 724; "extruder2.c" sendReply(); 000243 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendReply 000244 20cd call 0xcd CALL _sendReply 000245 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 725; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(CMD_GETDEBUGINFO); 000246 3036 movlw 0x36 MOVLW 0x36 000247 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000248 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000249 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 726; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(heatCounter); 00024a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _heatCounter 00024b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00024c 085f movf 0x5f, w MOVF _heatCounter,W 00024d 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 00024e 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 00024f 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 727; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(PORTA); 000250 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA 000251 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000252 0805 movf 0x5, w MOVF _PORTA,W 000253 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000254 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000255 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 728; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(TRISA); 000256 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _TRISA 000257 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000258 0805 movf 0x5, w MOVF _TRISA,W 000259 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 00025a 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 00025b 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 729; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(OPTION_REG); 00025c 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _OPTION_REG 00025d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00025e 0801 movf 0x1, w MOVF _OPTION_REG,W 00025f 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000260 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000261 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 730; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(temperatureVRef); 000262 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureVRef 000263 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000264 0861 movf 0x61, w MOVF _temperatureVRef,W 000265 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000266 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000267 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 731; "extruder2.c" endMessage(); 000268 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _endMessage 000269 2039 call 0x39 CALL _endMessage 00026a 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 732; "extruder2.c" break; 00026b 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00306_DS_ ; .line 735; "extruder2.c" sendReply(); 00026c 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendReply 00026d 20cd call 0xcd CALL _sendReply 00026e 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 736; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(CMD_GETTEMPINFO); 00026f 3037 movlw 0x37 MOVLW 0x37 000270 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000271 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000272 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 737; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(requestedHeat0); 000273 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat0 000274 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000275 085b movf 0x5b, w MOVF _requestedHeat0,W 000276 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000277 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000278 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 738; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(requestedHeat1); 000279 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat1 00027a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00027b 085c movf 0x5c, w MOVF _requestedHeat1,W 00027c 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 00027d 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 00027e 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 739; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(temperatureLimit0); 00027f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureLimit0 000280 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000281 085d movf 0x5d, w MOVF _temperatureLimit0,W 000282 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000283 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000284 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 740; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(temperatureLimit1); 000285 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureLimit1 000286 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000287 085e movf 0x5e, w MOVF _temperatureLimit1,W 000288 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000289 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 00028a 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 741; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(lastTemperature); 00028b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastTemperature 00028c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00028d 0860 movf 0x60, w MOVF _lastTemperature,W 00028e 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 00028f 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000290 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 742; "extruder2.c" sendDataByte(temperatureNotUpdatedCounter); 000291 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter 000292 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000293 0862 movf 0x62, w MOVF _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter,W 000294 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByte 000295 212f call 0x12f CALL _sendDataByte 000296 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 743; "extruder2.c" endMessage(); 000297 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _endMessage 000298 2039 call 0x39 CALL _endMessage 000299 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 744; "extruder2.c" break; 00029a 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00307_DS_ ; .line 747; "extruder2.c" solenoid(1); 00029b 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 00029c 24d2 call 0x4d2 CALL _solenoid ; .line 748; "extruder2.c" break; 00029d 2aa0 goto 0x2a0 GOTO _00309_DS_ _00308_DS_ ; .line 751; "extruder2.c" solenoid(0); 00029e 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 00029f 24d2 call 0x4d2 CALL _solenoid _00309_DS_ 0002a0 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 0002a1 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002a2 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _processCommand ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _checkTemperature ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;functions called: ; _delay_10us ; _delay_10us ; _delay_10us ; _delay_10us ; _delay_10us ; _delay_10us ; _delay_10us ; _delay_10us ; _delay_10us ; _delay_10us ;2 compiler assigned registers: ; r0x1020 ; r0x1021 ;; Starting pCode block _checkTemperature ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 