-- File: FunctionRoots.cdl -- Created: Mon May 13 17:39:12 1991 -- Author: Laurent PAINNOT -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991, 1992 class FunctionRoots from math ---Purpose: -- This class implements an algorithm which finds all the real roots of -- a function with derivative within a given range. -- Knowledge of the derivative is required. uses FunctionWithDerivative from math, SequenceOfReal from TColStd, SequenceOfInteger from TColStd, OStream from Standard raises RangeError from Standard, NotDone from StdFail is Create(F: in out FunctionWithDerivative; A, B: Real; NbSample: Integer; EpsX, EpsF, EpsNull, K : Real= 0.0) ---Purpose: Calculates all the real roots of a function F-K within the range -- A..B. whithout conditions on A and B -- A solution X is found when -- abs(Xi - Xi-1) <= Epsx and abs(F(Xi)-K) <= EpsF. -- The function is considered as null between A and B if -- abs(F-K) <= EpsNull within this range. returns FunctionRoots; IsDone(me) ---Purpose: Returns true if the computations are successful, otherwise returns false. ---C++: inline returns Boolean is static; IsAllNull(me) ---Purpose: -- returns true if the function is considered as null between A and B. -- Exceptions -- StdFail_NotDone if the algorithm fails (and IsDone returns false). ---C++: inline returns Boolean raises NotDone is static; NbSolutions(me) ---Purpose: Returns the number of solutions found. -- Exceptions -- StdFail_NotDone if the algorithm fails (and IsDone returns false). ---C++: inline returns Integer raises NotDone is static; Value(me; Nieme: in Integer) ---Purpose: Returns the Nth value of the root of function F. -- Exceptions -- StdFail_NotDone if the algorithm fails (and IsDone returns false). ---C++: inline returns Real raises NotDone, RangeError is static; StateNumber(me; Nieme: in Integer) ---Purpose: -- returns the StateNumber of the Nieme root. -- Exception RangeError is raised if Nieme is < 1 -- or Nieme > NbSolutions. ---C++: inline returns Integer raises NotDone is static; Dump(me; o: in out OStream) ---Purpose: Prints on the stream o information on the current state -- of the object. is static; fields Done: Boolean; AllNull: Boolean; Sol: SequenceOfReal from TColStd; NbStateSol: SequenceOfInteger from TColStd; end FunctionRoots;