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From: Billy <>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 00:58:18 -0500
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>  the sender can get in trouble too if they send money

Good point.

> how well this can be optimized without resorting to reducing anonymity

Complete shot in the dark, but I wonder if something akin to compact block
filters could be done to support this case. If, for example, the tweaked
key were defined without hashing, I think something like that could be done=

X'  =3D  i*X*G + X  =3D  x*I*G + X

Your compact-block-filter-like things could then store a set of each `item =
{recipient: X' % N, sender: I%N}`, and a light client would download this
data and do the following to detect a likely payment for each filter item:

item.recipient - X%N =3D=3D x*item.sender*G

You can then scale N to the proper tradeoff between filter size and false
positives. I suppose this might make it possible to deprivitize a tweaked
key by checking to see what non-tweaked keys evenly divide it. Perhaps
that's what hashing was being used to solve. What if we added the shared
diffie hellman secret modulo N to remove this correlation:

X' =3D i*X*G + X + (i*X)%N =3D  x*I*G + X + (x*I)%N

Then for each `item =3D {recipient: X' % N, sender: I%N}`, we detect via
`item.recipient - X%N =3D=3D x*item.sender*(1+G)`. Is my math right here? I=
thinking this should work because (a+b%N)%N =3D=3D (a%N + b%N)%N.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 10:36 AM Ruben Somsen <> wrote:

> Hi Billy,
> Thanks for taking a look.
> >Maybe it would have been more accurate to say no *extra* on chain overhe=
> I can see how it can be misinterpreted. I updated the gist to be more
> specific.
> >primary benefit of this is privacy for the recipient
> Fair, but just wanted to note the sender can get in trouble too if they
> send money to e.g. blacklisted addresses.
> >there could be a standard that [...] reduces the anonymity set a bit
> This has occurred to me but I am reluctant to make that trade-off. It
> seems best to first see how well this can be optimized without resorting =
> reducing anonymity, and it's hard to analyze exactly how impactful the
> anonymity degradation is (I suspect it's worse than you think because it
> can help strengthen existing heuristics about output ownership).
> Cheers,
> Ruben
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 4:57 PM Billy <> wrote:
>> Hi Ruben,
>> Very interesting protocol. This reminds me of how monero stealth
>> addresses work, which gives monero the same downsides regarding light
>> clients (among other things). I was a bit confused by the following:
>> > without requiring any interaction or on-chain overhead
>> After reading through, I have to assume it was rather misleading to say
>> "no on-chain overhead". This still requires an on-chain transaction to b=
>> sent to the tweaked address, I believe. Maybe it would have been more
>> accurate to say no *extra* on chain overhead (over a normal transaction)=
>> It seems the primary benefit of this is privacy for the recipient. To
>> that end, it seems like a pretty useful protocol. It's definitely a leve=
>> of privacy one would only care about if they might receive a lot money
>> related to that address. However of course someone might not know they'l=
>> receive an amount of money they want to be private until they receive it=
>> So the inability to easily do this without a full node is slightly less
>> than ideal. But it's another good reason to run a full node.
>> Perhaps there could be a standard that can identify tweaked address, suc=
>> that only those addresses can be downloaded and checked by light clients=
>> It reduces the anonymity set a bit, but it would probably still be
>> sufficient.
>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2022, 10:29 Ruben Somsen via bitcoin-dev <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm publishing a new scheme for private non-interactive address
>>> generation without on-chain overhead. It has upsides as well as downsid=
>>> so I suspect the main discussion will revolve around whether this is wo=
>>> pursuing or not. There is a list of open questions at the end.
>>> I added the full write-up in plain text below, though I recommend
>>> reading the gist for improved formatting and in order to benefit from
>>> potential future edits:
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ruben
>>> Silent Payments
>>> Receive private payments from anyone on a single static address without
>>> requiring any interaction or on-chain overhead
>>> The recipient generates a so-called silent payment address and makes it
>>> publicly known. The sender then takes a public key from one of their ch=
>>> inputs for the payment, and uses it to derive a shared secret that is t=
>>> used to tweak the silent payment address. The recipient detects the pay=
>>> by scanning every transaction in the blockchain.
>>> Compared to previous schemes[1], this scheme avoids using the Bitcoin
>>> blockchain as a messaging layer[2] and requires no interaction between
>>> sender and recipient[3] (other than needing to know the silent payment
>>> address). The main downsides are the scanning requirement, the lack of
>>> light client support, and the requirement to control your own input(s).=
>>> example use case would be private one-time donations.
