package org.reprap.devices; import; import org.reprap.Device; import org.reprap.Printer; import org.reprap.Preferences; import org.reprap.utilities.Debug; import org.reprap.comms.Address; import org.reprap.comms.Communicator; import org.reprap.comms.IncomingMessage; import org.reprap.comms.OutgoingMessage; import org.reprap.comms.IncomingMessage.InvalidPayloadException; import org.reprap.comms.messages.OutgoingBlankMessage; import org.reprap.comms.messages.OutgoingByteMessage; import org.reprap.comms.IncomingContext; import org.reprap.comms.messages.VersionRequestMessage; import org.reprap.comms.messages.VersionResponseMessage; /** * @author jwiel * */ public class SNAPExtruder extends GenericExtruder { /** * Communicator * */ private Communicator communicator = null; /** * API for firmware * Activate the extruder motor in forward direction */ public static final byte MSG_SetActive = 1; /** * Activate the extruder motor in reverse direction */ public static final byte MSG_SetActiveReverse = 2; /** * There is no material left to extrude */ public static final byte MSG_IsEmpty = 8; /** * Set the temperature of the extruder */ public static final byte MSG_SetHeat = 9; /** * Get the temperature of the extruder */ public static final byte MSG_GetTemp = 10; /** * Turn the cooler/fan on */ public static final byte MSG_SetCooler = 11; /** * Open the valve */ public static final byte MSG_ValveOpen = 12; /** * Close the valve */ public static final byte MSG_ValveClosed = 13; /** * Set Vref */ public static final byte MSG_SetVRef = 52; /** * Set the Tempscaler */ public static final byte MSG_SetTempScaler = 53; /** * Temprature history */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private double[] tH; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int tHi; /** * Is a material-out sensor connected to the exteruder or not. * If this is the case, TODO: impact? */ private boolean currentMaterialOutSensor = false; /** * */ private Thread pollThread = null; /** * */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean pollThreadExiting = false; /** * */ private int vRefFactor = 7; /** * */ private int tempScaler = 4; /** * Thermistor beta */ private double beta; /** * Thermistor resistance at 0C */ private double rz; /** * Thermistor timing capacitor in farads */ private double cap; /** * Heater power gradient */ private double hm; /** * Heater power intercept * TODO: hb should probably be ambient temperature measured at this point */ private double hb; /** * our snap comms device. */ private Device snap; private boolean wasAlive = false; /** * What firmware are we running? */ protected int firmwareVersion = 0; /** * */ private long lastTemperatureUpdate = 0; public SNAPExtruder(Communicator com, Address address, int extruderId, Printer p) { super(extruderId, p); communicator = com; snap = new Device(communicator, address); isAvailable(); tH = new double[] {20, 20, 20}; // Bit of a hack - room temp tHi = 0; //Anyone home? if(!isAvailable()) return; try { firmwareVersion = getVersion(); } catch (Exception ex) {} // Set up thermometer try { setTempRange(); } catch (Exception ex) { return; } /*pollThread = new Thread() { public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setName("Extruder poll"); boolean first = true; while(!pollThreadExiting) { try { // Sleep is beforehand to prevent runaway on exception if (!first) Thread.sleep(2000); first = false; RefreshTemperature(); RefreshEmptySensor(); sensorsInitialised = true; } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // This is normal when shutting down, so ignore } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception during temperature poll"); ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }; pollThread.start();*/ } public boolean isAvailable() { try { getVersion(); } catch (Exception ex) { wasAlive = false; return false; } wasAlive = true; return true; } /** * Purge the extruder */ public void purge() { if(purgeTime <= 0) return; getPrinter().moveToPurge(); try { setExtrusion(getFastXYFeedrate(), false); getPrinter().machineWait(purgeTime); setExtrusion(0, false); } catch (Exception e) {} zeroExtrudedLength(); } /** * Result of last call to isAvailable(), which we don't want to * call repeatedly as each call polls the device. * @return */ public boolean wasAvailable() { return wasAlive; } /** * @return the communicator */ public Communicator getCommunicator() { return communicator; } /** * @return Version ID of the firmware the device is running * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidPayloadException */ public int getVersion() throws IOException, InvalidPayloadException { VersionRequestMessage request = new VersionRequestMessage(); IncomingContext replyContext = sendMessage(request); VersionResponseMessage reply = new VersionResponseMessage(replyContext); return reply.getVersion(); } /** * @param message * @return incoming context * @throws IOException */ public IncomingContext sendMessage(OutgoingMessage message) throws IOException { return communicator.sendMessage(snap, message); } /** * Method to lock communication to this device. *

TODO: when called?

