//Eagle3D 1.05 INC-File switch.inc //created by: INC SRC Compiler v1.06 //created on: 13.11.2006 19:31:48 //(c) 2002-2004 by M. Weisser //or the author of the macro #ifndef(__switch_inc) #declare __switch_inc = true; #ifndef(inc_testmode) #declare inc_testmode=true; #include "tools.inc" #undef inc_testmode #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** //B3F-10XX //Tobias Mueller //erweitert und umbenannt von M. Weisser // //dia: diameter of button //height: height of button over case of button //color: color of actual button ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro SWITCH_ALPS_SKHH_V_GRND(dia, height, c) union{ box{<-3,0,-3><3,2.9,3> pigment{Black}} box{<-3,2.9,-3><3,3,3> pigment{Gray50}} object{ Round_Cylinder_Union(<0,3,0>, <0,3+height,0>, dia/2, (dia/2)/10) texture { pigment{c} finish{phong 0.4 reflection{0.2}} } } cylinder { <0,3,0> <0,3.2,0> 0.4 pigment {Black} translate<-2.5,0,-2.5>} cylinder { <0,3,0> <0,3.2,0> 0.4 pigment {Black} translate <-2.5,0,2.5>} cylinder { <0,3,0> <0,3.2,0> 0.4 pigment {Black} translate <2.5,0,-2.5>} cylinder { <0,3,0> <0,3.2,0> 0.4 pigment {Black} translate <2.5,0,2.5>} union{ box{<-0.2,-1,-0.4> <0.2,1,0.4>} cylinder { <-0,1,-0.4> <0,1,0.4> 0.2} translate <3,0,2.2> } union{ box { <-0.2,-1,-0.4> <0.2,1,0.4>} cylinder { <-0,1,-0.4> <0,1,0.4> 0.2} translate <3,0,-2.2> } union { box { <-0.2,-1,-0.4> <0.2,1,0.4>} cylinder { <-0,1,-0.4> <0,1,0.4> 0.2} translate <-3,0,2.2> } union { box { <-0.2,-1,-0.4> <0.2,1,0.4>} cylinder { <-0,1,-0.4> <0,1,0.4> 0.2} translate <-3,0,-2.2> } texture{pigment{Gray70} finish{F_MetalA}} } #end #macro SWITCH_B3F_10XX1() object{SWITCH_ALPS_SKHH_V_GRND(4,1,Black)} #end #macro SWITCH_SKHH_V_4_3MM_YELL() object{SWITCH_ALPS_SKHH_V_GRND(4,1.3,Yellow)} #end #macro SWITCH_SKHH_V_5MM_YELL() object{SWITCH_ALPS_SKHH_V_GRND(4,2,Yellow)} #end #macro SWITCH_SKHH_V_7MM_YELL() object{SWITCH_ALPS_SKHH_V_GRND(4,4,Yellow)} #end #macro SWITCH_SKHH_V_9_5MM_YELL() object{SWITCH_ALPS_SKHH_V_GRND(4,6.5,Yellow)} #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** //Nigel Eke //Dipswitch ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro SWITCH_DIP_GRND(nrSwitches) #local pin = cylinder { <0,-3,0> <0,0,0> .25 texture {T_Gold_5E} } #local well = box { <0,3.7,2> <1,3.91,6> pigment { MediumWood } } #local housing = difference { box { <0,0,0> <2*nrSwitches+1,3.9,7.8> } box { <0,3.7,2> <.3,3.91,6> } pigment { color red 0.7 green 0.15 blue 0.15 } } //SteelBlue #local offSwitch = union { box { <0.1,3.71,2.01> <.9,3.71,5.9> } box { <0.1,3.71,2.01> <.9,4.5,3> } pigment { NewTan }} #local onSwitch = union { box { <0.1,3.71,2.01> <.9,3.71,5.9> } box { <0.1,3.71,5> <.9,4.5,5.9> } pigment { NewTan }} union { difference { object { housing } #local wellNr = 0; #while (wellNr < nrSwitches) object { well translate } #local wellNr = wellNr + 1; #end } #local switchNr = 0; #while (switchNr < nrSwitches) #local xShift = (switchNr*2)+1; object { pin translate } object { pin translate } #local onOff = SRand(1); #if (onOff < 0) object { offSwitch translate } #else object { onSwitch translate } #end text { ttf besch_font str(switchNr+1,2,0) .01, 0 pigment { NewTan } scale 1.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate } #local switchNr = switchNr + 1; #end text { ttf besch_font "ON" .01, 0 pigment { NewTan } scale 1.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<0.5,3.91,6.3>} translate<-nrSwitches-.5,0,-3.9> scale 2.54/2} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP01() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(1)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP02() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(2)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP03() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(3)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP04() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(4)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP05() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(5)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP06() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(6)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP07() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(7)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP08() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(8)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP09() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(9)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP10() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(10)} #end #macro SWITCH_DIP12() object{SWITCH_DIP_GRND(12)} #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** //Macros for Sealed miniature toggle switch Serie E from ITT-industries //Designed by Philippe Boucheny //Rev. 1.1 du 09/01/06 // // Version supported: // Function : 10x 20x 30x for 1,2,3 circuits // : x01(actuator pos 1) x05(actuator pos 2) // Actuator : M, S, L3 (L3 red by default, other color can be created) // Bushing : D1, D9, Y only for termin. C (take D1 for F1) (D9 doesn't exist for 3 circuits) // Termination : A, AV2, C, (V3, V2, V4, V6, V7, V8, V9) // Contact mat. : Gold by default (silver can be created) // Plastic Actuator Color : Red by default (White and Black can be created) // // Circuit=1-3 ActuatorType=1-3 ActuatorPos=1-3 Bushing=1-3 T=1..20 Material=1-2 PAC=1-3 // parameters are took in the same order than datasheet ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(Circuit,ActuatorType,ActuatorPos,Bushing,T,Material,PAC) // Case #macro ITT_CASE(Circuit,Pos) // Pos=1 actuator on top Pos=2 actuator H Pos=3 actuator V #if(Circuit=1) #local W=6.6; #local L=8.89; #end #if(Circuit=2) #local W=11.43; #local L=8.89; #end #if(Circuit=3) #local