>>> While most of the individual parts of this idea aren=E2=80=99t novel, t=
>>> resulting protocol has never been seriously considered and may be
>>> reasonably viable, particularly if we limit ourselves to detecting only
>>> unspent payments by scanning the UTXO set. We=E2=80=99ll start by descr=
ibing a
>>> basic scheme, and then introduce a few improvements.
>>> The recipient publishes their silent payment address, a single 32 byte
>>> public key:
>>> X =3D x*G
>>> The sender picks an input containing a public key:
>>> I =3D i*G
>>> The sender tweaks the silent payment address with the public key of
>>> their input:
>>> X' =3D hash(i*X)*G + X
>>> Since i*X =3D=3D x*I (Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange), the recipient can d=
>>> the payment by calculating hash(x*I)*G + X for each input key I in the
>>> blockchain and seeing if it matches an output in the corresponding
>>> transaction.
>>> UTXO set scanning
>>> If we forgo detection of historic transactions and only focus on the
>>> current balance, we can limit the protocol to only scanning the
>>> transactions that are part of the UTXO set when restoring from backup,
>>> which may be faster.
>>> Jonas Nick was kind enough to go through the numbers and run a benchmar=
>>> of hash(x*I)*G + X on his 3.9GHz Intel=C2=AE Core=E2=84=A2 i7-7820HQ CP=
U, which took
>>> roughly 72 microseconds per calculation on a single core. The UTXO set
>>> currently has 80 million entries, the average transaction has 2.3 input=
>>> which puts us at 2.3*80000000*72/1000/1000/60 =3D 221 minutes for a sin=
>>> core (under 2 hours for two cores).
>>> What these numbers do not take into account is database lookups. We nee=
>>> to fetch the transaction of every UTXO, as well as every transaction fo=
>>> every subsequent input in order to extract the relevant public key,
>>> resulting in (1+2.3)*80000000 =3D 264 million lookups. How slow this is=
>>> what can be done to improve it is an open question.
>>> Once we=E2=80=99re at the tip, every new unspent output will have to be=
>>> It=E2=80=99s theoretically possible to scan e.g. once a day and skip tr=
>>> with fully spent outputs, but that would probably not be worth the adde=
>>> complexity. If we only scan transactions with taproot outputs, we can
>>> further limit our efforts, but this advantage is expected to dissipate =
>>> taproot use becomes more common.
>>> Variant using all inputs
>>> Instead of tweaking the silent payment address with one input, we could
>>> instead tweak it with the combination of all input keys of a transactio=
>>> The benefit is that this further lowers the scanning cost, since now we
>>> only need to calculate one tweak per transaction, instead of one tweak =
>>> input, which is roughly half the work, though database lookups remain
>>> unaffected.
>>> The downside is that if you want to combine your inputs with those of
>>> others (i.e. coinjoin), every participant has to be willing to assist y=
>>> in following the Silent Payment protocol in order to let you make your
>>> payment. There are also privacy considerations which are discussed in t=
>>> =E2=80=9CPreventing input linkage=E2=80=9D section.
>>> Concretely, if there are three inputs (I1, I2, I3), the scheme becomes:
>>> hash(i1*X + i2*X + i3*X)*G + X =3D=3D hash(x*(I1+I2+I3))*G + X.
>>> Scanning key
>>> We can extend the silent payment address with a scanning key, which
>>> allows for separation of detecting and spending payments. We redefine t=
>>> silent payment address as the concatenation of X_scan, X_spend, and
>>> derivation becomes X' =3D hash(i*X_scan)*G + X_spend. This allows your
>>> internet-connected node to hold the private key of X_scan to detect
>>> incoming payments, while your hardware wallet controls X_spend to make
>>> payments. If X_scan is compromised, privacy is lost, but your funds are=
>>> Address reuse prevention
>>> If the sender sends more than one payment, and the chosen input has the
>>> same key due to address reuse, then the recipient address will also be =
>>> same. To prevent this, we can hash the txid and index of the input, to
>>> ensure each address is unique, resulting in X' =3D hash(i*X,txid,index)=
*G +
>>> X. Note this would make light client support harder.
>>> Light clients
>>> Light clients cannot easily be supported due to the need for scanning.
