package org.reprap; import; import org.reprap.devices.ExtruderState; import; public interface Extruder { /** * Dispose of the extruder object */ public void dispose(); /** * Reload the preferences from the preferences file * */ public int refreshPreferences(); /** * Start the extruder motor at a given speed. For old extruders this ranges from 0 * to 255 but is scaled by maxSpeed and t0, so that 255 corresponds to the * highest permitted speed. It is also scaled so that 0 would correspond * with the lowest extrusion speed. * For new extruders this is in mm/minute * @param speed The speed to drive the motor at (0-255) * @throws IOException */ //public void setExtrusion(double speed) throws IOException; /** * For stepper extruders, return the PWM to use to drive them in [0, 1] * Negative values returned mean this feature is disabled. */ public double getPWM(); /** * Start the extruder motor at a given speed. For old extruders this ranges from 0 * to 255 but is scaled by maxSpeed and t0, so that 255 corresponds to the * highest permitted speed. It is also scaled so that 0 would correspond * with the lowest extrusion speed. * For new extruders this is in mm/minute * @param speed The speed to drive the motor at (0-255) * @param reverse If set, run extruder in reverse * @throws IOException */ public void setExtrusion(double speed, boolean reverse) throws IOException; /** * start extruding at the normal rate. */ public void startExtruding(); /** * stop extruding */ public void stopExtruding(); /** * Start/stop the extruder motor */ public void setMotor(boolean motorOn) throws IOException; /** * Open and close the valve (if any). * @param pulseTime * @param valveOpen * @throws IOException */ public void setValve(boolean valveOpen) throws IOException; /** * Turn the heater of the extruder on. Inital temperatur is defined by ??? * @throws Exception */ public void heatOn(boolean wait) throws Exception; /** * Turns the heater for the extruder off. */ public void heatOff() throws Exception; /** * Set the temperature of the extruder at a given height. This height is given * in centigrades, i.e. 100 equals 100 centigrades. * @param temperature The temperature of the extruder in centigrade * @param wait - wait till it gets there (or not). * @throws Exception */ public void setTemperature(double temperature, boolean wait) throws Exception; /** * Set a heat output power. For normal production use you would * normally call setTemperature, however this method may be useful * for lower temperature profiling, etc. * @param heat Heater power (0-255) * @param maxTemp Cutoff temperature in celcius * @throws IOException */ public void setHeater(int heat, double maxTemp) throws IOException; /** * Check if the extruder is out of feedstock * @return true if there is no material remaining */ public boolean isEmpty(); /** * @return the target temperature of the extruder */ public double getTemperatureTarget(); /** * @return the default temperature of the extruder */ public double getDefaultTemperature(); /** * @return the current temperature of the extruder */ public double getTemperature(); /** * @return the infill speed as a value between [0,1] */ public double getInfillSpeedFactor(); /** * @return the infill feedrate as a value in mm/minute */ public double getInfillFeedrate(); /** * @return the outline speed as a avlue between [0,1] */ public double getOutlineSpeedFactor(); /** * @return the infill feedrate as a value in mm/minute */ public double getOutlineFeedrate(); /** * @return The length in mm to speed up when going round corners */ public double getAngleSpeedUpLength(); /** * The factor by which to speed up when going round a corner. * The formula is speed = baseSpeed*[1 - 0.5*(1 + ca)*getAngleSpeedFactor()] * where ca is the cos of the angle between the lines. So it goes fastest when * the line doubles back on itself (returning 1), and slowest when it * continues straight (returning 1 - getAngleSpeedFactor()). * @return the angle-speed factor */ public double getAngleSpeedFactor(); /** * @return the angle feedrate as a value in mm/minute */ public double getAngleFeedrate(); /** * Turn the cooler (fan?) on or off * @param f true if the cooler is to be turned on, false to turn off * @throws IOException */ public void setCooler(boolean f) throws IOException ; /** * Check if the extruder is available, which is determined by ??? * @return true if the extruder is available */ public boolean isAvailable(); /** * The speed of X and Y movement * @return the XY feedrate in mm/minute */ public double getFastXYFeedrate(); /** * @return slow XY movement feedrate in mm/minute */ public double getSlowXYFeedrate(); /** * @return the fastest the machine can accelerate */ public double getMaxAcceleration(); /** * @return the extruder speeds */ public double getExtruderSpeed(); /** * Time to purge the extruder * -ve values supress * @return */ public double getPurgeTime(); /** * Purge the extruder * */ public void purge(); /** * Set the flag to show we're creating a separation * @param s */ public void setSeparating(boolean s); /** * @return the extrusion size in millimeters */ public double getExtrusionSize(); /** * @return the extrusion height in millimeters */ public double getExtrusionHeight(); /** * @return the cooling period in seconds */ public double getCoolingPeriod(); /** * Find out what our current speed is * @return */ public double getCurrentSpeed(); /** * Find out if we are currently in reverse * @return */ public boolean getReversing(); /** * Find out if we're working in 5D * @return */ public boolean get5D(); /** * Get how much extrudate is deposited in a given time * @param time * @return */ public double getDistanceFromTime(double time); /** * Get how much extrudate is deposited for a given