/* Javascript for OpenPCR * * http://openpcr.org * Copyright (c) 2011 OpenPCR */ /* * This code is generally broken up into 3 sections, each having to do with the 3 main pages of the OpenPCR interface * 1. Home screen + initialization * 2. Form screen, entering the PCR protocol * 3. Running screen, displaying live information from OpenPCR * Extra. Buttons */ /************** * Home screen* ***************/ // declare the appUpdater variable var appUpdater; /* init() * Called when the app is loaded. * Checks to see if OpenPCR is plugged in (gets the device path if it is) and checks to see if there is an Air update available */ function init() { // get the location of OpenPCR (can be null) var deviceLocation = pluggedIn(); // if OpenPCR is plugged in if (deviceLocation != null) { // get the path for OpenPCR var devicePath = new air.File(); devicePath.nativePath = deviceLocation; // store the path to a window variable for later use window.path = devicePath; running(window.path); } // Application Updater code setApplicationNameAndVersion(); appUpdater = new air.ApplicationUpdaterUI(); // App updater config file appUpdater.configurationFile = new air.File("app:/config/update-config.xml"); appUpdater.addEventListener(air.ErrorEvent.ERROR, onError); appUpdater.initialize(); // Display the list of Saved Experiments on the home page listExperiments(); // get ready to validate the OpenPCR form $("#pcrForm").validate(); } /* listExperiments() * Updates the list of Saved Experiments on the home page. * Grabs all the files in the Experiments folder and lists them alphabetically * */ function listExperiments() { // Start a drop down menu presetsHTML = "") { presetsHTML += ''; } // close the drop down HTML tags presetsHTML += ""; // update the HTML on the page $("#reRun").html(presetsHTML); } /* listSubmit() * Loads the selected experiment in the list on the home page */ function listSubmit() { // what is selected in the drop down menu? experimentID = $("#dropdown").val(); // load the selected experiment loadExperiment(experimentID); } /* pluggedIn() * Checks that a volume named "OpenPCR" is mounted on the computer * Sets up 2 listeners (MOUNT and UNMOUNT) and then checks to see if OpenPCR is already mounted * Returns: deviceLocation (null if not plugged in) */ function pluggedIn() { var volInfo = air.StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo; // wait for a USB device to be plugged in volInfo.addEventListener(air.StorageVolumeChangeEvent.STORAGE_VOLUME_MOUNT, function(e) { // if the name is OpenPCR, then set the window variable pluggedIn to "true". otherwise do nothing //alert(e.storageVolume.name); var pattern = /OPENPCR/; // if the nativePath contains "OpenPCR" if (pattern.test(e.rootDirectory.nativePath) || pattern.test(e.storageVolume.name)) { // re-set the path to OpenPCR // hack alert! windows doesn't keep good track of the device path, so storing the drive name (i.e. E:) just in case window.mountDirectory = e.rootDirectory.nativePath; var deviceLocation = e.rootDirectory.nativePath; var devicePath = new air.File(); devicePath.nativePath = deviceLocation; // store the path to a window variable for later use window.path = devicePath; //window.path=deviceLocation.nativePath; // update the UI if($("#Unplugged").is(':visible')) { // if the "Unplugged" button is visible, switch it to "Start" $("#Unplugged").hide(); $("#Start").show(); } // and next time we check the status, make sure it shows plugged in window.pluggedIn=true; // and, set the running page to be normal $("#runningUnplugged").hide(); $("#runningPluggedIn").show(); } else { // otherwise it isn't OpenPCR that was plugged in } }); // wait for a USB device to be unplugged volInfo.addEventListener(air.StorageVolumeChangeEvent.STORAGE_VOLUME_UNMOUNT, function(e) { // air doesn't store the name of what was unplugged, so does the nativePath match OpenPCR? nativePath = e.rootDirectory.nativePath; // if the device unplugged contained "OpenPCR" var pattern = /OPENPCR/; if (pattern.test(nativePath) || nativePath == window.mountDirectory) { if($("#Start").is(':visible')) { // if the "Start" button is visible, hide it and show "Unplugged" instead $("#Start").hide(); $("#Unplugged").show(); } // and next time we check the status, make sure it shows unplugged window.pluggedIn=false; // and, change the running screen to tell the user OpenPCR is unplugged $("#runningUnplugged").show(); $("#runningPluggedIn").hide(); } else { // otherwise it isn't OpenPCR that was unplugged } }); // Get a list of the current Volumes mounted on the computer var volumesList = air.StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo.getStorageVolumes(); // look