>>> The best we could do is give up on address reuse prevention (so we don=
>>> require the txid and index), only consider unspent taproot outputs, and
>>> download a standardized list of relevant input keys for each block over
>>> wifi each night when charging. These input keys can then be tweaked, an=
>>> the results can be matched against compact block filters. Possible, but=
>>> simple.
>>> Effect on BIP32 HD keys
>>> One side-benefit of silent payments is that BIP32 HD keys[4] won=E2=80=
=99t be
>>> needed for address generation, since every address will automatically b=
>>> unique. This also means we won=E2=80=99t have to deal with a gap limit.
>>> Different inputs
>>> While the simplest thing would be to only support one input type (e.g.
>>> taproot key spend), this would also mean only a subset of users can mak=
>>> payments to silent addresses, so this seems undesirable. The protocol
>>> should ideally support any input containing at least one public key, an=
>>> simply pick the first key if more than one is present.
>>> Pay-to-(witness-)public-key-hash inputs actually end up being easiest t=
>>> scan, since the public key is present in the input script, instead of t=
>>> output script of the previous transaction (which requires one extra
>>> transaction lookup).
>>> Signature nonce instead of input key
>>> Another consideration was to tweak the silent payment address with the
>>> signature nonce[5], but unfortunately this breaks compatibility with Mu=
>>> and MuSig-DN, since in those schemes the signature nonce changes depend=
>>> on the transaction hash. If we let the output address depend on the non=
>>> then the transaction hash will change, causing a circular reference.
>>> Sending wallet compatibility
>>> Any wallet that wants to support making silent payments needs to suppor=
>>> a new address format, pick inputs for the payment, tweak the silent pay=
>>> address using the private key of one of the chosen inputs, and then pro=
>>> to sign the transaction. The scanning requirement is not relevant to th=
>>> sender, only the recipient.
>>> A potential weakness of Silent Payments is that the input is linked to
>>> the output. A coinjoin transaction with multiple inputs from other user=
>>> can normally obfuscate the sender input from the recipient, but Silent
>>> Payments reveal that link. This weakness can be mitigated with the =E2=
>>> using all inputs=E2=80=9D, but this variant introduces a different weak=
ness =E2=80=93 you
>>> now require all other coinjoin users to tweak the silent payment addres=
>>> which means you=E2=80=99re revealing the intended recipient to them.
>>> Luckily, a blinding scheme[6] exists that allows us to hide the silent
>>> payment address from the other participants. Concretely, let=E2=80=99s =
say there
>>> are two inputs, I1 and I2, and the latter one is ours. We add a secret
>>> blinding factor to the silent payment address, X + blinding_factor*G =
=3D X',
>>> then we receive X1' =3D i1*X' (together with a DLEQ to prove correctnes=
s, see
>>> full write-up[6]) from the owner of the first input and remove the blin=
>>> factor with X1' - blinding_factor*I1 =3D X1 (which is equal to i1*X).
>>> Finally, we calculate the tweaked address with hash(X1 + i2*X)*G + X. T=
>>> recipient can simply recognize the payment with hash(x*(I1+I2))*G + X. =
>>> that the owner of the first input cannot reconstruct the resulting addr=
>>> because they don=E2=80=99t know i2*X.
>>> The blinding protocol above solves our coinjoin privacy concerns (at th=
>>> expense of more interaction complexity), but we=E2=80=99re left with on=
e more issue
>>> =E2=80=93 what if you want to make a silent payment, but you control no=
ne of the
>>> inputs (e.g. sending from an exchange)? In this scenario we can still
>>> utilize the blinding protocol, but now the third party sender can try t=
>>> uncover the intended recipient by brute forcing their inputs on all kno=
>>> silent payment addresses (i.e. calculate hash(i*X)*G + X for every publ=
>>> known X). While this is computationally expensive, it=E2=80=99s by no m=
>>> impossible. No solution is known at this time, so as it stands this is =
>>> limitation of the protocol =E2=80=93 the sender must control one of the=
 inputs in
>>> order to be fully private.
>>> These are the most important protocols that provide similar
>>> functionality with slightly different tradeoffs. All of them provide fr=
>>> address generation and are compatible with one-time seed backups. The m=
>>> benefits of the protocols listed below are that there is no scanning
>>> requirement, better light client support, and they don=E2=80=99t requir=
e control
>>> over the inputs of the transaction.
