#!/usr/bin/make -f # debian/rules for statcvs, based on the one from Batik (uses CDBS) include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ant.mk VERSION = $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | egrep '^Version' | \ sed -r 's/Version:\s*//' | sed -r 's/^[0-9]+://' | \ sed -r 's/(\.dfsg)?-[0-9.]+//') JAVA_HOME_DIRS := /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk /usr/lib/jvm/default-java /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun . DEB_JARS := ant-launcher.jar RXTXcomm.jar swing-layout.jar \ vecmath.jar j3dcore.jar j3dutils.jar j3d-org-java3d-all.jar DEB_ANT_BUILD_TARGET := jar DEB_ANT_CLEAN_TARGET := clean print-version: echo $(VERSION) install/reprap-host:: # Install sundry files - most of these should go somewhere else, but where? install -D -m644 reprap.properties.dist debian/reprap-host/usr/lib/reprap/reprap.properties.dist install -D -m644 *.png debian/reprap-host/usr/lib/reprap install -D -m644 reprap-wv.stl debian/reprap-host/usr/lib/reprap/reprap-wv.stl # Install Libraries - most of these should be in their own .deb files in the future install -D -m644 *.jar debian/reprap-host/usr/lib/reprap install -D -m644 *.so debian/reprap-host/usr/lib/reprap # Script to run RepRap Host program - currently needs to be in same place as the libraries, needs to be changed install -D -m755 reprap debian/reprap-host/usr/lib/reprap/reprap # man page install -D -m644 reprap-host.1 debian/reprap-host/usr/share/man/man1/reprap-host.1 # Menu generation files install -D -m644 debian/reprap-host.desktop \ debian/reprap-host/usr/share/applications/reprap-host.desktop install -D -m644 debian/reprap-host.menu debian/reprap-host/usr/share/menu/reprap-host.menu install -D -m644 debian/reprap.xpm debian/reprap-host/usr/share/pixmaps/reprap.xpm # Documentation mkdir -p debian/reprap-host/usr/share/doc/reprap-host sed -e "s/RELEASE/$(RELEASE)/g" -e "s/DATE/$(NOW)/g" README \ > debian/reprap-host/usr/share/doc/reprap-host/README