package org.reprap.machines; import; import org.reprap.Extruder; import org.reprap.devices.NullStepperMotor; import org.reprap.devices.NullExtruder; /** * */ public class Simulator extends GenericRepRap { /** * @param config */ public Simulator() throws Exception { super(); } public void loadMotors() { motorX = new NullStepperMotor(1); motorY = new NullStepperMotor(2); motorZ = new NullStepperMotor(3); } public Extruder extruderFactory(int count) { return new NullExtruder(count, this); } public void startRun() { } /** * Go to the purge point */ public void moveToPurge() { singleMove(dumpX, dumpY, currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate()); } public void waitTillNotBusy() throws IOException {} public void finishedLayer(int layerNumber) throws Exception {} public void betweenLayers(int layerNumber) throws Exception{} public void startingLayer(int layerNumber) throws Exception {} public void printTo(double x, double y, double z, double feedRate, boolean stopExtruder, boolean closeValve) { //if (previewer != null) // previewer.addSegment(currentX, currentY, currentZ, x, y, z); if (isCancelled()) return; double distance = segmentLength(x - currentX, y - currentY); if (z != currentZ) distance += Math.abs(currentZ - z); totalDistanceExtruded += distance; totalDistanceMoved += distance; currentX = x; currentY = y; currentZ = z; } public void delay(long millis) {} //TODO: make this work normally. public void stopValve() throws IOException { } //TODO: make this work normally. public void stopMotor() throws IOException { } /** * All machine dwells and delays are routed via this function, rather than * calling Thread.sleep - this allows them to generate the right G codes (G4) etc. * * The RS232/USB etc comms system doesn't use this - it sets its own delays. * * Here do no delay; it makes no sense for the simulation machine * @param milliseconds */ public void machineWait(double milliseconds) { } public void waitWhileBufferNotEmpty() { } public void slowBuffer() { } public void speedBuffer() { } /** * Load a GCode file to be made. * @return the name of the file */ public String loadGCodeFileForMaking() { System.err.println("Simulator: attempt to load GCode file."); //super.loadGCodeFileForMaking(); return null; } /** * Set an output file * @return */ public String setGCodeFileForOutput(String fileRoot) { System.err.println("Simulator: cannot generate GCode file."); return null; } public boolean filePlay() { return false; } }