in the list for a Volume named "OpenPCR" var pattern = /OPENPCR/; for (var i = 0; i < volumesList.length; i++) { var directory = volumesList[i].rootDirectory.nativePath; if (pattern.test(volumesList[i].name)) { var deviceLocation = directory; window.mountDirectory = directory; alert(directory); } } // if device is not plugged in... if (deviceLocation == null) { window.pluggedIn=false; // and put a message over the Running screen } // otherwise, make sure the "Start" button is correclty displayed and the Running screen is correctly displayed else { window.pluggedIn=true; } return deviceLocation; } /* loadExperiment(); * loads the experiment with the given experimentID */ function loadExperiment(experimentID) { // Now we've made all the modifications needed, display the Form page sp2.showPanel(1); // clear the experiment form clearForm(); // given an experiment ID, get the path for that ID experimentPath = window.experimentList[experimentID]; // if the experiment id doesn't exist, exit and do nothing (why would this happen?) if (experimentPath == null) { return 0; } // read in the file experimentJSON = JSON.parse(readFile(experimentPath)); // loads filen into the Form and moves onto Form page experimentToHTML(experimentJSON); // update the buttons to make sure everything is ready to re-run an experiment reRunButtons(); } /* newExperiment() * This function is called when the "New Experiment" button is clicked on the Home page * This function brings up a blank experiment */ function newExperiment() { // clear the experiment form clearForm(); // set up the blank experiment var experimentJSON = { "name": "New Experiment", "steps": [ { "type": "cycle", "count": "", "steps" : [ { "type": "step", "name": "Denaturing", "time": "", "temp": "" }, { "type": "step", "name": "Annealing", "time": "", "temp": "" }, { "type": "step", "name": "Extending", "time": "", "temp": "" } ] }, { "type": "step", "name": "Final Hold", "temp": "4", "time": 0 } ], "lidtemp": 110 }; experimentToHTML(experimentJSON); // set interface to have the right buttons newExperimentButtons(); // Now we've made all the modifications needed, display the Form page sp2.showPanel(1); } /************** * Form screen* ***************/ /* startOrUnplugged(display) * Determines whether to display the "Start" or "Unplugged" button on the Form page. * Input: CSS display status of the button * Returns: nothing */ function startOrUnplugged(display) { //pick the Start or Unplugged button based on whether the device is plugged in or not // if plugged in then if (window.pluggedIn==true) { // then we definitely want to hide the "Unplugged" button $("#Unplugged").hide(); // and maybe want to show/hide the "Start" button, whatever was submitted as the "display" var $("#Start").css("display", display) // and, change the running screen to plugged in $("#runningUnplugged").hide(); $("#runningPluggedIn").show(); } else { // else, device is unplugged // then we definitely want to hide the "Start" button $("#Start").hide(); // and maybe want to show/hide the "Unplugged" button, whatever was submitted as the "display" var $("#Unplugged").css("display", display) // change the running screen to unplugged $("#runningUnplugged").show(); $("#runningPluggedIn").hide(); } } /* reRunButtons() * puts Form buttons in the state they should be immediately following loading an experiment */ function reRunButtons() { // Hide the Delete button $('#deleteButton').hide(); // Start with the edit button shown $("#editButton").show(); // Start with the edit buttons hidden $(".edit").hide(); // hide the lid temp fields $("#lidContainer").hide(); // all fields locked $("input").attr("readonly","readonly"); // and 'More options' hidden $('#OptionsButton').hide(); // Hide the Save button $('#Save').hide(); // Hide the Cancel button $('#Cancel').hide(); // Hide the SaveEdits button $('#SaveEdits').hide(); // Show the Start/Unplugged button startOrUnplugged("inline"); $('#singleTemp').hide(); // pre and post containers should take care of themselves } /* newExperimentButtons() * puts Form buttons in the state they should be for a new experiment */ function newExperimentButtons() { // Hide the Delete button $('#deleteButton').hide(); // Start with the edit button hidden $("#editButton").hide(); // Start with the edit buttons hidden $(".edit").hide(); // lid temp hidden $("#lidContainer").hide(); // all fields editable $("input").attr("readonly",""); // and 'More options' shown $('#OptionsButton').show(); // Show the Save button $('#Save').show(); // Hide the Cancel button $('#Cancel').hide(); // Hide the SaveEdits button $('#SaveEdits').hide(); // Show the Start/Unplugged button