489; "extruder2.c" for (i=temperatureNotUpdatedCounter; i>0; i--) { 0002a3 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter 0002a4 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002a5 0862 movf 0x62, w MOVF _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter,W 0002a6 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1020 0002a7 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002a8 00cc movwf 0x4c MOVWF r0x1020 _00261_DS_ 0002a9 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0002aa 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1020 0002ab 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002ac 044c iorwf 0x4c, w IORWF r0x1020,W 0002ad 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 0002ae 2ab2 goto 0x2b2 GOTO _00267_DS_ 0002af 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 0002b0 00cd movwf 0x4d MOVWF r0x1021 0002b1 2ab5 goto 0x2b5 GOTO _00268_DS_ _00267_DS_ 0002b2 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1021 0002b3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002b4 01cd clrf 0x4d CLRF r0x1021 _00268_DS_ 0002b5 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0002b6 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1021 0002b7 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002b8 044d iorwf 0x4d, w IORWF r0x1021,W 0002b9 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 0002ba 2ac0 goto 0x2c0 GOTO _00264_DS_ 0002bb 0000 nop nop ; .line 489; "extruder2.c" for (i=temperatureNotUpdatedCounter; i>0; i--) { 0002bc 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1020 0002bd 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002be 03cc decf 0x4c, f DECF r0x1020,F 0002bf 2aa9 goto 0x2a9 GOTO _00261_DS_ _00264_DS_ ; .line 498; "extruder2.c" T0CS = 0; 0002c0 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _OPTION_REG_bits 0002c1 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002c2 1281 bcf 0x1, 0x5 BCF _OPTION_REG_bits,5 ; .line 499; "extruder2.c" PSA = 0; 0002c3 1181 bcf 0x1, 0x3 BCF _OPTION_REG_bits,3 ; .line 500; "extruder2.c" CMCON = BIN(00000010); 0002c4 3002 movlw 0x2 MOVLW 0x02 0002c5 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _CMCON 0002c6 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002c7 009f movwf 0x1f MOVWF _CMCON ; .line 503; "extruder2.c" VRCON = BIN(10000000) | temperatureVRef; 0002c8 3080 movlw 0x80 MOVLW 0x80 0002c9 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureVRef 0002ca 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002cb 0461 iorwf 0x61, w IORWF _temperatureVRef,W 0002cc 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _VRCON 0002cd 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002ce 009f movwf 0x1f MOVWF _VRCON ; .line 504; "extruder2.c" delay_10us(); 0002cf 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _delay_10us 0002d0 26b8 call 0x6b8 CALL _delay_10us 0002d1 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 508; "extruder2.c" GIE = 0; 0002d2 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 0002d3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002d4 138b bcf 0xb, 0x7 BCF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 509; "extruder2.c" T0IF = 0; 0002d5 110b bcf 0xb, 0x2 BCF _INTCON_bits,2 ; .line 510; "extruder2.c" portaval &= BIN(00111101); 0002d6 303d movlw 0x3d MOVLW 0x3d 0002d7 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 0002d8 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002d9 05d3 andwf 0x53, f ANDWF _portaval,F ; .line 511; "extruder2.c" portaval |= BIN(10000000); 0002da 17d3 bsf 0x53, 0x7 BSF _portaval,7 ; .line 512; "extruder2.c" TRISA = BIN(01000010) | PORTATRIS; 0002db 3062 movlw 0x62 MOVLW 0x62 0002dc 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _TRISA 0002dd 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002de 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _TRISA ; .line 513; "extruder2.c" PORTA = portaval; //must be set after TRISA 0002df 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 0002e0 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002e1 0853 movf 0x53, w MOVF _portaval,W 0002e2 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA 0002e3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002e4 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _PORTA ; .line 514; "extruder2.c" TMR0 = 0; 0002e5 0181 clrf 0x1 CLRF _TMR0 ; .line 515; "extruder2.c" interruptTemp = 0; 0002e6 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _interruptTemp 0002e7 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002e8 01e7 clrf 0x67 CLRF _interruptTemp ; .line 516; "extruder2.c" GIE = 1; 0002e9 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 0002ea 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002eb 178b bsf 0xb, 0x7 BSF _INTCON_bits,7 _00248_DS_ ; .line 522; "extruder2.c" while (C2OUT) 0002ec 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _CMCON_bits 0002ed 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002ee 1b9f btfsc 0x1f, 0x7 BTFSC _CMCON_bits,7 0002ef 2aec goto 0x2ec GOTO _00248_DS_ ; .line 524; "extruder2.c" GIE = 0; 0002f0 138b bcf 0xb, 0x7 BCF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 525; "extruder2.c" tmpLastTemperature = TMR0; 0002f1 0801 movf 0x1, w MOVF _TMR0,W 0002f2 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1020 0002f3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002f4 00cc movwf 0x4c MOVWF r0x1020 ; .line 526; "extruder2.c" if (T0IF) { 0002f5 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 0002f6 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002f7 1d0b btfss 0xb, 0x2 BTFSS _INTCON_bits,2 0002f8 2afd goto 0x2fd GOTO _00252_DS_ ; .line 527; "extruder2.c" tmpLastTemperature = 255; 0002f9 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 0002fa 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1020 0002fb 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002fc 00cc movwf 0x4c MOVWF r0x1020 _00252_DS_ ; .line 529; "extruder2.c" if (interruptTemp == 1) { 0002fd 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _interruptTemp 0002fe 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0002ff 0867 movf 0x67, w MOVF _interruptTemp,W 000300 3a01 xorlw 0x1 XORLW 0x01 000301 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 000302 2b07 goto 0x307 GOTO _00254_DS_ ; .line 530; "extruder2.c" temperatureNotUpdatedCounter++; 000303 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter 000304 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000305 0ae2 incf 0x62, f INCF _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter,F 000306 2b10 goto 0x310 GOTO _00255_DS_ _00254_DS_ ; .line 532; "extruder2.c" lastTemperature = tmpLastTemperature; 000307 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1020 000308 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000309 084c movf 0x4c, w MOVF r0x1020,W 00030a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastTemperature 00030b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00030c 00e0 movwf 0x60 MOVWF _lastTemperature ; .line 533; "extruder2.c" temperatureNotUpdatedCounter = 0; 00030d 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter 00030e 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00030f 01e2 clrf 0x62 CLRF _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter _00255_DS_ ; .line 535; "extruder2.c" GIE = 1; 000310 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 000311 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000312 178b bsf 0xb, 0x7 BSF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 537; "extruder2.c" if (temperatureNotUpdatedCounter == 255) 000313 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter 000314 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000315 0862 movf 0x62, w MOVF _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter,W ; .line 538; "extruder2.c" temperatureNotUpdatedCounter--; //to prevent an overflow 000316 3aff xorlw 0xff XORLW 0xff ; .line 540; "extruder2.c" delay_10us(); //to handle interrupts 000317 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000318 03e2 decf 0x62, f DECF _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter,F 000319 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _delay_10us 00031a 26b8 call 0x6b8 CALL _delay_10us 00031b 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 545; "extruder2.c" GIE = 0; 00031c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 00031d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00031e 138b bcf 0xb, 0x7 BCF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 546; "extruder2.c" portaval &= BIN(00111101); 00031f 303d movlw 0x3d MOVLW 0x3d 000320 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 000321 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000322 05d3 andwf 0x53, f ANDWF _portaval,F ; .line 547; "extruder2.c" TRISA = BIN(00000000) | PORTATRIS; 000323 3020 movlw 0x20 MOVLW 0x20 000324 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _TRISA 000325 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000326 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _TRISA ; .line 548; "extruder2.c" PORTA = portaval; 000327 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 000328 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000329 0853 movf 0x53, w MOVF _portaval,W 00032a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA 00032b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00032c 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _PORTA ; .line 549; "extruder2.c" GIE = 1; 00032d 178b bsf 0xb, 0x7 BSF _INTCON_bits,7 ; .line 552; "extruder2.c" VRCON = BIN(10100000); //should be 1010xxxx to not output value 00032e 30a0 movlw 0xa0 MOVLW 0xa0 00032f 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _VRCON 000330 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000331 009f movwf 0x1f MOVWF _VRCON ; .line 555; "extruder2.c" delay_10us(); 000332 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _delay_10us 000333 26b8 call 0x6b8 CALL _delay_10us 000334 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ _00258_DS_ ; .line 557; "extruder2.c" while (!C2OUT) 000335 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _CMCON_bits 000336 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000337 1f9f btfss 0x1f, 0x7 BTFSS _CMCON_bits,7 000338 2b35 goto 0x335 GOTO _00258_DS_ ; .line 560; "extruder2.c" delay_10us(); 000339 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _delay_10us 00033a 26b8 call 0x6b8 CALL _delay_10us 00033b 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 561; "extruder2.c" delay_10us(); 00033c 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _delay_10us 00033d 26b8 call 0x6b8 CALL _delay_10us 00033e 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 563; "extruder2.c" TRISA = BIN(11000010) | PORTATRIS; 00033f 30e2 movlw 0xe2 MOVLW 0xe2 000340 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _TRISA 000341 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000342 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _TRISA ; .line 564; "extruder2.c" VRCON = 0; // Turn off vref 000343 019f clrf 0x1f CLRF _VRCON 000344 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000345 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000346 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _checkTemperature ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _motorTick ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;functions called: ; _change_log ; _extruder_stop ; _sendMessageISR ; _sendDataByteISR ; _sendDataByteISR ; _endMessageISR ; _change_log ; _extruder_stop ; _sendMessageISR ; _sendDataByteISR ; _sendDataByteISR ; _endMessageISR ;4 compiler assigned registers: ; r0x1022 ; r0x1023 ; r0x1024 ; r0x1025 ;; Starting pCode block _motorTick ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 440; "extruder2.c" RBIF = 0; 000347 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _INTCON_bits 000348 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000349 100b bcf 0xb, 0 BCF _INTCON_bits,0 ; .line 442; "extruder2.c" change_log(); //not correct for UNIVERSIAL_PCB 00034a 250c call 0x50c CALL _change_log ; .line 444; "extruder2.c" if (extrude_click) { 00034b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _extrude_click 00034c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00034d 0854 movf 0x54, w MOVF _extrude_click,W 00034e 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00034f 2baf goto 0x3af GOTO _00239_DS_ ; .line 447; "extruder2.c" if (currentDirection) 000350 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentDirection 000351 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000352 0858 movf 0x58, w MOVF _currentDirection,W 000353 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000354 2b70 goto 0x370 GOTO _00233_DS_ ; .line 448; "extruder2.c" currentPosition.ival--; 000355 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000356 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000357 0863 movf 0x63, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 0),W 000358 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1022 000359 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00035a 00c8 movwf 0x48 MOVWF r0x1022 00035b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 00035c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00035d 0864 movf 0x64, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 1),W 00035e 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1023 00035f 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000360 00c9 movwf 0x49 MOVWF r0x1023 000361 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 000362 07c8 addwf 0x48, f ADDWF r0x1022,F 000363 1c03 btfss 0x3, 0 BTFSS STATUS,0 000364 03c9 decf 0x49, f DECF r0x1023,F ;gen.c:9306: size=1/2, offset=0, AOP_TYPE(res)=13 000365 0848 movf 0x48, w MOVF r0x1022,W 000366 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000367 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000368 00e3 movwf 0x63 MOVWF (_currentPosition + 0) ;gen.c:9306: size=0/2, offset=1, AOP_TYPE(res)=13 000369 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1023 00036a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00036b 0849 movf 0x49, w MOVF r0x1023,W 00036c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 00036d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00036e 00e4 movwf 0x64 MOVWF (_currentPosition + 1) 00036f 2b89 goto 0x389 GOTO _00234_DS_ _00233_DS_ ; .line 450; "extruder2.c" currentPosition.ival++; 000370 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000371 