*/ public void lock() { communicator.lock(); } /** * Method to unlock communication to this device *

TODO: when called?

* */ public void unlock() { communicator.unlock(); } public int refreshPreferences() { int result = super.refreshPreferences(); try { beta = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "Beta(K)"); rz = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "Rz(ohms)"); cap = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "Capacitor(F)"); hm = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "hm(C/pwr)"); hb = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "hb(C)"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Refresh extruder preferences: " + ex.toString()); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#dispose() */ public void dispose() { if (pollThread != null) { pollThreadExiting = true; pollThread.interrupt(); } } /** * Start the extruder motor at a given speed. This ranges from 0 * to 255 but is scaled by maxSpeed and t0, so that 255 corresponds to the * highest permitted speed. It is also scaled so that 0 would correspond * with the lowest extrusion speed. * @param speed The speed to drive the motor at (0-255) * @param reverse If set, run extruder in reverse * @throws IOException */ public void setExtrusion(double speed, boolean reverse) throws IOException { if(!wasAvailable()) { Debug.d("Attempting to control or interrogate non-existent extruder for " + material); return; } Debug.d("Extruding at speed: " + speed); // Assumption: Between t0 and maxSpeed, the speed is fairly linear int scaledSpeed; if (speed > 0) scaledSpeed = (int)Math.round((maxExtruderSpeed - t0) * speed / 255.0 + t0); else scaledSpeed = 0; waitTillNotBusy(); lock(); try { OutgoingMessage request = new OutgoingByteMessage(reverse ? MSG_SetActiveReverse : MSG_SetActive, (byte)scaledSpeed); communicator.sendMessage(snap, request); } finally { communicator.unlock(); } } /** * Open or close the valve. pulseTime is the number of ms to zap it. * @param pulseTime * @param valveOpen * @throws IOException */ public void setValve(boolean valveOpen) throws IOException { if(valvePulseTime < 0) return; if(!wasAvailable()) { Debug.d("Attempting to control or interrogate non-existent extruder for " + material); return; } if(valveOpen) Debug.d("Opening valve."); else Debug.d("Closing valve."); waitTillNotBusy(); communicator.lock(); try { OutgoingMessage request = new OutgoingByteMessage(valveOpen ? MSG_ValveOpen : MSG_ValveClosed, (byte)valvePulseTime); communicator.sendMessage(snap, request); } finally { communicator.unlock(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#setTemperature(double) */ public void setTemperature(double temperature, boolean wait) throws Exception { if(!wasAvailable()) { Debug.d("Attempting to control or interrogate non-existent extruder for " + material); return; } setTemperatureX(temperature, true); } /** * @param temperature * @param lock * @throws Exception */ private void setTemperatureX(double temperature, boolean lock) throws Exception { es.setTargetTemperature(temperature); if(Math.abs(es.targetTemperature() - extrusionTemp) > 5) { Debug.d(material + " extruder temperature set to " + es.targetTemperature() + "C, which is not the standard temperature (" + extrusionTemp + "C)."); } // Aim for 10% above our target to ensure we reach it. It doesn't matter // if we go over because the power will be adjusted when we get there. At // the same time, if we aim too high, we'll overshoot a bit before we // can react. // Tighter temp constraints under test 10% -> 3% (10-1-8) double temperature0 = temperature * 1.03; // A safety cutoff will be set at 20% above requested setting // Tighter temp constraints added by eD 20% -> 6% (10-1-8) double temperatureSafety = temperature * 1.06; // Calculate power output from hm, hb. In general, the temperature // we achieve is power * hm + hb. So to achieve a given temperature // we need a power of (temperature - hb) / hm // If we reach our temperature, rather than switching completely off // go to a reduced power level. int power0 = (int)Math.round(((0.9 * temperature0) - hb) / hm); if (power0 < 0) power0 = 0; if (power0 > 255) power0 = 255; // Otherwise, this is the normal power level we will maintain int power1 = (int)Math.round((temperature0 - hb) / hm); if (power1 < 0) power1 = 0; if (power1 > 255) power1 = 255; // Now convert temperatures to equivalent raw PIC temperature