>>> Payment code sharing
>>> This is BIP47[2]. An OP_RETURN message is sent on-chain to the recipien=
>>> to establish a shared secret prior to making payments. Using the blockc=
>>> as a messaging layer like this is generally considered an inefficient u=
>>> of on-chain resources. This concern can theoretically be alleviated by
>>> using other means of communicating, but data availability needs to be
>>> guaranteed to ensure the recipient doesn=E2=80=99t lose access to the f=
>>> Another concern is that the input(s) used to establish the shared secre=
>>> may leak privacy if not kept separate.
>>> Xpub sharing
>>> Upon first payment, hand out an xpub instead of an address in order to
>>> enable repeat payments. I believe Kixunil=E2=80=99s recently published =
scheme[3] is
>>> equivalent to this and could be implemented with relative ease. It=E2=
>>> unclear how practical this protocol is, as it assumes sender and recipi=
>>> are able to interact once, yet subsequent interaction is impossible.
>>> Regular address sharing
>>> This is how Bitcoin is commonly used today and may therefore be obvious=
>>> but it does satisfy similar privacy requirements. The sender interacts =
>>> the recipient each time they want to make a payment, and requests a new
>>> address. The main downside is that it requires interaction for every si=
>>> payment.
>>> Exactly how slow are the required database lookups? Is there a better
>>> approach?
>>> Is there any way to make light client support more viable?
>>> What is preferred =E2=80=93 single input tweaking (revealing an input t=
o the
>>> recipient) or using all inputs (increased coinjoin complexity)?
>>> Are there any security issues with the proposed cryptography?
>>> In general, compared to alternatives, is this scheme worth the added
>>> complexity?
>>> Thanks to Kixunil, Calvin Kim, and Jonas Nick, holihawt and Lloyd
>>> Fournier for their help/comments, as well as all the authors of previou=
>>> schemes. Any mistakes are my own.
>>> [1] Stealth Payments, Peter Todd:
>>> =E2=86=
>>> [2] BIP47 payment codes, Justus Ranvier:
>>> [3] Reusable taproot addresses, Kixunil:
>>> [4] BIP32 HD keys, Pieter Wuille:
>>> [5] 2020-01-23 ##taproot-bip-review, starting at 18:25:
>>> [6] Blind Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, David Wagner:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> bitcoin-dev mailing list

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<div dir=3D"ltr">&gt;=C2=A0

the sender can get in trouble too if they send money<div><br></div><div>Goo=
d point.=C2=A0</div><div><br></div><div>&gt; how well this can be optimized=
 without resorting to reducing anonymity</div><div><br></div><div>Complete =
shot in the dark, but I wonder if something akin to compact block filters c=
ould be done to support this case. If, for example, the tweaked key were de=
fined without hashing, I think something like that could be done:</div><div=

<span style=3D"color:rgb(255,153,0)">=3D</span>=C2=A0=C2=A0i*X*G + X=C2=A0

<span style=3D"color:rgb(255,153,0)">=3D</span>=C2=A0 x*I*G=C2=A0+ X</div><=
div><br></div><div>Your compact-block-filter-like things could then store a=
 set of each `item <font color=3D"#ff9900">=3D</font> {recipient: X&#39; % =
N, sender: I%N}`, and a light client would download this data and do the fo=
llowing to detect a likely payment for each filter item:</div><div><br></di=
v><div>item.recipient - X%N=C2=A0<span style=3D"color:rgb(255,153,0)">=3D</=
span><span style=3D"color:rgb(255,153,0)">=3D</span>=C2=A0x*item.sender*G</=
div><div><br></div><div>You can then scale N to the proper tradeoff between=
 filter size and false positives. I suppose this might make it possible to =
deprivitize a tweaked key by checking to see what non-tweaked keys evenly d=
ivide it. Perhaps that&#39;s what hashing was being used to solve. What if =
we added the shared diffie hellman secret modulo N to remove this correlati=
on:</div><div><br></div><div>X&#39; <font color=3D"#ff9900">=3D</font> i*X*=
G + X=C2=A0+ (i*X)%N=C2=A0<font color=3D"#ff9900">=3D</font>=C2=A0 x*I*G=C2=
=A0+ X=C2=A0+ (x*I)%N</div><div></div><div><br></div><div>Then for each `it=
em=C2=A0<span style=3D"color:rgb(255,153,0)">=3D</span>=C2=A0{recipient: X&=
#39; % N, sender: I%N}`, we detect via `item.recipient - X%N=C2=A0<span sty=
le=3D"color:rgb(255,153,0)">=3D</span><span style=3D"color:rgb(255,153,0)">=
=3D</span>=C2=A0x*item.sender*(1+G)`. Is my math right here? I&#39;m thinki=
ng this should work because (a+b%N)%N=C2=A0<span style=3D"color:rgb(255,153=
