package org.reprap.devices; import; import org.reprap.Preferences; import org.reprap.Extruder; import org.reprap.Printer; import org.reprap.geometry.LayerRules; import org.reprap.utilities.Debug; import; import javax.vecmath.Color3f; import; /** * @author jwiel * */ public abstract class GenericExtruder implements Extruder { /** * Flag to decide extrude speed */ protected boolean separating; /** * How far we have extruded plus other things like temperature */ protected ExtruderState es; /** * Flag to decide if the machine implements 4D extruding * (i.e. it processes extrude lengths along with X, Y, and Z * lengths in a 4D Bressenham DDA) */ protected boolean fiveD; /** * Flag to record if we're going backwards */ //protected boolean reversing; /** * The current extrude speed */ //protected double currentSpeed = 0; /** * Offset of 0 degrees centigrade from absolute zero */ public static final double absZero = 273.15; /** * The temperature most recently read from the device */ //protected double currentTemperature = 0; /** * Maximum motor speed (value between 0-255) */ protected int maxExtruderSpeed; /** * The actual extrusion speed */ //protected double extrusionSpeed; /** * The time to run the extruder at the start * -ve values supress */ protected double purgeTime; /** * The PWM into stepper extruders */ protected double extrusionPWM; /** * The extrusion temperature */ protected double extrusionTemp; /** * The extrusion width in XY */ protected double extrusionSize; /** * The extrusion height in Z * TODO: Should this be a machine-wide constant? - AB */ protected double extrusionHeight; /** * The step between infill tracks */ protected double extrusionInfillWidth; /** * below this infill finely */ protected int lowerFineLayers; /** * Above this infill finely */ protected int upperFineLayers; /** * Use this for broad infill in the middle; if negative, always * infill fine. */ protected double extrusionBroadWidth; /** * The number of seconds to cool between layers */ protected double coolingPeriod; /** * The fastest speed of movement in XY when depositing */ protected double fastXYFeedrate; /** * The speed from which that machine can do a standing start with this extruder */ protected double slowXYFeedrate; /** * The fastest the machine can accelerate with this extruder */ protected double maxAcceleration; /** * Zero torque speed */ protected int t0; /** * Infill speed [0,1]*maxSpeed */ protected double iSpeed; /** * Outline speed [0,1]*maxSpeed */ protected double oSpeed; /** * Length (mm) to speed up round corners */ protected double asLength; /** * Factor by which to speed up round corners */ protected double asFactor; /** * Line length below which to plot faster */ protected double shortLength; /** *Factor for short line speeds */ protected double shortSpeed; /** * The name of this extruder's material */ protected String material; /** * Number of mm to overlap the hatching infill with the outline. 0 gives none; -ve will * leave a gap between the two */ protected double infillOverlap = 0; /** * Where to put the nozzle */ protected double offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ; /** * */ //protected long lastTemperatureUpdate = 0; /** * Identifier of the extruder */ protected int myExtruderID; /** * One physical extruder can have several of this class attached to it * with different myExtruderIDs. physicalExtruder is a unique integer * for each actual extruder, derived from the old SNAP address of the extruder, * which is necessarily unique. */ //protected int physicalExtruder; /** * prefix for our preferences. */ protected String prefName; /** * Start polygons at random perimiter points */ protected boolean randSt = false; /** * Start polygons at incremented perimiter points */ protected boolean incrementedSt = false; /** * The colour black */ protected static final Color3f black = new Color3f(0, 0, 0); /** * The colour of the material to use in the simulation windows */ protected Appearance materialColour; /** * Enable wiping procedure for nozzle */ protected boolean nozzleWipeEnabled; /** * Co-ordinates for the nozzle wiper */ protected double nozzleWipeDatumX; protected double nozzleWipeDatumY; /** * X Distance to move nozzle over wiper */ protected double nozzleWipeStrokeX; /** * Y Distance to move nozzle over wiper */ protected double nozzleWipeStrokeY; /** * Number of wipe cycles per method call */ protected int nozzleWipeFreq; /** * Number of seconds to run to re-start the nozzle before a wipe */ protected double nozzleClearTime; /** * Number of seconds to wait after restarting the nozzle */ protected double nozzleWaitTime; /** * The current coordinate to wipe at */ protected double wipeX; /** * The number of ms to pulse the valve to open or close it * -ve to supress */ protected double valvePulseTime; /** * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting a border track */ protected double extrusionDelayForLayer = 0; /** * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting a hatch track */ protected double extrusionDelayForPolygon = 0; /** * The number of milliseconds to reverse at the end of a track */ protected double extrusionReverseDelay = -1; /** * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting a border track */ protected double valveDelayForLayer = 0; /** * The number of milliseconds to wait before starting a hatch track */ protected double valveDelayForPolygon = 