resistance value // Here we use the original specified temperature, not the slight overshoot double resistance0 = calculateResistanceForTemperature(temperature); double resistanceSafety = calculateResistanceForTemperature(temperatureSafety); // Determine equivalent raw value int t0 = calculatePicTempForResistance(resistance0); if (t0 < 0) t0 = 0; if (t0 > 255) t0 = 255; int t1 = calculatePicTempForResistance(resistanceSafety); if (t1 < 0) t1 = 0; if (t1 > 255) t1 = 255; if (temperature == 0) setHeater(0, 0, lock); else { setHeater(power0, power1, t0, t1, lock); } } /** * Set a heat output power. For normal production use you would * normally call setTemperature, however this method may be useful * for lower temperature profiling, etc. * @param heat Heater power (0-255) * @param maxTemp Cutoff temperature in celcius * @throws IOException */ public void setHeater(int heat, double maxTemp) throws IOException { if(!wasAvailable()) { Debug.d("Attempting to control or interrogate non-existent extruder for " + material); return; } double safetyResistance = calculateResistanceForTemperature(maxTemp); // Determine equivalent raw value int safetyPICTemp = calculatePicTempForResistance(safetyResistance); if (safetyPICTemp < 0) safetyPICTemp = 0; if (safetyPICTemp > 255) safetyPICTemp = 255; if (heat == 0) setHeater(0, 0, true); else setHeater(heat, safetyPICTemp, true); } /** * Set the raw heater output value and safety cutoff. A specific * temperature can be reached by setting a suitable output power. * A limit temperature can also be specified. If reached, the * heater will be automatically turned off until the temperature * drops below the limit. * @param heat A heater power output * @param safetyCutoff A temperature at which to cut off the heater * @throws IOException */ private void setHeater(int heat, int safetyCutoff, boolean lock) throws IOException { //System.out.println(material + " extruder heater set to " + heat + " limit " + safetyCutoff); if (lock) { waitTillNotBusy(); communicator.lock(); } try { communicator.sendMessage(snap, new RequestSetHeat((byte)heat, (byte)safetyCutoff)); } finally { if (lock) communicator.unlock(); } } /** * Similar to setHeater(int, int) except this provides two different * heating zones. Below t0, it heats at h1. From t0 to t1 it heats at h0 * and above t1 it shuts off. This has the effect of still providing some * power when the desired temperature is reached so it cools less quickly. * @param heat0 * @param heat1 * @param t0 * @param t1 * @throws IOException */ private void setHeater(int heat0, int heat1, int t0, int t1, boolean lock) throws IOException { Debug.d(material + " extruder heater set to " + heat0 + "/" + heat1 + " limit " + t0 + "/" + t1); if (lock) { waitTillNotBusy(); communicator.lock(); } try { communicator.sendMessage(snap, new RequestSetHeat((byte)heat0, (byte)heat1, (byte)t0, (byte)t1)); } finally { if (lock) communicator.unlock(); } } /** * Check if the extruder is out of feedstock * @return true if there is no material remaining */ public boolean isEmpty() { if(!wasAvailable()) { Debug.d("Attempting to control or interrogate non-existent extruder for " + material); return true; } awaitSensorsInitialised(); TEMPpollcheck(); return currentMaterialOutSensor; } /** * */ private void awaitSensorsInitialised() { // Simple minded wait to let sensors become valid //while(!sensorsInitialised) { // try { // Thread.sleep(100); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // } //} } /** * Send current vRefFactor and a suitable timer scaler * to the device. * */ private void setTempRange() throws Exception { // We will send the vRefFactor to the PIC. At the same // time we will send a suitable temperature scale as well. // To maximize the range, when vRefFactor is high (15) then // the scale is minimum (0). Debug.d(material + " extruder vRefFactor set to " + vRefFactor); tempScaler = 7 - (vRefFactor >> 1); setVref(vRefFactor); setTempScaler(tempScaler); if (es.targetTemperature() != 0) setTemperatureX(es.targetTemperature(), false); } /** * Called internally to refresh the empty sensor. This is * called periodically in the background by another thread. * @throws IOException */ private void RefreshEmptySensor() throws IOException { // TODO in future, this should use the notification mechanism rather than polling (when fully working) waitTillNotBusy(); communicator.lock(); try { //System.out.println(material + " extruder refreshing sensor"); RequestIsEmptyResponse reply = new RequestIsEmptyResponse(snap, new OutgoingBlankMessage(MSG_IsEmpty), 500); currentMaterialOutSensor = reply.getValue() == 0 ? false : true; } catch (InvalidPayloadException e) { throw new IOException(); } finally { communicator.unlock(); } } /** * TEMPORARY WORKAROUND FUNCTION */ private void TEMPpollcheck() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTemperatureUpdate > 10000) { // Polled updates are having a hard time getting through with // the temporary comms locking, so we'll get them through here try { RefreshEmptySensor(); RefreshTemperature(); //tH[tHi] = currentTemperature; //currentTemperature = tempVote(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.d(material + " extruder exception during temperature/material update ignored"); ex.printStackTrace(); } } } // /** // * Take a vote among the last three temperatures // * @return // */ // private double tempVote() // { // int ip = (tHi + 1)%3; // int ipp = (tHi + 2)%3; // double dp = Math.abs(tH[tHi] - tH[ip]); // double dpp = Math.abs(tH[tHi] - tH[ipp]); // double d = Math.abs(tH[ip] - tH[ipp]); // if(dp <= d || dpp <= d) // d = tH[tHi]; // else // d = 0.5*(tH[ip] + tH[ipp]); // //Debug.d("tempVote() - t0: " + tH[0] + ", t1: " + tH[1] + ", t2: " + tH[2] + // //", current: " + tH[tHi] + ", returning: " + d); // tHi = (tHi + 1)%3; // return d; // } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getTemperature() */ public double getTemperature() { if(!wasAvailable()) { Debug.d("Attempting to control or interrogate non-existent extruder for " + material); return Preferences.absoluteZero(); } awaitSensorsInitialised(); TEMPpollcheck(); //return tempVote(); return es.currentTemperature(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#setCooler(boolean) */ public void setCooler(boolean f) throws IOException { if(!wasAvailable()) { Debug.d("Attempting to control or interrogate non-existent extruder for " + material); return; } //System.out.println("setCooler 1"); waitTillNotBusy(); //System.out.println("setCooler 2"); communicator.lock(); try { OutgoingMessage request = new OutgoingByteMessage(MSG_SetCooler, f?(byte)200:(byte)0); // Should set speed properly! communicator.sendMessage(snap, request); } finally { communicator.unlock(); } } /** * @throws Exception */ private void RefreshTemperature() throws Exception { //System.out.println(material + " extruder refreshing temperature"); getDeviceTemperature(); } /** * * @param rawHeat * @return * @throws Exception */ private boolean rerangeTemperature(int rawHeat) throws Exception { boolean notDone = false; if (rawHeat == 255 && vRefFactor > 0) { vRefFactor--; Debug.d(material + " extruder re-ranging temperature (faster): "); setTempRange(); } else if (rawHeat < 64 && vRefFactor < 15) { vRefFactor++; Debug.d(material + " extruder re-ranging temperature (slower): "); setTempRange(); } else notDone = true; return notDone; } /** * * @throws Exception */ private void getDeviceTemperature() throws Exception { waitTillNotBusy(); communicator.lock(); try { int rawHeat = 0; int calibration = 0; for(;;) { // Don't repeatedly re-range? OutgoingMessage request = new OutgoingBlankMessage(MSG_GetTemp); RequestTemperatureResponse reply = new RequestTemperatureResponse(snap, request, 500); rawHeat = reply.getHeat(); //System.out.println(material + " extruder raw temp " + rawHeat); // Note that for the Arduino reply.getCalibration(); returns the // actual temperature in honest-to-god deg C. We should probably // use that... calibration = reply.getCalibration(); //System.out.println(material + " temp byte 2: " + calibration); if(rerangeTemperature(rawHeat)) break; // All ok else printer.machineWait(500); //Thread.sleep(500); // Wait for PIC temp routine to settle before going again } double resistance = calculateResistance(rawHeat, calibration); es.setCurrentTemperature(calculateTemperature(resistance)); Debug.d(material + " extruder current temp " + es.currentTemperature()); lastTemperatureUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); } finally { communicator.unlock(); } } /** * Calculates the actual resistance of the thermistor * from the raw timer values received from the PIC. * @param picTemp * @param calibrationPicTemp * @return */ private double calculateResistance(int picTemp, int calibrationPicTemp) { // TODO remove hard coded constants // TODO