#!/usr/bin/perl -w use File::Basename; #get all the files in our current directory. @files = <*.stl>; #get all the files in subdirectories. @dir_files = <*/*.stl>; #did we get any? $count = @files; if ($count > 0) { #make the dir. if (!-d "povray/") { mkdir "povray/"; } #make the files. foreach $file (@files) { $to_name = $file; $to_name =~ s/stl$/inc/; $to_path = "povray/$to_name"; $cmd = "./stl2pov $file > $to_path"; print $cmd . "\n"; print `$cmd` . "\n"; create_scene_file($to_path); } } #did we get any? $count = @dir_files; if ($count > 0) { #make the files. foreach $file (@dir_files) { $real_name = `basename $file`; $real_dir = `dirname $file`; chomp $real_dir; chomp $real_name; #make the dir if (!-d "$real_dir/povray/") { mkdir "$real_dir/povray/"; } $to_name = $real_name; $to_name =~ s/stl$/inc/; $to_path = "$real_dir/povray/$to_name"; $cmd = "stl2pov $file > $to_path"; print $cmd . "\n"; print `$cmd` . "\n"; create_scene_file($to_path); $scene_path = $to_path; $scene_path =~ s/inc$/pov/; render_scene_file($scene_path); } } sub create_scene_file { #create our filenames my $inc_file = shift; chomp $inc_file; my $scene_file = $inc_file; $scene_file =~ s/inc$/pov/; #open our files. open (INC_FP, $inc_file); open (SCENE_FP, "> $scene_file"); #figure out our object name my $line = ; chomp $line; if ($line =~ m/\/\/ Name of the solid: (.*)/) { my $firstLoop = 1; my $max_x; my $max_y; my $max_z; my $min_x; my $min_y; my $min_z; #figoure out the max dimensions while ($new_line = ) { #if ($new_line =~ m/([0-9]?.[0-9]?), ([0-9]?.[0-9]?), ([0-9]?.[0-9]?)/) if ($new_line =~ m/(\d*\.?\d*), (\d*\.?\d*), (\d*\.?\d*)/) { chomp $new_line; my $x = $1; my $y = $2; my $z = $3; if ($firstLoop) { $max_x = $x; $max_y = $y; $max_z = $z; $min_x = $x; $min_y = $y; $min_z = $z; $firstLoop = 0; } else { if ($x > $max_x) { $max_x = $x; } if ($y > $max_y) { $max_y = $y; } if ($z > $max_z) { $max_z = $z; } if ($x < $min_x) { $min_x = $x; } if ($y < $min_y) { $min_y = $y; } if ($z < $min_z) { $min_z = $z; } } } } print "min: $min_x, $min_y, $min_z\n"; print "max: $max_x, $max_y, $max_z\n"; my $obj_name = $1; chomp $obj_name; $obj_name = "m_" . $obj_name; my $cam_x = $max_x * 2; my $cam_y = $max_y * 2; my $cam_z = $max_z * 2; my $look_x = ($max_x - $min_x)/2; my $look_y = ($max_y - $min_y)/2; my $look_z = ($max_z - $min_z)/2; # my $light_x = ($max_x+1) / 2; # my $light_y = ($max_y+1) / 2; # my $light_z = $max_z * 2; # interesting - makes object appear to glow. # my $light_x = $look_x; # my $light_y = $look_y; # my $light_z = $look_z; my $light_x = $cam_x; my $light_y = $cam_y; my $light_z = $cam_z; #create the .pov scene file. print SCENE_FP "//$scene_file\n\n"; print SCENE_FP "#include \"$inc_file\"\n\n"; print SCENE_FP "#include \"axes_macro.inc\"\n\n"; print SCENE_FP "background {color rgb <0.9, 0.9, 0.9>}\n\n"; print SCENE_FP "light_source { <$light_x, $light_y, $light_z> color rgb 2 }\n\n"; print SCENE_FP "light_source { <-$light_x, -$light_y, -$light_z> color rgb 2 }\n\n"; print SCENE_FP "camera {\n"; print SCENE_FP "\tperspective\n"; print SCENE_FP "\tlocation <$cam_x, $cam_y, $cam_z>\n"; print SCENE_FP "\tlook_at <$look_x, $look_y, $look_z>\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t"; print SCENE_FP "}\n"; print SCENE_FP "\/\/ the coordinate grid and axes\n"; print SCENE_FP "Axes_Macro\n"; print SCENE_FP "(\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t100, \/\/ Axes_axesSize, The distance from the origin to one of the grid's edges. (float)\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t50, \/\/ Axes_majUnit, The size of each large-unit square. (float)\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t10, \/\/ Axes_minUnit, The number of small-unit squares that make up a large-unit square. (integer)\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t0.005, \/\/ Axes_thickRatio, The thickness of the grid lines (as a factor of axesSize). (float)\n"; print SCENE_FP "\ton, \/\/ Axes_aBool, Turns the axes on\/off. (boolian)\n"; print SCENE_FP "\ton, \/\/ Axes_mBool, Turns the minor units on\/off. (boolian)\n"; print SCENE_FP "\toff, \/\/ Axes_xBool, Turns the plane perpendicular to the x-axis on\/off. (boolian)\n"; print SCENE_FP "\ton, \/\/ Axes_yBool, Turns the plane perpendicular to the y-axis on\/off. (boolian)\n"; print SCENE_FP "\toff \/\/ Axes_zBool, Turns the plane perpendicular to the z-axis on\/off. (boolian)\n"; print SCENE_FP ")\n"; print SCENE_FP "\n"; print SCENE_FP "object\n"; print SCENE_FP "{\n"; print SCENE_FP "\tAxes_Object\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t}\n"; print SCENE_FP "object { $obj_name\n\n"; #print SCENE_FP "\trotate 90*x\n"; print SCENE_FP "\trotate 90*y\n"; print SCENE_FP "\ttexture {\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t\tpigment {color rgb <0.1, 0.6, 0.1> }\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t\tfinish {\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t\t\tambient 0.15\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t\t\tdiffuse 0.85\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t\t\tspecular 0.3\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t\t}\n"; print SCENE_FP "\t}\n\n"; print SCENE_FP "}\n\n"; } close(INC_FP); close(SCENE_FP); } sub render_scene_file { my $scene_file = shift; chomp $scene_file; my $basename = `basename $scene_file`; chomp $basename; my $dirname = `dirname $scene_file`; chomp $dirname; my $render_dir = "$dirname/renders"; my $render_name = "$render_dir/$basename"; $render_name =~ s/pov$/png/; chomp $render_name; if (!-d $render_dir) { mkdir $render_dir; } $cmd = "povray +I$scene_file +Otemp.png +FN +W1200 +H1024 +Q9 +A +AM2 -D -V +WL0"; print $cmd . "\n"; print `$cmd` . "\n"; `cp temp.png $render_name`; }