#! /usr/bin/env python """ This page is in the table of contents. Inset will inset the outside outlines by half the perimeter width, and outset the inside outlines by the same amount. The inset manual page is at: http://www.bitsfrombytes.com/wiki/index.php?title=Skeinforge_Inset ==Settings== ===Add Custom Code for Temperature Reading=== Default is on. When selected, the M105 custom code for temperature reading will be added at the beginning of the file. ===Bridge Width Multiplier=== Default is one. Defines the ratio of the extrusion width of a bridge layer over the extrusion width of the typical non bridge layers. ===Loop Order Choice=== Default loop order choice is 'Ascending Area'. When overlap is to be removed, for each loop, the overlap is checked against the list of loops already extruded. If the latest loop overlaps an already extruded loop, the overlap is removed from the latest loop. The loops are ordered according to their areas. ====Ascending Area==== When selected, the loops will be ordered in ascending area. With thin walled parts, if overlap is being removed the outside of the container will not be extruded. Holes will be the correct size. ====Descending Area==== When selected, the loops will be ordered in descending area. With thin walled parts, if overlap is being removed the inside of the container will not be extruded. Holes will be missing the interior wall so they will be slightly wider than model size. ===Overlap Removal Width over Perimeter Width=== Default is 0.6. Defines the ratio of the overlap removal width over the perimeter width. Any part of the extrusion that comes within the overlap removal width of another is removed. This is to prevent the extruder from depositing two extrusions right beside each other. If the 'Overlap Removal Width over Perimeter Width' is less than 0.2, the overlap will not be removed. ===Turn Extruder Heater Off at Shut Down=== Default is on. When selected, the M104 S0 gcode line will be added to the end of the file to turn the extruder heater off by setting the extruder heater temperature to 0. ==Examples== The following examples inset the file Screw Holder Bottom.stl. The examples are run in a terminal in the folder which contains Screw Holder Bottom.stl and inset.py. > python inset.py This brings up the inset dialog. > python inset.py Screw Holder Bottom.stl The inset tool is parsing the file: Screw Holder Bottom.stl .. The inset tool has created the file: .. Screw Holder Bottom_inset.gcode > python Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Sep 22 2007, 01:43:31) [GCC 4.2.1 (SUSE Linux)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import inset >>> inset.main() This brings up the inset dialog. >>> inset.writeOutput( 'Screw Holder Bottom.stl' ) The inset tool is parsing the file: Screw Holder Bottom.stl .. The inset tool has created the file: .. Screw Holder Bottom_inset.gcode """ from __future__ import absolute_import try: import psyco psyco.full() except: pass #Init has to be imported first because it has code to workaround the python bug where relative imports don't work if the module is imported as a main module. import __init__ from skeinforge_tools import profile from skeinforge_tools.meta_plugins import polyfile from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import consecution from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import euclidean from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import gcodec from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import intercircle from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import interpret from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import settings from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import triangle_mesh from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities.vector3 import Vector3 import math import os import sys __author__ = "Enrique Perez (perez_enrique@yahoo.com)" __date__ = "$Date: 2008/28/04 $" __license__ = "GPL 3.0" def addAlreadyFilledArounds( alreadyFilledArounds, loop, radius ): "Add already filled loops around loop to alreadyFilledArounds." radius = abs( radius ) alreadyFilledLoop = [] slightlyGreaterThanRadius = 1.01 * radius muchGreaterThanRadius = 2.5 * radius centers = intercircle.getCentersFromLoop( loop, slightlyGreaterThanRadius ) for center in centers: alreadyFilledInset = intercircle.getSimplifiedInsetFromClockwiseLoop( center, radius ) if intercircle.isLargeSameDirection( alreadyFilledInset, center, radius ): alreadyFilledLoop.append( alreadyFilledInset ) if len( alreadyFilledLoop ) > 0: alreadyFilledArounds.append( alreadyFilledLoop ) def addSegmentOutline( isThick, outlines, pointBegin, pointEnd, width ): "Add a diamond or hexagonal outline for a line segment." width = abs( width ) exclusionWidth = 0.6 * width slope = 0.2 if isThick: slope = 3.0 