package org.reprap.machines; import org.reprap.Preferences; import org.reprap.Printer; import org.reprap.ReprapException; /** * Returns an appropriate Printer object based on the current properties */ public class MachineFactory { /** * */ private MachineFactory() { } /** * Currently this just always assumes we're building * a 3-axis cartesian printer. It should build an * appropriate type based on the local configuration. * @return new machine * @throws Exception */ static public Printer create() throws Exception { String machine = Preferences.loadGlobalString("RepRap_Machine"); if (machine.compareToIgnoreCase("SNAPRepRap") == 0) return new SNAPReprap(); if (machine.compareToIgnoreCase("GCodeRepRap") == 0) return new GCodeRepRap(); else if (machine.compareToIgnoreCase("simulator") == 0) return new Simulator(); else throw new ReprapException("Invalid RepRap machine in properties file: " + machine); } }