package org.reprap.gui; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.reprap.geometry.polygons.*; import org.reprap.geometry.LayerRules; import org.reprap.Attributes; import org.reprap.Extruder; import org.reprap.Preferences; import org.reprap.utilities.Debug; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.vecmath.Point3d; import javax.vecmath.Tuple3d; import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.GeometryInfo; import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.NormalGenerator; /** * This class holds a list of STLObjects that represents everything that is to be built. * * An STLObject may consist of items from several STL files, possible of different materials. * But they are all tied together relative to each other in space. * * @author Adrian * */ public class AllSTLsToBuild { /** * Line segment consisting of two points. * @author Adrian * */ class LineSegment { /** * The ends of the line segment */ public Rr2Point a = null, b = null; /** * The attribute (i.e. RepRap material) of the segment. */ public Attributes att = null; protected void finalize() throws Throwable { a = null; b = null; att = null; super.finalize(); } /** * Constructor takes two intersection points with an STL triangle edge. * @param p * @param q */ public LineSegment(Rr2Point p, Rr2Point q, Attributes at) { if(at == null) System.err.println("LineSegment(): null attributes!"); a = p; b = q; att = at; } } /** * Ring buffer cache to hold previously computed slices for doing * infill and support material calculations. * @author ensab * */ class SliceCache { private BooleanGridList[][] sliceRing; private int[] layerNumber; private int ringPointer; private final int noLayer = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private final int ringSize = 5; public SliceCache() { sliceRing = new BooleanGridList[ringSize][stls.size()]; layerNumber = new int[ringSize]; ringPointer = 0; for(int layer = 0; layer < ringSize; layer++) for(int stl = 0; stl < stls.size(); stl++) { sliceRing[layer][stl] = null; layerNumber[layer] = noLayer; } } public void set(BooleanGridList slice, int layer, int stl) { int rp = -1; for(int i = 0; i < ringSize; i++) if(layerNumber[i] == layer) rp = i; if(rp < 0) { rp = ringPointer; for(int s = 0; s < stls.size(); s++) sliceRing[rp][s] = null; ringPointer++; if(ringPointer >= ringSize) ringPointer = 0; } layerNumber[rp] = layer; sliceRing[rp][stl] = slice; } public BooleanGridList get(int layer, int stl) { int l = ringPointer; for(int i = 0; i < ringSize; i++) { l--; if(l < 0) l = ringSize - 1; if(layerNumber[l] == layer) return sliceRing[l][stl]; } Debug.d("SliceCache.get(): layer not found."); return null; } } /** * The list of things to be built */ private List stls; /** * The XY box around everything */ private RrRectangle XYbox; /** * The lowest and highest points */ private RrInterval Zrange; /** * Is the list editable? */ private boolean frozen; /** * Recently computed slices */ private SliceCache cache; /** * Simple constructor * */ public AllSTLsToBuild() { stls = new ArrayList(); XYbox = null; Zrange = null; frozen = false; cache = null; } /** * Read in an RFO file with a collection of objects in * @param rfoFile */ public AllSTLsToBuild(String rfoFile) { stls = new ArrayList(); XYbox = null; Zrange = null; frozen = false; cache = null; } /** * Write this out as an RFO file. * @param rfoFile */ public void writeRFO(String rfoFile) { } /** * Add a new STLObject * @param s */ public void add(STLObject s) { if(frozen) Debug.d("AllSTLsToBuild.add(): attempt to add an item to a frozen list."); stls.add(s); } /** * Get the i-th STLObject * @param i * @return */ public STLObject get(int i) { return stls.get(i); } /** * Delete an object * @param i */ public void remove(int i) { if(frozen) Debug.d("AllSTLsToBuild.remove(): attempt to remove an item to a frozen list."); stls.remove(i); } /** * Return the number of objects. * @return */ public int size() { return