-- File: Matrix.cdl -- Created: Tue May 7 13:53:36 1991 -- Author: Laurent PAINNOT -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991, 1992 class Matrix from math ---Purpose: This class implements the real matrix abstract data type. -- Matrixes can have an arbitrary range which must be defined -- at the declaration and cannot be changed after this declaration -- math_Matrix(-3,5,2,4); //a vector with range [-3..5, 2..4] -- Matrix values may be initialized and -- retrieved using indexes which must lie within the range -- of definition of the matrix. -- Matrix objects follow "value semantics", that is, they -- cannot be shared and are copied through assignment -- Matrices are copied through assignement: -- math_Matrix M2(1, 9, 1, 3); -- ... -- M2 = M1; -- M1(1) = 2.0;//the matrix M2 will not be modified. -- -- The exception RangeError is raised when trying to access -- outside the range of a matrix : -- M1(11, 1)=0.0// --> will raise RangeError. -- -- The exception DimensionError is raised when the dimensions of -- two matrices or vectors are not compatible. -- math_Matrix M3(1, 2, 1, 2); -- M3 = M1; // will raise DimensionError -- M1.Add(M3) // --> will raise DimensionError. -- A Matrix can be constructed with a a pointer to "c array". -- It allows to carry the bounds inside the matrix. -- Exemple : -- Standard_Real tab1[10][20]; -- Standard_Real tab2[200]; -- -- math_Matrix A (tab1[0][0], 1, 10, 1, 20); -- math_Matrix B (tab2[0], 1, 10, 1, 20); uses Vector from math, DoubleTabOfReal from math, OStream from Standard raises DimensionError from Standard, RangeError from Standard, DivideByZero from Standard, NotSquare from math, SingularMatrix from math is Create(LowerRow, UpperRow, LowerCol, UpperCol: Integer) ---Purpose: Constructs a non-initialized matrix of range [LowerRow..UpperRow, -- LowerCol..UpperCol] -- For the constructed matrix: -- - LowerRow and UpperRow are the indexes of the -- lower and upper bounds of a row, and -- - LowerCol and UpperCol are the indexes of the -- lower and upper bounds of a column. returns Matrix raises RangeError; Create(LowerRow, UpperRow, LowerCol, UpperCol: Integer; InitialValue : Real) ---Purpose: constructs a non-initialized matrix of range [LowerRow..UpperRow, -- LowerCol..UpperCol] -- whose values are all initialized with the value InitialValue. returns Matrix raises RangeError; Create(Tab : Address; LowerRow, UpperRow, LowerCol, UpperCol: Integer) ---Purpose: constructs a matrix of range [LowerRow..UpperRow, -- LowerCol..UpperCol] -- Sharing data with a "C array" pointed by Tab. returns Matrix raises RangeError; Create(Other: Matrix) ---Purpose: constructs a matrix for copy in initialization. -- An exception is raised if the matrixes have not the same dimensions. returns Matrix raises DimensionError; --JR/Hp is private; SetLowerRow(me: in out; LowerRow: Integer) ---Purpose: The new lower row of the matrix is set to is static protected; SetLowerCol(me: in out; LowerCol: Integer) ---Purpose: The new lower column of the matrix is set to the column -- of range . is static protected; SetLower(me: in out; LowerRow, LowerCol: Integer) ---Purpose: The new lower row of the matrix is set to --- and the new lower column of the matrix is set to the column -- of range . ---C++: inline is static protected; Init(me : in out; InitialValue: Real) ---Purpose:Initialize all the elements of a matrix to InitialValue. is static; RowNumber(me) ---Purpose: Returns the number of rows of this matrix. -- Note that for a matrix A you always have the following relations: -- - A.RowNumber() = A.UpperRow() - A.LowerRow() + 1 -- - A.ColNumber() = A.UpperCol() - A.LowerCol() + 1 -- - the length of a row of A is equal to the number of columns of A, -- - the length of a column of A is equal to the number of -- rows of A.returns the row range of a matrix. ---C++: inline returns Integer is static; ColNumber(me) ---Purpose: Returns the number of rows of this matrix. -- Note that for a matrix A you always have the following relations: -- - A.RowNumber() = A.UpperRow() - A.LowerRow() + 1 -- - A.ColNumber() = A.UpperCol() - A.LowerCol() + 1 -- - the length of a row of A is equal to the number of columns of A, -- - the length of a column of A is equal to the number of -- rows of A.returns the row range of a matrix. ---C++: inline returns Integer is static; LowerRow(me) ---Purpose: Returns the value of the Lower index of the row -- range of a matrix. ---C++: inline returns Integer is static; UpperRow(me) ---Purpose: Returns the Upper index of the row range -- of a matrix. ---C++: inline returns Integer is static; LowerCol(me) ---Purpose: Returns the value of the Lower index of the -- column range of a matrix. ---C++: inline returns Integer is static; UpperCol(me) ---Purpose: Returns the value of the upper index of the -- column range of a matrix. ---C++: inline returns Integer is static; Determinant(me) ---Purpose: Computes the determinant of a matrix. -- An exception is raised if the matrix is not a square matrix. returns Real raises NotSquare is static; Transpose(me: in out) ---Purpose: Transposes a given matrix. -- An exception is raised if the matrix is not a square matrix. raises NotSquare from math is static; Invert(me: in out) ---Purpose: Inverts a matrix using Gauss algorithm. -- Exception NotSquare is raised if the matrix is not square. -- Exception SingularMatrix is raised if the matrix is singular. raises NotSquare from math, SingularMatrix from math is static; Multiply(me: in out; Right: Real) ---Purpose: Sets this matrix to the product of the matrix Left, and the matrix Right. -- Example -- math_Matrix A (1, 3, 1, 3); -- math_Matrix B (1, 3, 1, 3); -- // A = ... , B = ... -- math_Matrix C (1, 3, 1, 3); -- C.Multiply(A, B); -- Exceptions -- Standard_DimensionError if matrices are of incompatible dimensions, i.e. if: -- - the number of columns of matrix Left, or the number of -- rows of matrix TLeft is not equal to the number of rows -- of matrix Right, or -- - the number of rows of matrix Left, or the number of -- columns of matrix TLeft is not equal to the number of -- rows of this matrix, or -- - the number of columns of matrix Right is not equal to -- the number of columns of this matrix. ---C++: alias operator*= is static; Multiplied(me; Right: Real) ---Purpose: multiplies all the elements of a matrix by the -- value . ---C++: alias operator* returns Matrix is static; TMultiplied(me; Right: Real) ---Purpose: Sets this matrix to the product of the -- transposed matrix TLeft, and the matrix Right. -- Example -- math_Matrix A (1, 3, 1, 3); -- math_Matrix B (1, 3, 1, 3); -- // A = ... , B = ... -- math_Matrix C (1, 3, 1, 3); -- C.Multiply(A, B); -- Exceptions -- Standard_DimensionError if matrices are of incompatible dimensions, i.e. if: -- - the number of columns of matrix Left, or the number of -- rows of matrix TLeft is not equal to the number of rows -- of matrix Right, or -- - the number of rows of matrix Left, or the number of -- columns of matrix TLeft is not equal to the number of -- rows of this matrix, or -- - the number of columns of matrix Right is not equal to -- the number of columns of this matrix. ---C++: alias "friend math_Matrix operator *(const Standard_Real Left,const math_Matrix& Right);" returns Matrix is static; Divide(me: in out; Right: Real) ---Purpose: divides all the elements of a matrix by the value . -- An exception is raised if = 0. ---C++: alias operator/= raises DivideByZero is static; Divided(me; Right: Real) ---Purpose: divides all the elements of a matrix by the value . -- An exception is raised if = 0. ---C++: alias operator/ returns Matrix raises DivideByZero is static; Add(me: in out; Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: adds the matrix to a matrix. -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. -- Warning -- In order to save time when copying matrices, it is -- preferable to use operator += or the function Add -- whenever possible. ---C++: alias operator+= raises DimensionError is static; Added(me; Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: adds the matrix to a matrix. -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. ---C++: alias operator+ returns Matrix raises DimensionError is static; Add(me: in out; Left, Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: sets a matrix to the addition of and . -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. raises DimensionError is static; Subtract(me: in out; Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: Subtracts the matrix from . -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. -- Warning -- In order to avoid time-consuming copying of matrices, it -- is preferable to use operator -= or the function -- Subtract whenever possible. ---C++: alias operator-= raises DimensionError is static; Subtracted(me; Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: Returns the result of the subtraction of from . -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. ---C++: alias operator- returns Matrix raises DimensionError is static; Set(me: in out; I1, I2, J1, J2: Integer; M: Matrix) ---Purpose: Sets the values of this matrix, -- - from index I1 to index I2 on the row dimension, and -- - from index J1 to index J2 on the column dimension, -- to those of matrix M. -- Exceptions -- Standard_DimensionError if: -- - I1 is less than the index of the lower row bound of this matrix, or -- - I2 is greater than the index of the upper row bound of this matrix, or -- - J1 is less than the index of the lower column bound of this matrix, or -- - J2 is greater than the index of the upper column bound of