,0)">=3D</span><span style=3D"color:rgb(255,153,0)">=3D</span>=C2=A0(a%N=C2=
=A0+ b%N)%N.=C2=A0</div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div><br><div class=
=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Tue, Mar 29, 2022=
 at 10:36 AM Ruben Somsen &lt;<a href=3D"">rsomsen@=</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=
=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding=
-left:1ex"><div dir=3D"ltr">Hi Billy,<div><br></div><div>Thanks for taking =
a look.</div><div><br></div><div>&gt;Maybe it would have been more accurate=
 to say no *extra* on chain overhead</div><div><br></div><div>I can see how=
 it can be misinterpreted. I updated the gist to be more specific.</div><di=
v><br></div><div>&gt;primary benefit of this is privacy for the recipient</=
div><div><br></div><div>Fair, but just wanted to note the sender can get in=
 trouble too if they send money=C2=A0to e.g. blacklisted addresses.</div><d=
iv><br></div><div>&gt;there could be a standard that [...] reduces the anon=
ymity set a bit</div><div><br></div><div>This has occurred to me but I am r=
eluctant to make that trade-off. It seems best to first see how well this c=
an be optimized without resorting to reducing anonymity, and it&#39;s hard =
to analyze exactly how impactful the anonymity degradation is (I suspect it=
&#39;s worse than you think because it can help strengthen existing heurist=
ics about output ownership).</div><div><br></div><div>Cheers,</div><div>Rub=
en</div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">=
<div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 4:57 PM Billy=
 &lt;<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">fresheneesz=</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=
=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding=
-left:1ex"><div dir=3D"auto"><div dir=3D"auto">Hi Ruben,=C2=A0</div><div di=
r=3D"auto"><br></div><div dir=3D"auto">Very interesting protocol. This remi=
nds me of how monero stealth addresses work, which gives monero the same do=
wnsides regarding light clients (among other things). I was a bit confused =
by the following:</div><div dir=3D"auto"><br></div><div>&gt;=C2=A0<span sty=
le=3D"font-size:12.8px">without requiring any interaction or on-chain overh=
ead</span></div><div dir=3D"auto"><span style=3D"font-size:12.8px"><br></sp=
an></div><div dir=3D"auto">After reading through, I have to assume it was r=
ather misleading to say &quot;no on-chain overhead&quot;. This still requir=
es an on-chain transaction to be sent to the tweaked address, I believe. Ma=
ybe it would have been more accurate to say no *extra* on chain overhead (o=
ver a normal transaction)?</div><div dir=3D"auto"><br></div><div dir=3D"aut=
o">It seems the primary benefit of this is privacy for the recipient. To th=
at end, it seems like a pretty useful protocol. It&#39;s definitely a level=
 of privacy one would only care about if they might receive a lot money rel=
ated to that address. However of course someone might not know they&#39;ll =
receive an amount of money they want to be private until they receive it. S=
o the inability to easily do this without a full node is slightly less than=
 ideal. But it&#39;s another good reason to run a full node.</div><div dir=
=3D"auto"><br></div><div dir=3D"auto">Perhaps there could be a standard tha=
t can identify tweaked address, such that only those addresses can be downl=
oaded and checked by light clients. It reduces the anonymity set a bit, but=
 it would probably still be sufficient.=C2=A0</div><div dir=3D"auto"><br></=
div><div dir=3D"auto"><br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote" dir=3D"auto"><div =
dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Mon, Mar 28, 2022, 10:29 Ruben Somsen v=
ia bitcoin-dev &lt;<a href=3D""=
 rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">
</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:=
0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">=
<div dir=3D"ltr">Hi all,<br><br>I&#39;m publishing a new scheme for private=
 non-interactive address generation without on-chain overhead. It has upsid=
es as well as downsides, so I suspect the main discussion will revolve arou=
nd whether this is worth pursuing or not. There is a list of open questions=
 at the end.<br><br>I added the full write-up in plain text below, though I=
 recommend reading the gist for improved formatting and in order to benefit=
 from potential future edits: <a href=3D"
n/c43b79517e7cb701ebf77eec6dbb46b8" rel=3D"noreferrer noreferrer" target=3D=
