// Class for controlling each extruder // // Adrian Bowyer 14 May 2009 #ifndef EXTRUDER_H #define EXTRUDER_H #define EXTRUDER_COUNT 1 void manageAllExtruders(); void newExtruder(byte e); /********************************************************************************************** * Sanguino/RepRap Motherboard v 1.0 */ #if MOTHERBOARD < 2 #define EXTRUDER_FORWARD true #define EXTRUDER_REVERSE false class extruder { public: extruder(byte md_pin, byte ms_pin, byte h_pin, byte f_pin, byte t_pin, byte vd_pin, byte ve_pin, byte se_pin); void waitForTemperature(); void valveSet(bool open, int dTime); void setDirection(bool direction); // void set_speed(float es); void setCooler(byte e_speed); void setTemperature(int temp); int getTemperature(); void manage(); // Interrupt setup and handling functions for stepper-driven extruders // void interrupt(); void sStep(); void enableStep(); void disableStep(); private: //these our the default values for the extruder. byte e_speed; int target_celsius; int max_celsius; byte heater_low; byte heater_high; byte heater_current; int extrude_step_count; // These are used for temperature control byte count ; int oldT, newT; //this is for doing encoder based extruder control // int rpm; // long e_delay; // int error; // int last_extruder_error; // int error_delta; bool e_direction; bool valve_open; // The pins we control byte motor_dir_pin, motor_speed_pin, heater_pin, fan_pin, temp_pin, valve_dir_pin, valve_en_pin, step_en_pin; byte wait_till_hot(); //byte wait_till_cool(); void temperatureError(); int sampleTemperature(); }; inline void extruder::enableStep() { if(step_en_pin < 0) return; digitalWrite(step_en_pin, ENABLE_ON); } inline void extruder::disableStep() { if(step_en_pin < 0) return; #if DISABLE_E digitalWrite(step_en_pin, !ENABLE_ON); #endif } inline void extruder::sStep() { digitalWrite(motor_speed_pin, HIGH); delayMicrosecondsInterruptible(5); digitalWrite(motor_speed_pin, LOW); } inline void extruder::temperatureError() { Serial.print("E: "); Serial.println(getTemperature()); } inline void extruder::setDirection(bool dir) { e_direction = dir; digitalWrite(motor_dir_pin, e_direction); } inline void extruder::setCooler(byte sp) { if(step_en_pin >= 0) // Step enable conflicts with the fan return; analogWrite(fan_pin, sp); } /********************************************************************************************** * RepRap Motherboard v 1.x (x >= 1) * Extruder is now on RS485 */ #else #define WAIT_T 'W' // wait_for_temperature(); #define VALVE 'V' // valve_set(bool open, int dTime); #define DIRECTION 'D' // set_direction(bool direction); #define COOL 'C' // set_cooler(byte e_speed); #define SET_T 'T' // set_temperature(int temp); #define GET_T 't' // get_temperature(); #define STEP 'S' // step(); #define ENABLE 'E' // enableStep(); #define DISABLE 'e' // disableStep(); #define PREAD 'R' // read the pot voltage #define SPWM 'M' // Set the motor PWM #define PING 'P' // Just acknowledge class extruder { public: extruder(char name); void waitForTemperature(); void valveSet(bool open, int dTime); void setDirection(bool direction); void setCooler(byte e_speed); void setTemperature(int temp); int getTemperature(); void manage(); void sStep(); void enableStep(); void disableStep(); int potVoltage(); void setPWM(int p); bool ping(); private: char my_name; char commandBuffer[RS485_BUF_LEN]; char* reply; bool stp; void buildCommand(char c); void buildCommand(char c, char v); void buildNumberCommand(char c, int v); }; inline extruder::extruder(char name) { my_name = name; // int v = potVoltage(); // strcpy(debugstring, reply); // setPWM(v); pinMode(E_STEP_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(E_DIR_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(E_STEP_PIN, 0); digitalWrite(E_DIR_PIN, 0); stp = false; } inline void extruder::buildCommand(char c) { commandBuffer[0] = c; commandBuffer[1] = 0; } inline void extruder::buildCommand(char c, char v) { commandBuffer[0] = c; commandBuffer[1] = v; commandBuffer[2] = 0; } inline void extruder::buildNumberCommand(char c, int v) { commandBuffer[0] = c; itoa(v, &commandBuffer[1], 10); } inline void extruder::waitForTemperature() { } inline void extruder::valveSet(bool open, int dTime) { if(open) buildCommand(VALVE, '1'); else buildCommand(VALVE, '0'); talker.sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(my_name, commandBuffer); delay(dTime); } inline void extruder::setCooler(byte e_speed) { buildNumberCommand(COOL, e_speed); talker.sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(my_name, commandBuffer); } inline void extruder::setTemperature(int temp) { buildNumberCommand(SET_T, temp); talker.sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(my_name, commandBuffer); } inline int extruder::getTemperature() { buildCommand(GET_T); char* reply = talker.sendPacketAndGetReply(my_name, commandBuffer); return(atoi(reply)); //return 10; } inline void extruder::manage() { } inline void extruder::setDirection(bool direction) { // if(direction) // buildCommand(DIRECTION, '1'); // else // buildCommand(DIRECTION, '0'); // talker.sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(my_name, commandBuffer); if(direction) digitalWrite(E_DIR_PIN, 1); else digitalWrite(E_DIR_PIN, 0); } inline void extruder::sStep() { //buildCommand(STEP); //talker.sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(my_name, commandBuffer); stp = !stp; if(stp) digitalWrite(E_STEP_PIN, 1); else digitalWrite(E_STEP_PIN, 0); } inline void extruder::enableStep() { // Not needed /* buildCommand(ENABLE); talker.sendPacketAndGetReply(my_name, commandBuffer); */ } inline void extruder::disableStep() { // Disabling the extrude stepper causes the backpressure to // turn the motor the wrong way. Leave it on. //buildCommand(DISABLE); //talker.sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(my_name, commandBuffer); } inline int extruder::potVoltage() { buildCommand(PREAD); char* reply = talker.sendPacketAndGetReply(my_name, commandBuffer); return(atoi(reply)); } inline void extruder::setPWM(int p) { buildNumberCommand(SPWM, p); talker.sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(my_name, commandBuffer); } inline bool extruder::ping() { buildCommand(PING); return talker.sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(my_name, commandBuffer); } #endif extern extruder* ex[ ]; extern byte extruder_in_use; #endif