movement * @param distance * @return */ public double getDistance(double distance); /** * Find out how far we have extruded so far * @return */ public ExtruderState getExtruderState(); /** * Allow otthers to set our extrude length so that all logical extruders * talking to one physical extruder can use the same length instance. * @param e */ public void setExtrudeState(ExtruderState e); /** * Zero the extruded length * */ public void zeroExtrudedLength(); /** * @return the X offset in millimeters */ public double getOffsetX(); /** * @return the Y offset in millimeters */ public double getOffsetY(); /** * @return the Z offset in millimeters */ public double getOffsetZ(); /** * @return the appearance (colour) to use in the simulation window for this material */ public Appearance getAppearance(); /** * Each logical extruder has a unique ID * @return */ public int getID(); /** * Several logical extruders can share one physical extruder * This number is unique to each physical extruder * @return */ public int getPhysicalExtruderNumber(); /** * @return whether nozzle wipe method is enabled or not */ public boolean getNozzleWipeEnabled(); /** * @return the X-cord for the nozzle wiper */ public double getNozzleWipeDatumX(); /** * @return the Y-cord for the nozzle wiper */ public double getNozzleWipeDatumY(); /** * @return the X length of the nozzle movement over the wiper */ public double getNozzleWipeStrokeX(); /** * @return the Y length of the nozzle movement over the wiper */ public double getNozzleWipeStrokeY(); /** * @return the number of times the nozzle moves over the wiper */ public int getNozzleWipeFreq(); /** * @return the time to extrude before wiping the nozzle */ public double getNozzleClearTime(); /** * @return the time to wait after wiping the nozzle */ public double getNozzleWaitTime(); /** * Start polygons at a random location round their perimiter * @return */ public boolean randomStart(); /** * Start polygons at an incremented location round their perimiter * @return */ public boolean incrementedStart(); /** * get short lengths which need to be plotted faster * set -ve to turn this off. * @return */ public double getShortLength(); /** * Factor (between 0 and 1) to use to set the speed for * short lines. * @return */ public double getShortLineSpeedFactor(); /** * Feedrate for short lines in mm/minute * @return */ public double getShortLineFeedrate(); /** * Number of mm to overlap the hatching infill with the outline. 0 gives none; -ve will * leave a gap between the two * @return */ public double getInfillOverlap(); /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before starting the extrude motor * for the first track of a layer * @return */ public double getExtrusionDelayForLayer(); /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before starting the extrude motor * for any other track * @return */ public double getExtrusionDelayForPolygon(); /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to reverse the extrude motor * at the end of a track * @return */ public double getExtrusionReverseDelay(); /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before opening the valve * for the first track of a layer * @return */ public double getValveDelayForLayer(); /** * Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before opening the valve * for any other track * @return */ public double getValveDelayForPolygon(); /** * @return the extrusion overrun in millimeters (i.e. how many mm * before the end of a track to turn off the extrude motor) */ public double getExtrusionOverRun(); /** * @return the valve overrun in millimeters (i.e. how many mm * before the end of a track to turn off the extrude motor) */ public double getValveOverRun(); /** * The number of times to go round the outline (0 to supress) * @return */ public int getShells(); /** * The smallest allowable free-movement height above the base * @return */ public double getMinLiftedZ(); /** * Stop the extrude motor between segments? * @return */ public boolean getPauseBetweenSegments(); /** * * @param p */ public void setPrinter(Printer p); /** * * @return */ public Printer getPrinter(); /** * * @return */ public double getExtrusionFoundationWidth(); /** * * @return */ public double getExtrusionInfillWidth(); /** * * @return */ public double getExtrusionBroadWidth(); public int getLowerFineLayers(); public int getUpperFineLayers(); /** * At the support layer before a layer is to be separated, how far up * the normal Z movement do we go to make a bigger gap to form a weak join? * @return */ public double getSeparationFraction(); /** * Wait if the XY movement buffer is active in the mictrocontroller * @throws IOException */ public void waitTillNotBusy() throws IOException; /** * The arc compensation factor. * See org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon.arcCompensate(...) * @return */ public double getArcCompensationFactor(); /** * The arc short sides. * See org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon.arcCompensate(...) * @return */ public double getArcShortSides(); /** * What stuff are we working with? * @return */ public String getMaterial(); /** * What stuff are we supporting with? * @return */ public String getSupportMaterial(); public int getSupportExtruder(); /** * What stuff are we infilling with? * @return */ public String getInfillMaterial(); public int getInfillExtruder(); /** * What are the dimensions for infill? * @return */ //public String getBroadInfillMaterial(); /** * The direction to hatch even-numbered layers in degrees anticlockwise * from the X axis * @return */ public double getEvenHatchDirection(); /** * The direction to hatch odd-numbered layers in degrees anticlockwise * from the X axis * @return */ public double getOddHatchDirection(); }