b8</a><br><br>Cheers,<br>Ruben<br><br><br><br>Silent Payments<br><br>Receiv=
e private payments from anyone on a single static address without requiring=
 any interaction or on-chain overhead<br><br><br><br>OVERVIEW<br><br><br>Th=
e recipient generates a so-called silent payment address and makes it publi=
cly known. The sender then takes a public key from one of their chosen inpu=
ts for the payment, and uses it to derive a shared secret that is then used=
 to tweak the silent payment address. The recipient detects the payment by =
scanning every transaction in the blockchain.<br><br>Compared to previous s=
chemes[1], this scheme avoids using the Bitcoin blockchain as a messaging l=
ayer[2] and requires no interaction between sender and recipient[3] (other =
than needing to know the silent payment address). The main downsides are th=
e scanning requirement, the lack of light client support, and the requireme=
nt to control your own input(s). An example use case would be private one-t=
ime donations.<br><br>While most of the individual parts of this idea aren=
=E2=80=99t novel, the resulting protocol has never been seriously considere=
d and may be reasonably viable, particularly if we limit ourselves to detec=
ting only unspent payments by scanning the UTXO set. We=E2=80=99ll start by=
 describing a basic scheme, and then introduce a few improvements.<br><br><=
br><br>BASIC SCHEME<br><br><br>The recipient publishes their silent payment=
 address, a single 32 byte public key:<br>X =3D x*G<br><br>The sender picks=
 an input containing a public key:<br>I =3D i*G<br><br>The sender tweaks th=
e silent payment address with the public key of their input: <br>X&#39; =3D=
 hash(i*X)*G + X<br><br>Since i*X =3D=3D x*I (Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange),=
 the recipient can detect the payment by calculating hash(x*I)*G + X for ea=
ch input key I in the blockchain and seeing if it matches an output in the =
corresponding transaction.<br><br><br><br>IMPROVEMENTS<br><br><br>UTXO set =
scanning<br><br>If we forgo detection of historic transactions and only foc=
us on the current balance, we can limit the protocol to only scanning the t=
ransactions that are part of the UTXO set when restoring from backup, which=
 may be faster.<br><br>Jonas Nick was kind enough to go through the numbers=
 and run a benchmark of hash(x*I)*G + X on his 3.9GHz Intel=C2=AE Core=E2=
=84=A2 i7-7820HQ CPU, which took roughly 72 microseconds per calculation on=
 a single core. The UTXO set currently has 80 million entries, the average =
transaction has 2.3 inputs, which puts us at 2.3*80000000*72/1000/1000/60 =
=3D 221 minutes for a single core (under 2 hours for two cores).<br><br>Wha=
t these numbers do not take into account is database lookups. We need to fe=
tch the transaction of every UTXO, as well as every transaction for every s=
ubsequent input in order to extract the relevant public key, resulting in (=
1+2.3)*80000000 =3D 264 million lookups. How slow this is and what can be d=
one to improve it is an open question.<br><br>Once we=E2=80=99re at the tip=
, every new unspent output will have to be scanned. It=E2=80=99s theoretica=
lly possible to scan e.g. once a day and skip transactions with fully spent=
 outputs, but that would probably not be worth the added complexity. If we =
only scan transactions with taproot outputs, we can further limit our effor=
ts, but this advantage is expected to dissipate once taproot use becomes mo=
re common.<br><br><br>Variant using all inputs<br><br>Instead of tweaking t=
he silent payment address with one input, we could instead tweak it with th=
e combination of all input keys of a transaction. The benefit is that this =
further lowers the scanning cost, since now we only need to calculate one t=
weak per transaction, instead of one tweak per input, which is roughly half=
 the work, though database lookups remain unaffected.<br><br>The downside i=
s that if you want to combine your inputs with those of others (i.e. coinjo=
in), every participant has to be willing to assist you in following the Sil=
ent Payment protocol in order to let you make your payment. There are also =
privacy considerations which are discussed in the =E2=80=9CPreventing input=
 linkage=E2=80=9D section.<br><br>Concretely, if there are three inputs (I1=
, I2, I3), the scheme becomes: hash(i1*X + i2*X + i3*X)*G + X =3D=3D hash(x=
*(I1+I2+I3))*G + X.<br><br><br>Scanning key<br><br>We can extend the silent=
 payment address with a scanning key, which allows for separation of detect=
ing and spending payments. We redefine the silent payment address as the co=