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000372 0863 movf 0x63, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 0),W 000373 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1022 000374 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000375 00c8 movwf 0x48 MOVWF r0x1022 000376 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000377 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000378 0864 movf 0x64, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 1),W 000379 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1023 00037a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00037b 00c9 movwf 0x49 MOVWF r0x1023 00037c 0ac8 incf 0x48, f INCF r0x1022,F 00037d 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00037e 0ac9 incf 0x49, f INCF r0x1023,F ;gen.c:9306: size=1/2, offset=0, AOP_TYPE(res)=13 00037f 0848 movf 0x48, w MOVF r0x1022,W 000380 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000381 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000382 00e3 movwf 0x63 MOVWF (_currentPosition + 0) ;gen.c:9306: size=0/2, offset=1, AOP_TYPE(res)=13 000383 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1023 000384 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000385 0849 movf 0x49, w MOVF r0x1023,W 000386 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000387 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000388 00e4 movwf 0x64 MOVWF (_currentPosition + 1) _00234_DS_ ; .line 452; "extruder2.c" if ((seekSpeed != 0) && (currentPosition.ival == seekPosition.ival)) { 000389 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 00038a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekSpeed 00038b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00038c 0459 iorwf 0x59, w IORWF _seekSpeed,W 00038d 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00038e 2baf goto 0x3af GOTO _00239_DS_ 00038f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000390 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000391 0863 movf 0x63, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 0),W 000392 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1022 000393 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000394 00c8 movwf 0x48 MOVWF r0x1022 000395 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000396 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000397 0864 movf 0x64, w MOVF (_currentPosition + 1),W 000398 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1023 000399 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00039a 00c9 movwf 0x49 MOVWF r0x1023 00039b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekPosition 00039c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00039d 0865 movf 0x65, w MOVF (_seekPosition + 0),W 00039e 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1024 00039f 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003a0 00ca movwf 0x4a MOVWF r0x1024 0003a1 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekPosition 0003a2 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003a3 0866 movf 0x66, w MOVF (_seekPosition + 1),W 0003a4 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1025 0003a5 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003a6 00cb movwf 0x4b MOVWF r0x1025 0003a7 084a movf 0x4a, w MOVF r0x1024,W 0003a8 0648 xorwf 0x48, w XORWF r0x1022,W 0003a9 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 0003aa 2baf goto 0x3af GOTO _00239_DS_ 0003ab 084b movf 0x4b, w MOVF r0x1025,W ; .line 454; "extruder2.c" extruder_stop(); 0003ac 0649 xorwf 0x49, w XORWF r0x1023,W ; .line 458; "extruder2.c" if (material_click) { 0003ad 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 0003ae 2555 call 0x555 CALL _extruder_stop _00239_DS_ 0003af 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 0003b0 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _material_click 0003b1 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003b2 0455 iorwf 0x55, w IORWF _material_click,W 0003b3 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 0003b4 2bcc goto 0x3cc GOTO _00243_DS_ ; .line 459; "extruder2.c" if (sendMessageISR(seekNotify)) { 0003b5 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekNotify 0003b6 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003b7 0857 movf 0x57, w MOVF _seekNotify,W 0003b8 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendMessageISR 0003b9 20fa call 0xfa CALL _sendMessageISR 0003ba 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ 0003bb 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1022 0003bc 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003bd 00c8 movwf 0x48 MOVWF r0x1022 0003be 0848 movf 0x48, w MOVF r0x1022,W 0003bf 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 0003c0 2bcc goto 0x3cc GOTO _00243_DS_ ; .line 463; "extruder2.c" sendDataByteISR(CMD_ISEMPTY); 0003c1 3008 movlw 0x8 MOVLW 0x08 0003c2 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByteISR 0003c3 212d call 0x12d CALL _sendDataByteISR 0003c4 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 464; "extruder2.c" sendDataByteISR(1); 0003c5 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 0003c6 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _sendDataByteISR 0003c7 212d call 0x12d CALL _sendDataByteISR 0003c8 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 465; "extruder2.c" endMessageISR(); 0003c9 158a bsf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _endMessageISR 0003ca 205b call 0x5b CALL _endMessageISR 0003cb 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ _00243_DS_ 0003cc 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 0003cd 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003ce 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _motorTick ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _timerTick ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;functions called: ; _heater_off ; _heater_off ; _heater_off ; _heater_off ; _heater_on ; _heater_off ; _heater_off ; _heater_off ; _heater_off ; _heater_on ;; Starting pCode block _timerTick ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;unsigned compare: left < lit(0x10=16), size=1 ; .line 385; "extruder2.c" if ((lastTemperature < 0x10) || (temperatureNotUpdatedCounter > 100)) { 0003cf 3010 movlw 0x10 MOVLW 0x10 0003d0 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastTemperature 0003d1 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003d2 0260 subwf 0x60, w SUBWF _lastTemperature,W 0003d3 1c03 btfss 0x3, 0 BTFSS STATUS,0 0003d4 2bdb goto 0x3db GOTO _00194_DS_ ;genSkipc:3694: created from rifx:0xbf8b93d0 ;swapping arguments (AOP_TYPEs 1/3) ;unsigned compare: left >= lit(0x65=101), size=1 0003d5 3065 movlw 0x65 MOVLW 0x65 0003d6 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter 0003d7 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003d8 0262 subwf 0x62, w SUBWF _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter,W 0003d9 1c03 btfss 0x3, 0 BTFSS STATUS,0 0003da 2bdd goto 0x3dd GOTO _00195_DS_ ;genSkipc:3694: created from rifx:0xbf8b93d0 _00194_DS_ ; .line 388; "extruder2.c" heater_off(); 0003db 2543 call 0x543 CALL _heater_off 0003dc 2c18 goto 0x418 GOTO _00196_DS_ _00195_DS_ ; .line 389; "extruder2.c" } else if (lastTemperature <= temperatureLimit1) { 0003dd 