MetaCAD: - Regular polygon: Unintuitive in quad mode - online help/tooltips/wizard or smth.? - Separate object editor (tabs in main dialog) - Set/compute a minimal size for the dialog - Have a way of toggling debug inf- on/off (e.g. message boxes) - Support reading objects created with CSGEvaluator - error handling - Detect missing jogl at startup - clean up exception handling - some illegal operations fail with a "unit cube" error -> null object + error msg - Error on missing required parameters (e.g. rotate with < 3 params) - extrude-mesh-native.aoi bug: pop up some error dialog? - Use NullObject as error object? color it red? - better handling of "dummy" - caching - for loop or group as the positive part of a difference -> unintuitive behavior - Import STL files - Cleanup curves before inset, mesh, join some curves have duplicate vertices (e.g. polyline-M) - mesh of mesh -> simplify - scale doesn't work on vertical/horizontal lines (rect-lines.dxf, z-mount.dxf) - file - subdivide arcs in a smarter way (error metric instead of fixed # of segments) - Inline options or function to decouple from dxf file