startOrUnplugged("inline"); $('#singleTemp').hide(); // make sure the "More options" button says so $('#OptionsButton').html("More options"); } /* writeoutExperiment * Reads out all the variables from the OpenPCR form into a JSON object to "Save" the experiment * Separate function is used to write out the experiment to the device */ function writeoutExperiment() { // grab the Experiment Name experimentName = document.getElementById("ExperimentName").innerHTML; // grab the pre cycle variables if any exist preArray = []; $("#preContainer .textinput").each(function(index, elem) { //just throw them in an array for now if ($(this) != null) preArray.push($(this).val()); }); // grab the cycle variables cycleArray = []; $("#cycleContainer .textinput").each(function(index, elem) { //just throw them in an array for now cycleArray.push($(this).val()); }); // grab the post cycle variables if any exist postArray = []; $("#postContainer .textinput").each(function(index, elem) { //just throw them in an array for now postArray.push($(this).val()); }); // grab the final hold steps if any exist holdArray = []; $("#holdContainer .textinput").each(function(index, elem) { //just throw them in an array for now holdArray.push($(this).val()); }); // grab the lid temp $("#lidContainer .textinput").each(function(index, elem) { lidTemp = $(this).val(); }); // Push variables into an experiment JSON object var experimentJSON = new Object(); // Experiment name experimentJSON.name = experimentName; experimentJSON.steps = []; experimentJSON.lidtemp = lidTemp; // Pre Steps // every step will have 2 elements in preArray (temp,time) preLength = (preArray.length)/2; for (a=0 ; a < preLength; a++) { experimentJSON.steps.push( { "type": "step", "name": "Initial Step", "temp": preArray.shift(), "time": preArray.shift() }); } // Cycle and cycle steps // the cycle will be a # of cycles as the first element, then temp/time pairs after that count = cycleArray.shift(), if ( cycleArray.length > 0 && count > 0 ) { experimentJSON.steps.push( { "type": "cycle", // add the number of cycles "count": count, "steps": [] }); // then add the cycles current = experimentJSON.steps.length-1; // every step will have 2 elements in cycleArray (Time and temp) cycleLength = (cycleArray.length)/2; for (a=0 ; a < cycleLength; a++) { experimentJSON.steps[current].steps.push( { "type": "step", "name": "Step", "temp": cycleArray.shift(), "time": cycleArray.shift() }); } } // every step will have 2 elements in preArray (Time and temp) // a better way to do this would be for a=0, postArray!=empty, a++ postLength = (postArray.length)/2; for (a=0 ; a < postLength; a++) { experimentJSON.steps.push( { "type": "step", "name": "Final Step", "temp": postArray.shift(), "time": postArray.shift() }); } // Final Hold step if (holdArray.length > 0) { experimentJSON.steps.push( { "type": "step", "name": "Final Hold", "time": 0, "temp": holdArray.shift() }); } // return the experiment JSON object return experimentJSON; } /* Save(name) * Writes out the current window.experiment to the app:/Experiments directory * Input: name, name of the file to be written out (add .pcr extension) */ function Save(name) { // create the filename fileName = name + ".pcr"; // grab the current experiment and update window.experiment pcrProgram = writeoutExperiment(); // update the name of the experiment pcrProgram.name = name; // turn the pcrProgram into a string pcrProgram = JSON.stringify(pcrProgram, null, '\t'); // set the destination folder for the file fileDestination = air.File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("Experiments"); // create the "My Presets" directory if one doesn't exist already fileDestination.createDirectory(); // set the filename fileDestination = fileDestination.resolvePath(fileName); // write out the file var fileStream = new window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileStream(); fileStream.open(fileDestination, window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeUTFBytes(pcrProgram); fileStream.close(); // show a confirmation screen $('#save_confirmation_dialog').dialog('open'); // then close it after 1 second setTimeout(function(){$('#save_confirmation_dialog').dialog('close');}, 750); } /* experimentToHTML(inputJSON) * Takes a given experiment JSON object and loads it into the OpenPCR interface */ function experimentToHTML(inputJSON) { // store the experiment to the JSON. This can be modified using the interface buttons, sent to OpenPCR, or saved window.experiment = inputJSON; // clear the Form clearForm(); // Update the experiment name var experimentName = inputJSON.name; // only use the first 20 chars of the experimentName experimentName = experimentName.slice(0,18); $("#ExperimentName").html(experimentName); // for every .steps in the experiment, convert it to HTML var experimentHTML = ""; // break the rest of the experiment up into "pre cycle" (0), "cycle" (1), and "post cycle" (2) sections var count = 0; // add the lid temperature div but hide it $('#lidContainer').hide(); // max temp 120, min temp 0 (off) $('#lidTemp').html('Heated Lid' + ''); // 4 possibile DIVs // pre-steps, cycle steps, post-steps, and final hold step // Add the experiment to the page for (i=0; i < inputJSON.steps.length; i++) { // pre-cycle to start if (count==0 & inputJSON.steps[i].type == "step" && inputJSON.steps[i].time != 0) // if it's for pre-cycle, and not a final hold (0 time) { // show the preContainer div $('#preContainer').show(); $('#preSteps').append(stepToHTML(inputJSON.steps[i])) } else if (count==0 && inputJSON.steps[i].type == "cycle") // if it's cycle, put the cycle in the Cycle container { $('#cycleContainer').show(); $('#cycleSteps').append(stepToHTML(inputJSON.steps[i])); count=1; } else if (count==1 && inputJSON.steps[i].type == "step" && inputJSON.steps[i].time != 0) // if it's post (but not a final hold), put the steps in the Post container { $('#postContainer').show(); $('#postSteps').append(stepToHTML(inputJSON.steps[i])); } else if (inputJSON.steps[i].type == "step" && inputJSON.steps[i].time == 0) // if it's the final hold (time = 0), put it in the final hold container { $('#holdContainer').show(); $('#holdSteps').append(stepToHTML(inputJSON.steps[i])); } } } /* stepToHTML(step) * Turns a step into HTML. However, this HTML doesn't have a container div/fieldset * If the step is a cycle, it will return html with all the cycles represented. * If the step is a single step, html with just one cycle is returned */ function stepToHTML(step) { stepHTML = ""; // if cycle if (step.type=="cycle") { // printhe "Number of Cycles" div // max 99 cycles stepHTML += '
Number of Cycles:

'; // steps container // print each individual step for (a=0; a' + step_name + '
'; } } // if single step else if (step.type=="step") { // make the js code a little easier to read step_number = new Date().getTime(); step_name = step.name; step_time = step.time; step_temp = step.temp; // main HTML, includes name and temp stepHTML += '
' + step_name + ' '; // if the individual step has 0 time (or blank?) time, then it is a "hold" step and doesn't have a "time" component if (step_time != 0) { stepHTML += ''; } } else alert("Error #1986"); stepHTML += '
'; return stepHTML; } /* stepToString(inputJSON) * Takes a JSON object and turns it into a string * This is used to load an experiment into the OpenPCR device */ function stepToString(inputJSON) { var stepString = ""; // if single step return something like (1[300|95|Denaturing]) if (inputJSON.type=="step") { stepString += "[" + inputJSON.time + "|" + inputJSON.temp + "|" + inputJSON.name.slice(0,13) + "]"; } // if cycle return something like (35,[60|95|Step A],[30|95|Step B],[30|95|Step C]) else if (inputJSON.type=="cycle") { // add the number of Cycles stepString += "("; stepString += inputJSON.count; for (a=0; a 16) { alert("OpenPCR can handle a maximum of 16 top-level steps, you have " + stepCount + " steps"); } air.trace( window.lessthan20steps + " : cycle level steps" ); // verify the cycle step has no more than 20 steps if ( window.lessthan20steps > 16) { alert("OpenPCR can handle a maximum of 20 cycle steps, you have " + window.cycleStepCount + " steps"); } // and check that the total overall is less than 30 var totalSteps = window.lessthan20steps + pcrProgram.steps.length; if ( totalSteps > 30) { alert("OpenPCR can handle a maximum of 30 total steps, you have " + totalSteps + " steps"); } // check that the entire protocol isn't >252 bytes if (parsedProgram.length > 252) { alert("Oops, OpenPCR can't handle protocols longer than 252 characters, and this protocol is " + parsedProgram.length + " characters. The fix? You can try trimming down the name of your protocol or removing unnecessary steps"); return 0; } //debug air.trace(parsedProgram); // go to the Running dashboard sp2.showPanel(2); $("#ex2_p3").hide(); // go to the top of the page scrollTo(0,0); //hide the home button on the running page $("#homeButton").hide(); $('#starting').dialog('open'); // write out the file to the OpenPCR device var fileStream = new window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileStream(); fileStream.open(controlFile, window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeUTFBytes(parsedProgram); fileStream.close(); // then close windows it after 1 second setTimeout(function(){$('#starting').dialog('close');}, 