-- File: GaussSingleIntegration.cdl -- Created: Tue May 14 18:15:11 1991 -- Author: Laurent PAINNOT -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991, 1992 class GaussSingleIntegration from math ---Purpose: -- This class implements the integration of a function of a single variable -- between the parameter bounds Lower and Upper. -- Warning: Order must be inferior or equal to 61. uses Function from math, OStream from Standard raises NotDone from StdFail is Create returns GaussSingleIntegration; Create(F: in out Function; Lower, Upper: Real; Order: Integer) ---Purpose: -- The Gauss-Legendre integration with N = Order points of integration, -- is done on the function F between the bounds Lower and Upper. returns GaussSingleIntegration; Create(F: in out Function; Lower, Upper: Real; Order: Integer; Tol: Real) ---Purpose: -- The Gauss-Legendre integration with N = Order points of integration and -- given tolerance = Tol is done on the function F between the bounds -- Lower and Upper. returns GaussSingleIntegration; Perform(me: in out; F: in out Function; Lower, Upper: Real; Order: Integer) ---Purpose: perfoms actual computation is private; IsDone(me) ---Purpose: returns True if all has been correctly done. ---C++: inline returns Boolean is static; Value(me) ---Purpose: returns the value of the integral. ---C++: inline returns Real raises NotDone is static; Dump(me; o: in out OStream) ---Purpose: Prints information on the current state of the object. is static; fields Val: Real; Done: Boolean; end GaussSingleIntegration;