package org.reprap; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; public class Translation { private static Translation globalTranslation = null; private Properties currentTranslation = null; private Properties defaultTranslation = null; private String defaultLanguage = "en_GB"; private String currentLanguage = null; private Translation(){ currentTranslation = new Properties(); try { currentLanguage = Preferences.loadGlobalString("Language"); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println("Translation class: Error loading the preferences file: "+e.getMessage()); currentLanguage = defaultLanguage; } if (currentLanguage == null){ currentLanguage = defaultLanguage; } //now we have found a language setting //first load the default language file defaultTranslation = loadTranslationFile(defaultLanguage); if (currentLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(defaultLanguage)){ currentTranslation = defaultTranslation; } else { currentTranslation = loadTranslationFile(currentLanguage); } } public static Translation getGlobalTranslation(){ initIfNeeded(); return globalTranslation; } synchronized private static void initIfNeeded() { if (globalTranslation == null) globalTranslation = new Translation(); } private Properties loadTranslationFile(String languageCode){ Properties p = new Properties(); File f = new File("lib" + File.separatorChar + "translations" + File.separatorChar + languageCode + ".properties"); try { p.load(f.toURL().openStream()); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println("Translation class: Error loading the Translation file: "+f.getAbsolutePath()); } return p; } public static String translate(String toBeTranslated){ initIfNeeded(); return globalTranslation.getTranslation(toBeTranslated); } private String getTranslation(String toBeTranslated){ String translatedText = null; translatedText = currentTranslation.getProperty(toBeTranslated); // fall back to default language if translation is not found in current language if (translatedText == null){ translatedText = defaultTranslation.getProperty(toBeTranslated); System.err.println("Translation class: missing translation: \"" + toBeTranslated + "\" in file: " + currentLanguage + ".properties"); //return "(to be translated)" if there is no translation in either language if (translatedText == null){ System.err.println("Translation class: no translation for \""+toBeTranslated+ "\" was found. Spelling?"); translatedText = "(to be translated)"; } } return translatedText; } // public static void main(String[] args){ // // Translation t = Translation.getGlobalTranslation(); // String s = t.getTranslation("MainWindowTitle"); // // System.out.println(s); // } }