5000); setTimeout(function(){$('#ex2_p3').show();}, 5000); // also, reset the command_id_counter window.command_id_counter = 0; // load the OpenPCR Running page //running(path); } /***************** * Running screen * ******************/ /* running(path) * Controls the "running" page of OpenPCR. Reads updates from the running.pcr control file on OpenPCR continuously * Input: path, the location of the running.pcr control file */ function running(path) { // Find the STATUS.TXT file containing the current OpenPCR data window.runningFile = path; window.runningFile = window.runningFile.resolvePath("STATUS.TXT"); // refresh the running page every 1000 ms window.updateRunningPage = setInterval(updateRunning,1000); } /* updateRunning() * Updates the Running page variables */ function updateRunning() { updateFile = readDevice(window.runningFile); if (updateFile==null || updateFile=="") { //window.command_id_counter++; } else { air.trace(updateFile + '\n\n'); // split on & var splitonAmp = updateFile.split("&"); // split on = var status = new Array(); for(i=0;i 50) { //alert("OpenPCR command_id does not match running file, window.command_id_counter =" + window.command_id_counter + " . This error should not appear\nstatus"+status["d"]+"\nwindow:"+window.command_id); // quit //air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit(); } window.command_id_counter++; // debug air.trace("command_id_counter " + window.command_id_counter); } // if app command id matches the device command id, reset the counter if (status["d"]==window.command_id) { window.command_id_counter = 0; air.trace(window.command_id_counter); } if (status["s"]=="running" || status["s"]=="lidwait") { //debug air.trace(status["s"] + "\n"); // preset name var prog_name = status["n"]; $("#runningHeader").html(prog_name); if (status["s"]=="lidwait") { // if the lid is heating say so $("#progressbar").hide(); $("#timeRemaining").html(""); $("#minutesRemaining").html("Lid is heating"); } if (status["s"]=="running") { $("#progressbar").show(); $("#timeRemaining").html("Time remaining:"); // otherwise, if running set variable for percentComplete // never display less than 2% for UI purposes var percentComplete = 100 * status["e"]/(status["e"]+status["r"]); if (percentComplete < 2) { percentComplete = 2; } // Progress bar $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value: percentComplete}); // Time Remaining var secondsRemaining = status["r"]; if (secondsRemaining == 0) { timeRemaining='Done!'; } else { var timeRemaining = humanTime(secondsRemaining); } $("#minutesRemaining").html(timeRemaining); } // Current step name var current_step = status["p"]; $("#currentStep").html(current_step); // Current step time remaining // var step_seconds_remaining = status["step_seconds_remaining"]; // $("#stepSecondsRemaining").html(step_seconds_remaining); // Current cycle # var current_cycle = status["c"]; $("#cycleNumber").html(current_cycle); // Total # of cycles var total_cycles = status["u"]; $("#totalCycles").html(total_cycles); // Current temp var block_temp = status["b"].toFixed(1); air.trace(status["b"]); $("#blockTemp").html(block_temp); // Current lid temp var lid_temp = status["l"]; $("#lidTemperature").html(lid_temp); // For the debugger, write all 8 vars out to the history file //writeCSV(document.getElementById("runningHeader").innerHTML, document.getElementById("minutesRemaining").innerHTML, 1, document.getElementById("cycleNumber").innerHTML, document.getElementById("totalCycles").innerHTML, document.getElementById("blockTemp").innerHTML, document.getElementById("lidTemp").innerHTML, document.getElementById("progressbar").innerHTML); writeCSV(prog_name, status["e"], secondsRemaining, 1, current_cycle, total_cycles, block_temp, lid_temp); } else if (status["s"]=="complete") { // if the status of OpenPCR comes back as "complete" // show the "Home" button $("#homeButton").show(); // hide the cancel button $("#cancelButton").hide(); // show the completed message timeRemaining='Done!'; // hide "Time remaining" span $("#timeRemaining").hide(); // update the "current temp" var block_temp = status["b"]; $("#blockTemp").html(block_temp); // update the lid temp var lid_temp = status["l"]; $("#lidTemperature").html(lid_temp); // replace the "cycle # of total#" span with "PCR took..." $("#cycleNumOfNum").html("PCR took " + humanTime(status["e"])); // i.e. hide the "Holding for 10 sec", just show "Holding" $("#stepRemaining").hide(); // Current step name var current_step = status["p"]; $("#currentStep").html(current_step); } else if (status["status"]=="stopped") { // nothing, this shouldn't be a status that is read in } else if (status["status"]=="error") { // error alert("Error"); } } } /* readDevice() * Checks the OS (Mac or PC) and runs the appropriate middleman app (NCC) to grab info off the USB drive */ function readDevice(filePath) { if (filePath.exists) { // are native processes supported? if (air.NativeProcess.isSupported) { var nativeProcessStartup = new air.NativeProcessStartupInfo(); nativeProcess = new air.NativeProcess(); // setup arguments var args = new air.Vector[""](); // PC or Mac? if (air.Capabilities.os.