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Everything in lisp is completely sandbox= ed, > > and that functionality is important to a lot of things, and it's really > > normal to be given a reveal of a scriptpubkey and be able to rely on yo= ur > > parsing of it. > > The above prevents combining puzzles/solutions from multiple coin spends, > but I don't think that's very attractive in bitcoin's context, the way > it is for chia. I don't think it loses much else? But cross-input signature aggregation is a nice-to-have we want for Bitcoin= , and, to me, cross-input sigagg is not much different from cross-input puz= zle/solution compression. For example you might have multiple HTLCs, with mostly the same code except= for details like who the acceptor and offerrer are, exact hash, and timelo= ck, and you could claim multiple HTLCs in a single tx and feed the details = separately but the code for the HTLC is common to all of the HTLCs. You do not even need to come from the same protocol if multiple protocols u= se the same code for implementing HTLC. > > > There's two ways to think about upgradability here; if someday we wan= t > > > to add new opcodes to the language -- perhaps something to validate z= ero > > > knowledge proofs or calculate sha3 or use a different ECC curve, or s= ome > > > way to support cross-input signature aggregation, or perhaps it's jus= t > > > that some snippets are very widely used and we'd like to code them in > > > C++ directly so they validate quicker and don't use up as much block > > > weight. One approach is to just define a new version of the language > > > via the tapleaf version, defining new opcodes however we like. > > > A nice side benefit of sticking with the UTXO model is that the soft = fork > > > hook can be that all unknown opcodes make the entire thing automatica= lly > > > pass. > > I don't think that works well if you want to allow the spender (the > puzzle solution) to be able to use opcodes introduced in a soft-fork > (eg, for graftroot-like behaviour)? This does not apply to current Bitcoin since we no longer accept a SCRIPT f= rom the spender, we now have a witness stack. However, once we introduce opcodes that allow recursive covenants, it seems= this is now a potential footgun if the spender can tell the puzzle SCRIPT = to load some code that will then be used in the *next* UTXO created, and *t= hen* the spender can claim it. Hmmm.... Or maybe not? If the spender can already tell the puzzle SCRIPT to send the funds to a SC= RIPT that is controlled by the spender, the spender can already tell the pu= zzle SCRIPT to forward the funds to a pubkey the spender controls. So this seems to be more like "do not write broken SCRIPTs"? > > > > - serialization seems to be a bit verbose -- 100kB of serialized cl= vm > > > > =C2=A0 =C2=A0code from a random block gzips to 60kB; optimising the= serialization > > > > =C2=A0 =C2=A0for small lists, and perhaps also for small literal nu= mbers might be > > > > =C2=A0 =C2=A0a feasible improvement; though it's not clear to me ho= w frequently > > > > =C2=A0 =C2=A0serialization size would be the limiting factor for co= st versus > > > > =C2=A0 =C2=A0execution time or memory usage. > > > > A lot of this is because there's a hook for doing compression at th= e consensus layer which isn't being used aggressively yet. That one has the= downside that the combined cost of transactions can add up very nonlinearl= y, but when you have constantly repeated bits of large boilerplate it gets = close and there isn't much of an alternative. That said even with that form= of compression maxxed out it's likely that gzip could still do some compre= ssion but that would be better done in the database and in wire protocol fo= rmats rather than changing the format which is hashed at the consensus laye= r. > > > > How different is this from "jets" as proposed in Simplicity? > > Rather than a "transaction" containing "inputs/outputs", chia has spend > bundles that spend and create coins; and spend bundles can be merged > together, so that a block only has a single spend bundle. That spend > bundle joins all the puzzles (the programs that, when hashed match > the scriptPubKey) and solutions (scriptSigs) for the coins being spent > together. > > I /think/ the compression hook would be to allow you to have the puzzles > be (re)generated via another lisp program if that was more efficient > than just listing them out. But I assume it would be turtles, err, > lisp all the way down, no special C functions like with jets. Eh, you could use Common LISP or a recent-enough RnRS Scheme to write a cry= ptocurrency node software, so "special C function" seems to overprivilege C= ... I suppose the more proper way to think of this is that jets are *equivalent= to* some code in the hosted language, and have an *efficient implementatio= n* in the hosting language. In this view, the current OG Bitcoin SCRIPT is the hosted language, and the= C++ Bitcoin Core interpreter for it is in the hosting language C++. LISP can be both the hosted and hosting language because it is easy to impl= ement `eval` in LISP and you can write macros which transform small code sn= ippets into larger code. LISP code generating *more* LISP code is pretty much what macros are. Regards, ZmnSCPxj