exclusionWidth = 0.8 * width segment = pointEnd - pointBegin segmentLength = abs( segment ) if segmentLength == 0.0: return normalizedSegment = segment / segmentLength outline = [] segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag ) pointBeginRotated = segmentYMirror * pointBegin pointEndRotated = segmentYMirror * pointEnd along = 0.05 alongLength = along * segmentLength if alongLength > 0.1 * exclusionWidth: along *= 0.1 * exclusionWidth / alongLength alongEnd = 1.0 - along remainingToHalf = 0.5 - along alongToWidth = exclusionWidth / slope / segmentLength pointBeginIntermediate = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation( along, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated ) pointEndIntermediate = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation( alongEnd, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated ) outline.append( pointBeginIntermediate ) verticalWidth = complex( 0.0, exclusionWidth ) if alongToWidth > 0.9 * remainingToHalf: verticalWidth = complex( 0.0, slope * remainingToHalf * segmentLength ) middle = ( pointBeginIntermediate + pointEndIntermediate ) * 0.5 middleDown = middle - verticalWidth middleUp = middle + verticalWidth outline.append( middleUp ) outline.append( pointEndIntermediate ) outline.append( middleDown ) else: alongOutsideBegin = along + alongToWidth alongOutsideEnd = alongEnd - alongToWidth outsideBeginCenter = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation( alongOutsideBegin, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated ) outsideBeginCenterDown = outsideBeginCenter - verticalWidth outsideBeginCenterUp = outsideBeginCenter + verticalWidth outsideEndCenter = euclidean.getIntermediateLocation( alongOutsideEnd, pointBeginRotated, pointEndRotated ) outsideEndCenterDown = outsideEndCenter - verticalWidth outsideEndCenterUp = outsideEndCenter + verticalWidth outline.append( outsideBeginCenterUp ) outline.append( outsideEndCenterUp ) outline.append( pointEndIntermediate ) outline.append( outsideEndCenterDown ) outline.append( outsideBeginCenterDown ) outlines.append( euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( normalizedSegment, outline ) ) def getCraftedText( fileName, text = '', repository = None ): "Inset the preface file or text." return getCraftedTextFromText( gcodec.getTextIfEmpty( fileName, text ), repository ) def getCraftedTextFromText( gcodeText, repository = None ): "Inset the preface gcode text." if gcodec.isProcedureDoneOrFileIsEmpty( gcodeText, 'inset' ): return gcodeText if repository == None: repository = settings.getReadRepository( InsetRepository() ) return InsetSkein().getCraftedGcode( gcodeText, repository ) def getIsIntersectingWithinList( loop, loopList ): "Determine if the loop is intersecting or is within the loop list." leftPoint = euclidean.getLeftPoint( loop ) for otherLoop in loopList: if euclidean.getNumberOfIntersectionsToLeft( otherLoop, leftPoint ) % 2 == 1: return True return euclidean.isLoopIntersectingLoops( loop, loopList ) def getNewRepository(): "Get the repository constructor." return InsetRepository() def getSegmentsFromLoopListsPoints( loopLists, pointBegin, pointEnd ): "Get endpoint segments from the beginning and end of a line segment." normalizedSegment = pointEnd - pointBegin normalizedSegmentLength = abs( normalizedSegment ) if normalizedSegmentLength == 0.0: return [] normalizedSegment /= normalizedSegmentLength segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag ) pointBeginRotated = segmentYMirror * pointBegin pointEndRotated = segmentYMirror * pointEnd rotatedLoopLists = [] for loopList in loopLists: rotatedLoopList = [] rotatedLoopLists.append( rotatedLoopList ) for loop in loopList: rotatedLoop = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( segmentYMirror, loop ) rotatedLoopList.append( rotatedLoop ) xIntersectionIndexList = [] xIntersectionIndexList.append( euclidean.XIntersectionIndex( - 1, pointBeginRotated.real ) ) xIntersectionIndexList.append( euclidean.XIntersectionIndex( - 1, pointEndRotated.real ) ) euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopListsY( rotatedLoopLists, xIntersectionIndexList, pointBeginRotated.imag ) segments = euclidean.getSegmentsFromXIntersectionIndexes( xIntersectionIndexList, pointBeginRotated.imag ) for segment in segments: for endpoint in segment: endpoint.point *= normalizedSegment return segments def isCloseToLast( paths, point, radius ): "Determine if the point is close to the last point of the last path." if len( paths ) < 1: return False lastPath = paths[ - 1 ] return abs( lastPath[ - 1 ] - point ) < radius def isIntersectingItself( loop, width ): "Determine if the loop is intersecting itself." outlines = [] for pointIndex in xrange( len( loop ) ): pointBegin = loop[ pointIndex ] pointEnd = loop[ ( pointIndex + 1 ) % len( loop ) ] if