package org.reprap.comms; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.reprap.utilities.Debug; import org.reprap.utilities.ExtensionFileFilter; import org.reprap.Main; import org.reprap.Preferences; import org.reprap.geometry.LayerRules; public class GCodeReaderAndWriter { /** * Stop sending a file (if we are). */ private boolean paused = false; /** * Not quite sure why this is needed... */ private boolean alreadyReversed = false; /** * The name of the port talking to the RepRap machine */ String portName; /** * this is if we need to talk over serial */ private SerialPort port; /** * Flag to tell it we've finished */ private boolean exhaustBuffer = false; /** * this is for doing easy serial writes */ private PrintStream serialOutStream = null; /** * this is our read handle on the serial port */ private InputStream serialInStream = null; /** * The root file name for output (without ".gcode" on the end) */ private String opFileName; /** * List of file names - used to reverse layer order when layers are done top-down */ private String[] opFileArray; /** * Index into opFileArray */ private int opFileIndex; /** * How does the first file name in a multiple set end? */ private static final String gcodeExtension = ".gcode"; /** * How does the first file name in a multiple set end? */ private static final String firstEnding = "_prologue"; /** * How does the last file name in a multiple set end? */ private static final String lastEnding = "_epilogue"; /** * Flag for temporary files */ private static final String tmpString = "_TeMpOrArY_"; /** * This is used for file input */ private BufferedReader fileInStream = null; /** * How long is our G-Code input file (if any). */ private long fileInStreamLength = -1; /** * This is for file output */ private PrintStream fileOutStream = null; /** * The ring buffer that stores the commands for direct * transmission to the RepRap machine. */ private int head, tail; private static final int buflen = 10; // No too long, or pause doesn't work well private String[] ringBuffer; /** * The transmission to the RepRap machine is handled by * a separate thread. These control that. */ //private boolean threadLock = false; private Thread bufferThread = null; private int myPriority; /** * Some commands (at the moment just M105 - get temperature) generate * a response. Return that as a string. */ private int responsesExpected = 0; private boolean responseAvailable = false; private String response; //private boolean sendFileToMachine = false; public GCodeReaderAndWriter() { paused = false; alreadyReversed = false; ringBuffer = new String[buflen]; head = 0; tail = 0; //threadLock = false; exhaustBuffer = false; responsesExpected = 0; responseAvailable = false; response = "0000"; opFileIndex = -1; try { portName = Preferences.loadGlobalString("Port(name)"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Cannot load preference Port(name)."); portName = "stdout"; } openSerialConnection(portName); myPriority = Thread.currentThread().getPriority(); bufferThread = null; // if(serialOutStream != null) // { // bufferThread = new Thread() // { // public void run() // { // Thread.currentThread().setName("GCodeWriter() Buffer Thread"); // bufferDeQueue(); // } // }; // // bufferThread.start(); // } } public boolean buildingFromFile() { return fileInStream != null; } public boolean savingToFile() { return fileOutStream != null; } /** * Stop the printer building. * This _shouldn't_ also stop it being controlled interactively. */ public void pause() { paused = true; while(!bufferEmpty()) { //System.err.println("Waiting for buffer to empty."); sleep (131); } } /** * Resume building. * */ public void resume() { paused = false; } /** * Start the production run * (as opposed to driving the machine interactively). */ public void startRun() { if(fileOutStream != null) { // Exhause buffer before we start. if(bufferThread != null) { exhaustBuffer = true; while(exhaustBuffer) sleep(200); } bufferThread = null; head = 0; tail = 0; } } /** * Send a GCode file to the machine if that's what we have to do, and * return true. Otherwise return false. * */ public boolean filePlay() { if(fileInStream == null) { // Not playing a file... return false; } // if(bufferThread == null) // { // System.err.println("GCodeWriter: attempt to write to non-existent buffer."); // return true; // } // Launch a thread to run through the file, so we can return control // to the user Thread playFile = new Thread() { public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setName("GCode file printer"); String line; long bytes = 0; double fractionDone = 0; try { while ((line = fileInStream.readLine()) != null) { bufferQueue(line); bytes += line.length(); fractionDone = (double)bytes/(double)fileInStreamLength; setFractionDone(fractionDone); while(paused) { //System.err.println("Waiting for pause to end."); sleep(239); } } fileInStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error printing file: " + e.toString()); } } }; playFile.start(); return true; } public void setFractionDone(double fractionDone) { org.reprap.gui.botConsole.BotConsoleFrame.getBotConsoleFrame().setFractionDone(fractionDone); } /** * Wrapper for Thread.sleep() * @param millis */ public void sleep(int millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (Exception ex) {} } /** * All done. * */ public void finish() { Debug.d("disposing of GCodeReaderAndWriter."); // // Wait for the ring buffer to be exhausted // if(fileOutStream == null && bufferThread != null) // { // exhaustBuffer = true; // while(exhaustBuffer) sleep(200); // } try { if (serialInStream != null) serialInStream.close(); if (serialOutStream != null) serialOutStream.close(); if (fileInStream != null) fileInStream.close(); if (fileOutStream != null) fileOutStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } /** * Anything in the buffer? (NB this still works if we aren't * using the buffer as then head == tail == 0 always). * @return */ public boolean bufferEmpty() { return head == tail; } /** * Between layers nothing will be queued. Use the next two * functions to slow and speed the buffer's spinning. * */ public void slowBufferThread() { if(bufferThread != null) bufferThread.setPriority(1); } public void speedBufferThread() { if(bufferThread != null) bufferThread.setPriority(myPriority); } /** * Queue a command into the ring buffer. Note the use of prime time periods * in the following code. That's probably just superstition, but it feels more robust... * @param cmd */ private void bufferQueue(String cmd) { if(serialOutStream == null) { Debug.d("bufferQueue: attempt to queue: " + cmd + " to a non-running output buffer."); return; } int com = cmd.indexOf(';'); if(com > 0) cmd = cmd.substring(0, com); if(com != 0) { cmd = cmd.trim(); if(cmd.length() > 0) { serialOutStream.print(cmd + "\n"); // Message has effectively gone to the machine, so we can release the queuing thread //threadLock = false; serialOutStream.flush(); //oneSent = true; Debug.c("G-code: " + cmd + " dequeued and sent"); // Wait for the machine to respond before we send the next command waitForOK(); } return; } Debug.c("G-code: " + cmd + " not sent"); // // Is the output thread running? // if(bufferThread == null) // { // Debug.d("bufferQueue: attempt to queue: " + cmd + " to a non-running output buffer."); // return; // } // // Are we locked out by the transmit thread? // //while(threadLock) sleep(5); // // Lock out the transmit thread // //threadLock = true; // // Next location in the ring // // int newHead = head + 1; // while(newHead == tail-1 || (tail == 0 && newHead == buflen-1)) // { // // Release the lock so the transmit thread can get rid of stuff // //threadLock = false; // sleep(223); // } // synchronized(this) // { // //head++; // head = newHead; // if(head >= buflen) head = 0; // // Have we collided with the tail (i.e. is the ring full)? // //while(head == tail-1 || (tail == 0 && head == buflen-1)) // //{ // // Release the lock so the transmit thread can get rid of stuff // //threadLock = false; // //sleep(223); // //} // // Record the command in the buffer // ringBuffer[head] = cmd; // //threadLock = false; // Debug.c("G-code: " + cmd + " queued"); // } } // /** // * Loop getting the next thing in the buffer and transmitting it // * (or waiting for something to send if there's nothing there). // * // */ // private void bufferDeQueue() // { // for(;;) // { // // Are we locked out by the queuing thread? // //while(threadLock) sleep(7); // // Wait for something to be there to send // while(bufferEmpty()) // { // // If nothing more is ever coming, finish // if(exhaustBuffer) // { // exhaustBuffer = false; // return; // } // sleep(19); // } // // Lock out the queuing thread // //threadLock = true; // boolean oneSent = false; // synchronized(this) // { // // Pick up the next command in the buffer // tail++; // if(tail >= buflen) tail = 0; // // Strip any comment and send the command to the machine // String cmd = ringBuffer[tail]; // int com = cmd.indexOf(';'); // if(com > 0) // cmd = cmd.substring(0, com); // if(com != 0) // { // cmd = cmd.trim(); // serialOutStream.print(cmd + "\n"); // // Message has effectively gone to the machine, so we can release the queuing thread // //threadLock = false; // serialOutStream.flush(); // oneSent = true; // Debug.c("G-code: " + cmd + " dequeued and sent"); // // Wait for the machine to respond before we send the next command // //waitForOK(); // } else // Debug.c("G-code: " + ringBuffer[tail] + " not sent"); // // Just for safety // //threadLock = false; // } // if(oneSent) // waitForOK(); // } // } /** * Wait for the GCode interpreter in the RepRap machine to send back "ok\n". * */ private void waitForOK() { int i, count; String resp = ""; count = 0; for(;;) { try { i =; } catch (Exception e) { i = -1; } //anything found? if (i >= 0) { char c = (char)i; //is it at the end of the line? if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { if (resp.startsWith("ok")) { if(resp.length() > 2) Debug.c("GCode acknowledged with message: " + resp); else Debug.c("GCode acknowledged"); return; } else if (resp.startsWith("T:")) { Debug.c("GCodeWriter.waitForOK() - temperature reading: " + resp); if(responsesExpected > 0) { response = resp; responseAvailable = true; } else System.err.println("GCodeWriter.waitForOK(): temperature response returned when none expected."); } else if (resp.startsWith("E:")) { System.err.println("GCodeWriter.waitForOK(): temperature error returned: " + resp); } else if (resp.startsWith("start") || resp.contentEquals("")) { // That was the reset string from the machine or a null line; ignore it. }else { //Gone wrong. Start again. Debug.c("GCodeWriter.waitForOK() dud response: " + resp); count++; if(count >= 3) { System.err.println("GCodeWriter.waitForOK(): try count exceeded. Last line received was: " + resp); return; } } // If we get here we need a new string resp = ""; } else resp += c; } } } /** * Send a G-code command to the machine or into a file. * @param cmd */ public void queue(String cmd) { //trim it and cleanup. cmd = cmd.trim(); cmd = cmd.replaceAll(" ", " "); if(fileOutStream != null) { fileOutStream.println(cmd); Debug.c("G-code: " + cmd + " written to file"); } else bufferQueue(cmd); } /** * Send a G-code command to the machine and return * a response. * @param cmd */ public String queueRespond(String cmd) { if(serialOutStream == null) { Debug.d("queueRespond: attempt to queue: " + cmd + " to a non-running output buffer."); return "0000"; } //trim it and cleanup. cmd = cmd.trim(); cmd = cmd.replaceAll(" ", " "); if (fileOutStream != null) { System.err.println("GCodeWriter.queueRespond() called when file being created."); return "0000"; // Safest compromise } responsesExpected++; bufferQueue(cmd); if(responsesExpected <= 0) { System.err.println("GCodeWriter.getResponse() called when no response expected."); responsesExpected = 0; responseAvailable = false; return "0000"; } while(!responseAvailable) sleep(31); responseAvailable = false; responsesExpected--; return response; } private void openSerialConnection(String portName) { int baudRate = 19200; serialInStream = null; serialOutStream = null; //open our port. Debug.d("GCode opening port " + portName); Main.setRepRapPresent(false); try { CommPortIdentifier commId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(portName); port = (SerialPort), 30000); } catch (NoSuchPortException e) { System.err.println("Error opening port: " + portName); return; } catch (PortInUseException e){ System.err.println("Port '" + portName + "' is already in use."); return; } Main.setRepRapPresent(true); //get our baudrate try { baudRate = Preferences.loadGlobalInt("BaudRate"); } catch (IOException e){} // Workround for javax.comm bug. // See // FIXME: jvandewiel: is this workaround also needed when using the RXTX library? try { port.setSerialPortParams(baudRate, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) { Debug.d("An unsupported comms operation was encountered."); return; } /* port.setSerialPortParams(baudRate, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); */ // End of workround try { port.setFlowControlMode(SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE); } catch (Exception e) { // Um, Linux USB ports don't do this. What can I do about it? } try { port.enableReceiveTimeout(1); } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) { Debug.d("Read timeouts unsupported on this platform"); } //create our steams try { OutputStream writeStream = port.getOutputStream(); serialInStream = port.getInputStream(); serialOutStream = new PrintStream(writeStream); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("GCodeWriter: Error opening serial port stream."); serialInStream = null; serialOutStream = null; return; } //arduino bootloader skip. Debug.d("Attempting to initialize Arduino/Sanguino"); try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (Exception