0; /** * The number of mm to stop extruding before the end of a track */ protected double extrusionOverRun; /** * The number of mm to stop extruding before the end of a track */ protected double valveOverRun; /** * The smallest allowable free-movement height above the base */ protected double minLiftedZ = 1; /** * The number of outlines to plot */ protected int shells = 1; /** * Stop the extrude motor between segments? */ protected boolean pauseBetweenSegments = true; /** * Are we currently extruding? */ //protected boolean isExtruding = false; private double extrusionFoundationWidth; private double extrusionLastFoundationWidth; private double separationFraction; private double arcCompensationFactor; private double arcShortSides; private double evenHatchDirection; private double oddHatchDirection; private String supportMaterial; private String inFillMaterial; protected double extrudeRatio = 1; /** * Our printer object. */ protected Printer printer = null; /** * @param extruderId */ public GenericExtruder(int extruderId, Printer p) { printer = p; try { fiveD = Preferences.loadGlobalBool("FiveD"); } catch (Exception e) { fiveD = false; } myExtruderID = extruderId; separating = false; es = new ExtruderState(refreshPreferences()); es.setReverse(false); } /** * Allow otthers to set our extrude length so that all logical extruders * talking to one physical extruder can use the same length instance. * @param e */ public void setExtrudeState(ExtruderState e) { es = e; } /** * Zero the extruded length * */ public void zeroExtrudedLength() {; } public int refreshPreferences() { prefName = "Extruder" + myExtruderID + "_"; int result = -1; try { result = Preferences.loadGlobalInt(prefName + "Address"); maxExtruderSpeed = Preferences.loadGlobalInt(prefName + "MaxSpeed(0..255)"); // extrusionSpeed = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionSpeed(mm/minute)"); purgeTime = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "Purge(ms)"); extrusionPWM = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionPWM(0..1)"); extrusionTemp = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionTemp(C)"); extrusionSize = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionSize(mm)"); extrusionHeight = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionHeight(mm)"); extrusionInfillWidth = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionInfillWidth(mm)"); lowerFineLayers = Preferences.loadGlobalInt(prefName + "LowerFineLayers(0...)"); upperFineLayers = Preferences.loadGlobalInt(prefName + "UpperFineLayers(0...)"); extrusionBroadWidth = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionBroadWidth(mm)"); coolingPeriod = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "CoolingPeriod(s)"); fastXYFeedrate = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "FastXYFeedrate(mm/minute)"); slowXYFeedrate = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "SlowXYFeedrate(mm/minute)"); maxAcceleration = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "MaxAcceleration(mm/minute/minute)"); t0 = Preferences.loadGlobalInt(prefName + "t0(0..255)"); iSpeed = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "InfillSpeed(0..1)"); oSpeed = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "OutlineSpeed(0..1)"); asLength = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "AngleSpeedLength(mm)"); asFactor = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "AngleSpeedFactor(0..1)"); material = Preferences.loadGlobalString(prefName + "MaterialType(name)"); supportMaterial = Preferences.loadGlobalString(prefName + "SupportMaterialType(name)"); inFillMaterial = Preferences.loadGlobalString(prefName + "InFillMaterialType(name)"); offsetX = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "OffsetX(mm)"); offsetY = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "OffsetY(mm)"); offsetZ = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "OffsetZ(mm)"); nozzleWipeEnabled = Preferences.loadGlobalBool(prefName + "NozzleWipeEnabled"); nozzleWipeDatumX = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "NozzleWipeDatumX(mm)"); nozzleWipeDatumY = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "NozzleWipeDatumY(mm)"); nozzleWipeStrokeX = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "NozzleWipeStrokeX(mm)"); nozzleWipeStrokeY = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "NozzleWipeStrokeY(mm)"); nozzleWipeFreq = Preferences.loadGlobalInt(prefName + "NozzleWipeFreq"); nozzleClearTime = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "NozzleClearTime(s)"); nozzleWaitTime = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "NozzleWaitTime(s)"); randSt = Preferences.loadGlobalBool(prefName + "RandomStart"); incrementedSt = Preferences.loadGlobalBool(prefName + "IncrementedStart"); shortLength = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ShortLength(mm)"); shortSpeed = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ShortSpeed(0..1)"); infillOverlap = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "InfillOverlap(mm)"); extrusionDelayForLayer = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionDelayForLayer(ms)"); extrusionDelayForPolygon = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionDelayForPolygon(ms)"); extrusionOverRun = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionOverRun(mm)"); valveDelayForLayer = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ValveDelayForLayer(ms)"); valveDelayForPolygon = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ValveDelayForPolygon(ms)"); extrusionReverseDelay = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "Reverse(ms)"); valveOverRun = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ValveOverRun(mm)"); minLiftedZ = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "MinimumZClearance(mm)"); // NB - store as 2ms ticks to allow longer pulses valvePulseTime = 0.5*Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ValvePulseTime(ms)"); shells = Preferences.loadGlobalInt(prefName + "NumberOfShells(0..N)"); pauseBetweenSegments = Preferences.loadGlobalBool(prefName + "PauseBetweenSegments"); extrusionFoundationWidth = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionFoundationWidth(mm)"); extrusionLastFoundationWidth = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionLastFoundationWidth(mm)"); separationFraction = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "SeparationFraction(0..1)"); arcCompensationFactor = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ArcCompensationFactor(0..)"); arcShortSides = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ArcShortSides(0..)"); extrudeRatio = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrudeRatio(0..)"); evenHatchDirection = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "EvenHatchDirection(degrees)"); oddHatchDirection = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "OddHatchDirection(degrees)"); Color3f col = new Color3f((float)Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ColourR(0..1)"), (float)Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ColourG(0..1)"), (float)Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ColourB(0..1)")); materialColour = new Appearance(); materialColour.setMaterial(new Material(col, black, col, black, 101f)); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Refresh extruder preferences: " + ex.toString()); } if(printer == null) { System.err.println("GenericExtruder(): printer is null!"); } else { fastXYFeedrate = Math.min(printer.getFastXYFeedrate(), fastXYFeedrate); slowXYFeedrate = Math.min(printer.getSlowXYFeedrate(), slowXYFeedrate); maxAcceleration = Math.min(printer.getMaxXYAcceleration(), maxAcceleration); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#dispose() */ public void dispose() { } /** * Wait while the motors move about * @throws IOException */ public void waitTillNotBusy() throws IOException { if(printer == null) return; printer.waitTillNotBusy(); } public void setPrinter(Printer p) { printer = p; } public Printer getPrinter() { return printer; } /** * Start the extruder motor at a given speed. In the old scheme, this ranges from 0 * to 255 but is scaled by maxSpeed and t0, so that 255 corresponds to the * highest permitted speed. It is also scaled so that 0 would correspond * with the lowest extrusion speed. * * In the new scheme speed is simply mm/sec. * * @param speed The speed to drive the motor at (0-255) * @throws IOException */ public void setExtrusion(double speed, boolean rev) throws IOException { if (speed > 0) es.setExtruding(true); else es.setExtruding(false); es.setSpeed(speed); es.setReverse(rev); } public void setTemperature(double temperature, boolean wait) throws Exception { es.setTargetTemperature(temperature); } public void startExtruding() { if (!es.isExtruding()) { try { setExtrusion(getExtruderSpeed(), false); } catch (Exception e) { //hmm. } es.setExtruding(true); } } public void stopExtruding() { if (es.isExtruding()) { try { setExtrusion(0, false); } catch (Exception e) { //hmm. } es.setExtruding(false); } } public void setMotor(boolean motorOn) throws IOException { if(getExtruderSpeed() < 0) return; if(motorOn) { setExtrusion(getExtruderSpeed(), false); es.setSpeed(getExtruderSpeed()); } else { setExtrusion(0, false); es.setSpeed(0); } es.setReverse(false); } public void heatOn(boolean wait) throws Exception { setTemperature(extrusionTemp, wait); } public void heatOff() throws Exception { setTemperature(0, false); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getTemperatureTarget() */ public double getTemperatureTarget() { return es.targetTemperature(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getDefaultTemperature() */ public double getDefaultTemperature() { return extrusionTemp; } /** * The the outline speed and the infill speed [0,1] */ public double getInfillSpeedFactor() { return iSpeed; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getInfillFeedrate() */ public double getInfillFeedrate() { return getInfillSpeedFactor() * getFastXYFeedrate(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getOutlineSpeedFactor() */ public double getOutlineSpeedFactor() { return oSpeed; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getOutlineFeedrate() */ public double getOutlineFeedrate() { return getOutlineSpeedFactor() * getFastXYFeedrate(); } /** * The length in mm to speed up when going round corners * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getAngleSpeedUpLength() */ public double getAngleSpeedUpLength() { return asLength; } /** * The factor by which to speed up when going round a corner. * The formula is speed = baseSpeed*[1 - 0.5*(1 + ca)*getAngleSpeedFactor()] * where ca is the cos of the angle between the lines. So it goes fastest when * the line doubles back on itself (returning 1), and slowest