//static const char* sccsid = "@(#)math_DirectPolynomialRoots.cxx 3.2 95/01/10"; // Do not delete this line. Used by sccs. //#ifndef DEB #define No_Standard_RangeError #define No_Standard_OutOfRange #define No_Standard_DimensionError //#endif #include #include #include // Reference pour solution equation 3ieme degre et 2ieme degre : // ALGORITHMES NUMERIQUES ANALYSE ET MISE EN OEUVRE, tome 2 // (equations et systemes non lineaires) // // J. VIGNES editions TECHNIP. const Standard_Real ZERO = 1.0e-30; const Standard_Real EPSILON = RealEpsilon(); const Standard_Real RADIX = 2; const Standard_Real Un_Sur_Log_RADIX = 1.0/log(2.0); static Standard_Real Value(const Standard_Integer N, Standard_Real *Poly, const Standard_Real X) { Standard_Real Result = Poly[0]; for(Standard_Integer Index = 1; Index < N; Index++) { Result = Result * X + Poly[Index]; } return Result; } static void Values(const Standard_Integer N, Standard_Real *Poly, const Standard_Real X, Standard_Real& Val, Standard_Real& Der) { Val = Poly[0] * X + Poly[1]; Der = Poly[0]; for(Standard_Integer Index = 2; Index < N; Index++) { Der = Der * X + Val; Val = Val * X + Poly[Index]; } } static Standard_Real Improve(const Standard_Integer N, Standard_Real *Poly, const Standard_Real IniSol) { Standard_Real Val, Der, Delta; Standard_Real Sol = IniSol; Standard_Real IniVal = Value(N, Poly, IniSol); Standard_Integer Index; // set a possible initial value to avoid compiler complaining Val = IniVal; // cout << "Improve\n"; for(Index = 1; Index < 10; Index++) { Values(N, Poly, Sol, Val, Der); if(Abs(Der) <= ZERO) break; Delta = - Val / Der; if(Abs(Delta) <= EPSILON * Abs(Sol)) break; Sol = Sol + Delta; // cout << " Iter = " << Index << " Delta = " << Delta // << " Val = " << Val << " Der = " << Der << "\n"; } if(Abs(Val) <= Abs(IniVal)) { return Sol; } else { return IniSol; } } Standard_Real Improve(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B, const Standard_Real C, const Standard_Real D, const Standard_Real E, const Standard_Real IniSol) { Standard_Real Poly[5]; Poly[0] = A; Poly[1] = B; Poly[2] = C; Poly[3] = D; Poly[4] = E; return Improve(5, Poly, IniSol); } Standard_Real Improve(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B, const Standard_Real C, const Standard_Real D, const Standard_Real IniSol) { Standard_Real Poly[4]; Poly[0] = A; Poly[1] = B; Poly[2] = C; Poly[3] = D; return Improve(4, Poly, IniSol); } Standard_Real Improve(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B, const Standard_Real C, const Standard_Real IniSol) { Standard_Real Poly[3]; Poly[0] = A; Poly[1] = B; Poly[2] = C; return Improve(3, Poly, IniSol); } Standard_Integer BaseExponent(const Standard_Real X) { if(X > 1.0) { return (Standard_Integer)(log(X) * Un_Sur_Log_RADIX); } else if(X < -1.0) { return (Standard_Integer)(-log(-X) * Un_Sur_Log_RADIX); } else { return 0; } } math_DirectPolynomialRoots::math_DirectPolynomialRoots(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B, const Standard_Real C, const Standard_Real D, const Standard_Real E) { InfiniteStatus = Standard_False; Done = Standard_True; Solve(A, B, C, D, E); } math_DirectPolynomialRoots::math_DirectPolynomialRoots(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B, const Standard_Real C, const Standard_Real D) { Done = Standard_True; InfiniteStatus = Standard_False; Solve(A, B, C, D); } math_DirectPolynomialRoots::math_DirectPolynomialRoots(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B, const Standard_Real C) { Done = Standard_True; InfiniteStatus = Standard_False; Solve(A, B, C); } math_DirectPolynomialRoots::math_DirectPolynomialRoots(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B) { Done = Standard_True; InfiniteStatus = Standard_False; Solve(A, B); } void math_DirectPolynomialRoots::Solve(const Standard_Real a, const Standard_Real b, const Standard_Real c, const Standard_Real d, const Standard_Real e) { if(Abs(a) <= ZERO) { Solve(b, c, d, e); return; } //// modified by jgv, 22.01.09 //// Standard_Real aZero = ZERO; Standard_Real Abs_b = Abs(b), Abs_c = Abs(c), Abs_d = Abs(d), Abs_e = Abs(e); if (Abs_b > aZero) aZero = Abs_b; if (Abs_c > aZero) aZero = Abs_c; if (Abs_d > aZero) aZero = Abs_d; if (Abs_e > aZero) aZero = Abs_e; if (aZero > ZERO) aZero = Epsilon(100.*aZero); if(Abs(a) <= aZero) { Standard_Real aZero1000 = 1000.*aZero; Standard_Boolean with_a = Standard_False; if (Abs_b > ZERO && Abs_b <= aZero1000) with_a = Standard_True; if (Abs_c > ZERO && Abs_c <= aZero1000) with_a = Standard_True; if (Abs_d > ZERO && Abs_d <= aZero1000) with_a = Standard_True; if (Abs_e > ZERO && Abs_e <= aZero1000) with_a = Standard_True; if (!with_a) { Solve(b, c, d, e); return; } } /////////////////////////////////// Standard_Real A, B, C, D, R3, S3, T3, Q3, Y0, P0, Q0, P, Q, P1, Q1; Standard_Real Discr, Sdiscr; Standard_Integer Index; Standard_Integer Exp; Standard_Real PowRadix1,PowRadix2; A = b / a; B = c / a; C = d / a; D = e / a; Exp = BaseExponent(D) / 4; //-- //-- A = A / pow(RADIX, Exp); //-- B = B / pow(RADIX, 2 * Exp); //-- C = C / pow(RADIX, 3 * Exp); //-- D = D / pow(RADIX, 4 * Exp); PowRadix1 = pow(RADIX,Exp); A/= PowRadix1; PowRadix2 = PowRadix1 * PowRadix1; B/= PowRadix2; C/= PowRadix2 * PowRadix1; D/= PowRadix2 * PowRadix2; //-- R3 = -B; S3 = A * C - 4.0 * D; T3 = D * (4.0 * B - A * A) - C * C; Q3 = 1.0; math_DirectPolynomialRoots Sol3(Q3, R3, S3, T3); //-- ################################################################################ if(Sol3.IsDone() == Standard_False) { Done = Standard_False; return; } //-- ################################################################################ Y0 = Sol3.Value(1); for(Index = 2; Index <= Sol3.NbSolutions(); Index++) { if(Sol3.Value(Index) > Y0) Y0 = Sol3.Value(Index); } Discr = A * Y0 * 0.5 - C; if(Discr >= 0.0) { Sdiscr = 1.0; } else { Sdiscr = -1.0; } P0 = A * A * 0.25 - B + Y0; if(P0 < 0.0) P0 = 0.0; P0 = sqrt(P0); Q0 = Y0 * Y0 * 0.25 - D; if(Q0 < 0.0) Q0 = 0.0; Q0 = sqrt(Q0); Standard_Real Ademi = A * 0.5; Standard_Real Ydemi = Y0 * 0.5; Standard_Real SdiscrQ0 = Sdiscr * Q0; P = Ademi + P0; Q = Ydemi + SdiscrQ0; P1 = Ademi - P0; Q1 = Ydemi - SdiscrQ0; // Modified by skv - Wed Apr 14 16:05:24 2004 IDEM(Airbus) Begin Standard_Real eps; eps = Epsilon(100.