stls.size(); } /** * Freeze the list - no more editing. * */ private void freeze() { frozen = true; if(cache == null) cache = new SliceCache(); } /** * Run through a Shape3D and find its enclosing XY box * @param shape * @param trans * @param z */ private RrRectangle BBoxPoints(Shape3D shape, Transform3D trans) { RrRectangle r = null; GeometryArray g = (GeometryArray)shape.getGeometry(); Point3d p1 = new Point3d(); Point3d q1 = new Point3d(); if(g != null) { for(int i = 0; i < g.getVertexCount(); i++) { g.getCoordinate(i, p1); trans.transform(p1, q1); if(r == null) r = new RrRectangle(new RrInterval(q1.x, q1.x), new RrInterval(q1.y, q1.y)); else r.expand(new Rr2Point(q1.x, q1.y)); } } return r; } /** * Unpack the Shape3D(s) from value and find their exclosing XY box * @param value * @param trans * @param z */ private RrRectangle BBox(Object value, Transform3D trans) { RrRectangle r = null; RrRectangle s; if(value instanceof SceneGraphObject) { SceneGraphObject sg = (SceneGraphObject)value; if(sg instanceof Group) { Group g = (Group)sg; java.util.Enumeration enumKids = g.getAllChildren( ); while(enumKids.hasMoreElements()) { if(r == null) r = BBox(enumKids.nextElement(), trans); else { s = BBox(enumKids.nextElement(), trans); if(s != null) r = RrRectangle.union(r, s); } } } else if (sg instanceof Shape3D) { r = BBoxPoints((Shape3D)sg, trans); } } return r; } /** * Return the XY box round everything, computing it if need be. * Once this function has been called the list is frozen. * @return */ public RrRectangle ObjectPlanRectangle() { freeze(); if(XYbox != null) return XYbox; RrRectangle s; for(int i = 0; i < stls.size(); i++) { STLObject stl = stls.get(i); Transform3D trans = stl.getTransform(); BranchGroup bg = stl.getSTL(); java.util.Enumeration enumKids = bg.getAllChildren(); while(enumKids.hasMoreElements()) { Object ob = enumKids.nextElement(); if(ob instanceof BranchGroup) { BranchGroup bg1 = (BranchGroup)ob; Attributes att = (Attributes)(bg1.getUserData()); if(XYbox == null) XYbox = BBox(att.getPart(), trans); else { s = BBox(att.getPart(), trans); if(s != null) XYbox = RrRectangle.union(XYbox, s); } } } } return XYbox; } /** * Find the top of the highest object. * Calling this freezes the list. * @return */ public double maxZ() { freeze(); if(Zrange != null) return Zrange.high(); STLObject stl; double zlo = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double zhi = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for(int i = 0; i < stls.size(); i++) { stl = stls.get(i); if(stl.size().z > zhi) zhi = stl.size().z; if(stl.size().z < zlo) zlo = stl.size().z; } Zrange = new RrInterval(zlo, zhi); return Zrange.high(); } /** * Stitch together the some fo the edges to form a polygon. * @param edges * @return */ private RrPolygon getNextPolygon(ArrayList edges) { if(edges.size() <= 0) return null; LineSegment next = edges.get(0); edges.remove(0); RrPolygon result = new RrPolygon(next.att, true); result.add(next.a); result.add(next.b); Rr2Point start = next.a; Rr2Point end = next.b; boolean first = true; while(edges.size() > 0) { double d2 = Rr2Point.dSquared(start, end); if(first) d2 = Math.max(d2, 1); first = false; boolean aEnd = false; int index = -1; for(int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) { double dd = Rr2Point.dSquared(edges.get(i).a, end); if(dd < d2) { d2 = dd; aEnd = true; index = i; } dd = Rr2Point.dSquared(edges.get(i).b, end); if(dd < d2) { d2 = dd; aEnd = false; index = i; } } if(index >= 0) { next = edges.get(index); edges.remove(index); int ipt = result.size() - 1; if(aEnd) { result.set(ipt, Rr2Point.mul(Rr2Point.add(next.a, result.point(ipt)), 0.5)); result.add(next.b); end = next.b; } else { result.set(ipt, Rr2Point.mul(Rr2Point.add(next.b, result.point(ipt)), 0.5)); result.add(next.a); end = next.a; } } else return result; } Debug.d("STLSlice.getNextPolygon(): exhausted edge list!"); return result; } /** * Get all the polygons