""" This page is in the table of contents. Cutting is a script to set the cutting profile for the skeinforge chain. The displayed craft sequence is the sequence in which the tools craft the model and export the output. On the cutting dialog, clicking the 'Add Profile' button will duplicate the selected profile and give it the name in the input field. For example, if laser is selected and the name laser_10mm is in the input field, clicking the 'Add Profile' button will duplicate laser and save it as laser_10mm. The 'Delete Profile' button deletes the selected profile. The profile selection is the setting. If you hit 'Save and Close' the selection will be saved, if you hit 'Cancel' the selection will not be saved. However; adding and deleting a profile is a permanent action, for example 'Cancel' will not bring back any deleted profiles. To change the cutting profile, in a shell in the profile_plugins folder type: > python cutting.py An example of using cutting from the python interpreter follows below. > python Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Sep 22 2007, 01:43:31) [GCC 4.2.1 (SUSE Linux)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import cutting >>> cutting.main() This brings up the cutting setting dialog. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import __init__ from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import settings import sys __author__ = "Enrique Perez (perez_enrique@yahoo.com)" __date__ = "$Date: 2008/21/04 $" __license__ = "GPL 3.0" def getCraftSequence(): "Get the cutting craft sequence." return 'chop,preface,outset,multiply,whittle,drill,lift,flow,feed,home,lash,fillet,dimension,unpause,export'.split( ',' ) def getNewRepository(): "Get the repository constructor." return CuttingRepository() class CuttingRepository: "A class to handle the cutting settings." def __init__( self ): "Set the default settings, execute title & settings fileName." settings.addListsSetCraftProfileArchive( getCraftSequence(), 'end_mill', self, 'skeinforge_tools.profile_plugins.cutting.html' ) def main(): "Display the export dialog." if len( sys.argv ) > 1: writeOutput( ' '.join( sys.argv[ 1 : ] ) ) else: settings.startMainLoopFromConstructor( getNewRepository() ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()