*Max(Ademi, P0)); if (Abs(P) <= eps) P = 0.; if (Abs(P1) <= eps) P1 = 0.; eps = Epsilon(100.*Max(Ydemi, SdiscrQ0)); if (Abs(Q) <= eps) Q = 0.; if (Abs(Q1) <= eps) Q1 = 0.; // Modified by skv - Wed Apr 14 16:05:24 2004 IDEM(Airbus) End Ademi = 1.0; math_DirectPolynomialRoots ASol2(Ademi, P, Q); //-- ################################################################################ if(ASol2.IsDone() == Standard_False) { Done = Standard_False; return; } //-- ################################################################################ math_DirectPolynomialRoots BSol2(Ademi, P1, Q1); //-- ################################################################################ if(BSol2.IsDone() == Standard_False) { Done = Standard_False; return; } //-- ################################################################################ NbSol = ASol2.NbSolutions() + BSol2.NbSolutions(); for(Index = 0; Index < ASol2.NbSolutions(); Index++) { TheRoots[Index] = ASol2.TheRoots[Index]; } for(Index = 0; Index < BSol2.NbSolutions(); Index++) { TheRoots[ASol2.NbSolutions() + Index] = BSol2.TheRoots[Index]; } for(Index = 0; Index < NbSol; Index++) { TheRoots[Index] = TheRoots[Index] * PowRadix1; TheRoots[Index] = Improve(a, b, c, d, e, TheRoots[Index]); } } void math_DirectPolynomialRoots::Solve(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B, const Standard_Real C, const Standard_Real D) { if(Abs(A) <= ZERO) { Solve(B, C, D); return; } Standard_Real Beta, Gamma, Del, P1, P2, P, Ep, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q, Eq, A1, A2, Discr; Standard_Real Sigma, Psi, D1, D2, Sb, Omega, Sp3, Y1, Dbg, Sdbg, Den1, Den2; Standard_Real U, H, Sq; Standard_Integer Exp; Beta = B / A; Gamma = C / A; Del = D / A; Exp = BaseExponent(Del) / 3; Standard_Real PowRadix1 = pow(RADIX,Exp); Standard_Real PowRadix2 = PowRadix1*PowRadix1; Beta/= PowRadix1; Gamma/= PowRadix2; Del/= PowRadix2 * PowRadix1; //-- Beta = Beta / pow(RADIX, Exp); //-- Gamma = Gamma / pow(RADIX, 2 * Exp); //-- Del = Del / pow(RADIX, 3 * Exp); P1 = Gamma; P2 = - (Beta * Beta) / 3.0; P = P1 + P2; Ep = 5.0 * EPSILON * (Abs(P1) + Abs(P2)); if(Abs(P) <= Ep) P = 0.0; Q1 = Del; Q2 = - Beta * Gamma / 3.0; Q3 = 2.0 * (Beta * Beta * Beta) / 27.0; Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3; Eq = 10.0 * EPSILON * (Abs(Q1) + Abs(Q2) + Abs(Q3)); if(Abs(Q) <= Eq) Q = 0.0; //-- ############################################################ Standard_Real AbsP = P; if(P<0.0) AbsP = -P; if(AbsP>1e+80) { Done = Standard_False; return; } //-- ############################################################ A1 = (P * P * P) / 27.0; A2 = (Q * Q) / 4.0; Discr = A1 + A2; if(P < 0.0) { Sigma = - Q2 - Q3; Psi = Gamma * Gamma * (4.0 * Gamma - Beta * Beta) / 27.0; if(Sigma >= 0.0) { D1 = Sigma + 2.0 * sqrt(-A1); } else { D1 = Sigma - 2.0 * sqrt(-A1); } D2 = Psi / D1; Discr = 0.0; if(Abs(Del - D1) >= 18.0 * EPSILON * (Abs(Del) + Abs(D1)) && Abs(Del - D2) >= 24.0 * EPSILON * (Abs(Del) + Abs(D2))) { Discr = (Del - D1) * (Del - D2) / 4.0; } } if(Beta >= 0.0) { Sb = 1.0; } else { Sb = -1.0; } if(Discr < 0.0) { NbSol = 3; if(Beta == 0.0 && Q == 0.0) { TheRoots[0] = sqrt(-P); TheRoots[1] = -TheRoots[0]; TheRoots[2] = 