#include "ThermoplastExtruder.h" // Pick up the thermistor table from the file - makes it easier to customise // the code for different thermistors. #include "TemperatureSensor.h" /*! motor_dir_pin must be a digital output. motor_pwm_pin and heater_pin must be PWM capable outputs. thermistor_pin must be an analog input. */ ThermoplastExtruder::ThermoplastExtruder(byte motor_dir_pin, byte motor_pwm_pin, byte heater_pin, byte cooler_pin, byte thermistor_pin, byte valve_dir_pin, byte valve_enable_pin) { this->motor_dir_pin = motor_dir_pin; this->motor_pwm_pin = motor_pwm_pin; this->valve_dir_pin = valve_dir_pin; this->valve_enable_pin = valve_enable_pin; this->heater_pin = heater_pin; this->cooler_pin = cooler_pin; this->thermistor_pin = thermistor_pin; pinMode(this->motor_dir_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(this->motor_pwm_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(this->heater_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(this->valve_dir_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(this->valve_enable_pin, OUTPUT); this->getTemperature(); this->setSpeed(0); this->setDirection(true); //init our temp stuff. this->target_celsius = 0; this->max_celsius = 0; this->heater_low = 0; this->heater_high = 0; } /*! Sets the motor speed from 0-255 (0 is off). */ void ThermoplastExtruder::setSpeed(byte speed) { this->motor_pwm = speed; analogWrite(this->motor_pwm_pin, this->motor_pwm); } void ThermoplastExtruder::setCooler(byte speed) { this->cooler_pwm = speed; analogWrite(this->cooler_pin, this->cooler_pwm); } /*! Sets the motor direction (true = forward, false = backward) */ void ThermoplastExtruder::setDirection(bool dir) { this->motor_dir = dir; digitalWrite(this->motor_dir_pin, this->motor_dir); } /*! Pulse the valve to open or close it. dir == true: open; dir == false: closed */ void ThermoplastExtruder::setValve(bool dir, byte pulse_time) { digitalWrite(this->valve_dir_pin, dir); digitalWrite(this->valve_enable_pin, 1); delay(2*(int)pulse_time); digitalWrite(this->valve_enable_pin, 0); } void ThermoplastExtruder::setTemperature(int temp) { this->target_celsius = temp; this->max_celsius = (int)((float)temp * 1.1); } /** * Samples the temperature and converts it to degrees celsius. * Returns degrees celsius. */ int ThermoplastExtruder::getTemperature() { this->raw_temperature = analogRead(thermistor_pin); this->current_celsius = this->calculateTemperatureFromRaw(this->raw_temperature); return this->current_celsius; } /** * Samples the temperature and converts it to degrees celsius. * Returns degrees celsius. */ int ThermoplastExtruder::calculateTemperatureFromRaw(int raw) { int celsius = 0; #ifdef THERMISTOR // We are using a thermistor for temperature measurement byte i; for (i=1; i raw) { celsius = temptable[i-1][1] + (raw - temptable[i-1][0]) * (temptable[i][1] - temptable[i-1][1]) / (temptable[i][0] - temptable[i-1][0]); if (celsius > 255) celsius = 255; break; } } // Overflow: We just clamp to 0 degrees celsius if (i == NUMTEMPS) celsius = 0; #else // We are using a K-type thermocouple and the AD595 chip for temperature measurement celsius = ( 5.0 * raw * 100.0) / 1024.0; #endif return celsius; } /*! Manages motor and heater based on measured temperature: o If temp is too low, don't start the motor o Adjust the heater power to keep the temperature at the target */ void ThermoplastExtruder::manageTemperature() { //make sure we know what our temp is. this->getTemperature(); //put the heater into high mode if we're not at our target. if (current_celsius < target_celsius) { analogWrite(heater_pin, heater_high); } //put the heater on low if we're at our target. else if (current_celsius < max_celsius) { analogWrite(heater_pin, heater_low); } //turn the heater off if we're above our max. else { analogWrite(heater_pin, 0); } }