ncatenation of X_scan, X_spend, and derivation becomes X&#39; =3D hash(i*X_=
scan)*G + X_spend. This allows your internet-connected node to hold the pri=
vate key of X_scan to detect incoming payments, while your hardware wallet =
controls X_spend to make payments. If X_scan is compromised, privacy is los=
t, but your funds are not.<br><br><br>Address reuse prevention<br><br>If th=
e sender sends more than one payment, and the chosen input has the same key=
 due to address reuse, then the recipient address will also be the same. To=
 prevent this, we can hash the txid and index of the input, to ensure each =
address is unique, resulting in X&#39; =3D hash(i*X,txid,index)*G + X. Note=
 this would make light client support harder.<br><br><br><br>NOTEWORTHY DET=
AILS<br><br><br>Light clients<br><br>Light clients cannot easily be support=
ed due to the need for scanning. The best we could do is give up on address=
 reuse prevention (so we don=E2=80=99t require the txid and index), only co=
nsider unspent taproot outputs, and download a standardized list of relevan=
t input keys for each block over wifi each night when charging. These input=
 keys can then be tweaked, and the results can be matched against compact b=
lock filters. Possible, but not simple.<br><br><br>Effect on BIP32 HD keys<=
br><br>One side-benefit of silent payments is that BIP32 HD keys[4] won=E2=
=80=99t be needed for address generation, since every address will automati=
cally be unique. This also means we won=E2=80=99t have to deal with a gap l=
imit.<br><br><br>Different inputs<br><br>While the simplest thing would be =
to only support one input type (e.g. taproot key spend), this would also me=
an only a subset of users can make payments to silent addresses, so this se=
ems undesirable. The protocol should ideally support any input containing a=
t least one public key, and simply pick the first key if more than one is p=
resent.<br><br>Pay-to-(witness-)public-key-hash inputs actually end up bein=
g easiest to scan, since the public key is present in the input script, ins=
tead of the output script of the previous transaction (which requires one e=
xtra transaction lookup).<br><br><br>Signature nonce instead of input key<b=
r><br>Another consideration was to tweak the silent payment address with th=
e signature nonce[5], but unfortunately this breaks compatibility with MuSi=
g2 and MuSig-DN, since in those schemes the signature nonce changes dependi=
ng on the transaction hash. If we let the output address depend on the nonc=
e, then the transaction hash will change, causing a circular reference.<br>=
<br><br>Sending wallet compatibility<br><br>Any wallet that wants to suppor=
t making silent payments needs to support a new address format, pick inputs=
 for the payment, tweak the silent payment address using the private key of=
 one of the chosen inputs, and then proceed to sign the transaction. The sc=
anning requirement is not relevant to the sender, only the recipient.<br><b=
r><br><br>PREVENTING INPUT LINKAGE<br><br><br>A potential weakness of Silen=
t Payments is that the input is linked to the output. A coinjoin transactio=
n with multiple inputs from other users can normally obfuscate the sender i=
nput from the recipient, but Silent Payments reveal that link. This weaknes=
s can be mitigated with the =E2=80=9Cvariant using all inputs=E2=80=9D, but=
 this variant introduces a different weakness =E2=80=93 you now require all=
 other coinjoin users to tweak the silent payment address, which means you=
=E2=80=99re revealing the intended recipient to them.<br><br>Luckily, a bli=
nding scheme[6] exists that allows us to hide the silent payment address fr=
om the other participants. Concretely, let=E2=80=99s say there are two inpu=
ts, I1 and I2, and the latter one is ours. We add a secret blinding factor =
to the silent payment address, X + blinding_factor*G =3D X&#39;, then we re=
ceive X1&#39; =3D i1*X&#39; (together with a DLEQ to prove correctness, see=
 full write-up[6]) from the owner of the first input and remove the blindin=
g factor with X1&#39; - blinding_factor*I1 =3D X1 (which is equal to i1*X).=
 Finally, we calculate the tweaked address with hash(X1 + i2*X)*G + X. The =
recipient can simply recognize the payment with hash(x*(I1+I2))*G + X. Note=
 that the owner of the first input cannot reconstruct the resulting address=
 because they don=E2=80=99t know i2*X.<br><br>The blinding protocol above s=
olves our coinjoin privacy concerns (at the expense of more interaction com=