0.0; } else { Omega = atan(0.5 * Q / sqrt(- Discr)); Sp3 = sqrt(-P / 3.0); Y1 = -2.0 * Sb * Sp3 * cos(PI / 6.0 - Sb * Omega / 3.0); TheRoots[0] = - Beta / 3.0 + Y1; if(Beta * Q <= 0.0) { TheRoots[1] = - Beta / 3.0 + 2.0 * Sp3 * sin(Omega / 3.0); } else { Dbg = Del - Beta * Gamma; if(Dbg >= 0.0) { Sdbg = 1.0; } else { Sdbg = -1.0; } Den1 = 8.0 * Beta * Beta / 9.0 - 4.0 * Beta * Y1 / 3.0 - 2.0 * Q / Y1; Den2 = 2.0 * Y1 * Y1 - Q / Y1; TheRoots[1] = Dbg / Den1 + Sdbg * sqrt(-27.0 * Discr) / Den2; } TheRoots[2] = - Del / (TheRoots[0] * TheRoots[1]); } } else if(Discr > 0.0) { NbSol = 1; U = sqrt(Discr) + Abs(Q / 2.0); if(U >= 0.0) { U = pow(U, 1.0 / 3.0); } else { U = - pow(Abs(U), 1.0 / 3.0); } if(P >= 0.0) { H = U * U + P / 3.0 + (P / U) * (P / U) / 9.0; } else { H = U * Abs(Q) / (U * U - P / 3.0); } if(Beta * Q >= 0.0) { if(Abs(H) <= RealSmall() && Abs(Q) <= RealSmall()) { TheRoots[0] = - Beta / 3.0 - U + P / (3.0 * U); } else { TheRoots[0] = - Beta / 3.0 - Q / H; } } else { TheRoots[0] = - Del / (Beta * Beta / 9.0 + H - Beta * Q / (3.0 * H)); } } else { NbSol = 3; if(Q >= 0.0) { Sq = 1.0; } else { Sq = -1.0; } Sp3 = sqrt(-P / 3.0); if(Beta * Q <= 0.0) { TheRoots[0] = -Beta / 3.0 + Sq * Sp3; TheRoots[1] = TheRoots[0]; if(Beta * Q == 0.0) { TheRoots[2] = -Beta / 3.0 - 2.0 * Sq * Sp3; } else { TheRoots[2] = - Del / (TheRoots[0] * TheRoots[1]); } } else { TheRoots[0] = -Gamma / (Beta + 3.0 * Sq * Sp3); TheRoots[1] = TheRoots[0]; TheRoots[2] = -Beta / 3.0 - 2.0 * Sq * Sp3; } } for(Standard_Integer Index = 0; Index < NbSol; Index++) { TheRoots[Index] = TheRoots[Index] * pow(RADIX, Exp); TheRoots[Index] = Improve(A, B, C, D, TheRoots[Index]); } } void math_DirectPolynomialRoots::Solve(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B, const Standard_Real C) { if(Abs(A) <= ZERO) { Solve(B, C); return; } Standard_Real EpsD = 3.0 * EPSILON * (B * B + Abs(4.0 * A * C)); Standard_Real Discrim = B * B - 4.0 * A * C; if(Abs(Discrim) <= EpsD) Discrim = 0.0; if(Discrim < 0.0) { NbSol = 0; } else if(Discrim == 0.0) { NbSol = 2; TheRoots[0] = -0.5 * B / A; TheRoots[0] = Improve(A, B, C, TheRoots[0]); TheRoots[1] = TheRoots[0]; } else { NbSol = 2; if(B > 0.0) { TheRoots[0] = - (B + sqrt(Discrim)) / (2.0 * A); } else { TheRoots[0] = - (B - sqrt(Discrim)) / (2.0 * A); } TheRoots[0] = Improve(A, B, C, TheRoots[0]); TheRoots[1] = C / (A * TheRoots[0]); TheRoots[1] = Improve(A, B, C, TheRoots[1]); } } void math_DirectPolynomialRoots::Solve(const Standard_Real A, const Standard_Real B) { if(Abs(A) <= ZERO) { if (Abs(B) <= ZERO) { InfiniteStatus = Standard_True; return; } NbSol = 0; return; } NbSol = 1; TheRoots[0] = -B / A; } void math_DirectPolynomialRoots::Dump(Standard_OStream& o) const { o << "math_DirectPolynomialRoots "; if (!Done) { o <<" Not Done \n"; } else if(InfiniteStatus) { o << " Status = Infinity Roots \n"; } else if (!InfiniteStatus) { o << " Status = Not Infinity Roots \n"; o << " Number of solutions = " << NbSol <<"\n"; for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NbSol; i++) { o << " Solution number " << i << " = " << TheRoots[i-1] <<"\n"; } } }