when it * continues straight (returning 1 - getAngleSpeedFactor()). * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getAngleSpeedFactor() */ public double getAngleSpeedFactor() { return asFactor; } public double getAngleFeedrate() { return getAngleSpeedFactor() * getFastXYFeedrate(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#isAvailable() */ public boolean isAvailable() { return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getXYSpeed() */ public double getFastXYFeedrate() { return fastXYFeedrate; } /** * @return slow XY movement feedrate in mm/minute */ public double getSlowXYFeedrate() { return slowXYFeedrate; } /** * @return the fastest the machine can accelerate */ public double getMaxAcceleration() { return maxAcceleration; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getExtruderSpeed() */ private double getRegularExtruderSpeed() { try { return Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ExtrusionSpeed(mm/minute)"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); return 200; //Hack } } private double getSeparationSpeed() { try { return Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "SeparationSpeed(mm/minute)"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); return 200; //Hack } } public void setSeparating(boolean s) { separating = s; } public double getExtruderSpeed() { if(separating) return getSeparationSpeed(); else return getRegularExtruderSpeed(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getExtrusionSize() */ public double getExtrusionSize() { return extrusionSize; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getExtrusionHeight() */ public double getExtrusionHeight() { return extrusionHeight; } /** * At the top and bottom return the fine width; in between * return the braod one. If the braod one is negative, just do fine. */ public double getExtrusionInfillWidth() { return extrusionInfillWidth; } public double getExtrusionBroadWidth() { return extrusionBroadWidth; } public int getLowerFineLayers() { return lowerFineLayers; } public int getUpperFineLayers() { return upperFineLayers; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getCoolingPeriod() */ public double getCoolingPeriod() { return coolingPeriod; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getOffsetX() */ public double getOffsetX() { return offsetX; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getOffsetY() */ public double getOffsetY() { return offsetY; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getOffsetZ() */ public double getOffsetZ() { return offsetZ; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getColour() */ public Appearance getAppearance() { return materialColour; } /** * @return the name of the material * TODO: should this give more information? */ public String toString() { return material; } /** * @return determine whether nozzle wipe method is enabled or not */ public boolean getNozzleWipeEnabled() { return nozzleWipeEnabled; } /** * @return the X-cord for the nozzle wiper */ public double getNozzleWipeDatumX() { return nozzleWipeDatumX; } /** * @return the Y-cord for the nozzle wiper */ public double getNozzleWipeDatumY() { return nozzleWipeDatumY; } /** * @return the length of the nozzle movement over the wiper */ public double getNozzleWipeStrokeX() { return nozzleWipeStrokeX; } /** * @return the length of the nozzle movement over the wiper */ public double getNozzleWipeStrokeY() { return nozzleWipeStrokeY; } /** * @return the number of times the nozzle moves over the wiper */ public int getNozzleWipeFreq() { return nozzleWipeFreq; } /** * @return the time to extrude before wiping the nozzle */ public double getNozzleClearTime() { return nozzleClearTime; } /** * @return the time to wait after extruding before wiping the nozzle */ public double getNozzleWaitTime() { return nozzleWaitTime; } /** * Start polygons at a random location round their perimiter * @return */ public boolean randomStart() { return randSt; } /** * Start polygons at an incremented location round their perimiter * @return */ public boolean incrementedStart() { return incrementedSt; } /** * get short lengths which need to be plotted faster * set -ve to turn this off. * @return */ public double getShortLength() { return shortLength; } /** * Factor (between 0 and 1) to use to set the speed for * short lines. * @return */ public double getShortLineSpeedFactor() { return shortSpeed; } /** * Feedrate for short lines in mm/minute * @return */ public double getShortLineFeedrate() { return getShortLineSpeedFactor() * getFastXYFeedrate(); } /** * Number of mm to overlap the hatching infill with the outline. 