euclidean.isLineIntersectingLoops( outlines, pointBegin, pointEnd ): return True addSegmentOutline( False, outlines, pointBegin, pointEnd, width ) return False def isIntersectingWithinLists( loop, loopLists ): "Determine if the loop is intersecting or is within the loop lists." for loopList in loopLists: if getIsIntersectingWithinList( loop, loopList ): return True return False def isSegmentInsideAround( aroundLists, segment ): "Determine if the segment is inside an around." midpoint = 0.5 * ( segment[ 0 ].point + segment[ 1 ].point ) for aroundList in aroundLists: if euclidean.isPointInsideLoops( aroundList, midpoint ): return True return False def writeOutput( fileName = '' ): "Inset the carving of a gcode file." fileName = interpret.getFirstTranslatorFileNameUnmodified( fileName ) if fileName != '': consecution.writeChainTextWithNounMessage( fileName, 'inset' ) class InsetRepository: "A class to handle the inset settings." def __init__( self ): "Set the default settings, execute title & settings fileName." profile.addListsToCraftTypeRepository( 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.inset.html', self ) self.fileNameInput = settings.FileNameInput().getFromFileName( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File for Inset', self, '' ) self.openWikiManualHelpPage = settings.HelpPage().getOpenFromAbsolute( 'http://www.bitsfrombytes.com/wiki/index.php?title=Skeinforge_Inset' ) self.addCustomCodeForTemperatureReading = settings.BooleanSetting().getFromValue( 'Add Custom Code for Temperature Reading', self, True ) self.bridgeWidthMultiplier = settings.FloatSpin().getFromValue( 0.8, 'Bridge Width Multiplier (ratio):', self, 1.2, 1.0 ) self.loopOrderChoice = settings.MenuButtonDisplay().getFromName( 'Loop Order Choice:', self ) self.loopOrderAscendingArea = settings.MenuRadio().getFromMenuButtonDisplay( self.loopOrderChoice, 'Ascending Area', self, True ) self.loopOrderDescendingArea = settings.MenuRadio().getFromMenuButtonDisplay( self.loopOrderChoice, 'Descending Area', self, False ) self.overlapRemovalWidthOverPerimeterWidth = settings.FloatSpin().getFromValue( 0.3, 'Overlap Removal Width over Perimeter Width (ratio):', self, 0.9, 0.6 ) self.turnExtruderHeaterOffAtShutDown = settings.BooleanSetting().getFromValue( 'Turn Extruder Heater Off at Shut Down', self, True ) self.executeTitle = 'Inset' def execute( self ): "Inset button has been clicked." fileNames = polyfile.getFileOrDirectoryTypesUnmodifiedGcode( self.fileNameInput.value, interpret.getImportPluginFileNames(), self.fileNameInput.wasCancelled ) for fileName in fileNames: writeOutput( fileName ) class InsetSkein: "A class to inset a skein of extrusions." def __init__( self ): self.boundary = None self.distanceFeedRate = gcodec.DistanceFeedRate() self.lineIndex = 0 self.rotatedBoundaryLayer = None def addGcodeFromPerimeterPaths( self, isIntersectingSelf, loop, loopLists, radius, z ): "Add the perimeter paths to the output." segments = [] outlines = [] thickOutlines = [] allLoopLists = loopLists[ : ] + [ thickOutlines ] aroundLists = loopLists for pointIndex in xrange( len( loop ) ): pointBegin = loop[ pointIndex ] pointEnd = loop[ ( pointIndex + 1 ) % len( loop ) ] if isIntersectingSelf: if euclidean.isLineIntersectingLoops( outlines, pointBegin, pointEnd ): segments += getSegmentsFromLoopListsPoints( allLoopLists, pointBegin, pointEnd ) else: segments += getSegmentsFromLoopListsPoints( loopLists, pointBegin, pointEnd ) addSegmentOutline( False, outlines, pointBegin, pointEnd, self.overlapRemovalWidth ) addSegmentOutline( True, thickOutlines, pointBegin, pointEnd, self.overlapRemovalWidth ) else: segments += getSegmentsFromLoopListsPoints( loopLists, pointBegin, pointEnd ) perimeterPaths = [] path = [] muchSmallerThanRadius = 0.1 * radius for segment in segments: pointBegin = segment[ 0 ].point if not isCloseToLast( perimeterPaths, pointBegin, muchSmallerThanRadius ): path = [ pointBegin ] perimeterPaths.append( path ) path.append( segment[ 1 ].point ) if len( perimeterPaths ) > 1: firstPath = perimeterPaths[ 0 ] lastPath = perimeterPaths[ - 1 ] if abs( lastPath[ - 1 ] - firstPath[ 0 ] ) < 0.1 * muchSmallerThanRadius: connectedBeginning = lastPath[ : - 1 ] + firstPath perimeterPaths[ 0 ] = connectedBeginning perimeterPaths.remove( lastPath ) muchGreaterThanRadius = 6.0 * radius for perimeterPath in perimeterPaths: if euclidean.getPathLength( perimeterPath ) > muchGreaterThanRadius: self.distanceFeedRate.addGcodeFromThreadZ( perimeterPath, z ) def addGcodeFromRemainingLoop( self, loop, loopLists, radius, z ): "Add the remainder of the loop which does not overlap the alreadyFilledArounds loops." boundary = intercircle.getLargestInsetLoopFromLoopNoMatterWhat( loop, - radius ) euclidean.addSurroundingLoopBeginning( self.distanceFeedRate, boundary, z ) self.addGcodePerimeterBlockFromRemainingLoop( loop, loopLists, radius, z ) self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( '()' ) self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( '()' ) def addGcodePerimeterBlockFromRemainingLoop( self, loop, loopLists, radius, z ): "Add the perimter block remainder of the loop which does not overlap the alreadyFilledArounds loops." if self.repository.overlapRemovalWidthOverPerimeterWidth.value < 0.2: self.distanceFeedRate.addPerimeterBlock( loop, z ) return isIntersectingSelf = isIntersectingItself( loop, self.overlapRemovalWidth ) if isIntersectingWithinLists( loop, loopLists ) or isIntersectingSelf: self.addGcodeFromPerimeterPaths( isIntersectingSelf, loop, loopLists, radius, z ) else: self.distanceFeedRate.addPerimeterBlock( loop, z ) addAlreadyFilledArounds( loopLists, loop, self.overlapRemovalWidth ) def addInitializationToOutput( self ): "Add initialization gcode to the output." if self.repository.addCustomCodeForTemperatureReading.value: self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( 'M105' ) # Custom code for temperature reading. def addInset( self, rotatedBoundaryLayer ): "Add inset to the layer." alreadyFilledArounds = [] halfWidth = self.halfPerimeterWidth if rotatedBoundaryLayer.rotation != None: halfWidth *= self.repository.bridgeWidthMultiplier.value self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'bridgeRotation', rotatedBoundaryLayer.rotation ) extrudateLoops = intercircle.getInsetLoopsFromLoops( halfWidth, rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops ) if self.repository.loopOrderAscendingArea.value: extrudateLoops = triangle_mesh.getLoopsInOrderOfArea( triangle_mesh.compareAreaAscending, extrudateLoops ) else: extrudateLoops = triangle_mesh.getLoopsInOrderOfArea( triangle_mesh.compareAreaDescending, extrudateLoops ) for extrudateLoop in extrudateLoops: self.addGcodeFromRemainingLoop( extrudateLoop, alreadyFilledArounds, halfWidth, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z ) def getCraftedGcode( self, gcodeText, repository ): "Parse gcode text and store the bevel gcode." self.repository = repository self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText ) self.parseInitialization() for line in self.lines[ self.lineIndex : ]: self.parseLine( line ) return self.distanceFeedRate.output.getvalue() def parseInitialization( self ): "Parse gcode initialization and store the parameters." for self.lineIndex in xrange( len( self.lines ) ): line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ] splitLine = gcodec.getSplitLineBeforeBracketSemicolon( line ) firstWord = gcodec.getFirstWord( splitLine ) self.distanceFeedRate.parseSplitLine( firstWord, splitLine ) if firstWord == '(': self.addInitializationToOutput() self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'bridgeWidthMultiplier', self.distanceFeedRate.getRounded( self.repository.bridgeWidthMultiplier.value ) ) elif firstWord == '()': self.distanceFeedRate.addTagBracketedLine( 'procedureDone', 'inset' ) elif firstWord == '()': self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( line ) return elif firstWord == '(': self.perimeterWidth = float( splitLine[ 1 ] ) self.halfPerimeterWidth = 0.5 * self.perimeterWidth self.overlapRemovalWidth = self.perimeterWidth * self.repository.overlapRemovalWidthOverPerimeterWidth.value self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( line ) def parseLine( self, line ): "Parse a gcode line and add it to the inset skein." splitLine = gcodec.getSplitLineBeforeBracketSemicolon( line ) if len( splitLine ) < 1: return firstWord = splitLine[ 0 ] if firstWord == '(': location = gcodec.getLocationFromSplitLine( None, splitLine ) self.boundary.append( location.dropAxis( 2 ) ) elif ( firstWord == '(' or firstWord == '' ): secondWordWithoutBrackets = splitLine[ 1 ].replace( '(', '' ).replace( ')', '' ) self.rotatedBoundaryLayer.rotation = complex( secondWordWithoutBrackets ) elif firstWord == '()': self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( line ) if self.repository.turnExtruderHeaterOffAtShutDown.value: self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( 'M104 S0' ) # Turn extruder heater off. return elif firstWord == '(': self.rotatedBoundaryLayer = euclidean.RotatedLoopLayer( float( splitLine[ 1 ] ) ) self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( line ) elif firstWord == '()': self.addInset( self.rotatedBoundaryLayer ) self.rotatedBoundaryLayer = None elif firstWord == '()': self.boundary = [] self.rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops.append( self.boundary ) if self.rotatedBoundaryLayer == None: self.distanceFeedRate.addLine( line ) def main(): "Display the inset dialog." if len( sys.argv ) > 1: writeOutput( ' '.join( sys.argv[ 1 : ] ) ) else: settings.startMainLoopFromConstructor( getNewRepository() ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()