/* * Class to handle internal communications in the machine via RS485 * * Adrian Bowyer 3 July 2009 * */ #include "intercom.h" #if MOTHERBOARD == 2 #if RS485_MASTER == 1 intercom::intercom() #else intercom::intercom(extruder* e) #endif { #if !(RS485_MASTER == 1) ex = e; #endif pinMode(RX_ENABLE_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(TX_ENABLE_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(RX_ENABLE_PIN, 0); // Listen is always on reset(); } // Switch to listen mode bool intercom::listen() { if(inPacket) { listenCollision(); return false; } digitalWrite(TX_ENABLE_PIN, 0); state = RS485_LISTEN; delayMicrosecondsInterruptible(RS485_STABILISE); resetWait(); return true; } // Switch to talk mode bool intercom::talk() { if(state == RS485_TALK) { talkCollision(); return false; } digitalWrite(TX_ENABLE_PIN, 1); state = RS485_TALK; delayMicrosecondsInterruptible(RS485_STABILISE); while(rs485Interface.available()) rs485Interface.read(); // Empty any junk from the input buffer resetWait(); return true; } // Reset to the initial satate void intercom::reset() { resetOutput(); resetInput(); listen(); } // Reset the output buffer and its associated variables void intercom::resetOutput() { outBuffer[0] = 0; outPointer = 0; } // Reset the input buffer and its associated variables void intercom::resetInput() { inBuffer[0] = 0; inPointer = 0; inPacket = false; packetReceived = false; } // Something useful has happened; reset the timeout time void intercom::resetWait() { wait_zero = millis(); } // Have we waited too long for something to happen? bool intercom::tooLong() { return (millis() - wait_zero > TIMEOUT); } // Set the checksum for a packet. This is the least-significant 6 bits of the sum // of the packet's bytes added to the character RS485_CHECK. It can thus take // one of 64 values, all printable. void intercom::checksum(char* packet) { packet[P_SUM] = 1; // Can't use 0, as that would terminate the packet... int cs = 0; int i = 0; while(packet[i]) { cs += packet[i]; i++; } cs--; // Allow for the 1 at the start cs &= 0x3F; packet[P_SUM] = (char)(RS485_CHECK + cs); } // Check the checksum of a packet bool intercom::checkChecksum(char* packet) { char cs = packet[P_SUM]; checksum(packet); return (cs == packet[P_SUM]); } // Build a packet to device to from an input string. See intercom.h for the // packet structure. ack should either be RS485_ACK or RS485_ERROR. void intercom::buildPacket(char to, char ack, char* string) { byte i, j; j = 0; while(j < RS485_START_BYTES) { outBuffer[j] = RS485_START; j++; } outBuffer[j] = to; j++; outBuffer[j] = MY_NAME; j++; // Checksum goes here j++; outBuffer[j] = ack; j++; i = 0; while(string[i] && j < RS485_BUF_LEN - 4) { outBuffer[j] = string[i]; j++; i++; } outBuffer[j] = 0; checksum(&outBuffer[RS485_START_BYTES]); outBuffer[j] = RS485_END; j++; outBuffer[j] = 0; } // The master processing function. Call this in a fast loop, or from a fast repeated interrupt void intercom::tick() { char b = 0; switch(state) { case RS485_TALK: // Has what we last sent (if anything) been echoed? if(rs485Interface.available()) { b = rs485Interface.read(); resetWait(); } else { // Have we waited too long for an echo? if(tooLong()) { talkTimeout(); return; } } // Was the echo (if any) the last character of a packet? if(b == RS485_END) { // Yes - reset everything and go back to listening reset(); return; } // Do we have anything to send? b = outBuffer[outPointer]; if(!b) return; // Yes - send it and reset the timeout timer rs485Interface.print(b, BYTE); outPointer++; if(outPointer >= RS485_BUF_LEN) outputBufferOverflow(); resetWait(); break; // If we have timed out while sending, reset everything and go // back to listen mode case RS485_TALK_TIMEOUT: resetOutput(); resetInput(); listen(); break; case RS485_LISTEN: if(rs485Interface.available()) // Got anything? { b = rs485Interface.read(); switch(b) { case RS485_START: // Start character - reset the input buffer inPointer = 0; inPacket = true; break; case RS485_END: // End character - terminate, then process, the packet if(inPacket) { inPacket = false; inBuffer[inPointer] = 0; processPacket(); } break; default: // Neither start or end - if we're in a packet it must be data // if not, ignore it. if(inPacket) { inBuffer[inPointer] = b; inPointer++; if(inPointer >= RS485_BUF_LEN) inputBufferOverflow(); } } // We just received something, so reset the timeout time resetWait(); } else { // If we're in a packet and we've been waiting too long for the next byte // the packet has timed out. if(inPacket && tooLong()) listenTimeout(); } break; case RS485_LISTEN_TIMEOUT: resetInput(); listen(); break; default: corrupt(); break; } } // We are busy if we are talking, or in the middle of receiving a packet bool intercom::busy() { return (state == RS485_TALK) || inPacket; } // Send string to device to. bool intercom::queuePacket(char to, char ack, char* string) { if(busy()) { queueCollision(); return false; } buildPacket(to, ack, string); talk(); return true; } // Wait for a packet to arrive. The packet will be in inBuffer[ ] bool intercom::waitForPacket() { long timeNow = millis(); // Can't use tooLong() as tick() is using that while(!packetReceived) { tick(); if(millis() - timeNow > TIMEOUT) { waitTimeout(); packetReceived = false; return false; } } packetReceived = false; return true; } // Send a packet and get an acknowledgement - used when no data is to be returned. bool intercom::sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(char to, char* string) { if(!queuePacket(to, RS485_ACK, string)) { queueError(); return false; } if(!waitForPacket()) { waitError(); return false; } if(!checkChecksum(inBuffer)) { checksumError(); return false; } if(inBuffer[P_ACK] != RS485_ACK) { ackError(); return false; } return true; /* byte retries = 0; bool ok = false; while((inBuffer[P_TO] != MY_NAME || inBuffer[P_ACK] != RS485_ACK) && retries < RS485_RETRIES && !ok) { if(queuePacket(to, RS485_ACK, string)) ok = waitForPacket(); ok = ok && checkChecksum(inBuffer); if(!ok) delay(2*TIMEOUT); // Wait twice timeout, and everything should have reset itself retries++; } return ok; */ } // Send a packet and get data in reply. The string returned is just the data; // it has no packet housekeeping information in. char* intercom::sendPacketAndGetReply(char to, char* string) { if(!sendPacketAndCheckAcknowledgement(to, string)) inBuffer[P_DATA] = 0; return &inBuffer[P_DATA]; //strcpy(reply, &inBuffer[P_DATA]); //return reply; } // This function is called when a packet has been received void intercom::processPacket() { char* erep = 0; char err; if(inBuffer[P_TO] != MY_NAME) { resetInput(); return; } #if !(RS485_MASTER == 1) if(checkChecksum(inBuffer)) { erep = ex->processCommand(&inBuffer[P_DATA]); if(erep) queuePacket(inBuffer[1], RS485_ACK, erep); } if(!erep) { err = 0; queuePacket(inBuffer[1], RS485_ERROR, &err); } resetInput(); #endif packetReceived = true; } // ********************************************************************************* // Error functions // The output buffer has overflowed void intercom::outputBufferOverflow() { outPointer = 0; #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::outputBufferOverflow()"); #endif } // The input buffer has overflowed void intercom::inputBufferOverflow() { resetInput(); #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::inputBufferOverflow()"); #endif } // An attempt has been made to start sending a new message before // the old one has been fully sent. void intercom::talkCollision() { #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::talkCollision()"); #endif } // An attempt has been made to get a new message before the old one has been // fully received or before the last transmit is finished. void intercom::listenCollision() { #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::listenCollision()"); #endif } // An attempt has been made to queue a new message while the system is busy. void intercom::queueCollision() { #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::queueCollision()"); #endif } // (Part of) the data structure has become corrupted void intercom::corrupt() { #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::corrupt()"); #endif } // We have been trying to send a message, but something is taking too long void intercom::talkTimeout() { state = RS485_TALK_TIMEOUT; #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::talkTimeout()"); #endif } // We have been trying to receive a message, but something has been taking too long void intercom::listenTimeout() { state = RS485_LISTEN_TIMEOUT; #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::listenTimeout()"); #endif } // We have been waiting too long for an incomming packet void intercom::waitTimeout() { #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::waitTimeout()"); #endif } void intercom::queueError() { #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::queueError()"); #endif } void intercom::waitError() { #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::waitError()"); #endif } void intercom::checksumError() { #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::checksumError(): %s", inBuffer); #endif } void intercom::ackError() { #if RS485_MASTER == 1 sprintf(talkToHost.string(), "intercom::ackError(): %s", inBuffer); #endif } #endif