this matrix, or -- - I2 - I1 + 1 is not equal to the number of rows of matrix M, or -- - J2 - J1 + 1 is not equal to the number of columns of matrix M. raises DimensionError is static; SetRow(me: in out; Row: Integer; V: Vector) ---Purpose: Sets the row of index Row of a matrix to the vector . -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. -- An exception is raises if is inferior to the lower -- row of the matrix or is superior to the upper row. raises RangeError, DimensionError is static; SetCol(me: in out; Col: Integer; V: Vector) ---Purpose: Sets the column of index Col of a matrix to the vector . -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. -- An exception is raises if is inferior to the lower -- column of the matrix or is superior to the upper -- column. raises RangeError, DimensionError is static; SetDiag(me: in out; Value: Real) ---Purpose: Sets the diagonal of a matrix to the value . -- An exception is raised if the matrix is not square. raises NotSquare is static; Row(me; Row: Integer) ---Purpose: Returns the row of index Row of a matrix. returns Vector is static; Col(me; Col: Integer) ---Purpose: Returns the column of index of a matrix. returns Vector is static; SwapRow(me: in out; Row1, Row2: Integer) ---Purpose: Swaps the rows of index Row1 and Row2. -- An exception is raised if or is out of range. raises RangeError is static; SwapCol(me: in out; Col1, Col2: Integer) ---Purpose: Swaps the columns of index and . -- An exception is raised if or is out of range. raises RangeError is static; Transposed(me) ---Purpose: Teturns the transposed of a matrix. -- An exception is raised if the matrix is not a square matrix. returns Matrix raises NotSquare is static; Inverse(me) ---Purpose: Returns the inverse of a matrix. -- Exception NotSquare is raised if the matrix is not square. -- Exception SingularMatrix is raised if the matrix is singular. returns Matrix raises NotSquare, SingularMatrix is static; TMultiply(me; Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: Returns the product of the transpose of a matrix with -- the matrix . -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. returns Matrix raises DimensionError is static; Multiply(me: in out; Left, Right: Vector) ---Purpose: Computes a matrix as the product of 2 vectors. -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. -- = * . raises DimensionError is static; Multiply(me: in out; Left, Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: Computes a matrix as the product of 2 matrixes. -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. raises DimensionError is static; TMultiply(me: in out; TLeft, Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: Computes a matrix to the product of the transpose of -- the matrix with the matrix . -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. raises DimensionError is static; Subtract(me: in out; Left, Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: Sets a matrix to the Subtraction of the matrix -- from the matrix . -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. raises DimensionError is static; Value(me; Row, Col: Integer) ---Purpose: Accesses (in read or write mode) the value of index -- and of a matrix. -- An exception is raised if and are not -- in the correct range. ---C++: alias operator() ---C++: return & ---C++: inline returns Real raises RangeError is static; Initialized(me: in out; Other: Matrix) ---Purpose: Matrixes are copied through assignement. -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are differents. ---C++: alias operator= ---C++: return & returns Matrix raises DimensionError is static; Multiply(me: in out; Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: Returns the product of 2 matrices. -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. ---C++: alias operator*= raises DimensionError is static; Multiplied(me; Right: Matrix) ---Purpose: Returns the product of 2 matrices. -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. ---C++: alias operator* returns Matrix raises DimensionError is static; Multiplied(me; Right: Vector) ---Purpose: Returns the product of a matrix by a vector. -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. ---C++: alias operator* returns Vector raises DimensionError is static; Opposite(me : in out) ---Purpose: Returns the opposite of a matrix. -- An exception is raised if the dimensions are different. ---C++: alias operator- returns Matrix raises DimensionError from Standard is static; Dump(me; o: in out OStream) ---Purpose: Prints information on the current state of the object. -- Is used to redefine the operator <<. is static; fields LowerRowIndex: Integer; UpperRowIndex: Integer; LowerColIndex: Integer; UpperColIndex: Integer; Array: DoubleTabOfReal; friends class Vector from math end Matrix;