//static const char* sccsid = "@(#)math_BissecNewton.cxx 3.2 95/01/10"; // Do not delete this line. Used by sccs. #include #include void math_BissecNewton::Perform(math_FunctionWithDerivative& F, const Standard_Real Bound1, const Standard_Real Bound2, const Standard_Integer NbIterations) { Standard_Boolean GOOD; Standard_Integer j; Standard_Real dxold, fh, fl; Standard_Real swap, temp, xh, xl; GOOD = F.Values(Bound1, fl, df); if(!GOOD) { Done = Standard_False; TheStatus = math_FunctionError; return; } GOOD = F.Values(Bound2, fh, df); if(!GOOD) { Done = Standard_False; TheStatus = math_FunctionError; return; } // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Jan 22 12:06:45 2003 Begin Standard_Real aFTol = RealEpsilon(); // if(fl * fh >= 0.0) { if(fl * fh > aFTol*aFTol) { Done = Standard_False; TheStatus = math_NotBracketed; return; } // if(fl < 0.0) { if(fl < -aFTol || (fl < aFTol && fh < -aFTol)) { xl = Bound1; xh = Bound2; } else { xl = Bound2; xh = Bound1; swap = fl; fl = fh; fh = swap; } // Modified by Sergey KHROMOV - Wed Jan 22 12:06:49 2003 End x = 0.5 * (Bound1 + Bound2); dxold = fabs(Bound2 - Bound1); dx = dxold; GOOD = F.Values(x, f, df); if(!GOOD) { Done = Standard_False; TheStatus = math_FunctionError; return; } for(j = 1; j <= NbIterations; j++) { if((((x - xh) * df - f) * ((x - xl) * df - f) >= 0.0) || (fabs(2.0 * f) > fabs(dxold * df))) { dxold = dx; dx = 0.5 * (xh - xl); x = xl + dx; if(xl == x) { TheStatus = math_OK; Done = Standard_True; return; } } else { dxold = dx; dx = f / df; temp = x; x -= dx; if(temp == x) { TheStatus = math_OK; Done = Standard_True; return; } } if(IsSolutionReached(F)) { TheStatus = math_OK; Done = Standard_True; return; } GOOD = F.Values(x, f, df); if(!GOOD) { Done = Standard_False; TheStatus = math_FunctionError; return; } if(f < 0.0) { xl = x; fl = f; } else if(f > 0.0) { xh = x; fh = f; } else { TheStatus = math_OK; Done = Standard_True; return; } } TheStatus = math_TooManyIterations; Done = Standard_False; return; } Standard_Boolean math_BissecNewton::IsSolutionReached //(math_FunctionWithDerivative& F) (math_FunctionWithDerivative& ) { return Abs(dx) <= XTol; } math_BissecNewton::math_BissecNewton(math_FunctionWithDerivative& F, const Standard_Real Bound1, const Standard_Real Bound2, const Standard_Real TolX, const Standard_Integer NbIterations) { XTol = TolX; Perform(F, Bound1, Bound2, NbIterations); } void math_BissecNewton::Dump(Standard_OStream& o) const { o << "math_BissecNewton "; if(Done) { o << " Status = Done \n"; o << " The Root is: " << x << endl; o << " The value at this Root is: " << f << endl; } else { o << " Status = not Done \n"; } }