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") > -1) { processName = air.File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("ncc.exe"); //alert("win"); } else if (air.Capabilities.os.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") > -1) { // in application directory processName = air.File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("ncc"); //processName = new air.File("/bin/cat"); //alert("mac"); } else { alert("Error #810 - Hmmm, Mac or PC?"); } nativeProcessStartup.executable = processName; // add the path as an argument args.push(filePath.nativePath); nativeProcessStartup.arguments = args; nativeProcess.addEventListener(air.ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA,outputHandler); // start the process nativeProcess.start(nativeProcessStartup); } else { alert("NativeProcess not supported"); } // will return the value of the outputHandler if it's NULL or blank if (window.deviceFile!=null || window.deviceFile!="") { return window.deviceFile; } } else { // otherwise do nothing if the file doesn't exist //alert("File doesn't exist"); } } /* outputHandler() * Grabs stdout from the middleman USB app, used in readDevice() */ function outputHandler(event) { window.deviceFile = nativeProcess.standardOutput.readUTFBytes(nativeProcess.standardOutput.bytesAvailable); } /* readFile() * Opens a given filestream and reads it into a varaiable * (If the file does not exist, should be an error!) */ function readFile(filePath) { stream = new air.FileStream(); if (filePath.exists) { stream.open(filePath, air.FileMode.READ); // get the file and put it in a variable theFile = stream.readUTFBytes(stream.bytesAvailable); stream.close(); return theFile; } else { // if the file is not found, nothing air.trace(filePath.name+ " not found"); } // what's this for? window.nativeWindow.visible = true; } /* StopPCR() * This function is called when the Stop button (Running page) is clicked and confirmed * Or when the "Return to home screen" button is clicked * Returns: boolean */ function stopPCR() { // Stop reading the STATUS.TXT file // Clear the values in the Running page $("#runningHeader").html(""); $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value: "0"}); $("#minutesRemaining").html(""); // Create the string to write out var stopPCR = 's=ACGTC&c=stop'; // contrast stopPCR += '&t=50'; // increment the window.command id and send the new command to the device window.command_id++; stopPCR += '&d='+ window.command_id; air.trace(stopPCR); // Write out the STOP command to CONTROL.TXT // name of the output file var file = window.path.resolvePath("CONTROL.TXT"); // write out all the variables, command id + PCR settings var fileStream = new window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileStream(); fileStream.open(file, window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeUTFBytes(stopPCR); fileStream.close(); // go back to the Form page sp2.showPanel(1); return false; } /* humanTime() * Input: seconds (integer) * Returns: time in a human friendly format, i.e. 2 hours, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 1 minute, 60 minutes, 1 minute */ function humanTime(secondsRemaining) { var timeRemaining=""; var minutesRemaining = Math.floor(secondsRemaining/60); var hoursRemaining = Math.floor(minutesRemaining/60); if (hoursRemaining>0) { timeRemaining+= hoursRemaining + " hour"; if (hoursRemaining>1) { timeRemaining+="s "; } else {timeRemaining+=" ";} timeRemaining+= "
