/* ThermoplastExtruder.h - RepRap Thermoplastic Extruder library for Arduino This library is used to read, control, and handle a thermoplastic extruder. More information at: http://reprap.org/bin/view/Main/RepRapOneDarwinThermoplastExtruder Memory Usage Estimate: 18 bytes History: * (0.1) Created intial library by Zach Smith. * (0.2) Initial rework by Marius Kintel * (0.3) Updated and optimized by Zach Smith * (0.4) Updated with new default values for 100K thermistor. * (0.3) Rewrote and refactored all code by Zach Smith. License: GPL v2.0 */ #ifndef THERMOPLASTEXTRUDER_H #define THERMOPLASTEXTRUDER_H #include "WProgram.h" // Fix for Arduino-0012 compile error (see http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1232533589) #include "WConstants.h" class ThermoplastExtruder { public: ThermoplastExtruder(byte motor_dir_pin, byte motor_pwm_pin, byte heater_pin, byte cooler_pin, byte thermistor_pin, byte valve_dir_pin, byte valve_enable_pin); // various setters methods: void setSpeed(byte speed); void setDirection(bool dir); void setCooler(byte speed); //temparature control void setTemperature(int temp); int getTemperature(); int calculateTemperatureFromRaw(int raw); void manageTemperature(); // Open and close the valve void setValve(bool dir, byte pulse_time); //variables for easy access. byte heater_low; // Low heater, for when we're at our temp, 0-255 byte heater_high; // High heater, for when we're below our temp, 0-255 int target_celsius; // Our target temperature int max_celsius; // Our max temperature private: //pin numbers: byte motor_pwm_pin; // motor PWM pin byte motor_dir_pin; // motor direction pin byte valve_enable_pin; // valve enable pin byte valve_dir_pin; // valve direction pin byte heater_pin; // heater PWM pin byte thermistor_pin; // thermistor analog input pin byte cooler_pin; // cooler fan PWM pin //extruder variables bool motor_dir; // Motor direction (true = forward, false = backward) byte motor_pwm; // Speed in PWM, 0-255 byte cooler_pwm; // Fan speed in PWM, 0-255 int current_celsius; // Our current temperature int raw_temperature; // our raw temperature reading. }; #endif