//init our variables long max_delta; long x_counter; long y_counter; long z_counter; bool x_can_step; bool y_can_step; bool z_can_step; int milli_delay; void init_steppers() { //init our points. current_units.x = 0.0; current_units.y = 0.0; current_units.z = 0.0; target_units.x = 0.0; target_units.y = 0.0; target_units.z = 0.0; pinMode(X_STEP_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(X_DIR_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(X_ENABLE_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(X_MIN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(X_MAX_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(Y_STEP_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(Y_DIR_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(Y_ENABLE_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(Y_MIN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(Y_MAX_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(Z_STEP_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(Z_DIR_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(Z_ENABLE_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(Z_MIN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(Z_MAX_PIN, INPUT); //figure our stuff. calculate_deltas(); } void dda_move(long micro_delay) { //enable our steppers digitalWrite(X_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(Y_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(Z_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH); //figure out our deltas max_delta = max(delta_steps.x, delta_steps.y); max_delta = max(delta_steps.z, max_delta); //init stuff. long x_counter = -max_delta/2; long y_counter = -max_delta/2; long z_counter = -max_delta/2; //our step flags bool x_can_step = 0; bool y_can_step = 0; bool z_can_step = 0; if (micro_delay >= 16383) milli_delay = micro_delay / 1000; else milli_delay = 0; /* Serial.print("max:"); Serial.println(max_delta, DEC); Serial.print("xd:"); Serial.println(delta_steps.x, DEC); Serial.print("yd:"); Serial.println(delta_steps.y, DEC); Serial.print("zd:"); Serial.println(delta_steps.z, DEC); Serial.print("msec:"); Serial.println(millis, DEC); Serial.print("usec:"); Serial.println(micro_delay, DEC); */ //do our DDA line! do { x_can_step = can_step(X_MIN_PIN, X_MAX_PIN, current_steps.x, target_steps.x, x_direction); y_can_step = can_step(Y_MIN_PIN, Y_MAX_PIN, current_steps.y, target_steps.y, y_direction); z_can_step = can_step(Z_MIN_PIN, Z_MAX_PIN, current_steps.z, target_steps.z, z_direction); if (x_can_step) { x_counter += delta_steps.x; if (x_counter > 0) { do_step(X_STEP_PIN); x_counter -= max_delta; if (x_direction) current_steps.x++; else current_steps.x--; } } if (y_can_step) { y_counter += delta_steps.y; if (y_counter > 0) { do_step(Y_STEP_PIN); y_counter -= max_delta; if (y_direction) current_steps.y++; else current_steps.y--; } } if (z_can_step) { z_counter += delta_steps.z; if (z_counter > 0) { do_step(Z_STEP_PIN); z_counter -= max_delta; if (z_direction) current_steps.z++; else current_steps.z--; } } extruder_manage_temperature(); //wait for next step. if (milli_delay > 0) delay(milli_delay); else delayMicroseconds(micro_delay); } while (x_can_step || y_can_step || z_can_step); //set our points to be the same current_units.x = target_units.x; current_units.y = target_units.y; current_units.z = target_units.z; calculate_deltas(); } bool can_step(byte min_pin, byte max_pin, long current, long target, byte direction) { //stop us if we're on target if (target == current) return false; //stop us if we're at home and still going else if (read_switch(min_pin) && !direction) return false; //stop us if we're at max and still going else if (read_switch(max_pin) && direction) return false; //default to being able to step return true; } void do_step(byte step_pin) { digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW); } bool read_switch(byte pin) { //dual read as crude debounce if ( SENSORS_INVERTING ) return !digitalRead(pin) && !digitalRead(pin); else return digitalRead(pin) && digitalRead(pin); } void set_target(float x, float y, float z) { target.x = x; target.y = y; target.z = z; calculate_deltas(); } void set_position(float x, float y, float z) { current.x = x; current.y = y; current.z = z; calculate_deltas(); } void calculate_deltas() { //figure our deltas. delta.x = abs(target.x - current.x); delta.y = abs(target.y - current.y); delta.z = abs(target.z - current.z); //what is our direction x_direction = (target_units.x >= current_units.x); y_direction = (target_units.y >= current_units.y); z_direction = (target_units.z >= current_units.z); //set our direction pins as well digitalWrite(X_DIR_PIN, x_direction); digitalWrite(Y_DIR_PIN, y_direction); digitalWrite(Z_DIR_PIN, z_direction); } void disable_steppers() { //enable our steppers digitalWrite(X_ENABLE_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(Y_ENABLE_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(Z_ENABLE_PIN, LOW); }