should use calibration value instead of first principles //double resistor = 10000; // ohms //double c = 1e-6; // farads - now cap from prefs(AB) double scale = 1 << (tempScaler+1); double clock = 4000000.0 / (4.0 * scale); // hertz double vdd = 5.0; // volts double vRef = 0.25 * vdd + vdd * vRefFactor / 32.0; // volts double T = picTemp / clock; // seconds double resistance = -T / (Math.log(1 - vRef / vdd) * cap); // ohms return resistance; } /** * Calculate temperature in celsius given resistance in ohms * @param resistance * @return */ private double calculateTemperature(double resistance) { return (1.0 / (1.0 / absZero + Math.log(resistance/rz) / beta)) - absZero; } /** * @param temperature * @return */ private double calculateResistanceForTemperature(double temperature) { return rz * Math.exp(beta * (1/(temperature + absZero) - 1/absZero)); } /** * Calculates an expected PIC Temperature expected for a * given resistance * @param resistance * @return */ private int calculatePicTempForResistance(double resistance) { //double c = 1e-6; // farads - now cap from prefs(AB) double scale = 1 << (tempScaler+1); double clock = 4000000.0 / (4.0 * scale); // hertz double vdd = 5.0; // volts double vRef = 0.25 * vdd + vdd * vRefFactor / 32.0; // volts double T = -resistance * (Math.log(1 - vRef / vdd) * cap); double picTemp = T * clock; return (int)Math.round(picTemp); } /** * Set raw voltage reference used for analogue to digital converter * @param ref Set reference voltage (0-15). Actually this is * just directly OR'd into the PIC VRCON register, so it can also * set the High/Low range bit. * @throws IOException */ private void setVref(int ref) throws IOException { communicator.sendMessage(snap, new OutgoingByteMessage(MSG_SetVRef, (byte)ref)); vRefFactor = ref; } /** * Set the scale factor used on the temperature timer used * for analogue to digital conversion * @param scale A value from 0..7 * @throws IOException */ private void setTempScaler(int scale) throws IOException { communicator.sendMessage(snap, new OutgoingByteMessage(MSG_SetTempScaler, (byte)scale)); tempScaler = scale; } /** * */ protected class RequestTemperatureResponse extends IncomingMessage { /** * @param device * @param message * @param timeout * @throws IOException */ public RequestTemperatureResponse(Device device, OutgoingMessage message, long timeout) throws IOException { super(device, message, timeout); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.comms.IncomingMessage#isExpectedPacketType(byte) */ protected boolean isExpectedPacketType(byte packetType) { return packetType == MSG_GetTemp; } /** * @return * @throws InvalidPayloadException */ public int getHeat() throws InvalidPayloadException { byte [] reply = getPayload(); if (reply == null || reply.length != 3) throw new InvalidPayloadException(); return reply[1] < 0 ? reply[1] + 256 : reply[1]; } /** * @return * @throws InvalidPayloadException */ public int getCalibration() throws InvalidPayloadException { byte [] reply = getPayload(); if (reply == null || reply.length != 3) throw new InvalidPayloadException(); return reply[2] < 0 ? reply[2] + 256 : reply[2]; } } /** * */ protected class RequestSetHeat extends OutgoingMessage { /** * */ byte [] message; /** * @param heat * @param cutoff */ RequestSetHeat(byte heat, byte cutoff) { message = new byte [] { MSG_SetHeat, heat, heat, cutoff, cutoff }; } /** * @param heat0 * @param heat1 * @param t0 * @param t1 */ RequestSetHeat(byte heat0, byte heat1, byte t0, byte t1) { message = new byte [] { MSG_SetHeat, heat0, heat1, t0, t1}; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.comms.OutgoingMessage#getBinary() */ public byte[] getBinary() { return message; } } /** * */ protected class RequestIsEmptyResponse extends IncomingMessage { /** * @param device * @param message * @param timeout * @throws IOException */ public RequestIsEmptyResponse(Device device, OutgoingMessage message, long timeout) throws IOException { super(device, message, timeout); } /** * @return * @throws InvalidPayloadException */ public byte getValue() throws InvalidPayloadException { byte [] reply = getPayload(); if (reply == null || reply.length != 2) throw new InvalidPayloadException(); return reply[1]; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.comms.IncomingMessage#isExpectedPacketType(byte) */ protected boolean isExpectedPacketType(byte packetType) { return packetType == MSG_IsEmpty; } } }