Usage: [ [ | --]] Usage: [--offset= | -o ] [--file=[ | --] | -f [ | --]] [--stop= | -s ] Usage: [-h | --help] Used without parameters will start in limited interactive mode where the program will ask you the file and offset An offset is a requirement but the file may be blank or explicitly set, whenever the file is set you may use '--' to substitute for the default file '../baserom.gbc' If parameter options are not used the ordering is important: There is an intentional glitch in the program, since long paramaters must be specified with --xxx= with or without a value, you may use the short option instead -xxx even though it's suppose to be -xxx= * If parameter options are used the ordering does not matter, ensure the parameter option or parameter is present You may mix and match parameters and parameter options, keep in mind that bare parameters must be in a certain order If the offset parameter is missing in any way the program will prompt you for it The program will stop parsing when it encounters mus_end regardlessly Parameter types * - Bare parameter, they must be in a certain order * -xxx=xxx - Long parameter option, it can be in any order but is case sensitive, can contain no spaces, must contain the equal sign, and is read literally * -xxx xxx - Short parameter option, it can be in any order but is case sensitive, must contain 1 space and is read literally ---- Breakdown of parameters: - A bare parameter, it must be in hexidecimal eith alone or prefixed with 0x and be the first parameter. It tells the parser where to start parsing - A bare parameter, it must be the second parameter and tells the parser which rom file to parse -- - A special file path value meaning use the default file '../baserom.gbc' --offset, -o - the parameterized offset in hexidecimal, It tells the parser where to start parsing --file, -f - the parameterized file path, It tells the parser which rom file to parse --stop, -s - tells the parser to stop at that hexidecimal address or until it reaches mus_end. help, --help, -h - prints this info and exits, if the bare parameter is used it must be the first parameter