represented by the edges. * @param edges * @return */ private RrPolygonList simpleCull(ArrayList edges) { RrPolygonList result = new RrPolygonList(); RrPolygon next = getNextPolygon(edges); while(next != null) { if(next.size() >= 3) result.add(next); next = getNextPolygon(edges); } return result; } /** * Compute the infill hatching polygons for this set of patterns * @param layerConditions * @return */ public RrPolygonList computeInfill(int stl, LayerRules layerConditions) { int layer = layerConditions.getMachineLayer(); BooleanGridList shapes = slice(stl, layerConditions); BooleanGridList previousSlices = cache.get(layer+1, stl); previousSlices = BooleanGridList.intersections(cache.get(layer+2, stl), previousSlices); BooleanGridList insides = null; if(previousSlices != null && layerConditions.getModelLayer() > 1) { insides = BooleanGridList.intersections(shapes, previousSlices); BooleanGridList temp = shapes; shapes = BooleanGridList.differences(shapes, previousSlices); shapes = shapes.offset(layerConditions, false, -1); shapes = BooleanGridList.intersections(shapes, temp); } shapes = shapes.offset(layerConditions, false, 1); if(insides != null) insides = insides.offset(layerConditions, false, 1); RrPolygonList hatchedPolygons = shapes.hatch(layerConditions, true); // if(layerConditions.getLayingSupport()) // offHatch = offHatch.union(layerConditions.getPrinter().getExtruders()); if(insides != null) hatchedPolygons.add(insides.hatch(layerConditions, false)); return hatchedPolygons; } /** * Compute the outline polygons for this set of patterns. * @param layerConditions * @param hatchedPolygons * @param shield * @return */ public RrPolygonList computeOutlines(int stl, LayerRules layerConditions, RrPolygonList hatchedPolygons, boolean shield) { int layer = layerConditions.getMachineLayer(); BooleanGridList shapes = slice(stl, layerConditions); RrPolygonList borderPolygons; if(layerConditions.getLayingSupport()) { borderPolygons = null; } else { BooleanGridList offBorder = shapes.offset(layerConditions, true, 1); borderPolygons = offBorder.borders(); } if(borderPolygons != null && borderPolygons.size() > 0) { borderPolygons.middleStarts(hatchedPolygons, layerConditions); try { if(shield && Preferences.loadGlobalBool("Shield")) { RrRectangle rr = layerConditions.getBox(); Rr2Point corner = Rr2Point.add(rr.sw(), new Rr2Point(-3, -3)); RrPolygon ell = new RrPolygon(borderPolygons.polygon(0).getAttributes(), false); ell.add(corner); ell.add(Rr2Point.add(corner, new Rr2Point(-2, 10))); ell.add(Rr2Point.add(corner, new Rr2Point(-2, -2))); ell.add(Rr2Point.add(corner, new Rr2Point(20, -2))); borderPolygons.add(0, ell); } } catch (Exception ex) {} } return borderPolygons; } /** * Generate a set of pixel-map representations, one for each extruder, for * STLObject i at height z. * * @param i * @param z * @param extruders * @return */ private BooleanGridList slice(int stl, LayerRules layerRules) { freeze(); int layer = layerRules.getMachineLayer(); BooleanGridList result = cache.get(layer, stl); if(result != null) return result; // Haven't got it in the cache, so we need to compute it double z = layerRules.getModelZ() + layerRules.getZStep()*0.5; Extruder[] extruders = layerRules.getPrinter().getExtruders(); result = new BooleanGridList(); RrCSG csgp = null; RrPolygonList pgl = new RrPolygonList(); int extruderID; // Bin the edges by extruder ID. ArrayList[] edges = new ArrayList[extruders.length]; for(extruderID = 0; extruderID < extruders.length; extruderID++) { if(extruders[extruderID].getID() != extruderID) Debug.e("AllSTLsToBuild.slice(): extruder " + extruderID + "out of sequence: " + extruders[extruderID].getID()); edges[extruderID] = new ArrayList(); } // Generate all the edges for STLObject i at this z STLObject stlObject = stls.get(stl); Transform3D trans = stlObject.getTransform(); BranchGroup bg = stlObject.getSTL(); java.util.Enumeration enumKids = bg.getAllChildren(); while(enumKids.hasMoreElements()) { Object