e) {} for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) serialOutStream.write('0'); try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (Exception e) {} return; } public String loadGCodeFileForMaking() { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); FileFilter filter; filter = new ExtensionFileFilter("G Code file to be read", new String[] { "gcode" }); chooser.setFileFilter(filter); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); //chooser.setCurrentDirectory(); int result = chooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { String name = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); try { Debug.d("opening: " + name); fileInStreamLength = chooser.getSelectedFile().length(); fileInStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(chooser.getSelectedFile())); return chooser.getSelectedFile().getName(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Can't read file " + name); fileInStream = null; return null; } } else { System.err.println("Can't read file."); fileInStream = null; } return null; } public String setGCodeFileForOutput(boolean topDown, String fileRoot) { File defaultFile = new File(fileRoot + ".gcode"); JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setSelectedFile(defaultFile); FileFilter filter; filter = new ExtensionFileFilter("G Code file to write to", new String[] { "gcode" }); chooser.setFileFilter(filter); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); opFileName = null; opFileArray = null; opFileIndex = -1; int result = chooser.showSaveDialog(null); if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { opFileName = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); if(opFileName.endsWith(gcodeExtension)) opFileName = opFileName.substring(0, opFileName.length() - 6); try { boolean doe = false; String fn = opFileName; if(topDown) { opFileIndex = 0; fn += firstEnding; fn += tmpString; doe = true; } fn += gcodeExtension; Debug.d("opening: " + fn); File fl = new File(fn); if(doe) fl.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(fl); fileOutStream = new PrintStream(fileStream); String shortName = chooser.getSelectedFile().getName(); if(!shortName.endsWith(gcodeExtension)) shortName += gcodeExtension; return shortName; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { opFileArray = null; opFileIndex = -1; System.err.println("Can't write to file '" + opFileName); opFileName = null; fileOutStream = null; } } else { fileOutStream = null; } return null; } public void startingLayer(LayerRules lc) { // If no filename or the index is not set, forget about the start layer. - Vik, 23-Feb-2009 if((opFileIndex < 0) || (opFileName == null)) return; if(opFileArray == null) { if(lc.getTopDown()) { opFileIndex = 0; opFileArray = new String[lc.getMachineLayerMax() + 3]; opFileArray[opFileIndex] = opFileName + firstEnding + tmpString + gcodeExtension; finishedLayer(); } } opFileArray[opFileIndex] = opFileName + lc.getMachineLayer() + tmpString + gcodeExtension; try { File fl = new File(opFileArray[opFileIndex]); fl.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(fl); fileOutStream = new PrintStream(fileStream); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Can't write to file " + opFileArray[opFileIndex]); } } public void startingEpilogue() { if(opFileArray == null) return; opFileArray[opFileIndex] = opFileName + lastEnding + tmpString + gcodeExtension; try { File fl = new File(opFileArray[opFileIndex]); fl.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(fl); fileOutStream = new PrintStream(fileStream); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Can't write to file " + opFileArray[opFileIndex]); } } public void finishedLayer() { if(opFileArray == null) return; fileOutStream.close(); opFileIndex++; } private void copyFile(PrintStream ps, String ip) { File f = null; try { f = new File(ip); FileReader fr = new FileReader(f); int character; while ((character = >= 0) ps.print((char)character); ps.flush(); fr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error copying file: " + e.toString()); } } public void reverseLayers() { if(opFileArray == null || alreadyReversed) return; // Stop this being called twice... alreadyReversed = true; try { FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(opFileName + gcodeExtension); fileOutStream = new PrintStream(fileStream); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Can't write to file " + opFileName + gcodeExtension); } copyFile(fileOutStream, opFileArray[0]); for(int i = opFileIndex - 1; i > 0; i--) copyFile(fileOutStream, opFileArray[i]); copyFile(fileOutStream, opFileArray[opFileIndex]); } }