0 gives none; -ve will * leave a gap between the two * @return */ public double getInfillOverlap() { return infillOverlap; } /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before starting a border track * @return */ public double getExtrusionDelayForLayer() { return extrusionDelayForLayer; } /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before starting a hatch track * @return */ public double getExtrusionDelayForPolygon() { return extrusionDelayForPolygon; } /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to reverse the extrude motor * at the end of a track * @return */ public double getExtrusionReverseDelay() { return extrusionReverseDelay; } /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before opening the valve * for the first track of a layer * @return */ public double getValveDelayForLayer() { return valveDelayForLayer; } /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before opening the valve * for any other track * @return */ public double getValveDelayForPolygon() { return valveDelayForPolygon; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Extruder#getExtrusionOverRun() */ public double getExtrusionOverRun() { return extrusionOverRun; } /** * @return the valve overrun in millimeters (i.e. how many mm * before the end of a track to turn off the extrude motor) */ public double getValveOverRun() { return valveOverRun; } /** * The smallest allowable free-movement height above the base * @return */ public double getMinLiftedZ() { return minLiftedZ; } /** * The number of times to go round the outline (0 to supress) * @return */ public int getShells() { return shells; } /** * Stop the extrude motor between segments? * @return */ public boolean getPauseBetweenSegments() { return pauseBetweenSegments; } /** * What stuff are we working with? * @return */ public String getMaterial() { return material; } /** * What stuff are we holding up with? * @return */ public String getSupportMaterial() { return supportMaterial; } public int getSupportExtruder() { return getNumberFromMaterial(supportMaterial); } /** * What stuff are we infilling with? * @return */ public String getInfillMaterial() { return inFillMaterial; } public int getInfillExtruder() { return getNumberFromMaterial(inFillMaterial); } /** * What are the dimensions for infill? * @return */ // public String getBroadInfillMaterial() // { // return inFillMaterial; // } public static int getNumberFromMaterial(String material) { String[] names; try { names = Preferences.allMaterials(); for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if(names[i].equals(material)) return i; } throw new Exception("getNumberFromMaterial - can't find " + material); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.d(ex.toString()); } return -1; } public static Appearance getAppearanceFromNumber(int n) { String prefName = "Extruder" + n + "_"; Color3f col = null; try { col = new Color3f((float)Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ColourR(0..1)"), (float)Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ColourG(0..1)"), (float)Preferences.loadGlobalDouble(prefName + "ColourB(0..1)")); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ex.toString()); } Appearance a = new Appearance(); a.setMaterial(new Material(col, black, col, black, 101f)); return a; } public static Appearance getAppearanceFromMaterial(String material) { return(getAppearanceFromNumber(getNumberFromMaterial(material))); } public double getExtrusionFoundationWidth() { return extrusionFoundationWidth; } public double getLastFoundationWidth(LayerRules lc) { return extrusionLastFoundationWidth; } /** * At the support layer before a layer is to be separated, how far up * the normal Z movement do we go to make a bigger gap to form a weak join? * @return */ public double getSeparationFraction() { return separationFraction; } /** * The arc compensation factor. * See org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon.arcCompensate(...) * @return */ public double getArcCompensationFactor() { return arcCompensationFactor; } /** * The arc short sides. * See org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon.arcCompensate(...) * @return */ public double getArcShortSides() { return arcShortSides; } /** * The direction to hatch even-numbered layers in degrees anticlockwise * from the X axis * @return */ public double getEvenHatchDirection() { return evenHatchDirection; } /** * The direction to hatch odd-numbered layers in degrees anticlockwise * from the X axis * @return */ public double getOddHatchDirection() { return oddHatchDirection; } /** * Find out what our current speed is * @return */ public double getCurrentSpeed() { return es.speed(); } /** * Find out if we are currently in reverse * @return */ public boolean getReversing() { return es.reverse(); } /** * Get how much extrudate is deposited in a given time (in milliseconds) * currentSpeed is in mm per minute * @param time (ms) * @return */ public double getDistanceFromTime(double time) { if(!es.isExtruding()) return 0; return es.speed()*time/60000.0; } /** * Get how much extrudate is deposited for a given xy movement * currentSpeed is in mm per minute * @param xyDistance (mm) * @param xyFeedrate (mm/minute) * @return */ public double getDistance(double distance) { if(!es.isExtruding()) return 0; return extrudeRatio*distance; } /** * Find out if we're working in 5D * @return */ public boolean get5D() { return fiveD; } /** * Find out how far we have extruded so far * @return */ public ExtruderState getExtruderState() { return es; } /** * Add some extruded length * @param l */ public void addExtrudedLength(double l) { es.add(l); } /** * Each logical extruder has a unique ID * @return */ public int getID() { return myExtruderID; } /** * Several logical extruders can share one physical extruder * This number is unique to each physical extruder * @return */ public int getPhysicalExtruderNumber() { return es.physicalExtruder(); } /** * Return the PWM for the motor. -ve values mean * this feature is unavailable */ public double getPWM() { return extrusionPWM; } /** * Time to purge the extruder * -ve values supress * @return */ public double getPurgeTime() { return purgeTime; } }