W=16.31; #local L=10.77; #end #local H=12.7; union{ superellipsoid {<0.04,0.04> scale translate (+0.5-t1/2)*x pigment{Redbody}} // large part superellipsoid {<0.04,0.04> scale <1/2,H/2,W/2> translate (-L/2+0.5-t1/2)*x pigment{Redbody}} // thin part #if(Pos=2 | Pos=3) superellipsoid {<0.04,0.04> scale translate (-L/2-t1)*x texture{Silver2}} // front plate #end #if(Circuit=2) superellipsoid {<0.05,0.5> scale <1.52/2,H/2,1.2/2> translate (L/2)*x pigment{Redbody}} // large part #end #if(Circuit=3) superellipsoid {<0.05,0.5> scale <1.52/2,H/2,1.2/2> translate <(L/2),0,-4.83/2> pigment{Redbody}} // large part superellipsoid {<0.05,0.5> scale <1.52/2,H/2,1.2/2> translate <(L/2),0,+4.83/2> pigment{Redbody}} // large part #end //marking #local OffsetX=3.7; #local Oy=-6.5; #local Oz=0; text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "&" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 2.2 rotate<0,0,90> translate} #if(Circuit=1) text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "C&K CR E 101" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<0,0,90> translate} #end #if(Circuit=2) text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "C&K CR E 201" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<0,0,90> translate} #end #if(Circuit=3) text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "C&K CR E 301" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<0,0,90> translate} #end text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "0.4 VA MAX" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<0,0,90> translate} text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "0214" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<0,0,90> translate} #if(Pos=1) rotate <0,0,-90> translate <0,L/2,0> #end #if(Pos=2) rotate <90,0,0> translate #end #if(Pos=3) translate #end } #end // Bushing #macro ITT_BUSHING(B,Pos,OffsetX,OffsetY) // Pos=1 actuator on top Pos=2 actuator H Pos=3 actuator V #local r=0.2; #local e=0.1; // Epsilon #if(B=1 | B=2 | B=3) #local D=6.48; #end #if(B=1 | B=2) #local LB=6.35; #end #if(B=3) #local LB=7.11; #end #if(B=4) #local LB=8.89; #local D=6.2; #end difference{ union{ cylinder{<-LB+r,0,0><0,0,0> D/2} torus{D/2-r, r rotate 90*z translate <-LB+r,0,0>} cylinder{<-LB,0,0><0,0,0> D/2-r} } union{ cylinder{<-LB-e,0,0><0,0,0> 1.8} #if(B=1 | B=2 | B=3) box{<-LB-e,-D/2,-2.78><0,+D/2,-D/2-e>} box{<-LB-e,-D/2,+2.78><0,+D/2,+D/2+e>} #end #if(B=4) #ifdef (global_fine_drawing) #local Alpha=0; #local Pitch=0.47; #local xs=0; #local N=0; #while(xs>(-LB-1)) #local xs=-Alpha/360*Pitch; sphere{ 0.66*Pitch} #local Alpha=Alpha+10; #end #else #local N=0; #while((N*0.635)} #local N=N+1; #end #end box{<0,-D/2+.56,-0.42><-LB-1,-D/2-0.1,+0.42>} #end } #if(Pos=1) rotate -90*z translate OffsetY*y #end #if(Pos=2) rotate -90*x translate <-OffsetX,OffsetY,0> #end #if(Pos=3) translate <-OffsetX,OffsetY,0> #end #if(B=1 | B=2 | B=3) pigment {Redbody} #else texture {col_silver} //pigment {Silver} #end } #end #macro ITT_ACTUATOR(Pos,ActuatorType,ActuatorPos,OffsetX,OffsetY,PAC,B) // Pos=1 actuator on top Pos=2 actuator H Pos=3 actuator V #local k=3; #local col=Gray20; #if(B=1 | B=2) #local ofs=6.35-k; #end #if(B=3) #local ofs=7.11-k; #end #if(B=4) #local ofs=8.89-k; #end #if(ActuatorPos=1) #local Alpha = -25/360*3.14; #end #if(ActuatorPos=2) #local Alpha = 0; #end #if(ActuatorPos=3) #local Alpha = +25/360*3.14; #end union{ #if(ActuatorType=1) #local L1=7.62+k; #local D=2.67; sphere{<-L1+D/2,-tan(Alpha)*(L1-D/2),0>, D/2 texture{Chrome_Texture}} cone{<-L1+D/2,-tan(Alpha)*(L1-D/2), 0>, D/2, <0,0,0>, 1.2 texture { Chrome_Texture }} #end #if(ActuatorType=2) #local L1=12.70+k; #local D=2.92; sphere{<-L1+D/2,-tan(Alpha)*(L1-D/2),0>, D/2 texture{Chrome_Texture}} cone{<-L1+D/2,-tan(Alpha)*(L1-D/2), 0>, D/2, <0,0,0>, 1.2 texture { Chrome_Texture }} #end #if(ActuatorType=3) #local L1=7.5+k; #local L2=23.30+k; #local L3=23.88+k; #local D1=2.92; #local D2=3.28; #local D3=2.78; #if(PAC=1) #local col=Gray20; #end #if(PAC=2) #local col=White; #end #if(PAC=3) #local col=Red; #end cone{<-L1,-tan(Alpha)*(L1), 0>, D1/2, <0,0,0>, 1.2 texture{Chrome_Texture}} cone{<-L2,-tan(Alpha)*(L2), 0>, D2/2, <-L1,-tan(Alpha)*(L1), 0>, D1/2 pigment { col }} cone{<-L3,-tan(Alpha)*(L3), 0>, D3/2, <-L2,-tan(Alpha)*(L2), 0>, D2/2 pigment { col }} #end translate -ofs*x #if(Pos=1) rotate -90*z translate <0,OffsetY,0> #end #if(Pos=2) rotate -90*x translate <-OffsetX,OffsetY,0> #end #if(Pos=3) rotate 180*x translate <-OffsetX,OffsetY,0> #end } #end #macro ITT_SPRING(Pos,OffsetX,OffsetY) union{ difference{ intersection{ box{<-2-9.636,-6.15,+3.25><-9.043,6.15,-3.25> texture { Silver2 }} cylinder{<0,0,-5><0,0,+5> 30 translate +20.0*x texture { Silver2 }} } union{ box{<-2-9.7,-4.85,+2.85><-9.3,4.85,-2.85> texture { Silver2 }} cylinder{<0,0,-5><0,0,+5> 30 translate +20.2*x texture { Silver2 }} } } box{<-0.1,-1.3,-2.5><+0.1,+1.3,+2.5> rotate -20*z translate<-9.95,3.58,0> texture { Silver2 }} box{<-0.1,-1.3,-2.5><+0.1,+1.3,+2.5> rotate +20*z translate<-10,-3.58,0> texture { Silver2 }} #if(Pos=1) rotate -90*z translate OffsetY*y #end #if(Pos=2) rotate -90*x translate #end #if(Pos=3) translate #end } #end //front plate #macro ITT_PLATE_PIN(Pos,OffsetX,OffsetY) #local t1 = 0.41; // front plate thickness #if(Circuit=1) #local W=6.6; #local L=8.89; #end #if(Circuit=2) #local W=11.43; #local L=8.89; #end #if(Circuit=3) #local W=16.31; #local L=10.77; #end #local H = 12.7; // case height union{ box{<-t1/2,0,+2.54-0.635><+t1/2,-2.24,+2.54+0.635>} box{<-t1/2,0,-2.54-0.635><+t1/2,-2.24,-2.54+0.635>} cylinder{<-t1/2,-2.24,+2.54><+t1/2,-2.24,+2.54> .635} cylinder{<-t1/2,-2.24,-2.54><+t1/2,-2.24,-2.54> .635} texture { Silver2 } } #end //Bended E pin L=lenght H=height R=ray h=pin height w=pin width #macro ITT_PIN(L,H,R,h,w,Offset,Material) #local e=0.1; // Epsilon union{ box{<-L,H-h/2,-w/2><0-R,H+h/2,+w/2>} // horizontal pin part box{<-h/2,-3.18,-w/2><+h/2,H-R,+w/2>} // vertical pin part difference{ cylinder{<-R,H-R,-w/2><-R,H-R,+w/2> R+h/2} // bended pin part union{ cylinder{<-R,H-R,-w/2-e><-R,H-R,+w/2+e> R-h/2} // delete central part of cylinder box{<-2*R-h/2-e,H+h/2+e,-w/2-e><-R,H-2*R-h/2-e,+w/2+e>} // delete half of disc box{<-R-e,H-R,-w/2-e><+h/2+e,H-2*R-h/2-e,+w/2+e>} // delete half of remaining half of disc } } translate Offset*x #if(Material=1 | Material=2) texture {col_gold} #else texture {col_silver} #end } #end #macro ITT_PIN_SET(Circuit,L,H,T,Material) #local h=0.76; #local w=1.27; #local MH=H/2; #local ST=3.81; #local Start=0; #local L1=12.70; #if(T=1) //A #if(Circuit=1) #local DH=3.81; #local DW=4.7; #local Start=0; #end #if(Circuit=2) #local DH=3.81; #local DW=4.7; #local Start=-DH/2; #end #if(Circuit=3) #local DH=3.81; #local DW=4.7; #local Start=-DH; #local L1=14.35; #end #else //AV2 #if(Circuit=1) #local DH=4.7; #local DW=4.83; #local Start=0; #end #if(Circuit=2) #local DH=4.7; #local DW=4.83; #local Start=-DW/2; #end #if(Circuit=3) #local DH=4.7; #local DW=4.83; #local Start=-DW; #local L1=14.35; #end #end union{ #local N=1; #if(T=1) #while(N<(Circuit+1)) union{ object{ITT_PIN(4+ST*(N-1),MH+Start+(N-1)*DH,1.1+(N-1),w,h,L1+ST*(N-1),Material) translate -DW*z} object{ITT_PIN(4+ST*(N-1),MH+Start+(N-1)*DH,1.1+(N-1),w,h,L1+ST*(N-1),Material) } object{ITT_PIN(4+ST*(N-1),MH+Start+(N-1)*DH,1.1+(N-1),w,h,L1+ST*(N-1),Material) translate +DW*z} sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <1,1,0.6> translate pigment{Redbody}} sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <1,1,0.6> translate pigment{Redbody}} sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <1,1,0.6> translate pigment{Redbody}} //sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <0,0,0.6> translate pigment{Redbody}} } #local N=N+1; #end #end #if(T=2) #while(N<(Circuit+1)) union{ object{ITT_PIN(4,MH-DH,1.1,h,w,L1,Material) } object{ITT_PIN(4+ST,MH,2.0,h,w,L1+ST,Material) } object{ITT_PIN(4+2*ST,MH+DH,3.0,h,w,L1+2*ST,Material) } sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <1,0.6,1> translate pigment{Redbody}} sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <1,0.6,1> translate pigment{Redbody}} sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <1,0.6,1> translate pigment{Redbody}} translate z*(Start+(N-1)*DW) } #local N=N+1; #end #end #if(T=3) #while(N<(Circuit+1)) union{ box{<-h/2,1.52,-w/2><+h/2,1.52-6.35,+w/2> translate<-4.70,0,0>} box{<-h/2,1.52,-w/2><+h/2,1.52-6.35,+w/2>} box{<-h/2,1.52,-w/2><+h/2,1.52-6.35,+w/2> translate<+4.70,0,0>} #if(Material=1 | Material=2) texture {col_gold} #else texture {col_silver} #end translate z*(Start+(N-1)*DW) } union{ sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <1,0.6,1> translate <-DH,1.52,0>} sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <1,0.6,1> translate <0,1.52,0>} sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1.52 scale <1,0.6,1> translate <+DH,1.52,0>} translate z*(Start+(N-1)*DW) pigment{Redbody} } #local N=N+1; #end #end } #end #local Redbody = rgb <0.62, 0.32, 0.29>; #local t1 = 0.41; // front plate thickness #local t2 = 0.51; // V type plate thickness #local sh = 1.52; // Epoxy seal height #local H = 12.7; // case height #if(Circuit=1) #local W=6.6; #local L=8.89; #end #if(Circuit=2) #local W=11.43; #local L=8.89; #end #if(Circuit=3) #local W=16.31; #local L=10.77; #end #if(T=1) // A union{ object{ITT_CASE(Circuit,2) translate (t1/2)*x} object{ITT_BUSHING(Bushing,2,t1/2,W/2)} object{ITT_ACTUATOR(2,ActuatorType,ActuatorPos,2.86,W/2,PAC,Bushing)} object{ITT_SPRING(2,9,W/2)} object{ITT_PLATE_PIN(2,0,H/2)} object{ITT_PIN_SET(Circuit,L,W,T,Material)} } #end #if(T=2) // AV2 union{ object{ITT_CASE(Circuit,3) translate} object{ITT_BUSHING(Bushing,3,t1/2,H/2)} object{ITT_ACTUATOR(3,ActuatorType,ActuatorPos,2.86,H/2,PAC,Bushing)} object{ITT_SPRING(3,9,H/2)} object{ITT_PLATE_PIN(3,0,H/2)} object{ITT_PIN_SET(Circuit,L,H,T,Material)} } #end #if(T=3) // C union{ object{ITT_CASE(Circuit,1) translate sh*y} object{ITT_BUSHING(Bushing,1,0,L+sh)} object{ITT_ACTUATOR(1,ActuatorType,ActuatorPos,0,L+2.86,PAC,Bushing)} object{ITT_PIN_SET(Circuit,L,W,T,Material)} } #end #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 1, Actuator M, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101MD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,1,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101MD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,1,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101MD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,1,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 1, Actuator M, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201MD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,1,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201MD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,1,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201MD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,1,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 1, Actuator M, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301MD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,1,1,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301MD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,1,1,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301MD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,1,1,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 1, Actuator M, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101MD9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,1,3,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101MD9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,1,3,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101MD9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,1,3,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 1, Actuator M, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201MD9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,1,3,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201MD9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,1,3,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201MD9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,1,3,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 1, Actuator M, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101MYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,1,4,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 1, Actuator M, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201MYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,1,4,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 1, Actuator M, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301MYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,1,1,4,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 1, Actuator S, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101SD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,1,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101SD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,1,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101SD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,1,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 1, Actuator S, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201SD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,1,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201SD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,1,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201SD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,1,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 1, Actuator S, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301SD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,2,1,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301SD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,2,1,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301SD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,2,1,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 1, Actuator S, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101SD9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,1,3,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101SD9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,1,3,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101SD9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,1,3,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 1, Actuator S, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201SD9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,1,3,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201SD9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,1,3,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201SD9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,1,3,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 1, Actuator S, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101SYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,1,4,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 1, Actuator S, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201SYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,1,4,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 1, Actuator S, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301SYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,2,1,4,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 1, Actuator L3, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101L3D1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,1,1,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101L3D1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,1,1,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101L3D1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,1,1,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 1, Actuator L3, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201L3D1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,1,1,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201L3D1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,1,1,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201L3D1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,1,1,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 1, Actuator L3, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301L3D1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,3,1,1,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301L3D1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,3,1,1,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301L3D1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,3,1,1,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 1, Actuator L3, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101L3D9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,1,3,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101L3D9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,1,3,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101L3D9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,1,3,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 1, Actuator L3, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201L3D9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,1,3,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201L3D9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,1,3,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201L3D9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,1,3,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 1, Actuator L3, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E101L3YCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,1,4,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 1, Actuator L3, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E201L3YCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,1,4,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 1, Actuator L3, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E301L3YCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,3,1,4,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 2, Actuator M, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105MD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,2,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105MD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,2,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105MD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,2,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 2, Actuator M, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205MD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,2,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205MD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,2,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205MD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,2,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 2, Actuator M, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305MD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,1,2,1,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305MD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,1,2,1,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305MD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,1,2,1,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 2, Actuator M, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105MD9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,2,3,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105MD9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,2,3,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105MD9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,2,3,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 2, Actuator M, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205MD9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,2,3,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205MD9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,2,3,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205MD9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,2,3,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 2, Actuator M, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105MYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,1,2,4,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 2, Actuator M, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205MYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,1,2,4,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 2, Actuator M, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305MYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,1,2,4,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 2, Actuator S, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105SD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,2,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105SD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,2,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105SD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,2,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 2, Actuator S, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205SD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,2,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205SD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,2,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205SD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,2,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 2, Actuator S, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305SD1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,2,2,1,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305SD1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,2,2,1,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305SD1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,2,2,1,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 2, Actuator S, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105SD9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,2,3,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105SD9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,2,3,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105SD9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,2,3,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 2, Actuator S, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205SD9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,2,3,1,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205SD9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,2,3,2,1,0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205SD9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,2,3,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 2, Actuator S, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105SYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,2,2,4,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 2, Actuator S, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205SYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,2,2,4,3,1,0)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 2, Actuator S, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305SYCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,2,2,4,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 2, Actuator L3, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105L3D1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,2,1,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105L3D1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,2,1,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105L3D1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,2,1,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 2, Actuator L3, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205L3D1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,2,1,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205L3D1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,2,1,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205L3D1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,2,1,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 2, Actuator L3, Bushing D1 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305L3D1ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,3,2,1,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305L3D1AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,3,2,1,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305L3D1CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,3,2,1,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 2, Actuator L3, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105L3D9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,2,3,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105L3D9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,2,3,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105L3D9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,2,3,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 2, Actuator L3, Bushing D9 #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205L3D9ABE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,2,3,1,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205L3D9AV2BE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,2,3,2,1,3)} #end #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205L3D9CBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,2,3,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 1 circuit pos 2, Actuator L3, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E105L3YCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(1,3,2,4,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 2 circuits pos 2, Actuator L3, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E205L3YCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(2,3,2,4,3,1,3)} #end // Fonction 3 circuits pos 2, Actuator L3, Bushing Y #macro SWITCH_ITTE_E305L3YCBE() object{SWITCH_ITTE_GRND(3,3,2,4,3,1,3)} #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** //Macro fuer Taster 6x6 //franz.riedmueller(replace with at)web.de ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_GRND(col) union{ box {<-3, 0, -3> < 3, 3.4, 3> pigment{ color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box {<-3, 3.4, -3> < 3, 3.5, 3> pigment{ color rgb <2, 2, 2>} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 reflection 0.35 phong 1.0 phong_size 70 brilliance 10} } cone {<0, 3.4, 0>, 1.65, <0, 9.5, 0>, 1.45 pigment{color red 1} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 reflection 0.05 phong 1.0 phong_size 40} } cylinder {<-2.3, 3.4, 2.3>, <-2.3, 3.7, 2.3>, 0.5 pigment{color rgb <0, 0, 0>} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85} } cylinder {<-2.3, 3.4, -2.3>, <-2.3, 3.7, -2.3>, 0.5 pigment{color rgb <0, 0, 0>} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85} } cylinder {<2.3, 3.4, 2.3>, <2.3, 3.7, 2.3>, 0.5 pigment{color rgb <0, 0, 0>} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85} } cylinder {<2.3, 3.4, -2.3>, <2.3, 3.7, -2.3>, 0.5 pigment{color rgb <0, 0, 0>} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85} } box {<-3.01, -2.5, -0.1> < -2.5, 1.0, 0.1> pigment{ color rgb <2, 2, 2>} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 reflection 0.35 phong 1.0 phong_size 70 brilliance 10} } box {<3.01, -2.5, -0.1> < 2.5, 1.0, 0.1> pigment{color rgb <2, 2, 2>} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 reflection 0.35 phong 1.0 phong_size 70 brilliance 10} } } #end #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_RED() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_GRND(Red)} #end #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_GREEN() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_GRND(Green)} #end #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_BLUE() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_GRND(Blue)} #end #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_BLACK() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_GRND(Black)} #end #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_WHITE() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_6X6_GRND(White)} #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** // Makro fuer LSH-Taster von Schurter (http://www.schurter.de/) // Erstellt von Oliver Saal (osaal(replace with at)gmx.de) 22.09.2003 // height = Hoehe des Tasters (von der Platine aus gemessen) // dia_top = Durchmesser des Tasters am oberen Ende // Benutzt Makro "IC_SMD_PIN" aus "ic.inc" ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH(height,dia_top) // Makro fuer LSH-Grundkoerper (Quader mit abgerundeten senkrechten Kanten) // Erstellt von Oliver Saal (osaal@gmx.de) 22.09.2003 // size_x = Laenge // size_z = Breite // height = Hoehe // r = Radius der Rundung #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH_BOX(size_x,size_z,height,r) union { cylinder {<0,0,0><0,height,0> 0.2 translate} cylinder {<0,0,0><0,height,0> 0.2 translate} cylinder {<0,0,0><0,height,0> 0.2 translate<-(size_x/2-r),0,size_z/2-r>} cylinder {<0,0,0><0,height,0> 0.2 translate<-(size_x/2-r),0,-(size_z/2-r)>} box {<-size_x/2,0,-size_z/2+r>} box {<-size_x/2+r,0,-size_z/2>} } #end union { object {SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH_BOX(6,6,3,0.2)} object {SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH_BOX(6,6,0.6,0.2) translate<0,3,0> texture{col_silver}} cylinder {<0,0,0><0,0.2,0>0.3 translate<-2,3.6,-2>} cylinder {<0,0,0><0,0.2,0>0.3 translate<-2,3.6,2>} cylinder {<0,0,0><0,0.2,0>0.3 translate<2,3.6,-2>} cylinder {<0,0,0><0,0.2,0>0.3 translate<2,3.6,2>} cone {<0,3.6,0> 1.7 <0,height-0.2,0> dia_top/2 } torus {dia_top/2-0.2, 0.2 translate<0,height-0.2,0>} cylinder {<0, height-0.2,0><0, height,0>,dia_top/2-0.2} object {IC_SMD_PIN(1.5,2.0,0.7,0.3) translate<3,0,2.25>} object {IC_SMD_PIN(1.5,2.0,0.7,0.3) translate<3,0,-2.25>} object {IC_SMD_PIN(1.5,2.0,0.7,0.3) rotate<0,180,0> translate<-3,0,-2.25>} object {IC_SMD_PIN(1.5,2.0,0.7,0.3) rotate<0,180,0> translate<-3,0,2.25>} pigment{Gray30} } #end // Schurter-Best-Nr. LSH 1301.9314, Reichelt-Best.Nr.: Taster 9314 Hoehe 4,3mm #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH43() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH(4.3, 3.4)} #end // Schurter-Best-Nr. LSH 1301.9315, Reichelt-Best.Nr.: Taster 9315 Hoehe 5,0mm #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH50() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH(5.0, 3.4)} #end // Schurter-Best-Nr. LSH 1301.9316, Reichelt-Best.Nr.: Taster 9316 Hoehe 7,0mm #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH70() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH(7.0, 3.2)} #end // Schurter-Best-Nr. LSH 1301.9318, Reichelt-Best.Nr.: Taster 9318 Hoehe 8,0mm #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH80() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH(8.0, 3.2)} #end // Schurter-Best-Nr. LSH 1301.9319, Reichelt-Best.Nr.: Taster 9319 Hoehe 9,5mm #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH95() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH(9.5, 3.0)} #end // Schurter-Best-Nr. LSH 1301.9320, Reichelt-Best.Nr.: Taster 9320 Hoehe 12,5mm #macro SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH125() object{SWITCH_PUSH_BUTTON_LSH(12.5, 3.0)} #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** //Nigel Eke //Rotary-DIP ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro SWITCH_ROTARYDIP_GRND(nrPositions) #local pin = cylinder { <0,-3,0> <0,0,0> .25 texture{col_gold} } #local dial = cylinder { <0,3.75,0> <0,3.91,0> 1.5 pigment { NewTan } } #local arrow = union { box { <-.25,3.76,-1> <.25,4,.75> } box { <-.35,3.76,-.35> <.35,4,.35> rotate<0,45,0> translate<0,0,.75> } pigment { MediumWood } } #local housing = difference { box { <-3.9,0,-3.9> <3.9,3.9,3.9> } box { <-3.91,-.01,3.65> <-3.65,3.91,3.91> } pigment { SteelBlue } } #local notch = cylinder { <0,0,0> <0,3.91,0> .2 pigment { NewTan } } union { difference { object { housing } object { dial } } difference { object { dial } object { arrow } } object { notch translate<-3.4,0,3.4> } #local pinNr = 0; #while (pinNr < 3) object { pin translate<-3,0,(pinNr-1)*2>} #if (pinNr != 1) object { pin translate<3,0,(pinNr-1)*2>} #end #local pinNr = pinNr + 1; #end #local chars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; #local charNr = 0; #while (charNr < nrPositions) text { ttf besch_font substr(chars, charNr+1, 1) .01, 0 pigment { NewTan } scale 1.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-.5,0,0> translate<0,0,2.2> rotate<0,charNr*360/nrPositions,0> translate<0,3.91,0> } #local charNr = charNr + 1; #end rotate<0,180,0> scale 2.54/2 } #end #macro SWITCH_ROTARYDIP10() object{SWITCH_ROTARYDIP_GRND(10)} #end #macro SWITCH_ROTARYDIP16() object{SWITCH_ROTARYDIP_GRND(16)} #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** //Rotary encoder EVQVX from Panasonic ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro SWITCH_ROTENC_PANASONIC_EVQVX_GRND(height) union{ //Anschlusspins union{ box{<-0.4,-3.5,-0.15><0.4,0,0.15>} box{<-0.4,-3.5,-0.15><0.4,0,0.15> translate<-2.5,0,0>} box{<-0.4,-3.5,-0.15><0.4,0,0.15> translate< 2.5,0,0>} box{<-0.6,0,-0.15><0.6,height-5,0.15>} box{<-0.6,0,-0.15><0.6,height-5,0.15> translate<-2.5,0,0>} box{<-0.6,0,-0.15><0.6,height-5,0.15> translate< 2.5,0,0>} box{<-0.7,height-4,-0.15><0.7,height-5,0.15>} box{<-0.7,height-4,-0.15><0.7,height-5,0.15> translate<-2.5,0,0>} box{<-0.7,height-4,-0.15><0.7,height-5,0.15> translate< 2.5,0,0>} //Vorderseite difference{ box{<-0.15,-3.5,-1.0><0.15,height-1,1.0> translate<-10/2,0,2>} box{<-0.16,height-5,0.7><0.16,height,1.1> translate<-10/2,0,2>} } difference{ box{<-0.15,-3.5,-1.0><0.15,height-1,1.0> translate< 10/2,0,2>} box{<-0.16,height-5,0.7><0.16,height,1.1> translate< 10/2,0,2>} } difference{ union{ box{<-3,0,2.5><3,height+2,2.8>} difference{ cylinder{<0,height-2,2.5><0,height-2,2.8>10.0/2} box{<-9.5,height+2,2.4><9.5,-5,2.9>} } } box{<-2,0,2.4><0,6,2.9> translate<-2.3,-1,0> rotate<0,0,10>} box{<0,0,2.4><2,6,2.9> translate<2.3,-1,0> rotate<0,0,-10>} cylinder{<0,height,2.4><0,height,2.9>1.5} } box{<-5.15,height-4,2.5><5.15,height-2,2.8>} box{<-2,height-1,2.5><-5.15,height+1,2.8>} box{<2,height-1,2.5><5.15,height+1,2.8>} //Seitenteile box{<-0.15,height-1,-1.0><0.15,height+1,0.1> translate< 10/2,0,2>} box{<-0.15,height-1,-1.0><0.15,height+1,0.1> translate<-10/2,0,2>} box{<-0.15,height,-1.0><0.15,height+1,0.7> translate< 10/2,0,2>} box{<-0.15,height,-1.0><0.15,height+1,0.7> translate<-10/2,0,2>} box{<-0.15,2,2.0><0.15,4,6> translate< 10/2,0,0> } box{<-0.15,2,2.0><0.15,4,6> translate<-10/2,0,0>} box{<-0.15,0,4.0><0.15,2,6> translate< 10/2,0,0>} box{<-0.15,0,4.0><0.15,2,6> translate<-10/2,0,0>} box{<-0.15,height-2,1><0.15,height-4,-0.5> translate< 10/2,0,0> } box{<-0.15,height-2,1><0.15,height-4,-0.5> translate<-10/2,0,0> } //Rueckseite box{<-5.15,height-2,-0.2><5.15,height-4,-0.5>} difference{ union{ box{<-3,0,-0.2><3,height+2,-0.5>} difference{ cylinder{<0,height-2,-0.1><0,height-2,-0.6>10.0/2} box{<-9.5,height+2,0><9.5,-5,-0.7>} } } cylinder{<0,height,0><0,height,-0.7>1.5} } //pigment{Red} texture{col_silver} } difference{ union{ box{<-9.8/2,height-5,-0.2><9.8/2,height+2,2.5>} difference{ cylinder{<0,height-2,-0.2><0,height-2,2.5>12.8/2} box{<-9.5,height+2,-0.3><9.5,-5,2.6>} } } cylinder{<0,height,-0.3><0,height,2.6>1.5} } pigment{Gray30} //rotate<0,180-45,0> } #end #macro SWITCH_ROTENC_PANASONIC_EVQVX_9MM() object{SWITCH_ROTENC_PANASONIC_EVQVX_GRND(9.0)} #end #macro SWITCH_ROTENC_PANASONIC_EVQVX_11MM() object{SWITCH_ROTENC_PANASONIC_EVQVX_GRND(11.0)} #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** //Macros for 1K2 serie, change over slide switch from SECME //Designed by Philippe Boucheny //Rev. 1.0 26/03/06 ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro SWITCH_SECME_1K2_GRND(Cnx,Act,Au) union{ union{ difference{ union{ superellipsoid { <0.05, 0.05> scale <5, 2.25,1.25> translate <0, 0.5+2.25, 0>} cylinder{<-4,0,0><-4,0.5,0> 0.5} cylinder{<+4,0,0><+4,0.5,0> 0.5} } cylinder{<+4,4.9,0><+4,5.1,0> 0.5} box{<-1.5,3.5,-1.3><+1.5,4,+1.3>} box{<-4.9,3.4,-1.3><-5.1,4.1,+1.3>} box{<-3.7,2,-1.2><+3.7,3.3,-1.3>} } text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "SECME" 0.1, 0 scale 1.3 rotate<0,0,0> translate<-2.3,2.2,-1.25>} // Marking #if(Au=0) pigment { Gray80 } #else pigment { Gray15 } #end finish { diffuse 0.5 specular 0.5 } } #if(Act=0) // High actuator union{ superellipsoid { <0.05, 0.05> scale <4, 0.3,1.25> translate <-0.8, 0.5+4.5+0.3, 0>} box{<-3.9,0,-1.25><1,0.4,+1.25> rotate +4*z translate <-0.8, 0.5+4.5+0.5, 0>} box{<+3.9,0,-1.25><1,0.4,+1.25> rotate -4*z translate <-0.8, 0.5+4.5+0.5, 0>} difference{ superellipsoid { <0.05, 0.05> scale <1.2, 0.4,1.25>} cylinder{<0,0.2,0><0,0.5,0> 0.5} translate <-0.8, 0.5+4.5+0.6+0.2+0.2, 0> } box{<-1.5,3.5,-1.2><+1.5,4,+1.2>} pigment { Red } finish { diffuse 0.5 specular 0.5 } } #else // low actuator union{ superellipsoid { <0.05, 0.05> scale <4, 0.4,1.25> translate <-0.8, 0.5+4.5+0.4, 0>} difference{ superellipsoid { <0.05, 0.05> scale <1.2, 1.05,1.25>} cylinder{<0,0.9,0><0,1.1,0> 0.5} translate <-0.8, 0.5+4.5+1.05, 0> } box{<-1.5,3.5,-1.2><+1.5,4,+1.2>} pigment { Gray15 } finish { diffuse 0.5 specular 0.5 } } #end #if(Cnx=0) // Straight connection #local pin = union{ cylinder {<0, -5, 0> <0, 1, 0> 0.3} sphere {<0,-5,0> 0.3} texture{col_gold} } #else #local pin = union{ cylinder {<0, -0.4, 0> <0, 1, 0> 0.3} cylinder {<0, -0.7, 0.4> <0, -0.7, 4.45> 0.3} sphere {<0,-0.7,4.45> 0.3} intersection { torus { 0.4 0.3 rotate < 0, 0, 90> } box { < -0.3, -0, 0> <+0.3, -2, -2> } translate < 0, -0.3, +0.4> } texture{col_gold} } #end #local i = 0; #while(i<3) object{pin translate< -(3-1)*2.54/2+i*2.54, 0, 0>} #local i = i + 1; #end rotate 180*y #if(Cnx=1) rotate -90*x translate <0,1.25,-1.2> #end } #end // Straight connection - Low actuator #macro SWITCH_SECME_1K2_SL() object{SWITCH_SECME_1K2_GRND(0,0,0)} #end // Straight connection - High actuator #macro SWITCH_SECME_1K2_SH() object{SWITCH_SECME_1K2_GRND(0,1,0)} #end // Right-angled connection - Low actuator #macro SWITCH_SECME_1K2_RL() object{SWITCH_SECME_1K2_GRND(1,0,0)} #end // Right-angled connection - High actuator #macro SWITCH_SECME_1K2_RH() object{SWITCH_SECME_1K2_GRND(1,1,0)} #end // Straight connection - Low actuator #macro SWITCH_SECME_1K2_SLB() object{SWITCH_SECME_1K2_GRND(0,0,1)} #end //End of Macros /********************************************************************** Testing **********************************************************************/ #ifndef(inc_testmode) //Size of the Grid Plane (+/- span) #local XYZ_span=20; //Orientation axes cylinder{<-XYZ_span,0,0>0.1 pigment{Blue}} //X cylinder{<0,-XYZ_span,0><0,XYZ_span,0>0.1 pigment{Red}} //Y cylinder{<0,0,-XYZ_span><0,0,XYZ_span>0.1 pigment{Yellow}} //Z // Useful GRIDS: #local XYZ_step= 1 ; // axis increment #local XYZ_cnt = 0; // loop counter #local xyz_thick = 0.05; // grid line thickness // GRID PLANES: Remove comment begin/end to activate & select PLANES: #while (XYZ_cnt <= XYZ_span) cylinder{<-XYZ_span,0,XYZ_cnt>xyz_thick pigment{Blue}} // Positive Z-Lines cylinder{<-XYZ_span,0,-XYZ_cnt>xyz_thick pigment{Blue}} // Negative Z-Lines //cylinder{<0,XYZ_cnt,-XYZ_span><0,XYZ_cnt,XYZ_span>xyz_thick pigment{Red}} // Positive Y-Z Plane Lines //cylinder{<0,-XYZ_cnt,-XYZ_span><0,-XYZ_cnt,XYZ_span>xyz_thick pigment{Red}} // Negative Y-Z Plane Lines //cylinder{<-XYZ_span,XYZ_cnt,0>xyz_thick pigment{Red}} // Positive Y-X Plane Lines //cylinder{<-XYZ_span,-XYZ_cnt,0>xyz_thick pigment{Red}} // Negative Y-X Plane Lines cylinder{xyz_thick pigment{Yellow}} // Positive X-Lines cylinder{<-XYZ_cnt,0,-XYZ_span><-XYZ_cnt,0,XYZ_span>xyz_thick pigment{Yellow}} // Negative X-Lines #local XYZ_cnt = XYZ_cnt+XYZ_step; #end camera { #local tt = 40; //let's you change the distance easily location <-tt,tt,-tt> //location<0,5,-50> //alternate location look_at <0,0,0> //best to select the approximate centre of the object angle 30 } light_source { <100, 100, -100> White} light_source { <-100, 100, -100> White } light_source { <-100, 100, 100> White } light_source { <100, 100, 100> White } //light_source { <-tt,tt,-tt> White } //light_source { <-tt,tt,-tt> White } //light_source { <-tt,tt,-tt> White } background{Grey} #end #end