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastTemperature 0003de 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003df 0860 movf 0x60, w MOVF _lastTemperature,W 0003e0 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureLimit1 0003e1 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003e2 025e subwf 0x5e, w SUBWF _temperatureLimit1,W 0003e3 1c03 btfss 0x3, 0 BTFSS STATUS,0 0003e4 2be7 goto 0x3e7 GOTO _00192_DS_ ;genSkipc:3694: created from rifx:0xbf8b93d0 ; .line 391; "extruder2.c" heater_off(); 0003e5 2543 call 0x543 CALL _heater_off 0003e6 2c18 goto 0x418 GOTO _00196_DS_ _00192_DS_ ; .line 392; "extruder2.c" } else if ((lastTemperature <= temperatureLimit0) && 0003e7 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastTemperature 0003e8 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003e9 0860 movf 0x60, w MOVF _lastTemperature,W 0003ea 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureLimit0 0003eb 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003ec 025d subwf 0x5d, w SUBWF _temperatureLimit0,W 0003ed 1c03 btfss 0x3, 0 BTFSS STATUS,0 0003ee 2bff goto 0x3ff GOTO _00187_DS_ ;genSkipc:3694: created from rifx:0xbf8b93d0 ; .line 393; "extruder2.c" (heatCounter >= requestedHeat1) && (requestedHeat1 != 255)) { 0003ef 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat1 0003f0 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003f1 085c movf 0x5c, w MOVF _requestedHeat1,W 0003f2 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _heatCounter 0003f3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003f4 025f subwf 0x5f, w SUBWF _heatCounter,W 0003f5 1c03 btfss 0x3, 0 BTFSS STATUS,0 0003f6 2bff goto 0x3ff GOTO _00187_DS_ ;genSkipc:3694: created from rifx:0xbf8b93d0 0003f7 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat1 0003f8 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0003f9 085c movf 0x5c, w MOVF _requestedHeat1,W ; .line 395; "extruder2.c" heater_off(); 0003fa 3aff xorlw 0xff XORLW 0xff 0003fb 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 0003fc 2bff goto 0x3ff GOTO _00187_DS_ 0003fd 2543 call 0x543 CALL _heater_off 0003fe 2c18 goto 0x418 GOTO _00196_DS_ _00187_DS_ ; .line 396; "extruder2.c" } else if ((lastTemperature > temperatureLimit0) && 0003ff 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastTemperature 000400 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000401 0860 movf 0x60, w MOVF _lastTemperature,W 000402 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureLimit0 000403 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000404 025d subwf 0x5d, w SUBWF _temperatureLimit0,W 000405 1803 btfsc 0x3, 0 BTFSC STATUS,0 000406 2c17 goto 0x417 GOTO _00182_DS_ ;genSkipc:3694: created from rifx:0xbf8b93d0 ; .line 397; "extruder2.c" (heatCounter >= requestedHeat0) && (requestedHeat0 != 255)) { 000407 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat0 000408 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000409 085b movf 0x5b, w MOVF _requestedHeat0,W 00040a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _heatCounter 00040b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00040c 025f subwf 0x5f, w SUBWF _heatCounter,W 00040d 1c03 btfss 0x3, 0 BTFSS STATUS,0 00040e 2c17 goto 0x417 GOTO _00182_DS_ ;genSkipc:3694: created from rifx:0xbf8b93d0 00040f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat0 000410 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000411 085b movf 0x5b, w MOVF _requestedHeat0,W ; .line 399; "extruder2.c" heater_off(); 000412 3aff xorlw 0xff XORLW 0xff 000413 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000414 2c17 goto 0x417 GOTO _00182_DS_ 000415 2543 call 0x543 CALL _heater_off 000416 2c18 goto 0x418 GOTO _00196_DS_ _00182_DS_ ; .line 402; "extruder2.c" heater_on(); 000417 253b call 0x53b CALL _heater_on _00196_DS_ ; .line 404; "extruder2.c" heatCounter++; 000418 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _heatCounter 000419 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00041a 0adf incf 0x5f, f INCF _heatCounter,F ; .line 405; "extruder2.c" TMR1H = HEATER_PWM_PERIOD; 00041b 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 00041c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _TMR1H 00041d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00041e 008f movwf 0xf MOVWF _TMR1H ; .line 406; "extruder2.c" TMR1L = 0; 00041f 018e clrf 0xe CLRF _TMR1L ; .line 408; "extruder2.c" if(solenoid_on) 000420 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _solenoid_on 000421 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000422 086d movf 0x6d, w MOVF _solenoid_on,W 000423 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000424 2c46 goto 0x446 GOTO _00205_DS_ ; .line 410; "extruder2.c" if(pulseCounter2 == 0) 000425 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _pulseCounter2 000426 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000427 086c movf 0x6c, w MOVF _pulseCounter2,W 000428 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 000429 2c43 goto 0x443 GOTO _00202_DS_ ; .line 412; "extruder2.c" if(pulseCounter1 == 0) 00042a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _pulseCounter1 00042b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00042c 086b movf 0x6b, w MOVF _pulseCounter1,W 00042d 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 00042e 2c3b goto 0x43b GOTO _00199_DS_ ; .line 414; "extruder2.c" portaval &= BIN(11111010); 00042f 30fa movlw 0xfa MOVLW 0xfa 000430 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 000431 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000432 05d3 andwf 0x53, f ANDWF _portaval,F ; .line 415; "extruder2.c" PORTA = portaval; 000433 0853 movf 0x53, w MOVF _portaval,W 000434 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA 000435 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000436 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _PORTA ; .line 416; "extruder2.c" solenoid_on = 0; 000437 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _solenoid_on 000438 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000439 01ed clrf 0x6d CLRF _solenoid_on 00043a 2c46 goto 0x446 GOTO _00205_DS_ _00199_DS_ ; .line 419; "extruder2.c" pulseCounter1--; 00043b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _pulseCounter1 00043c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00043d 03eb decf 0x6b, f DECF _pulseCounter1,F ; .line 420; "extruder2.c" pulseCounter2 = PC2; 00043e 3014 movlw 0x14 MOVLW 0x14 00043f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _pulseCounter2 000440 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000441 00ec movwf 0x6c MOVWF _pulseCounter2 000442 2c46 goto 0x446 GOTO _00205_DS_ _00202_DS_ ; .line 423; "extruder2.c" pulseCounter2--; 000443 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _pulseCounter2 000444 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000445 03ec decf 0x6c, f DECF _pulseCounter2,F _00205_DS_ 000446 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000447 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000448 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _timerTick ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _setSpeed ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;functions called: ; _extruder_stop ; _extruder_forward ; _extruder_reverse ; _pwmSet ; _extruder_stop ; _extruder_forward ; _extruder_reverse ; _pwmSet ;1 compiler assigned register : ; r0x101E ;; Starting pCode block _setSpeed ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 354; "extruder2.c" void setSpeed(byte direction) 000449 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101E 00044a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00044b 00c6 movwf 0x46 MOVWF r0x101E ; .line 356; "extruder2.c" if (seekSpeed == 0) 00044c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekSpeed 00044d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00044e 0859 movf 0x59, w MOVF _seekSpeed,W 00044f 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 000450 2c53 goto 0x453 GOTO _00174_DS_ ; .line 358; "extruder2.c" extruder_stop(); 000451 2555 call 0x555 CALL _extruder_stop ; .line 359; "extruder2.c" return; 000452 2c66 goto 0x466 GOTO _00176_DS_ _00174_DS_ ; .line 362; "extruder2.c" if (direction == 0) 000453 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 000454 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101E 000455 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000456 0446 iorwf 0x46, w IORWF r0x101E,W 000457 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 000458 2c5b goto 0x45b GOTO _00171_DS_ ; .line 363; "extruder2.c" extruder_forward(); 000459 2550 call 0x550 CALL _extruder_forward 00045a 2c5c goto 0x45c GOTO _00175_DS_ _00171_DS_ ; .line 365; "extruder2.c" extruder_reverse(); 00045b 254b call 0x54b CALL _extruder_reverse _00175_DS_ ; .line 367; "extruder2.c" pwmSet(0); 00045c 3000 movlw 0 MOVLW 0x00 00045d 2467 call 0x467 CALL _pwmSet ; .line 368; "extruder2.c" currentDirection = direction; 00045e 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101E 00045f 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000460 0846 movf 0x46, w MOVF r0x101E,W 000461 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentDirection 000462 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000463 00d8 movwf 0x58 MOVWF _currentDirection 000464 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 000465 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 _00176_DS_ 000466 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _setSpeed ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _pwmSet ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;1 compiler assigned register : ; r0x101F ;; Starting pCode block _pwmSet ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 326; "extruder2.c" void pwmSet(byte fastOverRide) 000467 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101F 000468 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000469 00c7 movwf 0x47 MOVWF r0x101F ; .line 328; "extruder2.c" CCP1CON = BIN(00111100); 00046a 303c movlw 0x3c MOVLW 0x3c 00046b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _CCP1CON 00046c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00046d 0097 movwf 0x17 MOVWF _CCP1CON ; .line 329; "extruder2.c" CCPR1L = seekSpeed; 00046e 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekSpeed 00046f 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000470 0859 movf 0x59, w MOVF _seekSpeed,W 000471 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _CCPR1L 000472 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000473 0095 movwf 0x15 MOVWF _CCPR1L ; .line 330; "extruder2.c" if (fastOverRide || seekSpeed == 255) 000474 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101F 000475 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000476 0847 movf 0x47, w MOVF r0x101F,W 000477 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 000478 2c7f goto 0x47f GOTO _00163_DS_ 000479 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekSpeed 00047a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00047b 0859 movf 0x59, w MOVF _seekSpeed,W 00047c 3aff xorlw 0xff XORLW 0xff 00047d 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 00047e 2c83 goto 0x483 GOTO _00164_DS_ _00163_DS_ ; .line 331; "extruder2.c" PR2 = 0; 00047f 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PR2 000480 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000481 0192 clrf 0x12 CLRF _PR2 000482 2c89 goto 0x489 GOTO _00165_DS_ _00164_DS_ ; .line 333; "extruder2.c" PR2 = PWMPeriod; 000483 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PWMPeriod 000484 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000485 086a movf 0x6a, w MOVF _PWMPeriod,W 000486 1683 bsf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PR2 000487 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000488 0092 movwf 0x12 MOVWF _PR2 _00165_DS_ 000489 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 00048a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00048b 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _pwmSet ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _init2 ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;; Starting pCode block _init2 ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 298; "extruder2.c" PWMPeriod = 255; 00048c 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 00048d 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PWMPeriod 00048e 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00048f 00ea movwf 0x6a MOVWF _PWMPeriod ; .line 299; "extruder2.c" currentDirection = 0; 000490 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentDirection 000491 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000492 01d8 clrf 0x58 CLRF _currentDirection ; .line 300; "extruder2.c" seekSpeed = 0; 000493 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekSpeed 000494 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000495 01d9 clrf 0x59 CLRF _seekSpeed ; .line 301; "extruder2.c" seekNotify = 255; 000496 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 000497 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekNotify 000498 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000499 00d7 movwf 0x57 MOVWF _seekNotify ; .line 302; "extruder2.c" lastPortB = 0; 00049a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastPortB 00049b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00049c 01da clrf 0x5a CLRF _lastPortB ; .line 303; "extruder2.c" lastPortA = 0; 00049d 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastPortA 00049e 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00049f 01d6 clrf 0x56 CLRF _lastPortA ; .line 304; "extruder2.c" extrude_click = 0; 0004a0 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _extrude_click 0004a1 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004a2 01d4 clrf 0x54 CLRF _extrude_click ; .line 305; "extruder2.c" material_click = 0; 0004a3 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _material_click 0004a4 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004a5 01d5 clrf 0x55 CLRF _material_click ;gen.c:9306: size=0/1, offset=0, AOP_TYPE(res)=13 ; .line 306; "extruder2.c" currentPosition.bytes[0] = 0; 0004a6 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _currentPosition 0004a7 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004a8 01e3 clrf 0x63 CLRF (_currentPosition + 0) ;gen.c:9306: size=0/1, offset=0, AOP_TYPE(res)=13 ; .line 307; "extruder2.c" currentPosition.bytes[1] = 0; 0004a9 01e4 clrf 0x64 CLRF (_currentPosition + 1) ;gen.c:9306: size=0/1, offset=0, AOP_TYPE(res)=13 ; .line 308; "extruder2.c" seekPosition.bytes[0] = 0; 0004aa 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekPosition 0004ab 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004ac 01e5 clrf 0x65 CLRF (_seekPosition + 0) ;gen.c:9306: size=0/1, offset=0, AOP_TYPE(res)=13 ; .line 309; "extruder2.c" seekPosition.bytes[1] = 0; 0004ad 01e6 clrf 0x66 CLRF (_seekPosition + 1) ; .line 310; "extruder2.c" requestedHeat0 = 0; 0004ae 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat0 0004af 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004b0 01db clrf 0x5b CLRF _requestedHeat0 ; .line 311; "extruder2.c" requestedHeat1 = 0; 0004b1 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _requestedHeat1 0004b2 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004b3 01dc clrf 0x5c CLRF _requestedHeat1 ; .line 312; "extruder2.c" temperatureLimit0 = 0; 0004b4 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureLimit0 0004b5 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004b6 01dd clrf 0x5d CLRF _temperatureLimit0 ; .line 313; "extruder2.c" temperatureLimit1 = 0; 0004b7 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureLimit1 0004b8 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004b9 01de clrf 0x5e CLRF _temperatureLimit1 ; .line 314; "extruder2.c" heatCounter = 0; 0004ba 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _heatCounter 0004bb 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004bc 01df clrf 0x5f CLRF _heatCounter ; .line 315; "extruder2.c" lastTemperature = 255; 0004bd 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 0004be 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastTemperature 0004bf 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004c0 00e0 movwf 0x60 MOVWF _lastTemperature ; .line 316; "extruder2.c" temperatureVRef = 0; //set to 0, should be set by the host software 0004c1 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureVRef 0004c2 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004c3 01e1 clrf 0x61 CLRF _temperatureVRef ; .line 317; "extruder2.c" portaval = 0; 0004c4 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 0004c5 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004c6 01d3 clrf 0x53 CLRF _portaval ; .line 318; "extruder2.c" PORTA = portaval; 0004c7 0853 movf 0x53, w MOVF _portaval,W 0004c8 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA 0004c9 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004ca 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _PORTA ; .line 319; "extruder2.c" TMR1H = HEATER_PWM_PERIOD; 0004cb 30ff movlw 0xff MOVLW 0xff 0004cc 008f movwf 0xf MOVWF _TMR1H ; .line 320; "extruder2.c" TMR1L = 0; 0004cd 018e clrf 0xe CLRF _TMR1L ; .line 321; "extruder2.c" temperatureNotUpdatedCounter=0; 0004ce 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter 0004cf 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004d0 01e2 clrf 0x62 CLRF _temperatureNotUpdatedCounter 0004d1 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _init2 ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _solenoid ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;functions called: ; _solenoid_delay ; _solenoid_delay ;1 compiler assigned register : ; r0x101E ;; Starting pCode block _solenoid ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 207; "extruder2.c" void solenoid(byte on) 0004d2 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101E 0004d3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004d4 00c6 movwf 0x46 MOVWF r0x101E ; .line 209; "extruder2.c" portaval &= BIN(11111010); 0004d5 30fa movlw 0xfa MOVLW 0xfa 0004d6 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 0004d7 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004d8 05d3 andwf 0x53, f ANDWF _portaval,F ; .line 210; "extruder2.c" if(on) 0004d9 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101E 0004da 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004db 0846 movf 0x46, w MOVF r0x101E,W 0004dc 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 0004dd 2ce2 goto 0x4e2 GOTO _00153_DS_ ; .line 211; "extruder2.c" portaval |= BIN(00000001); 0004de 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 0004df 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004e0 1453 bsf 0x53, 0 BSF _portaval,0 0004e1 2ce5 goto 0x4e5 GOTO _00154_DS_ _00153_DS_ ; .line 213; "extruder2.c" portaval |= BIN(00000100); 0004e2 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 0004e3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004e4 1553 bsf 0x53, 0x2 BSF _portaval,2 _00154_DS_ ; .line 214; "extruder2.c" PORTA = portaval; 0004e5 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 0004e6 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004e7 0853 movf 0x53, w MOVF _portaval,W 0004e8 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA 0004e9 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004ea 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _PORTA ; .line 215; "extruder2.c" solenoid_delay(); 0004eb 24ed call 0x4ed CALL _solenoid_delay 0004ec 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _solenoid ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _solenoid_delay ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;functions called: ; _pwmSet ; _pwmSet ;; Starting pCode block _solenoid_delay ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 196; "extruder2.c" pwmSet(1); 0004ed 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 0004ee 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL _pwmSet 0004ef 2467 call 0x467 CALL _pwmSet 0004f0 118a bcf 0xa, 0x3 PAGESEL $ ; .line 197; "extruder2.c" pulseCounter1 = PC1; 0004f1 3064 movlw 0x64 MOVLW 0x64 0004f2 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _pulseCounter1 0004f3 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004f4 00eb movwf 0x6b MOVWF _pulseCounter1 ; .line 198; "extruder2.c" pulseCounter2 = PC2; 0004f5 3014 movlw 0x14 MOVLW 0x14 0004f6 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _pulseCounter2 0004f7 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004f8 00ec movwf 0x6c MOVWF _pulseCounter2 ; .line 199; "extruder2.c" solenoid_on = 1; 0004f9 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 0004fa 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _solenoid_on 0004fb 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 0004fc 00ed movwf 0x6d MOVWF _solenoid_on 0004fd 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _solenoid_delay ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _set_cooler ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;1 compiler assigned register : ; r0x101E ;; Starting pCode block _set_cooler ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 177; "extruder2.c" void set_cooler(byte b) 0004fe 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x101E 0004ff 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000500 00c6 movwf 0x46 MOVWF r0x101E ; .line 179; "extruder2.c" if (b) 000501 0846 movf 0x46, w MOVF r0x101E,W 000502 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000503 2d08 goto 0x508 GOTO _00141_DS_ ; .line 180; "extruder2.c" RB6 = 1; 000504 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTB_bits 000505 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000506 1706 bsf 0x6, 