
The Replicating Rapid Prototyper Project

This is the C program for the PIC that controls the cartesian X, Y, Z

It uses a DDA to drive three steppers together to make a line in space
in exactly the same way that Bressenham's algorithm draws a straight
line in pixels on a graphics screen, except that it works in 3D rather
than 2.

The line is swapped about so it is always in the first octant (x > 0,
y > 0, z > 0) and so that the X movement is bigger than the Y and the
Z.  This is recorded in the bits in negswap, which is then used to
unravel this and to plot the line in the right place in space.

Version 1.  16 December 2005

This software uses SDCC (

Type "make" to make the file cartesian.hex, then download that to the
PIC using, for example, gpicp

"make clean" will erase derived files.

If make fails and you need a quick copy of cartesian.hex, the original one is
in the directory Saved-hex-file.