plexity), but we=E2=80=99re left with one more issue =E2=80=93 what if you =
want to make a silent payment, but you control none of the inputs (e.g. sen=
ding from an exchange)? In this scenario we can still utilize the blinding =
protocol, but now the third party sender can try to uncover the intended re=
cipient by brute forcing their inputs on all known silent payment addresses=
 (i.e. calculate hash(i*X)*G + X for every publicly known X). While this is=
 computationally expensive, it=E2=80=99s by no means impossible. No solutio=
n is known at this time, so as it stands this is a limitation of the protoc=
ol =E2=80=93 the sender must control one of the inputs in order to be fully=
 private.<br><br><br><br>COMPARISON<br><br><br>These are the most important=
 protocols that provide similar functionality with slightly different trade=
offs. All of them provide fresh address generation and are compatible with =
one-time seed backups. The main benefits of the protocols listed below are =
that there is no scanning requirement, better light client support, and the=
y don=E2=80=99t require control over the inputs of the transaction.<br><br>=
<br>Payment code sharing<br><br>This is BIP47[2]. An OP_RETURN message is s=
ent on-chain to the recipient to establish a shared secret prior to making =
payments. Using the blockchain as a messaging layer like this is generally =
considered an inefficient use of on-chain resources. This concern can theor=
etically be alleviated by using other means of communicating, but data avai=
lability needs to be guaranteed to ensure the recipient doesn=E2=80=99t los=
e access to the funds. Another concern is that the input(s) used to establi=
sh the shared secret may leak privacy if not kept separate.<br><br><br>Xpub=
 sharing<br><br>Upon first payment, hand out an xpub instead of an address =
in order to enable repeat payments. I believe Kixunil=E2=80=99s recently pu=
blished scheme[3] is equivalent to this and could be implemented with relat=
ive ease. It=E2=80=99s unclear how practical this protocol is, as it assume=
s sender and recipient are able to interact once, yet subsequent interactio=
n is impossible.<br><br><br>Regular address sharing<br><br>This is how Bitc=
oin is commonly used today and may therefore be obvious, but it does satisf=
y similar privacy requirements. The sender interacts with the recipient eac=
h time they want to make a payment, and requests a new address. The main do=
wnside is that it requires interaction for every single payment.<br><br><br=
><br>OPEN QUESTIONS<br><br><br>Exactly how slow are the required database l=
ookups? Is there a better approach?<div><br>Is there any way to make light =
client support more viable?<br><br>What is preferred =E2=80=93 single input=
 tweaking (revealing an input to the recipient) or using all inputs (increa=
sed coinjoin complexity)?<br><br>Are there any security issues with the pro=
posed cryptography?<br><br>In general, compared to alternatives, is this sc=
heme worth the added complexity?<br><br><br><br>ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS<br><br><br=
>Thanks to Kixunil, Calvin Kim, and Jonas Nick, holihawt and Lloyd Fournier=
 for their help/comments, as well as all the authors of previous schemes. A=
ny mistakes are my own.<br><br><br><br>REFERENCES<br><br><br>[1] Stealth Pa=
yments, Peter Todd: <a href=3D"
ip-stealth.mediawiki" rel=3D"noreferrer noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">https=
://</a> =E2=86=A9=
=EF=B8=8E<br><br>[2] BIP47 payment codes, Justus Ranvier: <a href=3D"https:=
//" rel=3D"noreferrer=
 noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">
bip-0047.mediawiki</a><br><br>[3] Reusable taproot addresses, Kixunil: <a h=
ref=3D"" re=
l=3D"noreferrer noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">
il/0ddb3a9cdec33342b97431e438252c0a</a><br><br>[4] BIP32 HD keys, Pieter Wu=
ille: <a href=3D"
wiki" rel=3D"noreferrer noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">
tcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki</a><br><br>[5] 2020-01-23 ##tapro=
ot-bip-review, starting at 18:25: <a href=3D"
-review/2020-01-23.log" rel=3D"noreferrer noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">htt=
ps://</a><br><br>[6] Blind Diff=
ie-Hellman Key Exchange, David Wagner: <a href=3D"
ubenSomsen/be7a4760dd4596d06963d67baf140406" rel=3D"noreferrer noreferrer" =
bitcoin-dev mailing list<br>
<a href=3D"" rel=3D"noreferrer =
noreferrer" target=3D"_blank"></a><br>
<a href=3D"" =
rel=3D"noreferrer noreferrer noreferrer" target=3D"_blank"></a><br>