0x6 BSF _PORTB_bits,6 000507 2d0b goto 0x50b GOTO _00143_DS_ _00141_DS_ ; .line 183; "extruder2.c" RB6 = 0; 000508 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTB_bits 000509 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00050a 1306 bcf 0x6, 0x6 BCF _PORTB_bits,6 _00143_DS_ 00050b 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _set_cooler ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _change_log ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;2 compiler assigned registers: ; r0x1026 ; r0x1027 ;; Starting pCode block _change_log ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 150; "extruder2.c" extrude_click = 0; 00050c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _extrude_click 00050d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00050e 01d4 clrf 0x54 CLRF _extrude_click ; .line 151; "extruder2.c" material_click = 0; 00050f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _material_click 000510 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000511 01d5 clrf 0x55 CLRF _material_click ; .line 165; "extruder2.c" current = RA5; // Store so it doesn't change half way through processing 000512 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1026 000513 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000514 01c4 clrf 0x44 CLRF r0x1026 000515 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA_bits 000516 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000517 1e85 btfss 0x5, 0x5 BTFSS _PORTA_bits,5 000518 2d1c goto 0x51c GOTO _00002_DS_ 000519 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1026 00051a 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00051b 0ac4 incf 0x44, f INCF r0x1026,F _00002_DS_ ; .line 166; "extruder2.c" changes = lastPortA ^ current; 00051c 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastPortA 00051d 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00051e 0856 movf 0x56, w MOVF _lastPortA,W 00051f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1027 000520 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000521 00c5 movwf 0x45 MOVWF r0x1027 000522 0844 movf 0x44, w MOVF r0x1026,W 000523 06c5 xorwf 0x45, f XORWF r0x1027,F ; .line 167; "extruder2.c" if (changes) { 000524 0845 movf 0x45, w MOVF r0x1027,W 000525 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 000526 2d34 goto 0x534 GOTO _00129_DS_ ; .line 169; "extruder2.c" if (!current && seekNotify != 255) { 000527 0844 movf 0x44, w MOVF r0x1026,W 000528 1d03 btfss 0x3, 0x2 BTFSS STATUS,2 000529 2d34 goto 0x534 GOTO _00129_DS_ 00052a 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _seekNotify 00052b 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00052c 0857 movf 0x57, w MOVF _seekNotify,W ; .line 170; "extruder2.c" material_click = 1; 00052d 3aff xorlw 0xff XORLW 0xff 00052e 1903 btfsc 0x3, 0x2 BTFSC STATUS,2 00052f 2d34 goto 0x534 GOTO _00129_DS_ 000530 3001 movlw 0x1 MOVLW 0x01 000531 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _material_click 000532 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000533 00d5 movwf 0x55 MOVWF _material_click _00129_DS_ ; .line 173; "extruder2.c" lastPortA = current; 000534 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL r0x1026 000535 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000536 0844 movf 0x44, w MOVF r0x1026,W 000537 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _lastPortA 000538 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000539 00d6 movwf 0x56 MOVWF _lastPortA 00053a 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _change_log ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _heater_on ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;; Starting pCode block _heater_on ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 141; "extruder2.c" portaval |= BIN(00001000); 00053b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 00053c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00053d 15d3 bsf 0x53, 0x3 BSF _portaval,3 ; .line 142; "extruder2.c" PORTA = portaval; 00053e 0853 movf 0x53, w MOVF _portaval,W 00053f 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA 000540 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000541 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _PORTA 000542 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _heater_on ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _heater_off ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;; Starting pCode block _heater_off ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 136; "extruder2.c" portaval &= BIN(11110111); 000543 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _portaval 000544 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000545 11d3 bcf 0x53, 0x3 BCF _portaval,3 ; .line 137; "extruder2.c" PORTA = portaval; 000546 0853 movf 0x53, w MOVF _portaval,W 000547 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTA 000548 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000549 0085 movwf 0x5 MOVWF _PORTA 00054a 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _heater_off ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _extruder_reverse ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;; Starting pCode block _extruder_reverse ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 131; "extruder2.c" RB4 = 0; 00054b 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTB_bits 00054c 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 00054d 1206 bcf 0x6, 0x4 BCF _PORTB_bits,4 ; .line 132; "extruder2.c" RB5 = 1; 00054e 1686 bsf 0x6, 0x5 BSF _PORTB_bits,5 00054f 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _extruder_reverse ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _extruder_forward ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;; Starting pCode block _extruder_forward ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 126; "extruder2.c" RB5 = 0; 000550 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTB_bits 000551 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000552 1286 bcf 0x6, 0x5 BCF _PORTB_bits,5 ; .line 127; "extruder2.c" RB4 = 1; 000553 1606 bsf 0x6, 0x4 BSF _PORTB_bits,4 000554 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _extruder_forward ;*** ; pBlock Stats: dbName = C ;*** ;entry: _extruder_stop ;Function start ; 2 exit points ;has an exit ;; Starting pCode block _extruder_stop ;Function start ; 2 exit points ; .line 121; "extruder2.c" RB4 = 0; 000555 1283 bcf 0x3, 0x5 BANKSEL _PORTB_bits 000556 1303 bcf 0x3, 0x6 000557 1206 bcf 0x6, 0x4 BCF _PORTB_bits,4 ; .line 122; "extruder2.c" RB5 = 0; 000558 1286 bcf 0x6, 0x5 BCF _PORTB_bits,5 000559 0008 return RETURN ; exit point of _extruder_stop ; code size estimation: ; 685+ 366 = 1051 instructions ( 2834 byte) end LIST ; P16F648A.INC Standard Header File, Version 1.00 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST LIST ; P16F648A.INC Standard Header File, Version 1.00 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST LIST ; P16F877.INC Standard Header File, Version 1.00 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST LIST ; P16F877.INC Standard Header File, Version 1.00 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST LIST ; P16F648A.INC Standard Header File, Version 1.00 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST