// File: gp_Quaternion.cxx // Created: Tue May 11 12:09:38 2010 // Author: Kirill GAVRILOV // Copyright: Open CASCADE SAS 2010 // // Note: implementation is based on free samples from // http://www.gamedev.ru/code/articles/?id=4215&page=3 // and maths found in Wikipedia and elsewhere #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : IsEqual //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean gp_Quaternion::IsEqual (const gp_Quaternion& theOther) const { if (this == &theOther) return Standard_True; return Abs (x - theOther.x) <= gp::Resolution() && Abs (y - theOther.y) <= gp::Resolution() && Abs (z - theOther.z) <= gp::Resolution() && Abs (w - theOther.w) <= gp::Resolution(); } //======================================================================= //function : SetRotation //purpose : //======================================================================= void gp_Quaternion::SetRotation (const gp_Vec& theVecFrom, const gp_Vec& theVecTo) { gp_Vec aVecCross (theVecFrom.Crossed (theVecTo)); Set (aVecCross.X(), aVecCross.Y(), aVecCross.Z(), theVecFrom.Dot (theVecTo)); Normalize(); // if "from" or "to" not unit, normalize quat w += 1.0; // reducing angle to halfangle if (w <= gp::Resolution()) // angle close to PI { if ((theVecFrom.Z() * theVecFrom.Z()) > (theVecFrom.X() * theVecFrom.X())) Set ( 0.0, theVecFrom.Z(), -theVecFrom.Y(), w); // theVecFrom * gp_Vec(1,0,0) else Set (theVecFrom.Y(), -theVecFrom.X(), 0.0, w); // theVecFrom * gp_Vec(0,0,1) } Normalize(); } //======================================================================= //function : SetRotation //purpose : //======================================================================= void gp_Quaternion::SetRotation (const gp_Vec& theVecFrom, const gp_Vec& theVecTo, const gp_Vec& theHelpCrossVec) { gp_Vec aVecCross (theVecFrom.Crossed (theVecTo)); Set (aVecCross.X(), aVecCross.Y(), aVecCross.Z(), theVecFrom.Dot (theVecTo)); Normalize(); // if "from" or "to" not unit, normalize quat w += 1.0; // reducing angle to halfangle if (w <= gp::Resolution()) // angle close to PI { gp_Vec theAxis = theVecFrom.Crossed (theHelpCrossVec); Set (theAxis.X(), theAxis.Y(), theAxis.Z(), w); } Normalize(); } //======================================================================= //function : SetVectorAndAngle //purpose : //======================================================================= void gp_Quaternion::SetVectorAndAngle (const gp_Vec& theAxis, const Standard_Real theAngle) { gp_Vec anAxis = theAxis.Normalized(); Standard_Real anAngleHalf = 0.5 * theAngle; Standard_Real sin_a = Sin (anAngleHalf); Set (anAxis.X() * sin_a, anAxis.Y() * sin_a, anAxis.Z() * sin_a, Cos (anAngleHalf)); } //======================================================================= //function : GetVectorAndAngle //purpose : //======================================================================= void gp_Quaternion::GetVectorAndAngle (gp_Vec& theAxis, Standard_Real& theAngle) const { Standard_Real vl = Sqrt (x * x + y * y + z * z); if (vl > gp::Resolution()) { Standard_Real ivl = 1.0 / vl; theAxis.SetCoord (x * ivl, y * ivl, z * ivl); if (w < 0.0) { theAngle = 2.0 * ATan2 (-vl, -w); // [-PI, 0] } else { theAngle = 2.0 * ATan2 ( vl, w); // [ 0, PI] } } else { theAxis.SetCoord (0.0, 0.0, 1.0); theAngle = 0.0; } } //======================================================================= //function : SetMatrix //purpose : //======================================================================= void gp_Quaternion::SetMatrix (const gp_Mat& theMat) { Standard_Real tr = theMat (1, 1) + theMat (2, 2) + theMat(3, 3); // trace of martix if (tr > 0.0) { // if trace positive than "w" is biggest component Set (theMat (3, 2) - theMat (2, 3), theMat (1, 3) - theMat (3, 1), theMat (2, 1) - theMat (1, 2), tr + 1.0); Scale (0.5 / Sqrt (w)); // "w" contain the "norm * 4" } else if ((theMat (1, 1) > theMat (2, 2)) && (theMat (1, 1) > theMat (3, 3))) { // Some of vector components is bigger Set (1.0 + theMat (1, 1) - theMat (2, 2) - theMat (3, 3), theMat (1, 2) + theMat (2, 1), theMat (1, 3) + theMat (3, 1), theMat (3, 2) - theMat (2, 3)); Scale (0.5 / Sqrt (x)); } else if (theMat (2, 2) > theMat (3, 3)) { Set (theMat (1, 2) + theMat (2, 1), 1.0 + theMat (2, 2) - theMat (1, 1) - theMat (3, 3), theMat (2, 3) + theMat (3, 2), theMat (1, 3) - theMat (3, 1)); Scale (0.5 / Sqrt (y)); } else { Set (theMat (1, 3) + theMat (3, 1), theMat (2, 3) + theMat (3, 2), 1.0 + theMat (3, 3) - theMat (1, 1) - theMat (2, 2), theMat (2, 1) - theMat (1, 2)); Scale (0.5 / Sqrt (z)); } } //======================================================================= //function : GetMatrix //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Mat gp_Quaternion::GetMatrix () const { Standard_Real wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, yz, xy, xz, zz, x2, y2, z2; Standard_Real s = 2.0 / SquareNorm(); x2 = x * s; y2 = y * s; z2 = z * s; xx = x * x2; xy = x * y2; xz = x * z2; yy = y * y2; yz = y * z2; zz = z * z2; wx = w * x2; wy = w * y2; wz = w * z2; gp_Mat aMat; aMat (1, 1) = 1.0 - (yy + zz); aMat (1, 2) = xy - wz; aMat (1, 3) = xz + wy; aMat (2, 1) = xy + wz; aMat (2, 2) = 1.0 - (xx + zz); aMat (2, 3) = yz - wx; aMat (3, 1) = xz - wy; aMat (3, 2) = yz + wx; aMat (3, 3) = 1.0 - (xx + yy); // 1 division 16 multiplications 15 addidtions 12 variables return aMat; } //======================================================================= //function : translateEulerSequence //purpose : // Code supporting conversion between quaternion and generalized // Euler angles (sequence of three rotations) is based on // algorithm by Ken Shoemake, published in Graphics Gems IV, p. 222-22 // http://tog.acm.org/resources/GraphicsGems/gemsiv/euler_angle/EulerAngles.c //======================================================================= struct gp_EulerSequence_Parameters { Standard_Integer i; // first rotation axis Standard_Integer j; // next axis of rotation Standard_Integer k; // third axis Standard_Boolean isOdd; // true if order of two first rotation axes is odd permutation, e.g. XZ Standard_Boolean isTwoAxes; // true if third rotation is about the same axis as first Standard_Boolean isExtrinsic; // true if rotations are made around fixed axes gp_EulerSequence_Parameters (Standard_Integer theAx1, Standard_Boolean theisOdd, Standard_Boolean theisTwoAxes, Standard_Boolean theisExtrinsic) : i(theAx1), j(1 + (theAx1 + (theisOdd ? 1 : 0)) % 3), k(1 + (theAx1 + (theisOdd ? 0 : 1)) % 3), isOdd(theisOdd), isTwoAxes(theisTwoAxes), isExtrinsic(theisExtrinsic) {} }; gp_EulerSequence_Parameters translateEulerSequence (const gp_EulerSequence theSeq) { typedef gp_EulerSequence_Parameters Params; const Standard_Boolean F = Standard_False; const Standard_Boolean T = Standard_True; switch (theSeq) { case gp_Extrinsic_XYZ: return Params (1, F, F, T); case gp_Extrinsic_XZY: return Params (1, T, F, T); case gp_Extrinsic_YZX: return Params (2, F, F, T); case gp_Extrinsic_YXZ: return Params (2, T, F, T); case gp_Extrinsic_ZXY: return Params (3, F, F, T); case gp_Extrinsic_ZYX: return Params (3, T, F, T); case gp_Intrinsic_XYZ: return Params (1, F, F, F); case gp_Intrinsic_XZY: return Params (1, T, F, F); case gp_Intrinsic_YZX: return Params (2, F, F, F); case gp_Intrinsic_YXZ: return Params (2, T, F, F); case gp_Intrinsic_ZXY: return Params (3, F, F, F); case gp_Intrinsic_ZYX: return Params (3, T, F, F); case gp_Extrinsic_XYX: return Params (1, F, T, T); case gp_Extrinsic_XZX: return Params (1, T, T, T); case gp_Extrinsic_YZY: return Params (2, F, T, T); case gp_Extrinsic_YXY: return Params (2, T, T, T); case gp_Extrinsic_ZXZ: return Params (3, F, T, T); case gp_Extrinsic_ZYZ: return Params (3, T, T, T); case gp_Intrinsic_XYX: return Params (1, F, T, F); case gp_Intrinsic_XZX: return Params (1, T, T, F); case gp_Intrinsic_YZY: return Params (2, F, T, F); case gp_Intrinsic_YXY: return Params (2, T, T, F); case gp_Intrinsic_ZXZ: return Params (3, F, T, F); case gp_Intrinsic_ZYZ: return Params (3, T, T, F); default: case gp_EulerAngles : return Params (3, F, T, F); // = Intrinsic_ZXZ case gp_YawPitchRoll: return Params (3, T, F, F); // = Intrinsic_ZYX }; } //======================================================================= //function : SetEulerAngles //purpose : //======================================================================= void gp_Quaternion::SetEulerAngles (const gp_EulerSequence theOrder, const Standard_Real theAlpha, const Standard_Real theBeta, const Standard_Real theGamma) { gp_EulerSequence_Parameters o = translateEulerSequence (theOrder); Standard_Real a = theAlpha, b = theBeta, c = theGamma; if ( ! o.isExtrinsic ) { a = theGamma; c = theAlpha; } if ( o.isOdd ) b = -b; Standard_Real ti = 0.5 * a; Standard_Real tj = 0.5 * b; Standard_Real th = 0.5 * c; Standard_Real ci = Cos (ti); Standard_Real cj = Cos (tj); Standard_Real ch = Cos (th); Standard_Real si = Sin (ti); Standard_Real sj = Sin (tj); Standard_Real sh = Sin (th); Standard_Real cc = ci * ch; Standard_Real cs = ci * sh; Standard_Real sc = si * ch; Standard_Real ss = si * sh; Standard_Real values[4]; // w, x, y, z if ( o.isTwoAxes ) { values[o.i] = cj * (cs + sc); values[o.j] = sj * (cc + ss); values[o.k] = sj * (cs - sc); values[0] = cj * (cc - ss); } else { values[o.i] = cj * sc - sj * cs; values[o.j] = cj * ss + sj * cc; values[o.k] = cj * cs - sj * sc; values[0] = cj * cc + sj * ss; } if ( o.isOdd ) values[o.j] = -values[o.j]; x = values[1]; y = values[2]; z = values[3]; w = values[0]; } //======================================================================= //function : GetEulerAngles //purpose : //======================================================================= void gp_Quaternion::GetEulerAngles (const gp_EulerSequence theOrder, Standard_Real& theAlpha, Standard_Real& theBeta, Standard_Real& theGamma) const { gp_Mat M = GetMatrix(); gp_EulerSequence_Parameters o = translateEulerSequence (theOrder); if ( o.isTwoAxes ) { double sy = sqrt (M(o.i, o.j) * M(o.i, o.j) + M(o.i, o.k) * M(o.i, o.k)); if (sy > 16 * DBL_EPSILON) { theAlpha = ATan2 (M(o.i, o.j), M(o.i, o.k)); theGamma = ATan2 (M(o.j, o.i), -M(o.k, o.i)); } else { theAlpha = ATan2 (-M(o.j, o.k), M(o.j, o.j)); theGamma = 0.; } theBeta = ATan2 (sy, M(o.i, o.i)); } else { double cy = sqrt (M(o.i, o.i) * M(o.i, o.i) + M(o.j, o.i) * M(o.j, o.i)); if (cy > 16 * DBL_EPSILON) { theAlpha = ATan2 (M(o.k, o.j), M(o.k, o.k)); theGamma = ATan2 (M(o.j, o.i), M(o.i, o.i)); } else { theAlpha = ATan2 (-M(o.j, o.k), M(o.j, o.j)); theGamma = 0.; } theBeta = ATan2 (-M(o.k, o.i), cy); } if ( o.isOdd ) { theAlpha = -theAlpha; theBeta = -theBeta; theGamma = -theGamma; } if ( ! o.isExtrinsic ) { Standard_Real aFirst = theAlpha; theAlpha = theGamma; theGamma = aFirst; } } //======================================================================= //function : StabilizeLength //purpose : //======================================================================= void gp_Quaternion::StabilizeLength() { Standard_Real cs = Abs (x) + Abs (y) + Abs (z) + Abs (w); if (cs > 0.0) { x /= cs; y /= cs; z /= cs; w /= cs; } else { SetIdent(); } } //======================================================================= //function : Normalize //purpose : //======================================================================= void gp_Quaternion::Normalize() { Standard_Real aMagn = Norm(); if (aMagn < gp::Resolution()) { StabilizeLength(); aMagn = Norm(); } Scale (1.0 / aMagn); } //======================================================================= //function : Normalize //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real gp_Quaternion::GetRotationAngle() const { if (w < 0.0) { return 2.0 * ATan2 (-Sqrt (x * x + y * y + z * z), -w); } else { return 2.0 * ATan2 ( Sqrt (x * x + y * y + z * z), w); } } //======================================================================= //function : Multiply //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Vec gp_Quaternion::Multiply (const gp_Vec& theVec) const { gp_Quaternion theQ (theVec.X() * w + theVec.Z() * y - theVec.Y() * z, theVec.Y() * w + theVec.X() * z - theVec.Z() * x, theVec.Z() * w + theVec.Y() * x - theVec.X() * y, theVec.X() * x + theVec.Y() * y + theVec.Z() * z); return gp_Vec (w * theQ.x + x * theQ.w + y * theQ.z - z * theQ.y, w * theQ.y + y * theQ.w + z * theQ.x - x * theQ.z, w * theQ.z + z * theQ.w + x * theQ.y - y * theQ.x) * (1.0 / SquareNorm()); }