"; minutesRemaining-=(hoursRemaining)*60; } if (minutesRemaining>1) { timeRemaining+=minutesRemaining + " minutes"; } else if (minutesRemaining==1) { timeRemaining+= "1 minute"; } else if (secondsRemaining<=60) { // should say "less than a minute" but font is too big timeRemaining+= "1 minute"; } else if (secondsRemaining==0) { timeRemaining = "Done!"; } return timeRemaining; } /************** * Buttons * ***************/ /* "About" button on the OpenPCR Home page * Displays about info */ $('#About').live('click', function(){ $('#about_dialog').dialog('open'); }); /* "Home" button on the OpenPCR Form page * Goes Home */ $('#Home').live('click', function(){ stopPCR(); listExperiments(); sp2.showPanel(0); setTimeout(clearForm,500); }); /* "Start" button on the OpenPCR Form page * Sends an experiment to OpenPCR and switches to the Running page */ $('#Start').live('click', function(){ startPCR(); }); /* "Save" button on the OpenPCR Form * Ask for a "name" and save the protocol to name.pcr in the user's Experiments folder */ $('#Save').live('click', function(){ // Save Dialog // check if the form is validated if (false == ($("#pcrForm").validate().form())) { return 0; // if not, don't do anything } // otherwise, the form is valid. Open the "Save" dialog box $('#save_form').dialog('open'); }); /* "Save" on the OpenPCR Form in EDIT MODE * This will overwrite the old experiment with the edited settings */ $('#SaveEdits').live('click', function(){ // check if the form is validated if (false == ($("#pcrForm").validate().form())) { return 0; // if not, don't do anything } // Grab the Experiment name, could also do this by reading from the experiments list on the homepage name = document.getElementById("ExperimentName").innerHTML; // Save the file, overwriting the existing file Save(name); // re-load the experiment with the new settings loadExperiment(experimentID); }); /* "Cancel" button on the OpenPCR Form in EDIT MODE * This will cancel any changes made to the form and re-load the experiment as it was last saved */ $('#Cancel').live('click', function(){ // what is selected in the drop down menu on the front page? experimentID = $("#dropdown").val(); // clear the form clearForm(); // load the selected experiment loadExperiment(experimentID); }); /* "Edit" button on the OpenPCR Form with a saved experiment */ $('#editButton').live('click', function(){ editButton(); }); /* "Delete" button on the OpenPCR Form in EDIT MODE */ $('#deleteButton').live('click', function(){ $('#delete_dialog').dialog('open'); }); /* "+ Add Step" button on the OpenPCR Form * Add a new blank step to the end of the presets */ $('#addStepButton').live('click', function() { var location = $(this).parent().attr("id"); addStep(location); }); /* "- Delete Step" on the OpenPCR Form * Delete the step */ $('.deleteStepButton').live('click', function() { $(this).parent().slideUp('slow', function() { // after animation is complete, remove parent step $(this).remove(); //// if the length is now 0, hide the whole div }); }); /* "More options" button on the OpenPCR Form * Display a bunch of options */ $('#OptionsButton').live('click', function() { $(".edit").toggle(); $("#preContainer").show(); $("#postContainer").show(); $("#lidContainer").show(); // get current state buttonText = document.getElementById("OptionsButton").innerHTML; // if we're hiding the options and there are no pre-steps or post-steps, hide those sections appropriately if (buttonText == 'Less options' && $("#preSteps").html() == "") { // hide pre steps $("#preContainer").hide(); } if (buttonText == 'Less options' && $("#postSteps").html() == "") { // hide post steps $("#postContainer").hide(); } // flip the Options button text between "More options" and "Less options" var buttonText = (buttonText != 'More options' ? 'More options' : 'Less options' ); $('#OptionsButton').html(buttonText); }); // Presets page /* editButton() * Function that is called when the "Edit" button is pressed on a "Saved Preset" page. Makes the "Save preset" and "Cancel" buttons * show up, "Add" and "Subtract" steps buttons, and makes all fields editable * Returns: nothing */ function editButton() { // Show the Delete button $('#deleteButton').show(); // Start with the Edit button hidden $("#editButton").hide(); // show the edit buttons $(".edit").show(); // show the lid temp fields $("#lidContainer").show(); // all fields editable $("input").attr("readonly",""); // and 'More options' hidden $('#OptionsButton').hide(); // hide the Save button $('#Save').hide(); // show the Cancel button $('#Cancel').show(); // show the SaveEdits button $('#SaveEdits').show(); // Hide the Start/Unplugged button startOrUnplugged("none"); // show the Single Temp mode button $('#singleTemp').show(); // show the Add Step buttons $("#preContainer").show(); $("#postContainer").show(); } /* deleteCurrentExperiment() * Deletes the currently loaded experiment (whatever was last selected in the list) * Called by the delete dialog box */ function deleteCurrentExperiment() { // delete the currently loaded Experiment file // given an ID, get the path for that ID experimentPath = window.experimentList[experimentID]; // delete the file var file = experimentPath; file.deleteFile(); // show a confirmation screen $('#delete_confirmation_dialog').dialog('open'); // then close it after 1 second setTimeout(function(){$('#delete_confirmation_dialog').dialog('close');}, 750); // } /* addStep() * Add the HTML for a blank step to the desired css selector div */ function addStep(location) { // first off, if the location is cycleContainer, we really want to modify stepsContainer if (location == "cycleContainer") { location = "cycleSteps"; } // add to HTML if (location=="preSteps") { step_name="Initial Step" } if (location=="postSteps") { step_name="Final Step" } if (location=="cycleSteps") { step_name="Step" } step_number = new Date().getTime();; var step = '
