//these routines provide an easy interface for controlling timer1 interrupts //this handles the timer interrupt event SIGNAL(SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A) { extruder_error--; } void enableTimer1Interrupt() { //enable our interrupt! TIMSK1 |= (1< 5) r = 5; TCCR1B &= B11111000; TCCR1B |= r; } void setTimer1Ceiling(unsigned int c) { OCR1A = c; } unsigned int getTimer1Ceiling(unsigned long ticks) { // our slowest speed at our highest resolution ( (2^16-1) * 0.0625 usecs = 4095 usecs) if (ticks <= 65535L) return (ticks & 0xffff); // our slowest speed at our next highest resolution ( (2^16-1) * 0.5 usecs = 32767 usecs) else if (ticks <= 524280L) return ((ticks / 8) & 0xffff); // our slowest speed at our medium resolution ( (2^16-1) * 4 usecs = 262140 usecs) else if (ticks <= 4194240L) return ((ticks / 64) & 0xffff); // our slowest speed at our medium-low resolution ( (2^16-1) * 16 usecs = 1048560 usecs) else if (ticks <= 16776960L) return (ticks / 256); // our slowest speed at our lowest resolution ((2^16-1) * 64 usecs = 4194240 usecs) else if (ticks <= 67107840L) return (ticks / 1024); //its really slow... hopefully we can just get by with super slow. else return 65535; } byte getTimer1Resolution(unsigned long ticks) { // these also represent frequency: 1000000 / ticks / 2 = frequency in hz. // our slowest speed at our highest resolution ( (2^16-1) * 0.0625 usecs = 4095 usecs (4 millisecond max)) // range: 8Mhz max - 122hz min if (ticks <= 65535L) return 1; // our slowest speed at our next highest resolution ( (2^16-1) * 0.5 usecs = 32767 usecs (32 millisecond max)) // range:1Mhz max - 15.26hz min else if (ticks <= 524280L) return 2; // our slowest speed at our medium resolution ( (2^16-1) * 4 usecs = 262140 usecs (0.26 seconds max)) // range: 125Khz max - 1.9hz min else if (ticks <= 4194240L) return 3; // our slowest speed at our medium-low resolution ( (2^16-1) * 16 usecs = 1048560 usecs (1.04 seconds max)) // range: 31.25Khz max - 0.475hz min else if (ticks <= 16776960L) return 4; // our slowest speed at our lowest resolution ((2^16-1) * 64 usecs = 4194240 usecs (4.19 seconds max)) // range: 7.812Khz max - 0.119hz min else if (ticks <= 67107840L) return 5; //its really slow... hopefully we can just get by with super slow. else return 5; } void setTimer1Ticks(unsigned long ticks) { // ticks is the delay between interrupts in 4 microsecond ticks. // // we break it into 5 different resolutions based on the delay. // then we set the resolution based on the size of the delay. // we also then calculate the timer ceiling required. (ie what the counter counts to) // the result is the timer counts up to the appropriate time and then fires an interrupt. setTimer1Ceiling(getTimer1Ceiling(ticks)); setTimer1Resolution(getTimer1Resolution(ticks)); } void setupTimer1Interrupt() { //clear the registers TCCR1A = 0; TCCR1B = 0; TCCR1C = 0; TIMSK1 = 0; //waveform generation = 0100 = CTC TCCR1B &= ~(1<