import processing.serial.*; // The serial port Serial myPort; String serialLine = ""; boolean started = false; boolean finished = false; boolean commandComplete = true; int commandCount = 0; String temperature = "?"; String gcode[] = { }; int gcodeIndex = 0; PFont font; void setup() { //init stuff size(1024, 600); //smooth(); // List all the available serial ports println(Serial.list()); //open the first port... myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 19200); //load our gcode lines gcode = loadStrings("job.gcode"); font = loadFont("ArialMT-48.vlw"); } int queueLength = 2; int commandsInQueue = 0; void draw() { background(20, 20, 20); while (myPort.available() > 0) { int inByte; inByte =; if (inByte == '\n') { println("Got: " + serialLine); String m[] = match(serialLine, "^T:([0-9]+)"); ; if (m != null) temperature = m[0]; if (match(serialLine, "^start") != null) { started = true; } if (match(serialLine, "^ok") != null) { commandsInQueue--; if (gcodeIndex == gcode.length) println("Job's done!"); } serialLine = ""; } else if (inByte > 0) { serialLine += (char)inByte; } } if (started) { if (commandsInQueue < queueLength) { String cmd = getNextCommand(); print("next command: "); println(cmd); print("queue length: "); println(commandsInQueue); if (gcodeIndex == gcode.length) { finished = true; } if (cmd != null) { commandsInQueue++; println("Sent: " +cmd); myPort.write(cmd); myPort.write("\n"); } } } if (started && finished) { println("Job's done!"); started = false; finished = false; } textFont(font, 16); String temp = "Temperature: " + temperature + "C"; text(temp, 10, 20); } String getNextCommand() { if (gcodeIndex < gcode.length) { String c = gcode[gcodeIndex]; gcodeIndex++; /* if (match(c, "^...") != null) { String comment = "Comment: " + c; println(comment); } */ if (match(c, "^[A-Z]{1}") == null) c = getNextCommand(); return c; } else return null; }