' + step_name + '
'; // append a new step to location $('#' + location).append(step); // make sure the form elements are editable $("input").attr("readonly",""); //// make the window bigger // make all the delete buttons shown // and if there are any other parts of a "step" that are hide/show, they need to be included here $(".edit").show(); } function addInitialStep() { // add the step to the preContainer addStep("preSteps"); } function addFinalStep() { // add the step to the postContainer addStep("postSteps"); } /* deleteStep() * Delete the parent step */ function deleteStep() { // doesn't do anything right now. The delete step button should reference here } // JQUERY UI stuffs $(function(){ // About Dialog $('#about_dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 300, modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false, buttons: { "OK": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); // Save Dialog $('#save_form').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 300, modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false, position: 'center', buttons: { "Cancel": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); $("#name").val(""); }, "Save": function() { // grab the name from the form name = $("#name").val(); // save the current experiment as the given name Save(name); // update the experiment name in the UI $("#ExperimentName").html(name); // close the dialog window $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); // Save Confirmation Dialog $('#save_confirmation_dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 300, modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false }); // Delete Dialog $('#delete_dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 300, modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false, buttons: { "No": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }, "Yes": function() { // delete the current selected experiment deleteCurrentExperiment(); // Since the experiment was deleted, go to the home screen // refresh the list of Presets listExperiments(); // Home screen sp2.showPanel(0); // close this window $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); // Delete Confirmation Dialog $('#delete_confirmation_dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 300, modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false }); // Stop Dialog $('#stop_dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 300, modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false, buttons: { "No": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }, "Yes": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); stopPCR(); } } }); // Dialog Link $('#stop_link').click(function(){ $('#stop_dialog').dialog('open'); return false; }); // Starting dialog $('#starting').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 300, modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false, }); //hover states on the static widgets $('#dialog_link, ul#icons li').hover( function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); } ); }); // Enter/Return Key clicks "Save" on dialog $('#save_form').live('keyup', function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 13) { $(':button:contains("Save")').click(); } }); // Debugging function /* writeCSV(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) * Writes out current status to the histor file in comma delimited format * Can load this into Excel and see ramp times, etc * This should be commented out in actual releases */ function writeCSV(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) { // take in all 8 variables and write them to a new line in the history file fileDestination = air.File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("history.txt"); // write out the file var fileStream = new window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileStream(); fileStream.open(fileDestination, window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileMode.APPEND); fileStream.writeUTFBytes(a + "," + b + "," + c + "," + d + "," + e + "," + f + "," + g + "," + h + "\n"); fileStream.close(); }