ob = enumKids.nextElement(); if(ob instanceof BranchGroup) { BranchGroup bg1 = (BranchGroup)ob; Attributes attr = (Attributes)(bg1.getUserData()); recursiveSetEdges(attr.getPart(), trans, z, attr, edges); } } // Turn them into lists of polygons, one for each extruder, then // turn those into pixelmaps. for(extruderID = 0; extruderID < edges.length; extruderID++) { pgl = simpleCull(edges[extruderID]); if(pgl.size() > 0) { // Remove wrinkles pgl = pgl.simplify(Preferences.gridRes()*1.5); // Fix small radii pgl = pgl.arcCompensate(); csgp = pgl.toCSG(Preferences.tiny()); result.add(new BooleanGrid(csgp, pgl.getBox(), pgl.polygon(0).getAttributes())); } } cache.set(result, layer, stl); return result; } public void destroyLayer() {} /** * Add the edge where the plane z cuts the triangle (p, q, r) (if it does). * Also update the triangulation of the object below the current slice used * for the simulation window. * @param p * @param q * @param r * @param z */ private void addEdge(Point3d p, Point3d q, Point3d r, double z, Attributes att, ArrayList edges[]) { Point3d odd = null, even1 = null, even2 = null; int pat = 0; //boolean twoBelow = false; if(p.z < z) pat = pat | 1; if(q.z < z) pat = pat | 2; if(r.z < z) pat = pat | 4; switch(pat) { // All above case 0: return; // All below case 7: return; // q, r below, p above case 6: //twoBelow = true; // p below, q, r above case 1: odd = p; even1 = q; even2 = r; break; // p, r below, q above case 5: //twoBelow = true; // q below, p, r above case 2: odd = q; even1 = r; even2 = p; break; // p, q below, r above case 3: //twoBelow = true; // r below, p, q above case 4: odd = r; even1 = p; even2 = q; break; default: System.err.println("addEdge(): the | function doesn't seem to work..."); } // Work out the intersection line segment (e1 -> e2) between the z plane and the triangle even1.sub((Tuple3d)odd); even2.sub((Tuple3d)odd); double t = (z - odd.z)/even1.z; Rr2Point e1 = new Rr2Point(odd.x + t*even1.x, odd.y + t*even1.y); //Point3d e3_1 = new Point3d(e1.x(), e1.y(), z); //e1 = new Rr2Point(toGrid(e1.x()), toGrid(e1.y())); e1 = new Rr2Point(e1.x(), e1.y()); t = (z - odd.z)/even2.z; Rr2Point e2 = new Rr2Point(odd.x + t*even2.x, odd.y + t*even2.y); //Point3d e3_2 = new Point3d(e2.x(), e2.y(), z); //e2 = new Rr2Point(toGrid(e2.x()), toGrid(e2.y())); e2 = new Rr2Point(e2.x(), e2.y()); // Too short? if(!Rr2Point.same(e1, e2, Preferences.lessGridSquare())) edges[att.getExtruder().getID()].add(new LineSegment(e1, e2, att)); } /** * Run through a Shape3D and set edges from it at plane z * Apply the transform first * @param shape * @param trans * @param z */ private void addAllEdges(Shape3D shape, Transform3D trans, double z, Attributes att, ArrayList edges[]) { GeometryArray g = (GeometryArray)shape.getGeometry(); Point3d p1 = new Point3d(); Point3d p2 = new Point3d(); Point3d p3 = new Point3d(); Point3d q1 = new Point3d(); Point3d q2 = new Point3d(); Point3d q3 = new Point3d(); if(g.getVertexCount()%3 != 0) { System.err.println("addAllEdges(): shape3D with vertices not a multiple of 3!"); } if(g != null) { for(int i = 0; i < g.getVertexCount(); i+=3) { g.getCoordinate(i, p1); g.getCoordinate(i+1, p2); g.getCoordinate(i+2, p3); trans.transform(p1, q1); trans.transform(p2, q2); trans.transform(p3, q3); addEdge(q1, q2, q3, z, att, edges); } } } /** * Unpack the Shape3D(s) from value and set edges from them * @param value * @param trans * @param z */ private void recursiveSetEdges(Object value, Transform3D trans, double z, Attributes att, ArrayList edges[]) { if(value instanceof SceneGraphObject) { SceneGraphObject sg = (SceneGraphObject)value; if(sg instanceof Group) { Group g = (Group)sg; java.util.Enumeration enumKids = g.getAllChildren( ); while(enumKids.hasMoreElements()) recursiveSetEdges(enumKids.nextElement(), trans, z, att, edges); } else if (sg instanceof Shape3D) { addAllEdges((Shape3D)sg, trans, z, att, edges); } } } }