@echo off rem runs Reprap Java 3d-scanning plugin with an appropriate classpath setlocal rem Amount of RAM to allow Java set RAM_SIZE=1024M rem build up classpath set CLASSPATH=.\CarapaceCopier.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.\lib\swing-layout-1.0.3.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.\lib\jama-1.0.2.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;. rem This is where the libraries are installed set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".\lib" rem invoke the code java -cp %CLASSPATH% -Xmx%RAM_SIZE% org.reprap.scanning.GUI.Main rem java -cp %CLASSPATH% -Xmx%RAM_SIZE% org.reprap.scanning.GUI.Main "non\default\folder\for\scanning.properties"